Transcripts For RT News 20240704 :

Transcripts For RT News 20240704

Its just on the 6 am, hey, it must go. This is all to international on piece of scope with the latest well use. Thank you for joining thats our top story. This out of the bush and the Defense Ministry has said that a full us abrams tank has been destroyed in the front line of dont boss footage on line to pay it to show what remains of the vehicle report suggest it was destroyed. And that doesnt yet region. The russian Defense Ministry also said that a check made vampire come by vehicle into french made, sees a self propelled author units were also destroyed. Meanwhile, his a british challenge of time. Theyve got bogged down while performing a training exercise. The exercise in the main problem with the challenges facing it keeps getting stuck in the next be one of the messages to the crating time cruise. Theyve given it since we go is that last this challenge is full admittedly precise. Actually theyve had real problems with it. He and ukraine because of its lability and they just said its too heavy. Its on the pallet and it keeps getting stuck. And you can see thats exactly what has happened here. The valley of the tank is on the mud, which on across a small big tree to you in a few meters wide, but its clearly very well very so he and the tank is just sunk in, slit in and now theyre waiting for recovery that meanwhile, the nato chief in stilton boat has distance himself from the french presence amount on my calling a suggestion. The width of the allies should knoxville out deploying troops to ukraine. They said this, such a move by individual members could impact the alliance as a whole. Number of countries outside the notes, considering sending Ground Troops to ukraine and the native shifted reiterate those sentiments. Nato has no plans to send troops to ukraine, and nato is not potty to the conflict, nor on nato allies. I think it is important that we consult, and that we have a common approach to these important topics because they match for all of us. So most of our defense minister has offered up his own solution to avoid sending nato troops to ukraine. You suggested that keeps west and all i should help you. Connie meant of draft age, but sent home to join the countries on me. Ask him if he was a boy and i the trip, almost nothing would help the Ukrainian Army, even more than the return of the ukrainian men of draft age and capable of fighting in the war with them is that they are sufficiently patriotic. So we have to motivate them and provide resources to these young men who are able to serve and the Ukrainian Army to go back and do so, which surely better than sending our own soldiers there. I think the folks or the video a talk show host, im physical on list dot and nixon says that spoke of sending troops to ukraine is most likely until bugging ship. And not every got. It is difficult to believe that they are serious about sending troops to ukraine, particularly in light of the revelations that have been made all over the you about the lack of him and the an issue theyre saying will send trips to you to ukraine, but they wont have the immunization that they need to protect themselves. That the, the nato at the block is not currently prepared militarily to defend itself if it needed to. I think it is a pretty absurd. I kind of feel as though this may be somewhat of a bluff. I feel as though the people in power recognized that their ukraine project is collapsing and they may be trying to blow off on a rush or a bit. They may be trying to pretend as though theyre ready to militarily engage, so that that will give them a little bit of leverage when it comes to negotiating. Some kind of a, an in ukraine does not have to wear with all to maintain the fight. And were seeing that happen bit by bit now that the political collapse is, seems of, you know, has been immune it for a while. And by imminent, i dont mean within a day. But i do mean within months that the support, even in ukraine for the conflict is waning here in the United States, as you probably know, i year ive worked in washington dc every day, i can tell you that the support for this conflict is significantly dis decreased in fact, the, by the ministration cant even get money for ukraine anymore. So certainly, theyre not going to be in a position to get a to send, you know, troops or to get kinetically involved in this day. The 20 days in valuable documentary made by a ukrainian feel, make one and ill skip on sunday. But the footage of a pregnant woman, marianna, wishing me a sky, it was exposed as misleading. Last year. I dont have the correspondence, the sweeney broke down the control the sea for my colleague nicky are in the on sunday. So the glitz and glamour of hollywood as the red carpet was rolled out for the stalls of the silver screen. But the least surprising, perhaps victory of the night was to the ukrainian documentary 20 days in matthew poll. Now again, this has caused some degree of controversy because of the nature of the documents that remind us that was with the clip of the field. The show that we saw that the image of might be in a vision, most guy who is a emerging fullness but building a pregnant. And she was bloody does as well. But she soon became the, the main, the main center of this kind of western propaganda over the over what really happened. This was a problem, legible, thing we should say, all the terms, the Hospital Number 5 on march 9th, 2022. And she came out of the hospital, she said she was surrounded by a camera crew of photographers from Associated Press and shed like to gave him an interview. Now of course i stayed cause some controversy. There was a big around with the United Nations security council, like what really happened in the hospital. Russia insisted that the hospital was not the target, that it was not boned from the as the ukrainians on the ground was like the whole series or had in fact being taken over by ukrainian soldiers some time before. Now marianna, herself, we oversee, she was at the center of this huge storm blowing off across the west of media across social media and telecom channels. And then i can, she searched the interview that shed given to Associated Press at the time. And she found that they havent actually included the statement that included the loss of the stuff that she had said, but they havent included a statement. No, as for i could take a place and she said that she made this statement repeatedly over and over again. But if you want to, uh, you know, get to the reality of what happened, that its just taken listening to what you actually said. You were josh to win. And so the Associated Press report has taken the photo, ask them not to do it because i didnt need it. And i didnt want it. I didnt give any consent for the photo and i didnt give any consent for the publication. So they published it on their own initiative. They also asked if there wasnt there, right. I said that no one had the right. Apparently they didnt need that information and cut it out because everything except when its happened and that you were in the maternity hospital. So things are very selective with statements that i know youve spent a lot of time working in mario. But what were you takeaways doing those on the well, perhaps some surprisingly that the truth about what happened even in my view, police very different from the narrative. Thats being played out into the west in the west. Ive been to the hospital in question, not being to all the maternity hospitals. Ive interviewed some of the patients that are, ive spoken to a lot of this off and they were very clear on who it was that was a bullying and who it was that was finally got them and they said it was ukrainian forces. Now, i think of many of the places across the city, i was in the as a face to form as well face just a few weeks ago. And i spoke to russian soldiers that who said that will not see the possible in the city was incredibly famous. But the people that will hold up in the eyes will still still pump. These will people that when they are not sees that were western bursaries, of course, and many of whom move now, a big news in the west, a good book deal and theyve been paraded across western Media Channels to be used as propaganda. But ive again, no spoken to many people across the city, and they only have one message. The it was as of the, with the people that terrorized them for years. And they say russia as the people that liberated them. But what they were most of who is the truth and they felt ready of the city being used, the point being ignored, but their city being used as western propaganda. A list, im so make a song stone says that misinformation is all parts of the world with o. Clearly. I mean, weve seen this, i think on the number of the so called the massacres, that were attributed to russia. But its not just one instance, but, and this whole slew of instances that have been talked about over the years where the European Press for example, you know, says jo, russia just bomb this hospital or you name it or this, you know, this building and then it turns out actually it was in the rush at all and you know, you could tell from the make of the, the weapons that were use that it was actually a sort of being a western made missiles and rockets and things like this. Um, going back to a been uh, one of the, the crises of the border over poland. Fire call. When you know, it was the member was accused, the russian was, was launching into poland and then they realize, oh no, it wasnt rush. It was, you create this, this is just part of the propaganda of the war machine. And as we know and evolved the passed away recently, i guess in the past month or so. So that alone would have been an end because to want to reference that documentary and that, you know, speaking of another documentary that is propagandistic to my, you know, i think do it to a certain level of billing to disclose. For example, the amount of western intelligence influence on the, of all the, and how much was, you know, how much of the, his agenda really was not just purely from altruistic motives on the verdict is in the Us Intelligence communities. Annual threats. Assessments for faults concludes that most of does not want any ministry confrontation with washington or nato. Russia almost certainly does not want to direct military conflict with us and nato forces and will continue asymmetric activity below what it calculates to be the threshold of military conflict globally. Us versus us governments 2025 budgets, allocates funds for washington to strengthen the Countries Nuclear deterrence provides almost 20000000000. 00 for weapons activities. And modernize ation, nissan. Some is 4500000000. 00 larger than the 2021 budgets the privatized a new clip test strip review. Well, lets discuss this live now with fiscal, unless on a central bruno son, joe, thanks very much for joining us today. Im 1st of all, i was wondering how do you think the Us Intelligence assessment tallies with the claims of some western leaders including the, the french presence of mind. One micron the russia could attack nature . Well, i think weve got a technical issue with with alice under alejandro. Can you hear me . I can hear you now. Great, and ill just repeat the 1st question. Ill just wondered, how does the Us Intelligence assessment finally with the claims of some western leaders, including im on with my crohn. Russia could talk to nato. Well, lets do your opinions and my name a drone. Um, i think i might do very well to watch the movie napoleon um, to remind themselves what happens when you are up in armies or continental to try to threaten russia. But my tongue has been leading this chorus now, and its very interesting because nato has been expanding and this has been touted as a great thing. However, nobody seems to have predicted that when you expand in organizations such as they do, you make it less flexible. And much more open to controversy add to internal descent. So we have my tron who is pushing for some mysterious reason, a much more direct conflict with russia. Although i doubt that he has what it takes to actually take it on. Even though friends is a Nuclear Power and you have germany which is extremely reluctant to participate. And so we have the, the seed of a, as a really a significant internal conflict dispute within nato itself. And um, i mean, i think this is just the beginning. Weve, we just had 2 new members and the last couple of weeks joining nato was now 32 number countries and just size into you. European union is going to mean more internal problems and less flexibility. Mm hm. So, this is very interesting. Now its, its a certainly is and then again in lots of the us in. So assessment what you think washington is, bruce thing, the money it now spends on its euclid the parents, if it isnt a procedures effect by washington. Is this the counsel another perceived threats this bruce to new corresponding . Well, one of the reasons there seems to be, um, that there seems to be a pattern here. Um, do us is not as concerned about russia as you are. Its and particularly certain countries in europe, im talking about something new or new members the Baltic States in particular, theyve been driving this whole a lot of the policy and ukraine has been prisoned really by the Baltic States and not just the nature of the Baltic States im talking about the sodium list way and yeah, and so a lot. Yeah. And poland have been driving the European Unions Foreign Policy. And in, not in a very good way, because most of europe had good relations with russia and until 2020, to decent, working relations. After all, there was a pipeline to turn transfer guess from russia to germany. So do you, west is main concern is not so much russia, its china and they want to, they want to get rid of this war, they would rather get rid of it so they can concentrate on russia. As a matter of fact, last week, the big news and its going to have router explain your route, reverberates route was the resignation of victoria and the, the number to what the Us State Department and the major russia hawk. The person who replaced her and who was also an investor to afghanistan and in the last stage of Us Occupation there. Im sorry, right now. His name escapes me, but he is a rather a china hawk. Hes very concerned on china. So it tells us theres a shift washington wants to concentrate on the real, the, the, the real right well that they consider which is done. Mm hm. And thats where they view crane war is sticking, you know, is keeping it bogged down in, in, in you can indeed and other brings on the nice thats it. So the next question on the sun draws on the wall in ukraine. The budgets, the 2025 budget is on the case of 482000000. 00 in a to ukraine, to cancel versus activities the that would seem to be a lot less compared to whats being handed over so far. Do you think that the the thinking of winded down simple for you this is a difficult question. The there is this big uh theres throwing a lot of things into uh this the same a 64000000000 uh package that uh whether or not uh, uh speaker, my car is the will present to congress to vote. Of course, if he does present it about, theres a good chance it will pass. Now that money as victoria the one herself had advised very quietly with it in her, in her speech a few weeks ago just before she resigned. And not a lot of that money is going to go back to the us and she says, results it create us jobs, good paying us jobs. So theres, um, the, the, the us is economics system is almost a slate to the military. And therefore, its Foreign Policy has to be aggressive because its economic. One of the economic pillars of the country is the Defense Industry. And im like russia, this Defense Industry has Companies Listed in the stock market. In other words, there are investors who depend on uh, good and solid Financial Performance and which is one of the dangers that president roosevelt him to that in his final, im sorry, not. Roosevelt eisenhower. Famously as spoken his final speech, 1960 before leaving office. When he warned about the industrial military complex. So this is something thats going to bother or haunt United States for years until the it requires, its not enough for a president to switch Foreign Policy and to come in. But the good intentions he, any president that comes in is almost constrained by the economic system, which is so dependent on military Industrial Production and financial indeed, im unable to pull it up. Lets go on the list. Im certainly glad that we overcame that initial technical hiccup at the start, though. Thanks very much for your thoughts on the us governments twins specified. Thank its a thank you. Goodbye. Maybe dont know, india of us that it will not taylor its policies to suit American Electric vehicle produces less of the nations government. Responded to testers, request for special conditions to be granted through its manufacturing funds, indian commerce and industry minister comments on the move. I government does not tailor policy for any one individual company. Oh, its interest. Everybodys free to make vege a months. But that does not mean that the government will necessarily take a decision based on what you do months. The window sills are locks common response to inquiries about whether the government of india plans to provide any sort of concessions to tesla for opening up facilities in india. Bused oil does not lead to around the boys and made it very clear that there will be no special treatment for eat on most company. 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