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Go . Should i leave my country . My home and my children. No, im staying here until i die. It will be a powerful. It will be a dad, live war. It will be a precise more times will be a war. Such will change the situation forever. Is what i need defensiveness of about the flight to get us in the gaza strip, removing the deadly as to the range of what it calls for racial offensive funds. Just like the the Diving Company today for the latest global news roundup. I might have mommy and this is the international to the number of the same dogs that has now exceeded the grim toll of 2014 the year previously considered to be the bloodiest in the history of the is ready policy and conflict. The cut and flare up has already taken the lives of more than 2600 policy is leaving over 9000 others wounded. The the, the, this video posted online. It shows this scales tons of a strikes. So the city of common units in a southern, gaza building who destroyed in resident scramble to rescue those from beneath the ruins and things that are being repeated on a daily basis. The dead of both out. So with sheets covering the bodies, children and the call and things that are not being used as a bargaining chip. The while some of them are lucky enough not to until or the site, and yet what is going on. Others have a really full victim to the will these videos speak louder than woods . Meanwhile, local hospitals are i to the brink of catastrophe. They have less than 48 hours of fuel left to generating power. Medic save hundreds will die if nothing is done. The on the boat monday, my beautiful the whole system on the shuttle to give the service will be over the road visions and i see that so i know the facility and the side and the the like the budget the which would be the studio is well have cut off supplies of food will to and the lights as he to gauze as it powers. The region with this strikes is also told the estimated 1000000 residents in the north of the tennessee, the fif south. As the ivy, if proposed to invade a local goodness, send us this report about how power stands. Its fine to cope with the prices in the middle of guys us forever right here. And the riser, if he can, people are like fatty people around that region around the gaza strip. Every, every positive garza is now having said the road, quite similar circumstances since the early morning. People have been, its loading this factory, which is the main vickery and the my god is the lack of food we showed of homeless cheese, milk, and beans. Theres also no electric power. I have one daughter. I might not even provide her with medical care in case she gets sick because hospitals now are short of such as centrals. So initially this is the last batch of diabetic medical supplies that we have. We are experiencing a shortage of medication for chronic diseases, including Blood Pressure and cardiac elements. No one has come to provide these medications. No one can get them to us. Only let so let me to the closet is of these codes that are available for the time being and this into us to restore, as he also complains of the last couple of doors that are around the clock on a he just said that maybe this is the last day for him, jo, open in the store because theres he works to be on these on cab visitors before, before the break house of violence in the region. All the people here wonder as to what is going to be next for them under 2 years on the 80 arris right on the risk directions and the closure of the things on that and not allowing that people of guys to import the basic food and supplies from outside, particularly for them as well. Oh, the west bank and even more than 2 guys. I see where there is a great deal of best of medicines, writers who can provide them with with their things sundays. They cannot go to that gaza city even because the guy, the city is now being that richard 5 is real, is, does it say well, private browser invasion . Not only does, as Everybody Knows in hospitals in garza city, ive been over whelmed by the influx of casualties. But i, filled in are among the thing to resolve is ready a tax. A warning the following images are disturbing. The person Officials Say that more than 700 children have died and is really escalates over the past week. The non stop one of these images of from one of the hospitals in gaza as the flow of new victims. It shows no sign of relenting old medical facilities in the region all struggling to cope with the influx. Probably the family members all morning. The loss of their loved ones. But the are leaders. Look, these are children. Their faith is on the conscience, severe leaders. They are just sitting and watching us. This is sham. 8 years old. This is use for 7 years old. These are all one family. Look at how young they are. These are their targets, the us sense, weapons to the jews, to kill children. Let them see this high supervisor now being used as temporary bulbs in some dogs also with those as many local facilities have reached the maximum capacity. I mean the continuing aspects healthcare officials of on taking the dead. So hospitals may be received, level seventies are also said to be running short of space. One of the lights is target. So the idea of photography has been in the town of rough or in southern gaza, the border with egypt. So now thats is this slide is what your thought is having to monitor the palestinians fleet to 5 to area. And us homes are being reduced to ruins. Id rather say theyve lost everything and have nowhere to go at the same time on sundays. But i was still, it was as a vice of southern pause of gaza. I moved a convincing policy, is to take refuge in that area. However, theres been no restoration of fuel or electricity supplies. As israel maintain floss a suit and he was in gaza is becoming increasingly challenging. I mentioned the intensifying is really the feature of the region. This video is being circulated online. It says children searching for food amid the bud rubble of a home pull to the destroy drury doing the is ready bombardment. Despite the devastation. Ready whos a pit unwilling to leave the homelands address with them the so this is the most despicable occupation the world has ever seen. They devastated people exterminated an entire nation. What can i be to uphold human rights on the values of the civilized, the west and well, this is such a hypocritical world, completely detached of humanity and another show at it. We slept in the streets last night. I suffer from heart disease, high Blood Pressure and diabetes, and i was forced to the kid my home at the crack of doing the wrong with my children, the random was showing on the innocent people. What should i go . Should i leave my country, my home and my children . No, i wont leave my country. Im staying here until i die. On the other side of the comfort as well as president has visited the town of a heavy, one of the hardest hitting border communities, just outside gaza revolt at a more than 70. How much the moses entered the town and killed over 100. 00 residents, including women and children, dozens of homes with blank them. These re present, published the residence that the community will be rebuilt as quickly as possible. That size is really full of his opera plan to implement a range of what it pools operational offensive binds. Just like im us in gaza is if i is them as a says, the will, will be deadly. Im change the situation forever. A blow, your muscles will be of housing war. It will be a bad reward. It will be a precise ward, as will be a war. Such will change the situation forever. The fighters here together with their friends, together with the air force, with intelligence and Navy Personnel will eliminate from us organizational sleep. That we have fall may, is really just as a and key side of that. Who is also in the i, the reserves he says is not as well as with sponsibility to ensure the safety of palestinian civilians. Its not our responsibility for the face disobedience of god. Okay, i do not. That nation is the last and organization is the last, is the last people to speak about the civilian. They dont care. That is what it needs to be known to be and try good with what kids in the last 20 years. Oh no big left. Think easily, lift, gather, did not the vision and was blamed, do was everything. So we dont care what the United Nation will be, say, United Nation. Are we not a problem . Hold on the world and ask for di you for a washer. We dont have wont do. United nation will say i need to know all these things, but little did all the life of the civilians of god though. Okay, there was this possibility for the life of the people and god bless you. Come on, you know, way many of the people die. I live in the United Nation, complain you dont mind. Why do they to so many civilians. Why do they build women and children . So i dont care will do United Nations have to say about these rarely responsibility for renew. I can go into these really all me, but i am possible that we lose being to make sure that were all good helps. And if they dont, its not our fault. Everyone has alondo consequences is red, continues to attack the gauze a region. It also is dave, that includes the some of the us monkey support and for as well say, washington is to face for quoting, for restraint. One is actually purpose for if the is really regime continues its crimes against the Palestinian People and citizens, no one can guarantee that the status quote when the region will remain the same. As many palestinians are being killed by these rarely regime on a daily basis. The Us Government has urged others to exercise restraint while its increases, its own military presence, and all out support for the criminal is really redeem. Over the past days as well, has been sending tanks and more hardware to the vicinity of the gods. This trip and we see that the United States has also been sending the aircraft carriers and equipment. Of course it says it will not send its troops to the region to help as well. Ill find. So ill, because this trip and find the home us movement in the gaza strip of the United States has been sending a sending hardware and aircraft carriers to the region. And this has touched a nerve and it was, im, youre up. The law here on the one in, for administer has been on a regional tour visiting Different Countries and nations in the middle east, including the iraq uh, in clinic. I live in on syria and now katara, where he discussed ways to resolve the dispute and resolve the conflict between palestine and israel with different officials and leaders of the arab world. And then whats the world he sat and talked with the emmy or of guitar today. The 2 sides of urged the most lim, community to take collective action to try to resolve the conflict and help palestine of course. And we see that the United Nations emissions that you want, he envisioned Permanent Mission to the United Nations, has also reacted and said that the consequences theres going to be consequences for as well if it continues to strike. Hows it going . This trip with a, with its missiles, is rarely a policy, its war crimes and jenna saw, i dont know, tulsa immediately. The situation conspire, loads of control and the regal should have far reaching consequences. The responsibility of which lies with the United Nations, the security council, and the states, they are in the Council Towards a dead end. And this, as the United States has been accusing iran of involvement and the conflict of the United States has accused it one of helping the laws, a militant group to launch that octobers. And i talked against these rarely towns and cities. And the United States now seems to be preparing itself for any possible scenario, given the fact that it is accusing it wrong of having a role in the conflict. The threat is real. There was a risk of an escalation of this conflict. The opening of the 2nd front in the north and of course the rons involvement, that is a risk. Lebanese has the law, a proxy for us to be run is conducting a raid on israels northern border with considerable military capacity. And the history of attacking the state of israel. We can rule out that iran would choose to get directly engaged in some way. One has called for an International Support for palestine. One does not believe in any of the initiatives proposed by the west to try to resolve the policy. And hes really complex. One says, the only way for palestinians is to remain steadfast and to resist against the occupation by as well. Meanwhile, the arrow blew. Yeah. And the apple thing, you have cooled for international with, as i said, take a firm stand on the conflict. Im prevent any further escalation, but the arab league in African Union and total in the United Nations and the International Community to take a firm stance before its too late to stop the catastrophe occurring before all eyes. The 2 organizations trust the urgent need to avoid escalation, emphasizing thats and these really ground operation would undoubtedly involve a large number of civilian casualties, including women and children, which could lead to an unprecedented genocide. Fall the adult damian, part of the member d, my toppled says the i will, response has been inadequate. And that condemnation alone, one to do to is very impression. I dont see, i think in very cold diplomacy at this time by the are ups and you know, countries in the region it does not really respond or equate with the gravity of the situation and gaza. People are being butchered, civilians are being butchered, everything is being destroyed and goes up every civilian building, even hospitals, protective places, spaces that are protected in International Law or being destroyed. Theres a genocide happening and goes, well, you cannot respond to that by on the, you know, just like giving statements here and there at calling a very cold lead and on the international. Well, a to hold is really responsible for, for what you did. This is really, you know, a very, very, very soft and we position. This is a situation that cannot be met with cold statements asking, is we have to stop. Its aggression try to size the only feasible solution for the is really passive income of it is rescued. Mission of an independent palestinian state at present to the palestinian israeli conflict continues to escalate him, the possibility of further expansion and spill all the sparks deep concerns. The root cause of the palestinian issue is that the long cherished exploration for an independent published United States has not been realized. And the solution lies in its establishment and the implementation of the 2 state solution which can lead to peaceful coexistence between palestine and israel. But sandoval has also been expressed what ages to is born of gaza, as well as the other domain name of them, countries to tear, and the wrong china has cooled for an immediate seas, find the results of peace, thoughts. It didnt says that the Un Security Council must take a more active role as a mediate to try Something Different about why he made but clear in a recent cool with us counts about anthony blinking steve, his legs flat and they said, gaz says it says the solution is key to resolving the conflict. The most important issue is the fact that there should be a 2 state solution as mandated by the United Nations to stop with and as being supported by many countries in the world, including all the are countries. Almost all lee mosley countries and even e u as a whole. Now the fact that this has not being achieved is mainly because of a failure of the is really a government to respect the Palestinian People as they are. And to respect the latin to belong to the part of stadium people. They keep wanting more and more than from thomas the people. This is the root cause of all the conflicts, the roving protest. I know why it is absolutely important to condemn terrorism of any color and shape. It is absolutely important to protect the legitimate rights of the our cause to me and people to their own sovereign and independent state. Us also meeting with ages president us secretary of state. Im so weve been component is that the rough of crossing between gauze and egypt will be open on sunday into and ive done the frontier as cc. It has requests a security guarantees, the delivery of humanitarian aid to policy and in the region. Cairo has already despised calling lloyds of emergency supplies to dawes, which were a blog, was why is very full, says may, while he gets president , has called, as well as a tax on the collective punishment of 2300000 people. Egypt isnt for the refusing to admit the refugees, including Foreign Residents until emergency supplies allowed in 0. 95, including some with jewel citizenship and for nationalities. A waiting for the 2 countries to allow them permission to exit the ad plus the jefferson buddha. We had from some of the levels that he told us about the rolling experiences. But its really, despite having a swedish passport, i attempted to get through the crossing board and 3 times to know that i dont have a house to go back to after being shelves. Israel is deprived of compassion and morality. There shelly house from all sides on a daily basis. As we can see, the place here is overcrowded and im frightened davis lane will come and attack us just like the deed on the gauze. A roof, no hudson. We are subjected to relentless shelling, small through ink and everything house. This situation is a complete disaster. No food, no watch. Uh no, wait until now. No mobiles, no battery charging, nothing whatsoever. No one came to check all conditions and needs smell too many consulate, arab forwarding organizations. We will like it to can be bought, sets to and about an jealous sum. Cairos say here i main believe is really blow, okay. Those who my zone aid from egypt to garza has other objectives, israel wants to impose a complete until to locate the of the gaza street. Its another non grub. I would say, you know, they want to occupy more lands, uh and, and to expand the is resettlement at the expense of the palestinians where the refugees in the land right now. And he goes, patients are continuing. So these negotiations are continuing, and hopefully a soon the, the convoy thats waiting on the board and now as the supplies will be allowed to get through, the Un Peacekeeping falls in love with them says its headquarters. Were headed by a rocket, a made intensifying exchange is a fine. Its really is, well, i is blah. Is on the who was responsible for the strike. I mean, the escalation of the cost for the tensions as one of the forces have ripples. They raise a red flag and then ill move to the base. The color is none to signify vengeance. The. The idea says its slice well in retaliation of a lot of times on. These are a settlement of the law. This on verify that it is said to show the off them off of the attacks. With more details is all ts. Yes. And again, the things are intensifying. The Israeli Defense forces said that the attack against the southern parts of lebanon was in retaliation to prioritize from his go lies. The loss is basically the same thing that the attacks from lebanon and targeting israel were in response to attacks from these read the site. But more importantly on saturday is the issue, the state and suggesting that they will be carrying out attacks on the northern motor side of israel, particularly after the killing of which is during this is some of the law. And as a result has been carrying out attacks on sunday, into a at least amplifying the natures of the nature of the attack. Targeting areas in israel is particularly settlements, is a big step forward in the sense that this is uh, it seems as if the possibility of war between these 2 sides is going to become a reality. Then probably ability. But more importantly, israel has also issued the north side of the country alongside the border with lebanon on a know goes on. Its a military zone at this moment. And it seems that the tension between the 2 sides will only amplified the. There is one more thing that could suggest the nature of what is happening right now in the wrong based news Agency Testing agency suggests to that as well. What has hoisted up. Its red flags. This red flag, contrary to a yellow flag, is the flag of vengeance and based on the students coming from saturday and the developments here on sunday, it is safe to assume that these attacks will not just continue, but they will be amplified as we move forward. Well last, so for this news, as always is going to have your company here or not. Im, but im on the theres no end in sight over how youre going to continue to destroy the earth. Is the case for the madness of the people. I tried to go to the gym, but im certainly not ready to fight russia. This is also absurd. This is the 3rd world lunacy re washington. As close to the funder line, likes to say we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deals to living on that. We have very close propaganda. You know, a price here in new york. I think we dont know the aftermath any time that youre not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. The more questions ask the better the answer is, will be the the, [000 00 00;00] the, the welcome to the part of it reading and hunger from knowledge have long been received as purchase and homeworks of procedures paving the way to a higher consciousness. But what if i told you thats one of historys most of the tory is dictate is Joseph Stalin was both a developed worshipper of the highest priests of his own library. In fact, this is where he died, surrounded by books and manuscripts, rather than his loved ones. How did saelens love of books informed his ruling style of to discuss it . Im now and join by Geoffrey Roberts meritus, professor of history at the University College park, an officer of sullens library, the dictator and his books. Professor roberts, its great to talk to you in person this time. Thank you very much for your time. A frontier for an invitation. Now your book style is library ssl to explore the intellectual life biography and i would say psychology of Joseph Stalin, whom you described as the 20th century, most self consciously intellectual dictator. And i think its a somewhat controversial undertaking in this day and age because in order to understand the evil one needs to engage for that rather than dismissed it and condemn it out of hand. Why did you decide to do it at this point of time . Well, what would you come on . The most important thing between sounded by my book in the past on 1st that he wasnt intellectual. He was amount amount of ideas as well as action he believed in the transformative power. While it is not just in terms of changing peoples consciousness, maintenance attracted human nature. And as a couple of boxes, the socialist, you know, he was committed not just to the transformation to see what the thought is, but the transformation of people including himself. So. So is it, his engagement with books, with reading, move up with ideas, was a very, it was a very profound. You guys were on the you comp, im stand strong as a person. Also because time it has a political act to con, understand all the bad things that we associate with, with a lift style is brutal dictatorship of the soviet union without understanding him as an intellectual. And i wrote this book because this seemed to me that this, the source piece is library and the book see rather than how we read them, how we marked them. It is the most amazing source. Its the most intimate source, the most from time useful source. The most revealing sol, so i feel like its an expiration of stones, intellectual life is life as a reader. But its also an x relation of installing as a political actor. He also describe this t shaped table in a, in the room where he died. As fact, with books manuscripts p o, because his personal library was very, very extensive. I wonder if looking at him through these lines has, has changed your own opinion of him as a personality or perhaps a may your understanding you if hes it will make you a little bit more new and yeah, absolutely. I was the wrote this book as she was okay. Ive written a number of books about style and not connected with stony by want to write a wide ranging book about stanley. But i didnt really want to what, right i, i biography. So it does seem to be an opportunity to see other kind of intellectual pull trait, intellectual box using this particular so what i was going to show, but also very, very personal in, in a very strange way. Sure. Yeah, but, but,

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