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Coming to you from the russian capital. This is R T International with the latest and world news today. Im for your elizabeth, welcome to the program. And we start with breaking news from the russian capital where theres been another attempt to drill and strike a building in the Moscow City International Business Center that was hacked 2 days ago was just head again. The Russian Defense Ministry Says it was a ukrainian terrorist attack to ukrainian u, a v squared destroys in the air by air defense over the temperature of engine. So another for means can districts of the most go region. Another drawing was suppressed by Electronic Warfare and having lost control crashed on the territory of a non residential complex in moscow city. 3 drones on this occasion, dispatch towards moscow to shut down by actual air defense, a blown out of the sky if you like. One, the one that caused the damage to the building behind me, it was brought down by Electronic Warfare means this a secret of system that interferes with the navigation and the ability of these things to fly and brought it down onto this commercial center, damaging the building lightly the same building had been damaged in the last 48 hours by another, a wave of attacks as important to note and for the viewers to know that all of these attacks had been forwarded by a russian air defenses. And those are a defenses. The more tax come, the more they hone their skills, inability to plug the holes in that system. So that is a slight positive if you like. But for the people on the ground who have to experience that, the loud bangs and booms of air defense systems. And also the deb read that comes down in these a civilian areas. It can be quite a hiring experience and we can actually listen to some of those experiences. No funeral, i would say the voice message. My voice message on i guess its the same building which is 2 days ago for the ministry of defense confirmed you can see the hole in the building is god moved to new. Is it . It was a 100. Is that to be honest, we did not see the drone. We only saw the flames when we came around the building. Those dell sound when we drove flew in, it was loud. We will have to cross these bridge to see what happened the day before yesterday. As soon as we approach, we also work his way. Yesterdays cross how to cook. They told us right before we heard an explosion, we immediately ran there and found fragments. So as you can see, see a real a, it does have an impact as well as this is the aim of the key every game to have a, a psychological impact. But it, these are pin prick attacks. They have no military or strategic value. And they dont to change anything on the battlefield. And as i say, you would want to question why these very expensive machines are being dispatched to moscow to be shut out of the sky. The context in which these attacks occur as ukraines long voltage counter offensive failing huge amounts of west and military equipment being burnt and destroyed by russia, Russia Holding the line in dunbar. So things start going according to plan, so theres a need to deflect. Theres a need to try to influence russian public opinion, of course. And this has taken a brutal in odeon murderous form, a in, in various attacks here in russia, flooded into task, he killed in an tag that assassination st. Petersburg at dougherty, a do, gonna killed in a car bombing, which was apparently meant to try get her her father, but actually killed her. So again, these very cynical attacks at a burgeoning and growing on the west seems to be very adamant that it will turn a blind eye. And we can actually have a look at some of those tax. Now the the, as you can see, see a lot of these uh, attacks on moscow act isolated. This is part of a psychological attempt frontier to deflect from whats actually happening on the popular ground since huge mind power losses at, you know, a tiring nato. A tiring International Community with the key of constant demands for more, a more weaponry, more, more game changers. So i think we can expect probably to see more of these concrete type of a tax, which i have to say making my way here this morning. Actually hearing the noise of the air defense this morning, myself in moscow, the people are mostly on the people. Russia are getting on with their business. Theyre open their feet moving. We have a very busy construction aside here. The men and women working in moscow, continuing to work, they will continue to work and these attacks will remain what they are. A desperate p r attempt quite to have to scramble for some kind of relevance with the population here in russia, vo, political analysts, and former us marine. Brian ber letter says hes a taxi to damage to morales of the civilian population and stem from tabs. Lack of success on the battlefields. The ukraine attacks ease, uh, civilian targets, uh civilians and journalists. They do this as a campaign of power thats meant to put fear into people to undermine the will of people to contribute toward the special military operation. Im not surprised, i think many analysts predicted that this would take place. Ukraine is clearly incapable of producing. Ready adults on the battlefield, theyre now 2 months into their long anticipated much vaunted offensive. Theyve games no territory, and theyre losing a huge amounts of troops and equipments. And we knew that their desperation would manifest itself in the form of terrorist attacks. These attacks were likely plans before the offense of even began. They wanted to psychologically overwhelm russians, forces the russian population back home, and also try to overwhelm the, the governments of russia and special interest in russia. Russias response is going to be patients. Its going to be sticking to, its pretty jake objectives not being distracted from about. These type of attacks are meant to rattle, rush out of the russian government were to over react to them. Now to the latest updates on the ground in the ukraine in conflict, 3 people have been killed in at least 15 injured according to local authorities. In the latest ukrainian attack on this upper rose a region that had a market on monday. So this comes, i made another attack earlier and central don. Yes. Were residential buildings came under fire by ukrainian showing resulting in the death of one civilian with 11 others injured. The video on your screen shows cars on fire and debris scattered across the city streets in the aftermath of the attack. Meanwhile, the ukrainian president claims that more a needs to be provided for kids war efforts. Same as support from its western partners, is simply not enough. Is there enough help if the war was over . That would be enough. As long as there is a war, nothing can be enough. This suggests that something is missing. Ukrainian president s want to ski is speaking out and claiming the west is still not doing enough. Despite the record amount of legal aid, it has pledged its yeah, the latest package from the by the administration is worth 400000000. 00. And it cops as the majority of democrats in the us senate voted against and measure the one who created an Inspector Generals Office to oversee how the ac cream is actually being spent. The white house had previously voice is off position to the measure. Republican, to support it, noted the oversight is desperately needed. As the u. S. Keeps sending a record amount of a to ukraine. Its not unreasonable to demand the expect our elected officials to treat our tax dollars. With respect to this view, weve spent over 100000000000. 00 in ukraine, and its outrages that share with brian and would oppose even a simple audit of how this money has been spent. The American People deserve to have every dollar accounted for, and this amendment would have strengthened our long running efforts to ensure fast and transparent oversight of all aspects of us support to grant as well as senators like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have favored Inspector General oversight when it comes to us spending in afghanistan or even bank fail out, they were in favor of the latest proposals for oversight and ukraine. That includes an amendment from republican senator ran paul, which would give this special Inspector General for afghanistan, the authority to oversee the spending of the 8 for ukraine. A little over a year ago. I proposed on the amendment to the massive 40000000000. 00 ukraine spending package that would have been trusted, the proven effective Inspector General to oversee and track how funds are spent in ukraine. My amendment was rejected and today, over a 113000000000. 00 and tax payer dollars has been sent to your crane without proper oversight. My ukraine aid oversight act will extend c gars Oversight Authority to include a to crane and provide tax payers with an accurate accounting of how their money is spent, as well as to detect and prevent waste and fraud. While the criminal investigation conducted by the office of the afghanistan Inspector General resulted in 160. 00 convictions, their reports also gave insight into the grant that amount of corruption that was occurring as a result of the billions of dollars and funding and weapons that were flooding the country with no oversight over the past 2 decades. The problem of sustainability has resulted in billions of dollars of waste for the Us Government at 2021 cigarette report found that the United States has been nearly 7800000000. 00 on Capital Assets and have gotten his time including buildings, transmission lines and sub stations, roads and bridges, Motor Vehicles in craft of the total nearly so to one percent. 2400000000. 00 was spent on assets that were not being used as intended, remain unused or had been abundant or destroyed. Those concerns still remain as the u. S. Department of defense has never passed to an audit. And the latest is that reveal the video de camp account for more than half of its 3. 00 trillion dollars worth of asset. Even the us senators who are voted in favor of sending more a to ukraine, have admitted that there are serious issues when it comes to tracking how it is that way. The American People have sent over 100000000000 dollars to help our for engine ukraine. And most members of this body have supported it, but testimony didnt fall from happen. It came out of peoples pocket. How can we possibly look the American People in the and say that we dont want to assure them, in short to them that this money will not be sold yet. Despite those concerns, the Us Government appears to be nowhere near the pastor oversight that it needs. Again, the historic amount of 8 it has passed for ukraine is such a short time as the debates continue in washington. Malia and burkina faso have warned against any for an intervention into the affairs of neighboring news. Youre influenced by their own anti french cruise. Over the last 2 years. We warn that any military intervention against new share would amount to a declaration of war against molly and burkina faso. Any military intervention would cause molly and burkina faso to withdraw from the Economic Community of West African States issue and so 51000000. 00 worth of bonds from the west. African National Bank from new year has been suspended by the Region Central Bank in mid sanctions. Imposed on the country and the threat of a potential intervention from the equal wasp block, which has given the countries to leaders a week to reinstate the president , a safety issue. We had the Disability Fund while in new 0 people were being murdered while abundance terrace came to take people out of their homes to have them killed. Vehicle was said nothing. It is when the syrians wake up to save their homeland, that the vehicle was once to impose sanctions. Thats good. Lets think some of the, the, because the sanctions aint and not to rise to people rather than those in power. The objective force to bring people to an uprising against the authorities or current clean power associated as a date car. Do they have being dropped situations . They were crises, much more serious than the sanctions and the people have to leave according to the situation. And now we will be able to adapt what sort of this organization should be ashamed of itself. The latest, the latest opposing of an african state leader is one of several over the past 3 years, with popular movements pushing french influence out of the Central African republic, and molly as well around a 1000 french troops that exited molly for new year. Now find themselves in limbo. The French Foreign minister has refuted the claims from local military forces suggesting france is planning a military intervention. The problem, the problem started from the existence of forming basis, particularly the french in our country because just in admissible that theyre offering military basis in our country, nursing cured because only dettori a to the so is young people where a guest 1st of all, the completion of our country and so im calling it is what we are able to of all lies for all digging us here because it will be nothing to be free in a prison where freezing upfront we are the prophecy of friends. That is this prison that we are open today. It is no longer possible, but house to get people to accept that we, i was the man. People have to agree to recognize that the country is a sovereign states. Dont co exist your district. And so im, one of those are the things that the french for their military basis must leave it with the others, mostly user. So because theyre useless, say that their presence has enough reducing security somehow. And the other hand, they have never recorded their own casualties. But in our armies on, our men die by the 100 years, new military leaders have reportedly stopped all exports of uranium and go to france, which relies on resources from the west african country are taken to their Rachel Marston has the details. Where would be 2 leaders in asia, possibly get the idea that france had any interest whatsoever and intervening in its former colony . Well, it might have something to do with the statement that was put out by the french president ial palace the day on sunday. That redcoat anyone attacking french nationals, the army diplomats and interests would see france responded immediately and instructed weight, and by french nationals they mostly just mean one guy named mister uranium because the jail is francis top supplier of it providing 15 percent of its total supply. And the 5th of the European Unions and the mineral is absolutely critical to power. Frances nuclear reactors, you see Frances Energy independence is ironically, very dependent on these. Yeah. Which would explain why french president and even mccaul sounded awfully angry about something happening a whole continental way. Anyone attacking french nationals, the army diplomats and rights of way would see france respond immediately in intractability. The president of the republic will not tolerate any attack against france and its interest. Yeah. Those friends interest which certainly include uranium and now weve been hearing multiple western press reports for the military joint task now in charge has cut off exports of both uranium and gould. To france, and that comes as really bad timing for paris, which is become even more reliant on its Nuclear Power plants after cutting itself off from russian gas with the rest of the you to impress, you pray, and present viruses, whiskey in kind of the same way to College Party guys worked themselves into a frenzy and dump things like jump off a roof to impress girls jury is already on the verge of the industrialized because youre expected nomic engine cant run on wind and sun, who knew apparently, not berlin, but at least france had not completely bought into berlins green fantasies and moscow called all the Nuclear Power plants, although maximum was certainly heading in that direction. So plan b after the russian gas cut off was the power in and back up. But now the jazz has suspended the exports of the radium, but they require with the immediate effect. But hey, no problem, the right, because france has other suppliers like has expand and is becca stand, except who are she controls the transport of those here. Rushes Nuclear Giant gross adam, what that doesnt really repairs with much wiggle room. Now that its in conflict with all of these uranium suppliers. Lawston, all be selfish for an interest though is the will of the citizens of use. Yeah, i have to be allowed to do what we want to for the president. We need outside years must not impose people up on us to manage us. Thats the end of its citizens of news. Yeah, were against differentiated with phases. The american faces, the canadian, and the tenant basis, all those for invasions that are in these yeah, we dont need them. The Armed Forces Must not give into any blackmail. New jerrys resilience. We are resilience the we produce our g, d p is more than enough for us to survive. We call on the armed forces, the Security Forces to resist those attempts to blackmail. So its interesting when it comes to the conflict in ukraine, back home makes it all about the interest of ukrainians, but when unrest breaks out in the shaft, its all about french interest. It wasnt that long ago. A bit of time. Prime minister shows a middle name was, im dressing, france on the world stage, and exposing its colonial interests in all their glory, where somebody dont feel level, or this is a child who works in a gold mine in volcano fast. So its one of the poorest nations in the world from sprints colonial money for the keen of faso, which has gold in return they demanded 50 percent of every single key, not fast, so explosive, then jump into the call for some of the french treasury. The goal, the, this child goes down the tunnel to extract mostly himself in the coffers of the french states. So the solution is not to take the africans and bring them to europe. The solution is to free africa from saxony, europeans who exploited and allowed his people to leave off what they have in the ends. Mccomb might try to dress up and justify his actions and frustrations as defending democracy in asia rather than economic new colonialism. But the reality is that the emperor really is just standing there in his fancy lackluster boxer shorts by this point. Reports are merging that the string of tubes and this whole region are hampering the regions. Fight against your heart is a my colleague, worries to shay, discuss the issue with a panel of experts. Revealed the Economic Conditions pushing the Power Transition in this the help i or on say, friday, its like duty on our way. As the condo, you size 5 closing t was going on, i q in our we can conference. It is not to have some by mistake, not be, you know, the projection would be that the few, but be sure to give are able to be pause. They are hoping to see if we can count things being on the term. Im not jim j or what youre saying here is really unlikely because you werent here this on the main stream western news network, joshua, i can see it trying to get in wire all these western partners, of course some being from a colonial road was but why are they now essentially facing so much resentment towards them in your part of the world that interested in that question from the west inside with regard to us suspension support is because the a, the African Union itself is constrained. And so the very 1st funds you would expect from the athletic challenge for us then take a look at the a portion of the budget even for some and one that takes some security related activities. I bought 80 percent of the budget is actually given a point to be paid by the western countries and even the d. Remember the document guy is part of dog box. Many things told kinds and credit fund bought. And so as soon as the 1000 got as the navys phone car, and i said, you need our dryer cartons off on tuesdays. Your time. We gotta decide to have his own carrier and see and face decide to be torn carrions week. I would already say via me as you all with them come to the u. S. A. N for i mean the francophone size would always be a mental. So we need to get the read on this car is, is an ever since we have seen, i would say a domino effect across the wholesale and with the still having problems, which was a form of colonial power trying to, to, to stay in the loop. Something or somehow some way, but obviously more and more, i would say that has been a bigger emancipation of, of, of local forces just quickly your thoughts on this, the whole region i know is absolutely enormous, but particularly in these at all. But i do think there is going to be an intervention of possible french intervention or even incursion, to restore that main guy. I just, i this at this stage i hope not to think that we have to keep in mind in whatever were going to go into in the next days. But what ever is a vision came and the support of the team phone falls as shown that they were not up to the task and the people who has been suffering from all of this. Im, this is a game we need to get out of this and, but i hope that the, the, the, the all African Brothers a more and more taking responsibility for who that how the way they, they need to do with they have that the, the capacity to do with the have to do with and that this way we can support them and now to them in a lease for the political devise and escalating violence continued to affect civilians on both ends are. Cheese, middle east, corresponded maria for notion. I spoke with an idea of soldiers mother, whose body was believed to be captured by her mos 9 years ago and has still not been returned to his family. The nations may have songs, paintings, and sketches some of them on the walls of her apartment, colorful reminders of his tragic story. How that golding was an idea of soldier, captured by him, us during these really army protective and generation and guides them in 2014. The militant group ruling, this palestinian and clave on the mediterranean is seen by israel and Many International and regional players as terrorist organization. So it is 6 hours after the abduction. The idea of announced that is death. Hes buddies believed to be still held by him. Us up to this day, 9 years own. Its like could i being for the 9 meals . Its like writing bicycles. If i stopped, i falls. So every morning i wake up, i just think about about another thing can that can be done. May i believes the return of her sons body is a duty on the International Community has kept her happened hours after you and brokers cease fire between israel and how much that both sides blame each other for violating limits. The un secretary general several times went to the you parliament and even sat with pope friends is nothing helped. They all provide 1000000000 of dollars to gaza. 70 percent of what the evidence says the gaza gross through the come us. They all know they, you and states, number of sponsors to return the mystic president and the debt as it confidence Building Measures to any agreement. If they dont do they violate they, do you money . Tell them low, adopted in 2019 the Un Security Council resolution 2474 stressed the importance of the matter. We contacted the United Nations asking to clarify what has been done in the last 9 years regarding the case of how that of golding. He was the u. Ns response. The fates of twos, rarely civilians and the bodies of 2 idea of soldiers held by him. Awesome guys and remaining important communitarian concern. The un calls upon him us to provide information on their status as required under International Humanitarian law. And to return them to their families, sources concerns to r t. That is real and him as are in negotiations over there by the return with a militant group asking for the release of hundreds of their prisoners held in his really jails and exchange had rather standard price. A professor also cash. And they also have these really militarys assets code says it is a shame and a failure for israel that the body of its soldier hasnt been brought home yet. Its a failure failure. We shouldnt be proud about it. How could they politicians, the 70 guardian . Did we do our best in order to bring back his court is there is no person coordinates, the activities of the government and the army, and a besides the other agencies that are involved in it. These really defense ministry. And the idea of never responded to on numerous requests regarding the progress of the talks. Were in the south of gaza whether golding was lost, seeing by his comrades from the idea of he was getting up. Some were here, no one knows the exact location at the border with hays row. We came to gaza, hoping to shed some light on the negotiations and realized the ra people on this side to waiting for the deal to happen in gaza. We met the parents of bus that eve. He was arrested in august 2002 for an alleged deadly attack. One is rarely settlers in ramallah and got to lifetime sentences. His father didnt see him for 20 years, and claims bus so should not be increasing. What the damages would cost, simply calling from National Organizations and human rights organizations to explain why our songs are unjustly deal. We are an occupied people in our thoughts are resisting this resistance of the occupation is justified by every country in the world. So that potential have mazda Israel Exchange deal is their last hope to see bustle once a day. So is now enough hub press, and were hoping for a present or Exchange Deal in the future. And its not just based alone or present us hope for that. And we pray for god to help them the see on them. We tried to reach out to him nice leadership, but it became clear that we wouldnt get some response. Last december, him, us threatened to bury the deal. If israel doesnt speed it up, an expert close to the know tend to group explain to us possible reasons of this deadlock, the, and the, these really government, the scene during this deal with various maneuver and trying to avoid repeating that your lot should lead deal that would see them release prisoners. There is no international movement. The pressure is real into implementing an Exchange Deal. Some sources they told r t that how much is interested in a car in stalemate. The bodies of his really citizens can be used as a bargain shape with israel and wild type of war continues the end of golding families suffering is no way inside. This is the grave of how that of golding in his hometown cemetery. The grave is here, but the bodys not and nobody knows when or if it will be returned home for a

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