Transcripts For RT News 20240708 :

Transcripts For RT News 20240708

price. it takes a bizarre to turn among western media with one outlet suggesting so name russian aggression is preventing you f o hunters from contacting our as johnson's leadership. as delta potentially fatal blow as linked email suggests, the british prime minister lied by the evacuation of animals instead of people from working with 247 use live from moscow. this is our to, you know, neil taking you through thursdays, big stories, let's get into it. we begin with on rest in the french capital, where thousands of people were out on the streets, wedding, the mundane government action over falling, living standards in the past number of hours. there have been scenes of chaos with police chasing students, making several arrest aah! or port, so a vandalism, as well with trash cans returns. the organizers say to show support from really great workers hit by swearing, moving one group of students, settle barricades outside the school, loudly, solid doroty with teachers at trade unions. they're playing a prominent rule, threatening strike action on demanding pay rises. i'm sweeping reforms to them. and mrs. we're here to demonstrate over our working conditions, which are continually getting worse. our means of teaching were being taken away from us and everything has been degraded and that is all to so we see people who got rich during the crisis. billionaires who got richer than ever, while in the public and private sectors. salaries have sunk to low net uphill deal . we're here to say that society needs to work differently with more recognition for those who serve the common good school and health care staff. those who build social cohesion and ensure our safety, those who keep our communities together and our society doesn't show enough recognition, it's gone crazy. can. let's move the program. all. no rush is foreign minister has said the country is ready for serious talks with the u. s. after washington deliberate, a written response to moscow security demands wherever sir gala. ralph expressed disappointment that russia's primary concern. halting nato expansion in eastern europe was dismissed. suca says suzanne you the cumulative. as for the contents of the reply, there are grounds for the beginning of a serious conversation. only about secondary issues regarding the main issue that has been no positive reaction. and the main issue, i remind you, is a clear position on the in admissibility of nato's further expansion, eastwood's and on the deployment of strike weapons that could threaten the territory of the russian federation. the 2 key proposals that russia put forward as lever of said there were just flat out rejected in america's response to them. those 2 key proposals are concerning, the stopping of deployment of offensive weapons in europe that could possibly hit russia and also ceasing the further eastward expansion of nato, specifically into the countries of ukraine and georgia. now that 2nd point there was actually promised to russia back in 1990 when the soviet union was still around it. it was promised to the soviet union and then soviet president mikhail gorbachev was told that nato would not expand any farther than the older river in europe. and as a russian officials had over the years, tried to hold the west to that promise. they were actually acting in a childlike manner, according to lab rav in that statement. now. he also cited the est on bull, and astonish declarations of the organization for security and cooperation in europe. this, these basically declarations. they basically define the framework within which sovereign nations can decide which which military organizations, which military alliances they want to be a part of. and lever off says basically one very important point was left out. let's take a listen what he said for rebuttal. so use the right to choose alliances is clearly conditioned by the need to take into account the security interests of any other o s. c state. including of course, the russian federation. the principle by which one cannot strengthen one's security at the expense of the security of others, is deliberately hushed up. lateral did ultimately accuse professional partners in the west of a bit of a pick and choose policy when it comes to obligations it expects others to follow. can you, can you tell us more about that? right, well he says that the west is basically trying to only pay attention to the closet, says sovereign nations have the right to decide what military lines are going to be a part of without paying any attention to the fact that these same doc declarations say that it can't infringe on the security of any other sovereign nation. this is something that lavish have brought up with you as secretary of state antony blinking during negotiations in geneva. actually, let's take a listen to what happened. if you're special renewal in geneva, when blinkin, and i, when negotiating, i asked how they could explain the position according to which they consider the commitments adopted within the o. s. e. only as a menu from which they pick and choose only the items they find appetizing. what they have pledged to do in terms of the interests of others. they tried to ignore lincoln did not answer this question. he shrugged his shoulders. now loughborough statement actually doesn't come as that much of a surprise, actually. nato just already rejected outright and publicly moscow's proposals on wednesday. and that was shortly after an american ambassador, john sullivan, made a visit to moscow to the foreign ministry to deliver america's official response that came, by the way, 2 weeks after it was expected, russia filed these proposals back in mid december and were expecting and was expecting a response for a while now, and this is all the while that the u. s. continues to say that there, you know, for diplomacy, but only as only if russia stops of so called aggression. now, what this aggression is, we're not exactly sure, but that happens at the same time that nato continues to strengthen its military positions across russia's border. washington said that it's military advisors in ukraine will continue to stay there for the foreseeable future. and the u. k. n. u . s. continue to give weapons to ukraine. so of course we keep hearing this word, diplomacy from the west, but it seems like their actions are saying something completely different. among the reaction we got to the developments was from political analysts. thank you, helmer, he give us his taken lie, b u. s. as insisting on further nato expansion despite russia concerned, it disturbs the aim of, well. busy dominance and the world dominance is started by making a border between russia and germany and vessel states like the baltic states, poland nowadays, the ukraine and down they want more modo, of course, to, to join the nature puppet states, a club. and this would form a border that they can hint the new soap road or belt and road as a chinese called it from the land. why and couldn't germany or the german middle span to work together with russians. and therefore. busy even the north for him to pipeline is, is disturbing because it causes that germany can be energy in independence. and this is not in the interest of us and they to, because they want to keep germany blackmailing that the german politicians, even if that happens some accident and people who are not. so in line with the american politics are getting gaining power, but they can always blackmail them and keep them on the village. no one, washington stresses the need for diplomacy as the only way out of the crisis. some journalists in the u. s. are striking a more belligerent node, just buying time till they replaced to invade ukraine, making you jump through hoops like han, delivering written responses to questions that you, vance at time and time again. in the past. meanwhile, that the stabilizing ukraine from within the economy's crumbling. you're spending hundreds of millions of dollars showing them up. what point do you stop playing rushes game and take preemptive action? now? we can walk and chew gum at the same time, and that's very much what we've been doing. and while a number of journalists are seemingly in war mongering mode, others seem to have lost the plot altogether when it comes to ukraine. even name checking you f o's, sca taylor can spell out for us. they say you should be coo and a crisis on last your the media, in which case, why when you can become hysterical. so panic can sped and never mind the kremlin battle. the european bickering old boy didn't miss night cream, took off the warning about world war 3. after all, will never understand what goes on in his head. no. the media pundits one real scooped the boulder the better, the more outlandish, the better. like this random women and kids, they found just hanging out in a window, holding a don. i have never hunted in my life. i bought this carbon after listening to some soldiers discussing the best rifle to get if it comes stood, then we'll fight for key. if will fight to protect our city, i don't see any sense in the rush and starting a war and leaving cave alone. it's strange because usually the media is pro gun control. i guess it doesn't count a wash of the target. well, that's how bad the crisis is. the media says that housewives have what they're rugs for rifles. the thing is, marianna juggler is in fact a simple ukrainian woman from the territorial defense forces. her uniform is british, another fake story about militants whom western propaganda turns into anti russian freedom fighters. again, just like guns faking is as great when it's directed against the russians. i guess there's only a certain number of undercover housewives in ukraine. so the meat is happy to look elsewhere specifically at a map, and it's noticed that the quickest way from moscow to key f as a fire churn noble, making it the lowest, logical invasion route. also making russians pretty much the only willing visit possesses. well, 1986. the risk of a war for the spreading radiation seems minimal, but one object in the zone is particularly vulnerable and new $1700000000.00 stainless steel arch over the destroyed reactor. it was completed in 2016 to prevent the spread of highly radioactive dust. yeah, on route to the landscape office. the press things that putins troops might just topple. a giant radiation containing structure that we've more than 29000 tons. you know, for some like texas eyes and toxic exposure before the real piping starts talking about the real fighting. have you read the mirror recently? no. oh wow. so you have seen prudent, terrifying, optional, high tech support. while these include, i warn you, the positively fall raising power trooper dogs. i agree, it really doesn't look like that dog and the article photo signed up for regular sky diving. and that's because he did it and thought photo is all based, such and rescue dog. not one of the kremlin canines fabricated by the mirror. but if you craniums a, don't surrender at the sight of a flailing dog and harness the robot tightened. flying kalashnikov are ready as back up. the still firing a kalashnikov rifle with its own brain is still at the prototype stage and a pit recently it's an arm show it can identify targets and pull the trigger without the need for a human shooter. so protest dragging out the very latest innovations the special occasion. the thing is the ai collection call rifle has actually been around since 2017. the thing in the mirror, 5 entire fact checks and department of themes. never mind all this because the most disappointing thing about this entire crisis is the hooters probably black, the world will put a stop to travel, highly evolved extra terrestrials probably regard warfare as something the only primitive civilizations engaging. so the ukraine situation means we're unlikely to get an invitation to join the federation for the time being, quite frankly, who can blame the media driving the aliens and told us, because once they finish driving, this wild population to a nervous breakdown, they'll need some new readers for all of the welding, panic and dispatch that they've got a cookie. ah, the bad news keeps piling up for the british prime minister. now series of e mails have been leaked, suggesting boris johnson lied by his rule. in the evacuation of a plain load of counts and dogs from afghanistan during last summer's withdrawal. the animal rescue mission in question was run by a former british army officer who reportedly had links with curry johnson, the pm's wife. it happened when thousands of people desperate to flee, the telephone were being left behind, pets before people. that was the accusation some 6 months ago. it's resurfaced more recently now, but forrest johnson are he's denied that he actually approved the anecdote animals out of afghanistan at the time when cobble was falling to the taliban. cooling the claims total rhubarb, but it's all emerged yet again, according to some leaks. emails that have come to light, they said that the prime minister personally authorized the evacuation of course, morris johnson, has always denied it. and he's denying it again today. this whole thing is, is, is total revoke. it was an amazing thing to, to move 15000 people out of co bolden in the way that we did. i thought it was also additionally very good that we were able to help those bits. so the question now is, did the prime minister actually authorize pen farthings animals to get out of the country via a private chart to flight? according to these leagues a emails and was involving virgin atlantic and the prime minister's top a parliamentary aid. she told the adeline that she could actually secure a plane to evacuate these animals from cromwell, and they were actually backed by abhorrence, jose and the prime minister, uneven fost tracks. now foss trucks being a key line in that email, because it suggests that she could get a plane in and out of the country at a time when it was nigh on impossible. now, number 10 denies one of these claims. as does boris johnson, he calls it title nonsense that does the story really adds up at the time back in august of last year, the prime minister and then foreign secretary. they would know it to be seen. both of them were away on holiday leaving junior ministers and journals. it's junior civil 7th to pick up the pieces and deal with the crisis. the government has repeatedly been severely criticized and condemned for how it reacted when thousands of desperate people in afghanistan was scrambling to get out of the country. but the prime minister's biggest critics are saying his story doesn't tied up at all. forest johnson is unable to make the serious decisions that are needed. in this case, people were fleeing in terror as the taliban took over kabul and british forces were putting their lives at risk. the prime minister was once again prioritizing the wrong things and making the wrong calls this deming, revelation shows that boris johnson has once again repeatedly lied to the british people. this is not the man who is fit for office. so how does all of this come up now? well, right now, there's currently an investigation inquiry into how the government handle the crisis in afghanistan. but of course, it comes visa, the other investigations that burse johnson is embroiled in, particularly the su gray investigation. and the police investigation into allegations of downing street parties throughout the pandemic as we await the su gray findings burst. johnston's role as prime minister really does hang in balance . now, there are numerous schools across the political spectrum for him to give up and go . it's time for him to resign. they say his time really is up. meanwhile, in the polls, we see labor skipping ahead of the conservatives quite comfortably. now, plus, though, there are some serious concerns and serious worries at all of these scandals upon scandals. the bars johnson is finding himself in may affect the tories comfortable majority. so in a desperate bid to try and salvage and rectify all of this, some senior cabinet ministers, a coming out to warn or perhaps even threaten that the only way this is going to end up is in a general election. and if that were to happen, they say it be highly likely that the tourist could actually lose their seat. so what they're trying to now do is deter. 8 tore back benches from submitting these letters of no confidence in the prime minister as rumor has it. there are almost enough of those that is being submitted that could actually trigger a leadership context all in all really what they're saying force is back as a basically talent tore back benches. you must now back the prime minister because as far as johnson goes down, we'll well, as he just on this, we spoke with former british army officer trevor coal to served enough down less than he sees the latest scandal at number 10. it's just the distraction from the bigger issues. i think this is a bit of a smoke screen right now. we've got to remember that there's a lot of noise going around, a boat present on a boat, my own prime minister. yes, president. this is a smoke screen to try to hide what's. busy happening, catching dogs. no one gives a crop when need to start looking at the proper news. yes, the u. k. b to minutes are getting on like like rock winders? yes, we know how to write about. we've now got something to do to replace party get. no, we don't. we're throwing the stupid stories which don't have any problems whatsoever, right night. i do believe that the man saying that we should be doing it trying to preserve life. there is a possible conflict between both the russia on the u. k. we should be talking about robbing thompson dogs. we are going to lose pretty shoulders on russian blood, both and ukrainian border. and that's where we should be cockpit more, maybe a diplomatic approach rather than a military strike. so let's forget about cats and dogs and bars. johnson and party get the rest of which let's concentrate on trying to shield lives and stop people from being killed and assessment for now to a developing situation in central asia, at least one person has reportedly being killed and several injured in a cross border gunfire. situation between 2 jacobs some. curtis done border troops and both sides are accusing each other a firing the 1st shot. well, let's bring in our correspondence. danny armstrong, he's been following developments. hi tommy, things have been tense there for a while. now. take us through the latest s s for i you and it says flare up a violence on the border between the g. stan and kid just on the as reportedly left . at least one person dead and a handful of people injured. now this is just the latest flare up on the border. it reminds us of those clashes last year in april 2021 that left more than 50 people dead on the border between the 2. former soviet states is notoriously poorly demarcated and the slated incident fled reportedly, when a carful of touchy nationals blocks a highway connex to kid geese, cities. the also runs through to she can stand that when border forces from both sides arrived to quell the situation. a gun battle in shoot that lasted for around about an hour and just as it seemed, the violence was dying down at the sight. this is, according to a statement released by the national security committee, brought in heavy artillery, namely grenade launchers and more to show now that effectively broke the sci fi and led to that one death of a civilian that was reportedly killed by that mortar fire. now that has been some more civilian cars, not as serious a lot of people in localities near the border tonight doing without electricity, that has been evacuations, initiated of kids use nationals as excited, let. yet to make an official statement for one official has blamed, kicked his troops that were report, and his troops flying drones over it has heat, air space. now both countries are members of the c s t o that the collective security treaty organization, and c, s t o head stanislaus. i said he has called both governments and said that this violence must end immediately. of course c s c o. troops. i've been put on stand by, they are ready to be deployed as to the or the should be violent. escalate, of course, troops were deployed to cause extent just last month when the protest led to the desa some $225.00 people in cars extend truly. nobody would want a repeat of that. well, this is a story we're going to be following, bringing you up today here and see as it happens. yeah, thanks for taking us through all of our teeth down the armstrong, lebanon, still dealing with the fall of a massive explosion that hit bay root in the summer of 2020 killing at least 200 people. the causes were never fully established. and now it's emerge that a human rights watch investigator, looking into the tragedy as being spied on lama funky, was recently alerted. dr. eiffel may have been targeted by the notorious surveillance to pegasus. it's allows attackers full access to a phones, camera, microphone call logs, emails, text messages, and more. the company in charge of this spyware is, is really firm called, and s. so group, it's 2 has been the center of numerous hiking scandals involving the phones of journalists, activists, and politicians. the companies say, though it only sell spyware to governments in order to fight terrorism. crime. clearly my colleague research she spoke with lama funky, who claim she was targeted 5 times last year by the israeli spyware. to we didn't know that there is a framework in place which allows the sense of the tax to, to persist. there are no digital fingerprints. it would help us to, to point the finger and this is why we're really calling on stage to move forward and establishing. right. it's very framework for the tray is a balance technology to ensure that these types of attacks no longer take place. you were doing an investigation of the bay route explosion. this was august 2020. i think a lot of people may have forgotten about this. august 20 2200. 19 people died in that last of the pictures, looked like an atomic bomb went off right barrel all along. the waterway that the crater the devastation from what was allegedly applying to a storage of ammonia nitrite exploded that tell us about if you can quickly tell us about your investigation of the favorite explosions. you think maybe you upset the wrong people. so during the times of the attack between april and august of last year, i was working very intensively on an investigation to see wish that his government officials were culpable, were responsible for this last having taken place in this loss of life. and the devastating distraction that the explosion we have since published our findings and our work is not in this case and it's always been transparent. so you know, it is possible that these attacks were connected with this investigation. at the same time i was supervising were on a number of different crisis conflicts around the world. so again, it is very difficult to say which government was responsible and to understand even what data they may have taken and how they intend to use that data. these are all questions i still do not have answers for. how do you personally feel about this situation? miss fecky? i did you feel a sense of violation that your privacy has been intrude at all? of course, i mean my privacy, my family, that of my contact. you know, i honestly was shocked when i 1st learned that this attack had taken place and really filled with incentive address about again, what government has attacked me, what have they stolen? how do they intend to use that data? it really is overwhelming to consider. you know, our phones are really, you know, much more than the gateway to just so much. not particularly and times of code. and so to know that my device could really be use the gas names way to potentially try to undermine other people's right. the events are taking place around the world for international holocaust remembrance day. but while most nations are taking a unified stance against anti semitism, others are being accused of falsifying the atrocities of world war 2 years ortiz policy, or between 123319451 3rd of the jewish people were murdered by the nazi regime. and its collaborators. for the 1st time ever these ladies speak of parliament is in germany. we will address the buddhist. in hebrew. it comes a few days after the un general assembly adopted and is wally german proposal condemning holocaust, denial. the call times might be strengthening between israel and germany. this is not true for other countries, especially lithuania lawsuit, against the bonus government has been faulty. you n. it accuses the lithuanian government of falsifying the history of the holocaust . this is a case that relates to the distortion of history in lithuania, and in particular the glorification of certain nazi collaborators or agents in lithuania. so what we are doing now on behalf of the applicant who took the law suits in lithuania, is making a petition to the united nations human rights committee. and in deals with issues about their right to truths and about the protection against what we might call forms of defamation that are related to the denial of historical fact. they have tried very hard to change the narrative of world war 2 in the house was and i'll explain to you why only in eastern europe, that collaboration with the nazis include participation, a systematic mass market. you take a contract with wayne, you get 220000 jews live there under that jacket, patient 212000 were murdered. there were less than a 1000 germans in lithuania during the nazi occupation. and in 90 percent of those jews were shut, mere their homes and it was a very labor intensive operation. so how on earth could they murder 212000 jews? it's a if they didn't have help. such falsification of history and lithuania is nothing new. several monuments across the country pay tribute to another anti communist hero eunice, no rica that he was in fact a war criminal who was personally responsible for ordering the murder of thousands of lithuanian jews as corroborated by none other than his own granddaughter who investigated the official cover up by the vilnius government in her book, how i discovered my grandfather was a war criminal. while my grandfather's role in the holocaust has been painful enough to discover what has been equally painful was the discovery of the lithuanian government's denial of his role in the holocaust. this is the 10th stage of genocide denial that it ever happened. or we also heard from dully done on former permanent representative of israel to the united nations. he thinks after 77 years after i schmidt's denial of history is still widespread. i think we started to forget the lesson or good will to today remember the victims. we, we play the survivor and we remember that was used, but unfortunately, the longer we get from the events of the day that the red army actually entered the outfits and liberated the desk with the mall and they sent me to the mall, holocaust denial and more 8 crimes against jews all over the world, including the us and you. so we have to remind the world about the danger of those hate crimes and of course denial, and make sure that governments take action and then go to commit those crimes. and we have to take action. i call an dement from governments not only to declare and to speak. that's nice, that's important. but it's not enough. we demand with concrete action mainly that you cation, legislation and enforcement. severe punishment again though the coming taste plans time and moments for a fresh slice of the kaiser reports. we'll check in with maxim stacy right off the shortest print. ah ah.

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Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Georgia , United States , Afghanistan , Vilnius , Vilniaus Apskritis , Lithuania , United Kingdom , Paris , France General , France , Texas , Washington , Lebanon , Kremlin , Kabul , Kabol , Ukraine , Germany , Israel , Geneva , Genè , Switzerland , South Korea , Poland , America , French , Ukrainian , Soviet , Russian Federation , British , German , Lithuanian , Russian , Israeli , Germans , Han , Russians , American , Sca Taylor , Baltic States , Danny Armstrong , Forrest Johnson , Ina Cross , Virgin Atlantic , John Sullivan , Morris Johnson , Boris Johnson ,

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Transcripts For RT News 20240708 :

Transcripts For RT News 20240708

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price. it takes a bizarre to turn among western media with one outlet suggesting so name russian aggression is preventing you f o hunters from contacting our as johnson's leadership. as delta potentially fatal blow as linked email suggests, the british prime minister lied by the evacuation of animals instead of people from working with 247 use live from moscow. this is our to, you know, neil taking you through thursdays, big stories, let's get into it. we begin with on rest in the french capital, where thousands of people were out on the streets, wedding, the mundane government action over falling, living standards in the past number of hours. there have been scenes of chaos with police chasing students, making several arrest aah! or port, so a vandalism, as well with trash cans returns. the organizers say to show support from really great workers hit by swearing, moving one group of students, settle barricades outside the school, loudly, solid doroty with teachers at trade unions. they're playing a prominent rule, threatening strike action on demanding pay rises. i'm sweeping reforms to them. and mrs. we're here to demonstrate over our working conditions, which are continually getting worse. our means of teaching were being taken away from us and everything has been degraded and that is all to so we see people who got rich during the crisis. billionaires who got richer than ever, while in the public and private sectors. salaries have sunk to low net uphill deal . we're here to say that society needs to work differently with more recognition for those who serve the common good school and health care staff. those who build social cohesion and ensure our safety, those who keep our communities together and our society doesn't show enough recognition, it's gone crazy. can. let's move the program. all. no rush is foreign minister has said the country is ready for serious talks with the u. s. after washington deliberate, a written response to moscow security demands wherever sir gala. ralph expressed disappointment that russia's primary concern. halting nato expansion in eastern europe was dismissed. suca says suzanne you the cumulative. as for the contents of the reply, there are grounds for the beginning of a serious conversation. only about secondary issues regarding the main issue that has been no positive reaction. and the main issue, i remind you, is a clear position on the in admissibility of nato's further expansion, eastwood's and on the deployment of strike weapons that could threaten the territory of the russian federation. the 2 key proposals that russia put forward as lever of said there were just flat out rejected in america's response to them. those 2 key proposals are concerning, the stopping of deployment of offensive weapons in europe that could possibly hit russia and also ceasing the further eastward expansion of nato, specifically into the countries of ukraine and georgia. now that 2nd point there was actually promised to russia back in 1990 when the soviet union was still around it. it was promised to the soviet union and then soviet president mikhail gorbachev was told that nato would not expand any farther than the older river in europe. and as a russian officials had over the years, tried to hold the west to that promise. they were actually acting in a childlike manner, according to lab rav in that statement. now. he also cited the est on bull, and astonish declarations of the organization for security and cooperation in europe. this, these basically declarations. they basically define the framework within which sovereign nations can decide which which military organizations, which military alliances they want to be a part of. and lever off says basically one very important point was left out. let's take a listen what he said for rebuttal. so use the right to choose alliances is clearly conditioned by the need to take into account the security interests of any other o s. c state. including of course, the russian federation. the principle by which one cannot strengthen one's security at the expense of the security of others, is deliberately hushed up. lateral did ultimately accuse professional partners in the west of a bit of a pick and choose policy when it comes to obligations it expects others to follow. can you, can you tell us more about that? right, well he says that the west is basically trying to only pay attention to the closet, says sovereign nations have the right to decide what military lines are going to be a part of without paying any attention to the fact that these same doc declarations say that it can't infringe on the security of any other sovereign nation. this is something that lavish have brought up with you as secretary of state antony blinking during negotiations in geneva. actually, let's take a listen to what happened. if you're special renewal in geneva, when blinkin, and i, when negotiating, i asked how they could explain the position according to which they consider the commitments adopted within the o. s. e. only as a menu from which they pick and choose only the items they find appetizing. what they have pledged to do in terms of the interests of others. they tried to ignore lincoln did not answer this question. he shrugged his shoulders. now loughborough statement actually doesn't come as that much of a surprise, actually. nato just already rejected outright and publicly moscow's proposals on wednesday. and that was shortly after an american ambassador, john sullivan, made a visit to moscow to the foreign ministry to deliver america's official response that came, by the way, 2 weeks after it was expected, russia filed these proposals back in mid december and were expecting and was expecting a response for a while now, and this is all the while that the u. s. continues to say that there, you know, for diplomacy, but only as only if russia stops of so called aggression. now, what this aggression is, we're not exactly sure, but that happens at the same time that nato continues to strengthen its military positions across russia's border. washington said that it's military advisors in ukraine will continue to stay there for the foreseeable future. and the u. k. n. u . s. continue to give weapons to ukraine. so of course we keep hearing this word, diplomacy from the west, but it seems like their actions are saying something completely different. among the reaction we got to the developments was from political analysts. thank you, helmer, he give us his taken lie, b u. s. as insisting on further nato expansion despite russia concerned, it disturbs the aim of, well. busy dominance and the world dominance is started by making a border between russia and germany and vessel states like the baltic states, poland nowadays, the ukraine and down they want more modo, of course, to, to join the nature puppet states, a club. and this would form a border that they can hint the new soap road or belt and road as a chinese called it from the land. why and couldn't germany or the german middle span to work together with russians. and therefore. busy even the north for him to pipeline is, is disturbing because it causes that germany can be energy in independence. and this is not in the interest of us and they to, because they want to keep germany blackmailing that the german politicians, even if that happens some accident and people who are not. so in line with the american politics are getting gaining power, but they can always blackmail them and keep them on the village. no one, washington stresses the need for diplomacy as the only way out of the crisis. some journalists in the u. s. are striking a more belligerent node, just buying time till they replaced to invade ukraine, making you jump through hoops like han, delivering written responses to questions that you, vance at time and time again. in the past. meanwhile, that the stabilizing ukraine from within the economy's crumbling. you're spending hundreds of millions of dollars showing them up. what point do you stop playing rushes game and take preemptive action? now? we can walk and chew gum at the same time, and that's very much what we've been doing. and while a number of journalists are seemingly in war mongering mode, others seem to have lost the plot altogether when it comes to ukraine. even name checking you f o's, sca taylor can spell out for us. they say you should be coo and a crisis on last your the media, in which case, why when you can become hysterical. so panic can sped and never mind the kremlin battle. the european bickering old boy didn't miss night cream, took off the warning about world war 3. after all, will never understand what goes on in his head. no. the media pundits one real scooped the boulder the better, the more outlandish, the better. like this random women and kids, they found just hanging out in a window, holding a don. i have never hunted in my life. i bought this carbon after listening to some soldiers discussing the best rifle to get if it comes stood, then we'll fight for key. if will fight to protect our city, i don't see any sense in the rush and starting a war and leaving cave alone. it's strange because usually the media is pro gun control. i guess it doesn't count a wash of the target. well, that's how bad the crisis is. the media says that housewives have what they're rugs for rifles. the thing is, marianna juggler is in fact a simple ukrainian woman from the territorial defense forces. her uniform is british, another fake story about militants whom western propaganda turns into anti russian freedom fighters. again, just like guns faking is as great when it's directed against the russians. i guess there's only a certain number of undercover housewives in ukraine. so the meat is happy to look elsewhere specifically at a map, and it's noticed that the quickest way from moscow to key f as a fire churn noble, making it the lowest, logical invasion route. also making russians pretty much the only willing visit possesses. well, 1986. the risk of a war for the spreading radiation seems minimal, but one object in the zone is particularly vulnerable and new $1700000000.00 stainless steel arch over the destroyed reactor. it was completed in 2016 to prevent the spread of highly radioactive dust. yeah, on route to the landscape office. the press things that putins troops might just topple. a giant radiation containing structure that we've more than 29000 tons. you know, for some like texas eyes and toxic exposure before the real piping starts talking about the real fighting. have you read the mirror recently? no. oh wow. so you have seen prudent, terrifying, optional, high tech support. while these include, i warn you, the positively fall raising power trooper dogs. i agree, it really doesn't look like that dog and the article photo signed up for regular sky diving. and that's because he did it and thought photo is all based, such and rescue dog. not one of the kremlin canines fabricated by the mirror. but if you craniums a, don't surrender at the sight of a flailing dog and harness the robot tightened. flying kalashnikov are ready as back up. the still firing a kalashnikov rifle with its own brain is still at the prototype stage and a pit recently it's an arm show it can identify targets and pull the trigger without the need for a human shooter. so protest dragging out the very latest innovations the special occasion. the thing is the ai collection call rifle has actually been around since 2017. the thing in the mirror, 5 entire fact checks and department of themes. never mind all this because the most disappointing thing about this entire crisis is the hooters probably black, the world will put a stop to travel, highly evolved extra terrestrials probably regard warfare as something the only primitive civilizations engaging. so the ukraine situation means we're unlikely to get an invitation to join the federation for the time being, quite frankly, who can blame the media driving the aliens and told us, because once they finish driving, this wild population to a nervous breakdown, they'll need some new readers for all of the welding, panic and dispatch that they've got a cookie. ah, the bad news keeps piling up for the british prime minister. now series of e mails have been leaked, suggesting boris johnson lied by his rule. in the evacuation of a plain load of counts and dogs from afghanistan during last summer's withdrawal. the animal rescue mission in question was run by a former british army officer who reportedly had links with curry johnson, the pm's wife. it happened when thousands of people desperate to flee, the telephone were being left behind, pets before people. that was the accusation some 6 months ago. it's resurfaced more recently now, but forrest johnson are he's denied that he actually approved the anecdote animals out of afghanistan at the time when cobble was falling to the taliban. cooling the claims total rhubarb, but it's all emerged yet again, according to some leaks. emails that have come to light, they said that the prime minister personally authorized the evacuation of course, morris johnson, has always denied it. and he's denying it again today. this whole thing is, is, is total revoke. it was an amazing thing to, to move 15000 people out of co bolden in the way that we did. i thought it was also additionally very good that we were able to help those bits. so the question now is, did the prime minister actually authorize pen farthings animals to get out of the country via a private chart to flight? according to these leagues a emails and was involving virgin atlantic and the prime minister's top a parliamentary aid. she told the adeline that she could actually secure a plane to evacuate these animals from cromwell, and they were actually backed by abhorrence, jose and the prime minister, uneven fost tracks. now foss trucks being a key line in that email, because it suggests that she could get a plane in and out of the country at a time when it was nigh on impossible. now, number 10 denies one of these claims. as does boris johnson, he calls it title nonsense that does the story really adds up at the time back in august of last year, the prime minister and then foreign secretary. they would know it to be seen. both of them were away on holiday leaving junior ministers and journals. it's junior civil 7th to pick up the pieces and deal with the crisis. the government has repeatedly been severely criticized and condemned for how it reacted when thousands of desperate people in afghanistan was scrambling to get out of the country. but the prime minister's biggest critics are saying his story doesn't tied up at all. forest johnson is unable to make the serious decisions that are needed. in this case, people were fleeing in terror as the taliban took over kabul and british forces were putting their lives at risk. the prime minister was once again prioritizing the wrong things and making the wrong calls this deming, revelation shows that boris johnson has once again repeatedly lied to the british people. this is not the man who is fit for office. so how does all of this come up now? well, right now, there's currently an investigation inquiry into how the government handle the crisis in afghanistan. but of course, it comes visa, the other investigations that burse johnson is embroiled in, particularly the su gray investigation. and the police investigation into allegations of downing street parties throughout the pandemic as we await the su gray findings burst. johnston's role as prime minister really does hang in balance . now, there are numerous schools across the political spectrum for him to give up and go . it's time for him to resign. they say his time really is up. meanwhile, in the polls, we see labor skipping ahead of the conservatives quite comfortably. now, plus, though, there are some serious concerns and serious worries at all of these scandals upon scandals. the bars johnson is finding himself in may affect the tories comfortable majority. so in a desperate bid to try and salvage and rectify all of this, some senior cabinet ministers, a coming out to warn or perhaps even threaten that the only way this is going to end up is in a general election. and if that were to happen, they say it be highly likely that the tourist could actually lose their seat. so what they're trying to now do is deter. 8 tore back benches from submitting these letters of no confidence in the prime minister as rumor has it. there are almost enough of those that is being submitted that could actually trigger a leadership context all in all really what they're saying force is back as a basically talent tore back benches. you must now back the prime minister because as far as johnson goes down, we'll well, as he just on this, we spoke with former british army officer trevor coal to served enough down less than he sees the latest scandal at number 10. it's just the distraction from the bigger issues. i think this is a bit of a smoke screen right now. we've got to remember that there's a lot of noise going around, a boat present on a boat, my own prime minister. yes, president. this is a smoke screen to try to hide what's. busy happening, catching dogs. no one gives a crop when need to start looking at the proper news. yes, the u. k. b to minutes are getting on like like rock winders? yes, we know how to write about. we've now got something to do to replace party get. no, we don't. we're throwing the stupid stories which don't have any problems whatsoever, right night. i do believe that the man saying that we should be doing it trying to preserve life. there is a possible conflict between both the russia on the u. k. we should be talking about robbing thompson dogs. we are going to lose pretty shoulders on russian blood, both and ukrainian border. and that's where we should be cockpit more, maybe a diplomatic approach rather than a military strike. so let's forget about cats and dogs and bars. johnson and party get the rest of which let's concentrate on trying to shield lives and stop people from being killed and assessment for now to a developing situation in central asia, at least one person has reportedly being killed and several injured in a cross border gunfire. situation between 2 jacobs some. curtis done border troops and both sides are accusing each other a firing the 1st shot. well, let's bring in our correspondence. danny armstrong, he's been following developments. hi tommy, things have been tense there for a while. now. take us through the latest s s for i you and it says flare up a violence on the border between the g. stan and kid just on the as reportedly left . at least one person dead and a handful of people injured. now this is just the latest flare up on the border. it reminds us of those clashes last year in april 2021 that left more than 50 people dead on the border between the 2. former soviet states is notoriously poorly demarcated and the slated incident fled reportedly, when a carful of touchy nationals blocks a highway connex to kid geese, cities. the also runs through to she can stand that when border forces from both sides arrived to quell the situation. a gun battle in shoot that lasted for around about an hour and just as it seemed, the violence was dying down at the sight. this is, according to a statement released by the national security committee, brought in heavy artillery, namely grenade launchers and more to show now that effectively broke the sci fi and led to that one death of a civilian that was reportedly killed by that mortar fire. now that has been some more civilian cars, not as serious a lot of people in localities near the border tonight doing without electricity, that has been evacuations, initiated of kids use nationals as excited, let. yet to make an official statement for one official has blamed, kicked his troops that were report, and his troops flying drones over it has heat, air space. now both countries are members of the c s t o that the collective security treaty organization, and c, s t o head stanislaus. i said he has called both governments and said that this violence must end immediately. of course c s c o. troops. i've been put on stand by, they are ready to be deployed as to the or the should be violent. escalate, of course, troops were deployed to cause extent just last month when the protest led to the desa some $225.00 people in cars extend truly. nobody would want a repeat of that. well, this is a story we're going to be following, bringing you up today here and see as it happens. yeah, thanks for taking us through all of our teeth down the armstrong, lebanon, still dealing with the fall of a massive explosion that hit bay root in the summer of 2020 killing at least 200 people. the causes were never fully established. and now it's emerge that a human rights watch investigator, looking into the tragedy as being spied on lama funky, was recently alerted. dr. eiffel may have been targeted by the notorious surveillance to pegasus. it's allows attackers full access to a phones, camera, microphone call logs, emails, text messages, and more. the company in charge of this spyware is, is really firm called, and s. so group, it's 2 has been the center of numerous hiking scandals involving the phones of journalists, activists, and politicians. the companies say, though it only sell spyware to governments in order to fight terrorism. crime. clearly my colleague research she spoke with lama funky, who claim she was targeted 5 times last year by the israeli spyware. to we didn't know that there is a framework in place which allows the sense of the tax to, to persist. there are no digital fingerprints. it would help us to, to point the finger and this is why we're really calling on stage to move forward and establishing. right. it's very framework for the tray is a balance technology to ensure that these types of attacks no longer take place. you were doing an investigation of the bay route explosion. this was august 2020. i think a lot of people may have forgotten about this. august 20 2200. 19 people died in that last of the pictures, looked like an atomic bomb went off right barrel all along. the waterway that the crater the devastation from what was allegedly applying to a storage of ammonia nitrite exploded that tell us about if you can quickly tell us about your investigation of the favorite explosions. you think maybe you upset the wrong people. so during the times of the attack between april and august of last year, i was working very intensively on an investigation to see wish that his government officials were culpable, were responsible for this last having taken place in this loss of life. and the devastating distraction that the explosion we have since published our findings and our work is not in this case and it's always been transparent. so you know, it is possible that these attacks were connected with this investigation. at the same time i was supervising were on a number of different crisis conflicts around the world. so again, it is very difficult to say which government was responsible and to understand even what data they may have taken and how they intend to use that data. these are all questions i still do not have answers for. how do you personally feel about this situation? miss fecky? i did you feel a sense of violation that your privacy has been intrude at all? of course, i mean my privacy, my family, that of my contact. you know, i honestly was shocked when i 1st learned that this attack had taken place and really filled with incentive address about again, what government has attacked me, what have they stolen? how do they intend to use that data? it really is overwhelming to consider. you know, our phones are really, you know, much more than the gateway to just so much. not particularly and times of code. and so to know that my device could really be use the gas names way to potentially try to undermine other people's right. the events are taking place around the world for international holocaust remembrance day. but while most nations are taking a unified stance against anti semitism, others are being accused of falsifying the atrocities of world war 2 years ortiz policy, or between 123319451 3rd of the jewish people were murdered by the nazi regime. and its collaborators. for the 1st time ever these ladies speak of parliament is in germany. we will address the buddhist. in hebrew. it comes a few days after the un general assembly adopted and is wally german proposal condemning holocaust, denial. the call times might be strengthening between israel and germany. this is not true for other countries, especially lithuania lawsuit, against the bonus government has been faulty. you n. it accuses the lithuanian government of falsifying the history of the holocaust . this is a case that relates to the distortion of history in lithuania, and in particular the glorification of certain nazi collaborators or agents in lithuania. so what we are doing now on behalf of the applicant who took the law suits in lithuania, is making a petition to the united nations human rights committee. and in deals with issues about their right to truths and about the protection against what we might call forms of defamation that are related to the denial of historical fact. they have tried very hard to change the narrative of world war 2 in the house was and i'll explain to you why only in eastern europe, that collaboration with the nazis include participation, a systematic mass market. you take a contract with wayne, you get 220000 jews live there under that jacket, patient 212000 were murdered. there were less than a 1000 germans in lithuania during the nazi occupation. and in 90 percent of those jews were shut, mere their homes and it was a very labor intensive operation. so how on earth could they murder 212000 jews? it's a if they didn't have help. such falsification of history and lithuania is nothing new. several monuments across the country pay tribute to another anti communist hero eunice, no rica that he was in fact a war criminal who was personally responsible for ordering the murder of thousands of lithuanian jews as corroborated by none other than his own granddaughter who investigated the official cover up by the vilnius government in her book, how i discovered my grandfather was a war criminal. while my grandfather's role in the holocaust has been painful enough to discover what has been equally painful was the discovery of the lithuanian government's denial of his role in the holocaust. this is the 10th stage of genocide denial that it ever happened. or we also heard from dully done on former permanent representative of israel to the united nations. he thinks after 77 years after i schmidt's denial of history is still widespread. i think we started to forget the lesson or good will to today remember the victims. we, we play the survivor and we remember that was used, but unfortunately, the longer we get from the events of the day that the red army actually entered the outfits and liberated the desk with the mall and they sent me to the mall, holocaust denial and more 8 crimes against jews all over the world, including the us and you. so we have to remind the world about the danger of those hate crimes and of course denial, and make sure that governments take action and then go to commit those crimes. and we have to take action. i call an dement from governments not only to declare and to speak. that's nice, that's important. but it's not enough. we demand with concrete action mainly that you cation, legislation and enforcement. severe punishment again though the coming taste plans time and moments for a fresh slice of the kaiser reports. we'll check in with maxim stacy right off the shortest print. ah ah.

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