A pair that is completely unacceptable. And a strive you will see full improper accountability as you would expect for how this could have a good. We certainly have already contacted this rally government directly. We are contacting the is riley. And best of that uh to ask uh for accountability here. Uh, the choice is that that this is beyond beyond any reasonable circumstance that someone going about providing aid and humanitarian assistance should lose their loss. We expect the broader investigation to be conducted and to be done. So in a swift and comprehensive manner. Us will continue to press israel to do more as well to ensure the safety of humanitarian workers and will continue to do all we can to deliver this assistance to Palestinian Civilians and gosh, or is after the incident, it stays really army or responded apologizing for the tragic death vowing to conduct the transparent probe into what happens to quote, reduce the risk of such an event from occurring again. So in this case, we have to wait and see of course. All right, we all back soon with the 57 percent of americans say the large number of migrant seeking to enter the country is one of the main reasons for the rise in crime in the country. Sky. Now hughes, in on this edition of the 60, were going to look at the, a lot of action by the us government, as the number of violent assaults on american citizens. And those were supposed to protect them by does the legally residing in the country is rising . Lets get started. The new york city is implementing curfews at migrant shelters. Due to the rise in crime. Now, shootings in times square purse is being stolen by games. And to smash and grab death rings are now becoming all too common estates where cities across the United States. Now from San Francisco to minneapolis to new york city, the rise in crime is hard to ignore. Governor, randa santas even came out with a new bill to event florida from becoming like these liberal cities becoming over, run by crime. Why arent they stealing in florida . And theyre like because they go to jail in florida and they dont want to go to jail. So they go back to new york in steel, and so you see that and youre just like maam, weve got to make sure that we dont go down the road to of some of these other states. The violence is no longer random as a police are now being targeted as well with crime. I guess Law Enforcement rising to record highs, know may or eric adams solution taking 100. 00 a 1000000. 00 from schools and starting an n y p, the dance team to market the force. But not all. Law enforcement is spinning this time. Doing this thing going to be, especially in new york city, where there has been a spray of Illegal Migrants assaulting officers of the n y. P. D. At randalls island, margaret shelter officers came under attack by a much larger mom of illegals. And they were trying to take one under custody. And this video of a group of illegals attacking a several, n y p d. Officers on the streets of new york costs a little bit of attention, but not enough for District Attorney alvin bragg to charge the only goals or for a crime. In fact, District Attorney brad lighting these offenders go saying the video of it is, wasnt enough. The Illegal Immigrants involved in the incident have said, just slide to california. Joining me to discuss some more in depth and give a personal insight into how the role Law Enforcement should or should not be handling crimes being committed by those who are in america legally. Or veteran Police Officers and dominique. Hes a former u. S. Marshall. Matthew fogg and a former d. C. Metropolitan Police Officer, ronald hampton. Thank you gentlemen, for joining me and thank you for your service to our communities and the streets of the United States and keeping law and order. I wanna start with you ronald on this 1st question because as a former officer of the law, how do you feel when you watch the video of the new york Police Officers being attacked . First of all, let me say good afternoon everyone and say that i have mixed emotions because uh, you know, uh uh, people generally that dont attack the police of us, but we have come a long way in a very short period of time as it relates to the relationship between the police and the communities day, sir. And so it may not been as simple as to the did the violence be. So i guess to pull this out. So you have to ask the question, what prompted that, what, what was it that took place before the video take started . And, and if it is, then we have to begin to talk about the building and rebuilding the relationship that communities have with the police as well. As addressing the behavior of Police Officers as it relates to the duty that they are sworn to, to carry out every single day without, without buying. So practiced ronald, i agree with you. Theres always more to the story that usually not shown just by a short clip, but dominic, the one part of this, it is different possibly from just a regular 5 between a Police Officer and members of the community. Is it those that are meeting up on the Police Officers . Are here a legal do you think legally does he think that changes any feelings knowing that they are here in this country . Not legally. Yeah. Might use have done a lot more or less, less safe. If you say over the years since im no longer a cop and we see this mass of migrant invasion, i dont know why any non or why anybody across the border illegally whos already a criminal by crossing a border. Why theyre a forwarded uh, due process or anything. Uh, cost, usually wise, because theyre not here. So i, i dont, its insane. Its insane and simply its a different culture. Invading the United States that is not assimilating properly to our was our ways of life. And this is the behavior going to get and this is not, this is not new back when i was a cop in the early 2, thousands. We saw this, we had a massive problem with, you know, the people crossing the border who didnt to simulate and your style like the minor stuff. Right. Where like, you, well the no, well, where do i pull over when the, when the blue lights are, are by flashing behind me . Where do i pull over . So they would stop, right . In the middle of the street, youd have language barriers, obviously, which dealt with was you know, oh, you mean i cant exit my car and resist. So theres a lot of issues that started the smaller, you know, microcosm level. And then all of a sudden, here we are on, hey, lets go out and beat the crap out of a bunch of coffee because we know we can invade this country. Nothings going to happen to us. And here we are. This is a mindset problem by a legal invaders. Well, thats why i want to go back to ronald to go back to your, to your 1st response. Do you believe that they, that there should be treated definitely besides american citizens that are here . That might be questioning the Law Enforcement industry, or those are here illegally. Should they be, afford at the same rights. Its someone that is already a citizen here. Of course, in this guarantee by the constitution of the United States, it, it is an up in the air as anybody who comes whos here. They have to abide by the rules and regulations. Thats why we have a constitution and nobodys above is off. The web is different, and so if a person come from another state or another country while they in the us, they have to abide by the rules of the us. They also all of for the, the, the, the plus is as well as the money they have to abide by the law. But then they also have to be given the same rights and privileges. Is that every other person that lives in america lives. So whether they are from a business of well or south america doesnt make any difference what state and america didnt. And they are here under the rules and regulations of america as well. Good and bad. The privileges and the disadvantages. Or matthew, im going to bring you in because you come at this from a federal Law Enforcement level being a us marshall and not necessarily eyes, but do you think that its a local Law Enforcement should be able to Work Together closer than what theyre doing right now, well yeah, i mean, everybody was trying to figure out ways to work to get to meet someone, to finish the phase and started about working with the state and local. Just always in is how do we come together because lot of times of space and its about instead of course i work for the work with one so many occasions down in mexico and places my dad passed the prime is, you know, you just cant stop from what i dont care what Company Wants to be or whatever they always making way to figure out how to get into this country, but theyre looking for a better life. So its an economic situation. So now when you get these people in the cities, and again we look at a video, we see people riding or whatever. We dont know how many people are illegal and how many are leaks. We dont know are really, these people arent. So you saw that didnt slap, so the media laptop will just count him all in the one particular jack, all his all illegals. Maybe not necessarily. So when youre talking about the fancy, the how we deal with is what kind of money were dumping into the situation. People are tired of seeing those dump millions of dollars into the board and, and youve got to give, you just cant bring enough people in to protect. Thats board abductive all the time you talking about. Trey is dollars trying to protect people who want to get across the board one way or another. Its like in prison. How do you keep weapons out of prison . Everything that we do to try to keep them out. They wind up getting in there one way or not, so not. So matthew is your solution then just to just open up the board or just take away all security then its, i mean if you think that were never gonna have a way to protect it or to know whos coming in. So we just completely open it up like youre traveling from california to nevada. No, no, i mean youve gotta have a board it. But the bottom line is, is what is making them come across . Like for example, this fictitious nissan judge, somebody come, lets get real. To go on this. This whole drug scenario has created a pair of them for people to say, let me go to america, let me make money off of america. America has understand what we had, the prohibition of alcohol prohibition. We had all kinds of balancing from the moment they decide to regulate. Definitely. Busy take that, coming to literally out of it. Everything started say we got to do that with the one drugs. I just dont see this continue drugs scenario that we have in america was just no way is everybodys make that much of it. So thats why it doesnt so what, but the reality of it is as long as you get this drugs scenario with people, you know, make profits off of it. This, this a problem. You always say i dont care which dominates, do you agree that that would actually solve our issue right here . Is legalizing drugs or would that create more issues, especially for local Law Enforcement . A my very safe answer then that one is im for the d criminalization of drugs, not from legal ization of it. So i dont, im not well educated enough or not how it would affect the rest of society. But the, if you wind up getting a kid has got a bag of wheat on them, but i dont know what states have we to legal or not. Its just, its running too many lives. But as far as the border goes, the border is open for Drug Trafficking and human sex drafting. Its, its just simple as that you have a ton of on documented people coming over. Whos going to miss a little 15 year old, a little 5 year old who has no parents . You cant, you have no Social Security card birth certificate drivers license id. Its Human Trafficking and for whatever purpose theyre doing it as the war on drugs thats like thats, thats a, its a parallel topic. Its also separate. But in this, theyre coming here to flood the system. Its as simple as that. Out here in chicago, we just had a cook, county sheriff, 2nd largest county in the nation, has a task force now for sex traffic and crimes because of illegals. And they have, they are showing people are being abducted from wherever theyre being, just sent. That the videos are all over, all of a legal migrants, just inside of ohare airport, inside of cpd stations. And people are going missing and being found locked in basements where men are being valuable to pay for sex with them. So its a, its a problem massively. Theyre coming here under, under and illusion that this is the land of opportunity and theyre being just abused and take advantage of. Well, thats the thing. Well, i have to ask you, you know, youre right, america had this american dream. But now for some of those that are being brought into this country through trafficking, its the american nightmare. This is not the dream for them. Thats not what they want to do. You think it would help if there was more Better Technology a place to know exactly who is coming into the United States over our southern border and where exactly theyre going within the United States. Yeah, yeah, i think technology would assist in that in that regard. I think that there are some other things that we need to be doing that ill, ill ask for them much more straight the in between the fits in local police and because sometimes they issues that the phase enforce that sometimes create issues with local police departments. When they are involved in this lesson law in regulations and other things. And so that because of that, i think that it should be a clear not. And this would be a clear distinction of what the thing is do versus what local policing do in that way. We dont get mixed up about that. The other solution is one that takes place and has been operating in your book for a lot for, for a very long time now. And thats when certain countries have an open board policy across europe in countries thats travel. And you can go from country to country because there is a open borders process. Now theres a limit to that. And that may be that maybe that would help solve the problem is that the workers havent with south america. When we talked about this whole issue of open the code board as in whiskey, it was not here. I mean, america is going to, is supposedly, have just gotten through is own academic ad seems to be economic problems that youre getting better. But you still have to look at the economics from that south american sentiment going through to. So i dont believe this is cut and dry actually is. Sometimes people want it to be in this a real complex phone, but its not a problem that can be set off because the several examples that exist in the, in the world as it relates to how the board has to be hand and a half peoples transportation to the board has came also handle the reduced attempting to strip that. Thats sometime we have it as something bored or ronald. I agree with you. I do like your idea of, of being able to go from one country to another. But that is actually people who can provide documentation that have gone through the vetting, they know who they are. Thats not the ones that were kind of referring to. Were talking about the ones that dont have those that dont come in. And so matthew, im gonna give you a ronald. Yes. I said with all you gotta do is give them a paper thats all we have to do, but we do to canada, we do that with canada. Alrighty. Oh, well yeah, we do have to run over to him, but it was biggest thing with the mexican economy is totally different when youre talking about mexico, hes talking about the current deals and whats causing all of the balance. So a lot of these people are running away from that balance that has been created because of the one to us. If you didnt have one just in case they kind of make everything in, in south america with the yes. But the people wanting to because theres no, its almost lawlessness and then they come to United States, what ever they are getting. Its better here in the United States and it is over there. So they understand that i dont care what when they get over, even if they, they, even if they committed crimes or whatever. Its better to be here there to be in mexico. And thats why a lot of people are running from mexico. Now we were to in this was, was with really a lot of judges, a lot of lawyers, a lot of politicians would be out of a job if you were to do that. But you would see a bass change when it came down to how mexico in place like that across the deals and on it balanced as the light is something go away because it wouldnt be no right to profit. You take them out of it. So thats what were really looking at here. How do we stop aboard this . Thousands of miles . You cant put a person in enough places to stop the. Theyre going to figure out ways all ways to get across the airport. Well, thats something that we cant change and youre correct about that and Dominic Matthew ronald, ill just stay right there because President Biden says he is considering executive action for board or policies. But is that really the solution . Were going to continue discussion with our panel when we come back who, what else . They just dont need to shape out and engagement because the trails when so many find themselves will support, we choose to look for common ground. The welcome back here watching 360 view and im scanning now. Hes on the 1st few days and the by and ministration by his actions on the board or, or more about reversing or cancelling the border policies. From his predecessor, donald trump, he immediately halted hold of the construction of the porter wall. He extended title 42. He reaffirmed protections for deck recipients and he removed restrictions of those traveling from 14 countries. Now the minor ministration also canceled the nations 1st, and only Victims Office dedicated to assisting people harmed by illegal aliens,