Rush Knew It, You Know It: The Democrat Party IS Antifa Jun 4, 2021 TODD: Do you know who Andy Ngo is? In the circles of people who follow Antifa closely, Andy Ngo is really well-known. There’s a group out called Unmasked. It’s very, very vital that if you want to understand this group that you read it. I have a friend of mine, who is former Special Forces, and does a lot of educating current members of the Special Forces about urban warfare and psychological warfare. And he has read Andy’s book. And has come back to say, this thing is very spot-on, in terms of what Antifa is. How they’re organized, how well they’re organized. This is news, because he has apparently been assaulted again by Antifa. They made a strong attempt to kill him, and this appears to be the second time they made a strong attempt to kill him. Andy goes into the riots, and he films and identifies them.