Russia and India require partnership between WellTech and FashionTech startups SECTIONS Share Synopsis WellTech refers to the use of technology to improve health, both physical and mental. It is an ecosystem of technologies that are designed to support people's life goals and their pursuit of happiness and psychological well-being. It is primarily about different devices and technologies that can affect health. Getty Images It turned out that in India, they know nothing about Russian business unless they are from the defense and peaceful atom sectors. New Delhi: The FashionTech and WellTech markets look small but robust against the background of giants like FinTech. The pandemic did not prevent them from increasing their popularity and attracting investment. The volume of the fashion sector as a whole is estimated at $2.2 trillion, it is one of the largest sectors of the global economy. The size of the WellTech market is twice as large at $4.2 trillion, and with the trend for attention to itself, the figure will continue to increase. At the same time, both sectors rarely appear on the agenda at meetings between large companies, including Russian and Indian companies. Let's examine why this is the case, what to do about it, and how important these markets are to the world today.