Ruese Insurance Agency turns page from 2020 to 2021 Keister SIDNEY — Like many of their clients, Ruese Insurance Agency was looking forward to turning the page from calendar year 2020 to 2021. The most obvious reason is the ongoing pandemic and the impact COVID-19 has had on the economy and many local businesses. This year also marks a significant milestone for the business. Ruese Insurance Agency opened in 1886, and there are plans to celebrate this 135 years as one of the longest-tenured businesses in Sidney. Ruese Insurance President Rudy Keister comments, “Like many of the businesses we work with every day, COVID-19 impacted us in 2020. We operate in a relationship-driven business and COVID inhibited our ability to meet with customers, as well as to prospect and work with potential new clients. Despite the challenges, we were able to grow our premium volume and generate an increase in revenue, which is positive given the present circumstances. COVID caused us to rethink how we conduct business, and we made changes along the way. Deemed an essential business, we remained open throughout the year with no employee layoffs, furloughs or reduction in hours. Some employees worked from home to limit the number of people in the offices at a time. The purchase of a new phone system also enabled remote work to be conducted more efficiently.