Transcripts For RT Documentary 20240708 :

Transcripts For RT Documentary 20240708

the kevin regime don't distinguish between a big war for itself and the big war for the world. and it seems to imagine that if it gets nature involved in a war against the russian federation, that's going to be a good outcome which, which you cannot understand who they will be a little bit diluted in care. however, the c, u. k. in western positions and in the us politicians joining in is, is worrying indeed, because the russia recognizes that it's complex, potentially with nature it would face the world. will ukraine used to be keen on the world war? and if we have a close policy, happy to have one or indeed a rogue elements, some went down the command structure. you might decide, unilaterally to take some acts that might have conflict with this. we are all risky world war and the population both fall in the west paid on a die. all, it's all ok and we're being be sleep boots in, and that's all of it. should be and we'll have a cold shallows to pay for it. that seems to be the western game plan. not a good one. i think if stanley cobra were alive, they could make a sequel to dr. strange love right now i really do. ok, because we have the same cast of characters here. you know, john, one of the interesting russia is losing rushes, losing. well, i mean, i've talked to serious military people. there aren't serious military people on the west because they haven't want any wars. ok, they just excused themselves and they just get huge amounts of money. spent their way to lose ok in wars, they never should have fought but talking to military personnel. here is a rush, is barely actually committed a very little of its armed forces for the reason why we're making this program. because they do plan on that nato may start something and they're prepared for it. okay, that's why this they haven't had this overwhelming force or keeping almost everything in reserve because they know the thinking or the lack of thinking in nato capitals . john, go ahead. well, as far as natal capitals, let's remember. so johnson, basically a comedian biden, a senile old man. of course, you leave sky comedian as well to don't fuck a joke. so we have these western leaders in power who really are just not capable. they're not able, they should not be in those positions of power, but yet they are. which brings me to the conclusion that there is a power behind them and you can derive me as a conspiracy theories, please. i don't care. but i think there is a power behind these people and the goal, and i know this is going to sound radical, but i think there go is world war 3 and maybe even nuclear war. maybe you would have to stop exp, start entertaining. the idea that maybe somehow a new nazi party has as risen in the west. it's not announcing itself overtly, of course. maybe these people, the grandchildren, great grandchildren, the original losses, or maybe didn't aspired by not the ideology, but we can see what they're doing. we can see where they are by the results of what they're doing in ukraine. they are psychotic, mass murderers. that is what is happening in ukraine. they knew what was going to happen. hope the russian bear for 8 years. and you think it's not going to react? no, i'm sorry. do not blame blood report and what's happening ukraine. i put all the blame on nato on western leaders. yes. you know, maybe maybe go ahead. yeah. so maybe it depends on what we mean by winning washington will feel certainly in the short term, it's one of massive victories, not europe, in its pockets, a supplicant. dependent in the future on energy supply resulted in political orientation on washington entirely. there's a new cut in between the europe and rock and the, and russian of the russian part of europe in a white america has got everything it wanted in terms of european compliance. no stream to is parked but completely for the moment. so it will show some americans make too very pleased with what they've got. they got an outlet for sales in a huge amount that we should run with a just a vehicle on sales by the u. s. to to member countries. that's its main function for orders from the pentagon. so washington should feel or don't feel like the so please a moment. but what it doesn't factor in is what it's risky it's. it's already lost . most of the rest of the world, which is not joining in you and see russia come by. and it's also in danger of losing your once when to say once industries in germany become uncompetitive, because they're paying sky high prices for the energy they need to make their products once. once the thing hits the fan, when you have a different, you're going to different european attitudes. so washington is in danger, losing it all. so if i were in washington, i think you will lonesome and tried to plan for a negotiated solution. however unpleasant that might seem to the hoax they daniel, i wish that way it could happen, but i just don't, i just simply don't. i mean, that's the rational path, because what is the kind of an extension of what we just heard from john and marco, is that, you know, europe is flexing it's, it's really weak muscles, you know, and it feels really good about itself, but it's isolating itself from the rest of the world, the chinese are watching the child, the russians obvious are. these are not reliable people. these are not in tele and people that you can actually seriously deal with. you know that what happened between a december and in the time of the military incursion, is that the russians remember this very carefully. you can't talk to these people. these people don't tell the truth. they, they're out there. they have a different agenda all the time. and i and i, i personally think the, the peter, the great, great outreach to the west is over. it's completely, it's done. ok, because you can't trust these people. daniel, go ahead. well, i kind of expected putin to give up this morning because you know, janet yellen walked out of the meeting on the russian, started speaking. and i can just imagine mister president, you'll never guess what happened. we've got to give up janet yell and walked out of our meeting. we're so depressed. but you know, of peter more seriously. i spent over a decade working in the washington foreign policy establishment. and the one thing that i found most astonishing is the absolute absence of intellectual curiosity among foreign policy practitioners. mean this is an absolute bubble in d. c. they read a couple of newspapers. they only speak to each other. they don't have any dealings with anyone who has different kinds of views. they never certainly want to talk to me because i read things that weren't approved. you know, i didn't only read the washington post in the wall street journal. and so you have a group of people who live in a bubble, who talk only to each other in the same language. they basically are spending the entire lives getting high on their own supply. and that's why you, one of the reasons i think you have such a crappy u. s. foreign policy. it, john, you know, it's, it's very interesting because this, this, this elite mentality and it comes from virtue signaling, you know, something must be done. well, i mean, they'd so easy to say that ok, but the consequences of that we've seen that repeatedly, syria, libya, and the, you know, everything was going well in afghanistan until it wasn't going well. i mean, there's no learning curve here whatsoever. and it's, as it's been pointed out in the program already, is it policies that are be made in london in washington. brussels are affecting western citizens now. energy, food. i mean, this is something the 1st time in my life, and this is happened. and i have to believe that's going to create instability. that's where you get to see they the apple cart turnover in it's not going to be pretty john. yes, that's possible. i mean, i guess your question is, will there be some mass discontent in riots and i mean, it's certainly as possible, but the amount of social control here is tremendous and growing every day. and they're starting to implement something that resembles that social credit system. and a lot of americans are indebted, and they're on the hook as you would say. and there's a lot of ways to exert control over the american people in the european people. and of course, the mass media is the greatest tool of social control us because there's so much pressure to conform. you don't even, i can't even say public that i once used to live in russia. if i would say that i simply lived in russia, i don't have to even voice any, any support for russia. the fact that i lived in russia is compromising is enough to get me a lot of trouble here today. so i just say i live in eastern europe, i have to hide that fact. so it's, remember the mass media is a tremendous amount, a tremendous tool, and the government's ability to control the population in europe and in the usa. you know, marco, i'm glad the john said that i've lived in russia for about 24 years. and even, you know, even with this going on now, nato, when people have watch the nato's aggression, as an american living here in russia, i have no animosity directed to me whatsoever. 0, i'm a, i'm a foreigner, i wear a funny bow tie. and people are friendly to me, they want to be there, you know, actually overly friendly and you know, i, and i always feel the really sad that when i have my russian friends from r t that would go to washington or london. and they were treated in a very shabby way, and i just thought it's really interesting is that at one side hates and the other one simply won't go ahead marco, i think traditionally, russia and east european audiences have come about duration for america. it's kind of cultural imperialism thing, but it's, you know, there was a lot of liking in preschool. the idea is represented by the u. k. and the us at least as not endemic in the, in the psyche. we need an educational system, all the russians to really pull school and this ritual on the alba, which the supposedly pro diversity system of the you can the u. s. is so keen on doings. i mean, there is this off of the main rush and the brand name is, is accompanied by hatred pretty much and it's a full on now, because the russians have chosen to exercise their use of force without waiting for the americans to approve of it, which is what the americans of been doing all over the world for no good reason whatsoever. the russians have done it for a very good reason. and on that point, they're gentlemen, we have run out of time. fascinating discussion here. i want to thank my guess in new york, london and in lake jackson and thank our viewers for watching us here at our dc you next time. remember, across the world news, the me, i 0, one main thing is important or not, as i'm internationally speaking to that is that nations allowed to do anything, all the mazda races, and then you have the minor nation. so all the slaves americans, proc obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as long as it serves american interest. if it doesn't, it doesn't exist by turning those russians into this. danger is boy man, that wants to take over the world. that was caught your strategy and wolf out of it on your own. i not leashed off to exhibit in tablet block. nato said it's ours. we moved east. the reason us, hey jim, it is so dangerous, is it deny the sovereignty of all the countries, the exceptionalism that american uses and its international war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. if nato, what disbanded shareholders in united states and elsewhere in large obs companies would lose millions and millions or is business and business is good. and that is the reality of what we're facing, which is fashion. and is your media reflection of reality? in the world transformed what will make you feel safe? isolation for community. are you going the right way or are you being that somewhere? direct? what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. oh, well, she's news media cards. and like if you speak russian, keep your voice down while out and about a couple. don't put your human symbols on display a social space reach. nice. all right, so you guys don't talk to strangers. i avoid noisy gatherings with your colleagues and perhaps also your friends think you're guilty because you'll, russian a minute for a a with with if you could be any issue with your at the end and especially eastern european highways have become rows of hell of a russian truckers and cars with russian number plates have become targets. you see vehicles with broken windows and punctured tires and drivers are lucky of only that cause a targeted pop ups to promotional, but sure will come wanted to shut. what do you people will increase kevin mushroom . those fishermen, lola. let's start with a poem. new month. i want to do police chocolate, but he had some police and you got to get all the machine. you go on to 333. he will 3 machine on your style or that was or will change with you will talk to the 3 motion. there is a column. ringback cause you knew that when the money is low, use the lease, what would you suit your yourself, you absolutely love or sure a. ready guy joker, more job dish. no, i have no for a no. right? g g bus dish a years, which is just a little boy, my boy. naturalization. yeah. a cars that them decide to have motion a lot on the phone because all mom dies for the bottom or is it but the resides with on walk, garage and on which on the music for the because all much got us with a gold chocolate banks, new trinity natalia enjoy life and 0. she followed her ex pat husband there. but at the end of february 2022, her life changed. the almost sterile swift severity vanished. and something else took his place. luncheon even though i dropped off at them. yeah. you pull out, you got a little bit of misty asked about the police response. me and dealing with both of them doing the q him and he should normally do was young. i don't want to keep the ship to people moving him to study storage equipment. the ballistics are done by you to approach a shift. she mostly looks to me to with the discussion that you've gotten with me at the bull, though in the queue for me, i will shoot you a one and just tell me of the image that you're going to go into. and we're actually going to just shoot me a demo for too long. you know, i just don't need to consider any maturity. fortunately, our school starts and launch the child to move you to live with the position, but the female will not move lose all of which and because it was just mostly due to no jason due to that. so food can law, which in seattle we did in my what you did at the fluttering them, what is your desk in actually your past with a still not sure which and i still choose to go and move them to the neglect, to do much more to non pull that up. you're not state on your so that would be my new to be checked. yeah. yup. which is why me couldn't? yes. just a religion that raj and key show you know, bush and just because i am i will put on the some lunch when you buy some coach cross crashed on which in fortune village for your bus shed to do the. but all of them is because of the schedule with the machine younger fusion coach and should be around, you know, the person shannon. now i will tell you is immediately some videos does match with the floor. and then we'll come your motor bug pradesh, lab, glazed, which resulted in that way and she will skip the keys more because the show us could, i think the 1st your deal which will be, will be out and solution being over these are, is a student at the high school of economics in moscow, just a month ago, she was strolling around from where she was attending charles university studying the science of wealth and social structures. in march, she was told russian students weren't welcome to continue. this stuff is in the czech republic. so when you bring him back to discuss when you're doing, you have to push the 1st of all or is your last go home much tripping or order? are much configured. when i look at some code, when i believe new source of a tank of my new telephone shift now stored on the national close watch, but so he might still be extremely mean. you know, the national president was born concur for chuck nagel system. a new book nichol, i don't know which position of the world is seeing things through the lens of the media. but the italian m. e. p. francesca janitor who voted against sending military a to ukraine, leaves the voices of europeans who disagree with the generally accepted point of view as simply not being heard. and there are many of them. i think that most of the european people once accept that and move in italy. we already have polls that show that the majority of italian people don't agree with the position of our government. and a lot of people want to go on with having relationship with russia and considering russia as a perio is not insane because the history of russia has so many connections with id, personally, petersburg and moscow. well, be just bird. most of all is a period very close to a european, a city. so it's really insane that to, to raise a wall between our cultures, our countries. we have a really big background. 4 of culture and history and knowledge and relationship that must be saved and developed not stop. i really hope that our government will fall. you know? so, and because a lot of people are really, really unhappy, what is happening today. i hope that this situation will as, as soon as possible because we have a lot of russian people living in italy coming to italy for 2 reasons, for casual reasons, for commercial reasons. and that we should support these relationship because just to and war. so we must build bridges not to, you know, raise calls. oh mm hm. the russian, the code in the netherlands is who will not be promoting this instrument in the country. she played in a semi professional ensemble on to music. and then the music ended abruptly. in late february, she was told that as a russian musician, she wasn't welcome any more, fear was g, a shopper is a slow, really does come out just a chest here. he's a dumb question, but the guy williams from you have a good you all of the way you will talk to your thoughts from you friday morning. my a lot of those now because we'll just go with the us and sanisha. christina, me, you should be on a trip? no, some of appreciate mammograms near you pretty human? yes, because i michelle, what was also new, broken glass washing glass. so a little bit owens, mercedes do, but then you will you boys do fortunately with me, the percentage rather supposed to go with you. right? you see at the garage, i should do you feel you screwed a couple of when you might. oh me a girl? the boy for kim, when you beat the solution? he's a no, no, no, no, that a so you negative, fully washing over here because, you know, grossly does luckily i will not want you know, how she should go, gators or sammy, but only because i am always open, otherwise you will schedule. now i don't sure. i see her so blissful grades when in time of year with new is not showing up with many new go i each negotiation option . data wise get is july smith and i spoke with alex about the i, you know, to be told him. because when you block, when you say all bless you. yes, you go anywhere. yes, i see it was due to starsky. boshra was just usual in margaret. this is john grey road. does she need a buy? sure. obviously they can easily rescue it and you're not gonna buy them or even you we're not bought or worse than you at the boise of the whole minute. the duchess. i mean you got a new mom and you might just, we're not in my stomach. do you by us? oh yeah, i was funny with it. i still want you to buy yeah. rebushka cutaway, it was nice, toil ski due to that was basically chilly. but when i should get back to him, all of them move when i was showing wrong. when i just don't want to see how disdained becomes the advocate, an engagement, it was betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look so common ground. ah, need to come to the russian state. little narrative. i've side as i phone and ignore some scheme div, asking him then i can also send up for a group in the 55 we did. okay, so mine is 2 bottles being anyone else with we will ban in the european union. the kremlin. ca yep. machine estate aunt rush up to date and r t spoke neck. given our video agency, roughly all band to on youtube with russian embassies in western countries, resemble besieged fortresses, vacations that surrounded by picket lines, and bombarded with bumble fritz. i'm once in awhile. projectiles are thrown at them . all dines the jumpers are sold, lawrence lodge amounts them up as well, which then colonel moscow personally are diverted with care. look reference miss aliza when your list. i know, but as your mom was sheila sheila, most of the room and coming down with that were more of a source of yours. i'm not sure this about the wishes use of as well. i am forced to them are just a luxury a lot.

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Transcripts For RT Documentary 20240708 :

Transcripts For RT Documentary 20240708

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the kevin regime don't distinguish between a big war for itself and the big war for the world. and it seems to imagine that if it gets nature involved in a war against the russian federation, that's going to be a good outcome which, which you cannot understand who they will be a little bit diluted in care. however, the c, u. k. in western positions and in the us politicians joining in is, is worrying indeed, because the russia recognizes that it's complex, potentially with nature it would face the world. will ukraine used to be keen on the world war? and if we have a close policy, happy to have one or indeed a rogue elements, some went down the command structure. you might decide, unilaterally to take some acts that might have conflict with this. we are all risky world war and the population both fall in the west paid on a die. all, it's all ok and we're being be sleep boots in, and that's all of it. should be and we'll have a cold shallows to pay for it. that seems to be the western game plan. not a good one. i think if stanley cobra were alive, they could make a sequel to dr. strange love right now i really do. ok, because we have the same cast of characters here. you know, john, one of the interesting russia is losing rushes, losing. well, i mean, i've talked to serious military people. there aren't serious military people on the west because they haven't want any wars. ok, they just excused themselves and they just get huge amounts of money. spent their way to lose ok in wars, they never should have fought but talking to military personnel. here is a rush, is barely actually committed a very little of its armed forces for the reason why we're making this program. because they do plan on that nato may start something and they're prepared for it. okay, that's why this they haven't had this overwhelming force or keeping almost everything in reserve because they know the thinking or the lack of thinking in nato capitals . john, go ahead. well, as far as natal capitals, let's remember. so johnson, basically a comedian biden, a senile old man. of course, you leave sky comedian as well to don't fuck a joke. so we have these western leaders in power who really are just not capable. they're not able, they should not be in those positions of power, but yet they are. which brings me to the conclusion that there is a power behind them and you can derive me as a conspiracy theories, please. i don't care. but i think there is a power behind these people and the goal, and i know this is going to sound radical, but i think there go is world war 3 and maybe even nuclear war. maybe you would have to stop exp, start entertaining. the idea that maybe somehow a new nazi party has as risen in the west. it's not announcing itself overtly, of course. maybe these people, the grandchildren, great grandchildren, the original losses, or maybe didn't aspired by not the ideology, but we can see what they're doing. we can see where they are by the results of what they're doing in ukraine. they are psychotic, mass murderers. that is what is happening in ukraine. they knew what was going to happen. hope the russian bear for 8 years. and you think it's not going to react? no, i'm sorry. do not blame blood report and what's happening ukraine. i put all the blame on nato on western leaders. yes. you know, maybe maybe go ahead. yeah. so maybe it depends on what we mean by winning washington will feel certainly in the short term, it's one of massive victories, not europe, in its pockets, a supplicant. dependent in the future on energy supply resulted in political orientation on washington entirely. there's a new cut in between the europe and rock and the, and russian of the russian part of europe in a white america has got everything it wanted in terms of european compliance. no stream to is parked but completely for the moment. so it will show some americans make too very pleased with what they've got. they got an outlet for sales in a huge amount that we should run with a just a vehicle on sales by the u. s. to to member countries. that's its main function for orders from the pentagon. so washington should feel or don't feel like the so please a moment. but what it doesn't factor in is what it's risky it's. it's already lost . most of the rest of the world, which is not joining in you and see russia come by. and it's also in danger of losing your once when to say once industries in germany become uncompetitive, because they're paying sky high prices for the energy they need to make their products once. once the thing hits the fan, when you have a different, you're going to different european attitudes. so washington is in danger, losing it all. so if i were in washington, i think you will lonesome and tried to plan for a negotiated solution. however unpleasant that might seem to the hoax they daniel, i wish that way it could happen, but i just don't, i just simply don't. i mean, that's the rational path, because what is the kind of an extension of what we just heard from john and marco, is that, you know, europe is flexing it's, it's really weak muscles, you know, and it feels really good about itself, but it's isolating itself from the rest of the world, the chinese are watching the child, the russians obvious are. these are not reliable people. these are not in tele and people that you can actually seriously deal with. you know that what happened between a december and in the time of the military incursion, is that the russians remember this very carefully. you can't talk to these people. these people don't tell the truth. they, they're out there. they have a different agenda all the time. and i and i, i personally think the, the peter, the great, great outreach to the west is over. it's completely, it's done. ok, because you can't trust these people. daniel, go ahead. well, i kind of expected putin to give up this morning because you know, janet yellen walked out of the meeting on the russian, started speaking. and i can just imagine mister president, you'll never guess what happened. we've got to give up janet yell and walked out of our meeting. we're so depressed. but you know, of peter more seriously. i spent over a decade working in the washington foreign policy establishment. and the one thing that i found most astonishing is the absolute absence of intellectual curiosity among foreign policy practitioners. mean this is an absolute bubble in d. c. they read a couple of newspapers. they only speak to each other. they don't have any dealings with anyone who has different kinds of views. they never certainly want to talk to me because i read things that weren't approved. you know, i didn't only read the washington post in the wall street journal. and so you have a group of people who live in a bubble, who talk only to each other in the same language. they basically are spending the entire lives getting high on their own supply. and that's why you, one of the reasons i think you have such a crappy u. s. foreign policy. it, john, you know, it's, it's very interesting because this, this, this elite mentality and it comes from virtue signaling, you know, something must be done. well, i mean, they'd so easy to say that ok, but the consequences of that we've seen that repeatedly, syria, libya, and the, you know, everything was going well in afghanistan until it wasn't going well. i mean, there's no learning curve here whatsoever. and it's, as it's been pointed out in the program already, is it policies that are be made in london in washington. brussels are affecting western citizens now. energy, food. i mean, this is something the 1st time in my life, and this is happened. and i have to believe that's going to create instability. that's where you get to see they the apple cart turnover in it's not going to be pretty john. yes, that's possible. i mean, i guess your question is, will there be some mass discontent in riots and i mean, it's certainly as possible, but the amount of social control here is tremendous and growing every day. and they're starting to implement something that resembles that social credit system. and a lot of americans are indebted, and they're on the hook as you would say. and there's a lot of ways to exert control over the american people in the european people. and of course, the mass media is the greatest tool of social control us because there's so much pressure to conform. you don't even, i can't even say public that i once used to live in russia. if i would say that i simply lived in russia, i don't have to even voice any, any support for russia. the fact that i lived in russia is compromising is enough to get me a lot of trouble here today. so i just say i live in eastern europe, i have to hide that fact. so it's, remember the mass media is a tremendous amount, a tremendous tool, and the government's ability to control the population in europe and in the usa. you know, marco, i'm glad the john said that i've lived in russia for about 24 years. and even, you know, even with this going on now, nato, when people have watch the nato's aggression, as an american living here in russia, i have no animosity directed to me whatsoever. 0, i'm a, i'm a foreigner, i wear a funny bow tie. and people are friendly to me, they want to be there, you know, actually overly friendly and you know, i, and i always feel the really sad that when i have my russian friends from r t that would go to washington or london. and they were treated in a very shabby way, and i just thought it's really interesting is that at one side hates and the other one simply won't go ahead marco, i think traditionally, russia and east european audiences have come about duration for america. it's kind of cultural imperialism thing, but it's, you know, there was a lot of liking in preschool. the idea is represented by the u. k. and the us at least as not endemic in the, in the psyche. we need an educational system, all the russians to really pull school and this ritual on the alba, which the supposedly pro diversity system of the you can the u. s. is so keen on doings. i mean, there is this off of the main rush and the brand name is, is accompanied by hatred pretty much and it's a full on now, because the russians have chosen to exercise their use of force without waiting for the americans to approve of it, which is what the americans of been doing all over the world for no good reason whatsoever. the russians have done it for a very good reason. and on that point, they're gentlemen, we have run out of time. fascinating discussion here. i want to thank my guess in new york, london and in lake jackson and thank our viewers for watching us here at our dc you next time. remember, across the world news, the me, i 0, one main thing is important or not, as i'm internationally speaking to that is that nations allowed to do anything, all the mazda races, and then you have the minor nation. so all the slaves americans, proc obama and others have had a concept of american exceptionalism. international law exist as long as it serves american interest. if it doesn't, it doesn't exist by turning those russians into this. danger is boy man, that wants to take over the world. that was caught your strategy and wolf out of it on your own. i not leashed off to exhibit in tablet block. nato said it's ours. we moved east. the reason us, hey jim, it is so dangerous, is it deny the sovereignty of all the countries, the exceptionalism that american uses and its international war planning is one of the greatest threats to the populations of different nations. if nato, what disbanded shareholders in united states and elsewhere in large obs companies would lose millions and millions or is business and business is good. and that is the reality of what we're facing, which is fashion. and is your media reflection of reality? in the world transformed what will make you feel safe? isolation for community. are you going the right way or are you being that somewhere? direct? what is true? what is great? in the world corrupted, you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. oh, well, she's news media cards. and like if you speak russian, keep your voice down while out and about a couple. don't put your human symbols on display a social space reach. nice. all right, so you guys don't talk to strangers. i avoid noisy gatherings with your colleagues and perhaps also your friends think you're guilty because you'll, russian a minute for a a with with if you could be any issue with your at the end and especially eastern european highways have become rows of hell of a russian truckers and cars with russian number plates have become targets. you see vehicles with broken windows and punctured tires and drivers are lucky of only that cause a targeted pop ups to promotional, but sure will come wanted to shut. what do you people will increase kevin mushroom . those fishermen, lola. let's start with a poem. new month. i want to do police chocolate, but he had some police and you got to get all the machine. you go on to 333. he will 3 machine on your style or that was or will change with you will talk to the 3 motion. there is a column. ringback cause you knew that when the money is low, use the lease, what would you suit your yourself, you absolutely love or sure a. ready guy joker, more job dish. no, i have no for a no. right? g g bus dish a years, which is just a little boy, my boy. naturalization. yeah. a cars that them decide to have motion a lot on the phone because all mom dies for the bottom or is it but the resides with on walk, garage and on which on the music for the because all much got us with a gold chocolate banks, new trinity natalia enjoy life and 0. she followed her ex pat husband there. but at the end of february 2022, her life changed. the almost sterile swift severity vanished. and something else took his place. luncheon even though i dropped off at them. yeah. you pull out, you got a little bit of misty asked about the police response. me and dealing with both of them doing the q him and he should normally do was young. i don't want to keep the ship to people moving him to study storage equipment. the ballistics are done by you to approach a shift. she mostly looks to me to with the discussion that you've gotten with me at the bull, though in the queue for me, i will shoot you a one and just tell me of the image that you're going to go into. and we're actually going to just shoot me a demo for too long. you know, i just don't need to consider any maturity. fortunately, our school starts and launch the child to move you to live with the position, but the female will not move lose all of which and because it was just mostly due to no jason due to that. so food can law, which in seattle we did in my what you did at the fluttering them, what is your desk in actually your past with a still not sure which and i still choose to go and move them to the neglect, to do much more to non pull that up. you're not state on your so that would be my new to be checked. yeah. yup. which is why me couldn't? yes. just a religion that raj and key show you know, bush and just because i am i will put on the some lunch when you buy some coach cross crashed on which in fortune village for your bus shed to do the. but all of them is because of the schedule with the machine younger fusion coach and should be around, you know, the person shannon. now i will tell you is immediately some videos does match with the floor. and then we'll come your motor bug pradesh, lab, glazed, which resulted in that way and she will skip the keys more because the show us could, i think the 1st your deal which will be, will be out and solution being over these are, is a student at the high school of economics in moscow, just a month ago, she was strolling around from where she was attending charles university studying the science of wealth and social structures. in march, she was told russian students weren't welcome to continue. this stuff is in the czech republic. so when you bring him back to discuss when you're doing, you have to push the 1st of all or is your last go home much tripping or order? are much configured. when i look at some code, when i believe new source of a tank of my new telephone shift now stored on the national close watch, but so he might still be extremely mean. you know, the national president was born concur for chuck nagel system. a new book nichol, i don't know which position of the world is seeing things through the lens of the media. but the italian m. e. p. francesca janitor who voted against sending military a to ukraine, leaves the voices of europeans who disagree with the generally accepted point of view as simply not being heard. and there are many of them. i think that most of the european people once accept that and move in italy. we already have polls that show that the majority of italian people don't agree with the position of our government. and a lot of people want to go on with having relationship with russia and considering russia as a perio is not insane because the history of russia has so many connections with id, personally, petersburg and moscow. well, be just bird. most of all is a period very close to a european, a city. so it's really insane that to, to raise a wall between our cultures, our countries. we have a really big background. 4 of culture and history and knowledge and relationship that must be saved and developed not stop. i really hope that our government will fall. you know? so, and because a lot of people are really, really unhappy, what is happening today. i hope that this situation will as, as soon as possible because we have a lot of russian people living in italy coming to italy for 2 reasons, for casual reasons, for commercial reasons. and that we should support these relationship because just to and war. so we must build bridges not to, you know, raise calls. oh mm hm. the russian, the code in the netherlands is who will not be promoting this instrument in the country. she played in a semi professional ensemble on to music. and then the music ended abruptly. in late february, she was told that as a russian musician, she wasn't welcome any more, fear was g, a shopper is a slow, really does come out just a chest here. he's a dumb question, but the guy williams from you have a good you all of the way you will talk to your thoughts from you friday morning. my a lot of those now because we'll just go with the us and sanisha. christina, me, you should be on a trip? no, some of appreciate mammograms near you pretty human? yes, because i michelle, what was also new, broken glass washing glass. so a little bit owens, mercedes do, but then you will you boys do fortunately with me, the percentage rather supposed to go with you. right? you see at the garage, i should do you feel you screwed a couple of when you might. oh me a girl? the boy for kim, when you beat the solution? he's a no, no, no, no, that a so you negative, fully washing over here because, you know, grossly does luckily i will not want you know, how she should go, gators or sammy, but only because i am always open, otherwise you will schedule. now i don't sure. i see her so blissful grades when in time of year with new is not showing up with many new go i each negotiation option . data wise get is july smith and i spoke with alex about the i, you know, to be told him. because when you block, when you say all bless you. yes, you go anywhere. yes, i see it was due to starsky. boshra was just usual in margaret. this is john grey road. does she need a buy? sure. obviously they can easily rescue it and you're not gonna buy them or even you we're not bought or worse than you at the boise of the whole minute. the duchess. i mean you got a new mom and you might just, we're not in my stomach. do you by us? oh yeah, i was funny with it. i still want you to buy yeah. rebushka cutaway, it was nice, toil ski due to that was basically chilly. but when i should get back to him, all of them move when i was showing wrong. when i just don't want to see how disdained becomes the advocate, an engagement, it was betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look so common ground. ah, need to come to the russian state. little narrative. i've side as i phone and ignore some scheme div, asking him then i can also send up for a group in the 55 we did. okay, so mine is 2 bottles being anyone else with we will ban in the european union. the kremlin. ca yep. machine estate aunt rush up to date and r t spoke neck. given our video agency, roughly all band to on youtube with russian embassies in western countries, resemble besieged fortresses, vacations that surrounded by picket lines, and bombarded with bumble fritz. i'm once in awhile. projectiles are thrown at them . all dines the jumpers are sold, lawrence lodge amounts them up as well, which then colonel moscow personally are diverted with care. look reference miss aliza when your list. i know, but as your mom was sheila sheila, most of the room and coming down with that were more of a source of yours. i'm not sure this about the wishes use of as well. i am forced to them are just a luxury a lot.

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