Transcripts For RT News 20240708 :

Transcripts For RT News 20240708

was chaos in the heart of europe as a 5th stand often folds in brussels with anger, boiling over covey restrictions and government plans for a vaccine mandate. and going fast shells begin to empty, and canada is a supply chain. crisis chokes the country. it follows a cove with vaccine mandate aimed squarely at truck drivers. with are there you are great. have your company, you are watching auntie international. the white house is reportedly planning to send 50000 troops to eastern europe in the baltic states. the secretary of states also warned i will be a united response from washington and its european allies. if nato sees any aggressive news from the kremlin towards you, crime were prepared with europe for a swift and calibrated and very united response. the alliance is looking at very practical and important measures that it would take in the event for the russian aggression. now this comes as ukraine has received a 2nd shipment of u. s. military age. the 1st arrived the day before 90 tons of so called lethal aid . so part of a $200000000.00 additional arms package which president biden approved at the end of december. he made the move amid rising board attentions and continue speculation over russian invasion accusation. moscow has firmly rejected the beans on germany close out of washington and the nato member state is urging a different response to the crisis, exposing and the process divisions within the military alliance. we must reject aggression and avoid escalation. nobody wants a war in europe. in doing so, the territorial integrity and independence of ukraine under international law must be respected because new threats and ever tougher sanctions against russia alone cannot be the solution. on the one hand, because sanctions have had little effect for a long time. and on the other hand, because these new sanctions would often harm us just as much. or we heard marcus zoner speaking there. he isn't the only senior german politician who is urging against an all out attack against russia. we've also heard. busy from the german chancellor, all ap sholtes, who said that while germany remains committed to di, escalating the ongoing situation, berlin will not be sending weapons to ukraine. as it stands. schoultz said germany would be part of any type of an sanctions that we put in place. and had been part of the discussing what those sanctions would take the form of should there be any attack against ukraine from russia. but that's where it stood at the moment. but there was a huge turmoil here in germany over the weekend went on saturday evening. the head of the german navy stood down from his position. it came after video emerged of him speaking at a think tank in india just recently, and which he said that crimea belonged to russia. and the russian president vladimir putin deserved respect. i this only lucretia because he can do it. ah, it is easy to give him the respect he demands. and corey also deserves the crimea prince was, is gone. another combat, this is a, this is the fact i have just asked the federal minister of defense to release me from my duties as inspector of the navy with immediate effect. the foulest comments i made an indian security and military policy are increasingly weighing on my office in order to prevent further damage to the german navy. i consider this a necessary step. the federal minister has accepted my request elsewhere in europe, spain, ascending to war ships to the black sea. this is a sign that madrid wanting to get further involved in what's happening regarding ukraine. however, that move has caused splits between the government and the opposition in that country. local we is one of the signatories of this manifest. so and the bulk of those who made the formation of the current government possible. believe that firstly, spain has no place in this conflict. we are not interested in any worse. all this is a pro cation of the united states and nato in an attempt to reshape the world order in which they are losing influence. the us openly admits this is very important for its national security. so the u. s. and they to are escalating tensions. the united states and nato want on the one hand to control europe and on the other latin american literally crush. and everyone who questions the hegemony of the united states and the united states, and they to want to direct the resources of control europe and latin america to attack those whom they consider their main threat. in this whole story, neither spain or the e. u has any roma, our troops should not become cannon fodder for this most enormous machine of genocide in history for nato. elsewhere, the baltic states have been sending weaponry to ukraine. nuts, lithuania le, via undisturbed, yet we've seen, and that javelin anti tank missiles, as well as sting, an anti aircraft missiles being sent to ukraine, nuts with the blessing of the united states who manufactured those particular missiles. what we have seen though is an issue when it comes to estonia, wanting to send em, how it's an artillery pieces to ukraine. now, these particular how it says we're soviet era manufactured. they used to belong to the old east germany, one country having no such problems when it comes to sending weaponry to ukraine, is the united kingdom london being very key to get as much of its weaponry as it possibly can into the country. thousands upon thousands of anti tank weapons made their way from the united kingdom to ukraine over the last week, as well as the special forces troops needed to train people how to use those anti tank weapons. meanwhile, british media outlets are increasingly blaming russia for alleged aggression against ukraine. that's as the foreign office named a former ukraine, m p as a pro russian candidate that the criminal they say wants to replace the current president. moscow says those accusations are nonsense and it's accused the u. k. government of intentionally escalating tensions. auntie is donald quarter expense, a big claim from the british foreign office, but not a shred of evidence put forward to back it up at the end of its midnight embargo. the tale of an apparent russian plot to install a puppet government and key of made its way across british headlines. and some of its details were more than fishy enough to raise a few eyebrows. confusion over you. kate claimed that potent plants, coo and ukraine, foreign office claim of plot to install pro moscow government and cave comes with scant detail. it's unclear what means britain believes russia might use to install a friendly government in chief. the u. k. government made the claim based on an intelligence assessment without providing evidence to back it up. the u. k. foreign officers press release had more than a few inconsistencies take if danny mariah former ukrainian m. p, he cited as moscow's potential candidate to replace the current president vladimir zalinski, except more i of his, on russia's sanctions list on top of that, his party failed to even past the last parliamentary elections. 5 percent threshold . this guy is not exactly poised to take the country by storm and seizing his property. sure was an interesting way of appointing him head of the future occupation. you have made my evening. the british foreign office seems confused. i've been under russian sanctions since 2018 due to a conflict with victrum advert shook. my family's assets are frozen. there had the united kingdom secret services and foreign office can square that with russia supposedly wanting to make me the head of an occupation government. that's the question for mr. bean. london's not just spreading questionable stories about modern ukraine though the day before this story broke and added to the hysteria of russian invasion fantasies. the u. k. foreign secretary liz trusts, gave a speech praising ukraine for its resilience against invasions of the past. we urge president painted to desist and step back from ukraine before he makes a massive strategic mistake. ukraine is a proud country with a long history. they have known invading forces before from the mongols to the tosses. unfortunately for trust though, she also demonstrated a lack of understanding of the regions history. the mon goals and todd hers were one in the same invasion force, often referred to as the tar mom goal yoke. so when she says from one to the other, it's not exactly clear what's in between for russians. diplomats mistakes like that are both laughable and disturbing. comical as these are now is not the time for laughing. we're witnessing the actual professional level of people who alongside making absurd statements. a providing ukraine with lethal weapons, increasing their own military presence at russian borders and encouraging care to further undermine the minsk agreements. well, we have to look at the rec, all the officers intelligence services and how they the news we had the debacle about the iraqi was me to present or weapons of mass destruction where you had our mission challenge in services alleging that the syrians have chemical weapons when, in fact it resist less fundament, less than recently, we've had terrible at some of the withdrawal from i got astound, which are position, child to services, didn't very what was going on. and therefore, before the gratian to come. but you have to look to, you know, what is that she and versus interested in graduation tries to have in the, let's say, in the crime, or is it registered for us to have our mutual ukraine, which we had for 1991 to 2001 for it is in the self proclaimed republics in the dumbass region, claim k of hands deployed heavy rocket artillery of the border that says they say more than 100000 ukranian soldiers are currently stationed in the area villages and towns in the republics of done yet no guns could been show for years and the other side of the board with thousands of people killed. i can time to change that simply county. but there are times when i come to go to the shooting. if i'm next to my house fall on my way to school under a shot, i run home. if i'm near school, i can hide in a placement. you need more than i was born during a war and maybe i will die in the world. i don't know how to survive it, it's painful and insulting you go to bed and wonder whether your house be destroyed . ah . ready jewish there are no shells flying here and you walk carefully. you run the household. what else can we do? first again, every day they shed enough the heat in the village. i . people are suffering. many of them have been mentally caused by the fighting. my husband tried to join the military. my son died in 2015 in combat. ah, yes. fis. class shoes took place between protesters and police in belgium's capital. on sunday, around 50000 people took to the streets against fresh coven restrictions in the country. they've been brought in his belgium's infection, right, so currently spiking to never before seen highs with at least 15 people injured when seans turned violent. ah mm. with no, by committing to everybody. there was one with the other side that there is there to put to prove that we spoke with. people are angry about the class and the truth. we like to read about time. there is a lot of smokes everywhere. everybody do evacuation the board and the streets around a few minutes ago that there were a big glasses in between the police and people all were in black. there's still some people who are held by the police and i guess it's people who were thought of the profession, much of the anger and i was directed to the leadership with the crown rallying outside the european actions service building, equivalent of a foreign and defense ministry e u foreign policy chief, yes, at burrell, as an office that his windows were smashed braille wasn't in at the time, but he did later visit the site and condemned what he called the senseless destruction of violence. over the weekend, germany saw hundreds rally too, against restrictions, thus leasing wrong to be seen detaining protest this activity. so pushing ahead was done made vaccination mandatory with parliament that debate the issue the school friends also so pros. as soon as capital against the new vaccine pass coming into force today, it will be required to enter public places like the previous health by the next test will no longer be thanks. the mandates have been causing havoc the cost upon to with canada, hits by supply chain disruptions due to a shortage of truckers. this after a cobra vaccine mandate took effect, applied to drivers crossing to and from the united states, people flooded twitter with images of t shelves across canada. one m p though was quick to rebuff. claims such a supply crisis actually exist saying he's personally seeing no evidence of any shortages. not only is this picture not from canada, but i've been to grocery stores in my community and i've objectively observed no empty shelves. this is just another example of conservative misinformation and fear mongering for political gain. liberal members of parliament thing, there is no problem whatsoever. i went to a grocery store and look how been trying to plentiful it is. there's no pumpkins and i just had a retreat. images that my own brother sent me from ontario to be effective. who are you going to trust me or your own eyes? you can feel it everywhere. although from what i'm told, it's sort of worth outside of the big cities. in response to the mandate which prevents and banks and partially vac struck this crossing from the us into canada without a 14 day quarantine. hundreds of canadian drivers have begun. they so called freedom come boy, that's a journey from vancouver to alter in protest against the new rules. industry groups are saying the restriction is good for 16000 truckers off the roads with some even ready to quit their jobs. while there is reportedly a modest optic of drivers getting vaccinated, at some companies, there are substantial reports of higher than normal turnover, and others declaring their intention to leave the industry over the impending mandate at the border. the canadian transport minister defended the measures saying the biggest threat to our supply chain is covered. that is why we created the vaccine mandate for truckers, but david fry hi to get him believe the mandate is only going to triple the supply chain. 2 years into this we you know they have not imposed a mandate on truckers, they were essential workers. they were the heroes of the road for whatever minority of them don't get vaccinated and i don't know exactly what that number is. they have a pretty solitary profession to begin with. and so to pretend that the and that it's the vaccine mandate that are going to save the supply chain as opposed to actually cripple it. it's intellectual dishonesty if not overt dishonesty because even if you're double vaccinated and you get sick because you could still contract the virus, we know that you still have to isolate, even if you're double vaccinated as a trucker and become exposed, you still have to isolate lift the measures protect the vulnerable and let the healthy live a free and productive life, and maintain the very infrastructure that we need to deal with any crisis. not even this one. and just a quick reminder that the world health organization says cove it 19 vaccines are a vital tool and the fight to and the global pandemic. china's biggest video game. 3rd, 10, sent tons introduce some strict limit some playing time for children. it's enforcing them as well. with the facial recognition system under these new rules subscribers, aist under 18, can play for a maximum of 14 hours during the winter holidays from january to bit february on fridays saturdays and sundays. game time is limited to just one hour the evening. the move follows new guidelines coming from the chinese government aimed at tackling child addiction to video games. other firms all following suit, but so fall 10 cent is the only one to enforce the rules with facial recognition. it's an issue we discussed with a panel of guests differential recognition as up acknowledge she is a silent technology which is coming into our life. we don't experience, for example, a lot of mental health, but because because of the fact that the calming silently, that's a major problem in china, this is perfectly acceptable and contextually to society and the societal norms. people operate by everyone is quite happy with the system and in a way, thankful to it because that's enabled them to prosper. problem is that those gamers are miners. so the, you really think those miners care or even understand fully why they're recreational restriction exists. so the problem is, should be shipped to their parents for the solution that the govern, for example, is providing to these should be tailored to the parents which eventually perform decision making over their children and not to, to give me companies. the more i look at it in the cultural context of china, all 10 same, the company that's doing this and how families operate in china. i understand that this is actually very beneficial and well accepted. why they might decrease the amount of hours spent playing on a specific online platform. for example, you think those mar, to millennial playing games. so want to find an alternative. for example, they can stop waiting on a block from line to go to another one with another identity. for example, if they're really ones that big you find that comes to music provide to you the restrictions may be more realistic in western markets. but knowing the chinese market and what 10 st is as a business would make this really, really difficult if you are a chinese national 10 cent is a company that owns multiple social networks. but more importantly, the chinese super cold we chat, which is a non governmental form of identification, but also identity clearance for banking and financial services. and chat is the key part that $0.10 is using for the monitoring of minors and controlling their activity. it is one of the most advanced air defense systems in the world, protecting cities on their inhabitants from air strikes, but huge secrecy surrounds versus s 400 system. until now, ne, corresponding mulish up of all of a went to the factory where it's highly classified missiles are produced to be given irregularity of the technology behind. ah, have you ever seen how to add chrome guided missiles for rushes? renowned as 400 triumph ad defense complexes are assembled. let's take a look right now and they haven't gone factory here in moscow oven. god is one of the world's oldest manufacturers of anti aircraft missile weapons. in january 2022, it turns 18. it's appeared in the most difficult days for the country during the great patriotic war. manufacturing long range on to aircraft guided missiles requires a massive production facility, and there are several dozen watch shots that haven't gone, but most of them are secret. even secret, but we're trying to find uncovered bailed secrecy. the s 400 complexes are supplies to the russian army and exported as part of military technical corporation with foreign countries. upon from bio like china, india and tacky. there is a whole list of countries that are not announced which are queued for the as for hundreds, make the complicated so unique. the answer is they've gone in the cells. sofa is due to over 50000 people involved in creation of the defense missiles and missile flies. 20 seconds. but it takes 20 months to build. we are at the forgery and press a show here where for forging of where it's still noise as wanted. he was, it says and tight stadium handle, it is carried out. all the other parts of the missile will have to with mechanical satellites, meaning it has to be rated durable possibly come to the home of the michelle is one of the steering mechanisms of reduce here. is gas dynamic and ira dynamic flood is will have to operate at extremely temperatures. so the alloy composition is given wait attention. the next section is web of gas dynamic. that, that bill to been sold in the steering compartments leave and you know, so they have an important part is when the missile the jacks from the launch mechanism, these runners will deflect. the stream is away from the missile, knows it's incentive in the direction on august. second, on to that light towards the target point to be high speed with control function by higher a dynamic leaders in the field to aircraft missile systems on russia and the united states, the f 100 and patriot advanced systems on the most famous developments of the countries in this area, the s 400 trying beats all existing air defense systems, hands down, it's operational range is 400 kilometers and it can detect any targets at a distance of up to 600 kilometers a trunk, some tricks that fly with maximum speed of 17.3 kilometers per hour, or 4.8 meters per 2nd, meaning they can intercept hypersonic weapons. the s 400 consumer tenea it targets up to 8 airborne targets. and simultaneously trunk up to $160.00 targets. we are now entering the most sacred workshop of the oven gone country. we're literally no journalist ever set foot arkansas. the at times are just as portions you were at the assembly side to the evan god factory. this is really the holy of holies of i enterprise because the process of creating a miss all is completed here. miss all is rolled into the transport and launch container. here are the transport launch container has a unique design with a catapult inside. little the catapult is peerless worldwide to me when he watches its uniqueness. since we mentioned it, i'm out of order that i can. so it allows the missile with outsourcing the engine to go to the start and launch already in the air was to wilson gloves. and most importantly, the purpose of the transport launch container is to store the message for many, many years. we do not know way in the world. these missiles will protect people from asked strikes, but at the oven got plans that assured us that their missiles always hit precisely on target. and we'll just reason breaking usa just come in a moment to go before we depart. sir. the news is that it's been announced. nato sending additional fighter jets and ships to eastern europe due to the situation around russia and ukraine. nato saying they fear a russian invasion of ukraine, that news has been confirmed. it actually has appeared on the nato alliance is official website will bring you more on that story. when i return the top of the hour, tuesday with our t more news coming your way in just 30. ah! now when i was sure seemed wrong. when i'll just don't hold me, you will. yes, to see power is the because the advocate and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves world support. we choose to look for common ground. ah bring you the very latest every hour the day. this is all now snow phone. everyone had home with their may or may it, we should all be may or may, we should all be angry because a was more, all right. can understand united states history, understand the role that slavery play is already a very formal institution at a time. united states became a nation, it actually find the nation. the rise of capitalism is clearly on the backs of flight, and it's laid down. if you had investigated lynching any great extent. you can't believe a country. and country still stands in brick. i'm from the south. everybody know, know what they're saying. to some extent, i would argue that we're still fighting the civil war in the south is winning in this guy. he's drunk, you know, come out here and back needs, right. just to put a space ship deal out here. i gotta be drank in some kind of bad whiskey or so it's tricky. but i guess he's got enough money to do it. whatever he wants to do. he's 80 at the money to play the game with probably 10 miles out of town highway. $62.00 war lady is 45 miles and they own so. oh they don't want anything out about this and trash but she have to have the key or to get in the amount is 19876.

Related Keywords

Arkansas , United States , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Roma , Lazio , Italy , United Kingdom , Washington , Vancouver , British Columbia , Canada , Madrid , Spain , China , Syria , Kremlin , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , London , City Of , Ukraine , Germany , Iraq , Estonia , India , Minsk , Belarus General , Belarus , Lithuania , Berlin , America , Canadian , Chinese , Russian , Syrians , Britain , East Germany , Ukrainian , Iraqi , Soviet , German , British , Russians , Baltic States , Danny Mariah ,

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Transcripts For RT News 20240708 :

Transcripts For RT News 20240708

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was chaos in the heart of europe as a 5th stand often folds in brussels with anger, boiling over covey restrictions and government plans for a vaccine mandate. and going fast shells begin to empty, and canada is a supply chain. crisis chokes the country. it follows a cove with vaccine mandate aimed squarely at truck drivers. with are there you are great. have your company, you are watching auntie international. the white house is reportedly planning to send 50000 troops to eastern europe in the baltic states. the secretary of states also warned i will be a united response from washington and its european allies. if nato sees any aggressive news from the kremlin towards you, crime were prepared with europe for a swift and calibrated and very united response. the alliance is looking at very practical and important measures that it would take in the event for the russian aggression. now this comes as ukraine has received a 2nd shipment of u. s. military age. the 1st arrived the day before 90 tons of so called lethal aid . so part of a $200000000.00 additional arms package which president biden approved at the end of december. he made the move amid rising board attentions and continue speculation over russian invasion accusation. moscow has firmly rejected the beans on germany close out of washington and the nato member state is urging a different response to the crisis, exposing and the process divisions within the military alliance. we must reject aggression and avoid escalation. nobody wants a war in europe. in doing so, the territorial integrity and independence of ukraine under international law must be respected because new threats and ever tougher sanctions against russia alone cannot be the solution. on the one hand, because sanctions have had little effect for a long time. and on the other hand, because these new sanctions would often harm us just as much. or we heard marcus zoner speaking there. he isn't the only senior german politician who is urging against an all out attack against russia. we've also heard. busy from the german chancellor, all ap sholtes, who said that while germany remains committed to di, escalating the ongoing situation, berlin will not be sending weapons to ukraine. as it stands. schoultz said germany would be part of any type of an sanctions that we put in place. and had been part of the discussing what those sanctions would take the form of should there be any attack against ukraine from russia. but that's where it stood at the moment. but there was a huge turmoil here in germany over the weekend went on saturday evening. the head of the german navy stood down from his position. it came after video emerged of him speaking at a think tank in india just recently, and which he said that crimea belonged to russia. and the russian president vladimir putin deserved respect. i this only lucretia because he can do it. ah, it is easy to give him the respect he demands. and corey also deserves the crimea prince was, is gone. another combat, this is a, this is the fact i have just asked the federal minister of defense to release me from my duties as inspector of the navy with immediate effect. the foulest comments i made an indian security and military policy are increasingly weighing on my office in order to prevent further damage to the german navy. i consider this a necessary step. the federal minister has accepted my request elsewhere in europe, spain, ascending to war ships to the black sea. this is a sign that madrid wanting to get further involved in what's happening regarding ukraine. however, that move has caused splits between the government and the opposition in that country. local we is one of the signatories of this manifest. so and the bulk of those who made the formation of the current government possible. believe that firstly, spain has no place in this conflict. we are not interested in any worse. all this is a pro cation of the united states and nato in an attempt to reshape the world order in which they are losing influence. the us openly admits this is very important for its national security. so the u. s. and they to are escalating tensions. the united states and nato want on the one hand to control europe and on the other latin american literally crush. and everyone who questions the hegemony of the united states and the united states, and they to want to direct the resources of control europe and latin america to attack those whom they consider their main threat. in this whole story, neither spain or the e. u has any roma, our troops should not become cannon fodder for this most enormous machine of genocide in history for nato. elsewhere, the baltic states have been sending weaponry to ukraine. nuts, lithuania le, via undisturbed, yet we've seen, and that javelin anti tank missiles, as well as sting, an anti aircraft missiles being sent to ukraine, nuts with the blessing of the united states who manufactured those particular missiles. what we have seen though is an issue when it comes to estonia, wanting to send em, how it's an artillery pieces to ukraine. now, these particular how it says we're soviet era manufactured. they used to belong to the old east germany, one country having no such problems when it comes to sending weaponry to ukraine, is the united kingdom london being very key to get as much of its weaponry as it possibly can into the country. thousands upon thousands of anti tank weapons made their way from the united kingdom to ukraine over the last week, as well as the special forces troops needed to train people how to use those anti tank weapons. meanwhile, british media outlets are increasingly blaming russia for alleged aggression against ukraine. that's as the foreign office named a former ukraine, m p as a pro russian candidate that the criminal they say wants to replace the current president. moscow says those accusations are nonsense and it's accused the u. k. government of intentionally escalating tensions. auntie is donald quarter expense, a big claim from the british foreign office, but not a shred of evidence put forward to back it up at the end of its midnight embargo. the tale of an apparent russian plot to install a puppet government and key of made its way across british headlines. and some of its details were more than fishy enough to raise a few eyebrows. confusion over you. kate claimed that potent plants, coo and ukraine, foreign office claim of plot to install pro moscow government and cave comes with scant detail. it's unclear what means britain believes russia might use to install a friendly government in chief. the u. k. government made the claim based on an intelligence assessment without providing evidence to back it up. the u. k. foreign officers press release had more than a few inconsistencies take if danny mariah former ukrainian m. p, he cited as moscow's potential candidate to replace the current president vladimir zalinski, except more i of his, on russia's sanctions list on top of that, his party failed to even past the last parliamentary elections. 5 percent threshold . this guy is not exactly poised to take the country by storm and seizing his property. sure was an interesting way of appointing him head of the future occupation. you have made my evening. the british foreign office seems confused. i've been under russian sanctions since 2018 due to a conflict with victrum advert shook. my family's assets are frozen. there had the united kingdom secret services and foreign office can square that with russia supposedly wanting to make me the head of an occupation government. that's the question for mr. bean. london's not just spreading questionable stories about modern ukraine though the day before this story broke and added to the hysteria of russian invasion fantasies. the u. k. foreign secretary liz trusts, gave a speech praising ukraine for its resilience against invasions of the past. we urge president painted to desist and step back from ukraine before he makes a massive strategic mistake. ukraine is a proud country with a long history. they have known invading forces before from the mongols to the tosses. unfortunately for trust though, she also demonstrated a lack of understanding of the regions history. the mon goals and todd hers were one in the same invasion force, often referred to as the tar mom goal yoke. so when she says from one to the other, it's not exactly clear what's in between for russians. diplomats mistakes like that are both laughable and disturbing. comical as these are now is not the time for laughing. we're witnessing the actual professional level of people who alongside making absurd statements. a providing ukraine with lethal weapons, increasing their own military presence at russian borders and encouraging care to further undermine the minsk agreements. well, we have to look at the rec, all the officers intelligence services and how they the news we had the debacle about the iraqi was me to present or weapons of mass destruction where you had our mission challenge in services alleging that the syrians have chemical weapons when, in fact it resist less fundament, less than recently, we've had terrible at some of the withdrawal from i got astound, which are position, child to services, didn't very what was going on. and therefore, before the gratian to come. but you have to look to, you know, what is that she and versus interested in graduation tries to have in the, let's say, in the crime, or is it registered for us to have our mutual ukraine, which we had for 1991 to 2001 for it is in the self proclaimed republics in the dumbass region, claim k of hands deployed heavy rocket artillery of the border that says they say more than 100000 ukranian soldiers are currently stationed in the area villages and towns in the republics of done yet no guns could been show for years and the other side of the board with thousands of people killed. i can time to change that simply county. but there are times when i come to go to the shooting. if i'm next to my house fall on my way to school under a shot, i run home. if i'm near school, i can hide in a placement. you need more than i was born during a war and maybe i will die in the world. i don't know how to survive it, it's painful and insulting you go to bed and wonder whether your house be destroyed . ah . ready jewish there are no shells flying here and you walk carefully. you run the household. what else can we do? first again, every day they shed enough the heat in the village. i . people are suffering. many of them have been mentally caused by the fighting. my husband tried to join the military. my son died in 2015 in combat. ah, yes. fis. class shoes took place between protesters and police in belgium's capital. on sunday, around 50000 people took to the streets against fresh coven restrictions in the country. they've been brought in his belgium's infection, right, so currently spiking to never before seen highs with at least 15 people injured when seans turned violent. ah mm. with no, by committing to everybody. there was one with the other side that there is there to put to prove that we spoke with. people are angry about the class and the truth. we like to read about time. there is a lot of smokes everywhere. everybody do evacuation the board and the streets around a few minutes ago that there were a big glasses in between the police and people all were in black. there's still some people who are held by the police and i guess it's people who were thought of the profession, much of the anger and i was directed to the leadership with the crown rallying outside the european actions service building, equivalent of a foreign and defense ministry e u foreign policy chief, yes, at burrell, as an office that his windows were smashed braille wasn't in at the time, but he did later visit the site and condemned what he called the senseless destruction of violence. over the weekend, germany saw hundreds rally too, against restrictions, thus leasing wrong to be seen detaining protest this activity. so pushing ahead was done made vaccination mandatory with parliament that debate the issue the school friends also so pros. as soon as capital against the new vaccine pass coming into force today, it will be required to enter public places like the previous health by the next test will no longer be thanks. the mandates have been causing havoc the cost upon to with canada, hits by supply chain disruptions due to a shortage of truckers. this after a cobra vaccine mandate took effect, applied to drivers crossing to and from the united states, people flooded twitter with images of t shelves across canada. one m p though was quick to rebuff. claims such a supply crisis actually exist saying he's personally seeing no evidence of any shortages. not only is this picture not from canada, but i've been to grocery stores in my community and i've objectively observed no empty shelves. this is just another example of conservative misinformation and fear mongering for political gain. liberal members of parliament thing, there is no problem whatsoever. i went to a grocery store and look how been trying to plentiful it is. there's no pumpkins and i just had a retreat. images that my own brother sent me from ontario to be effective. who are you going to trust me or your own eyes? you can feel it everywhere. although from what i'm told, it's sort of worth outside of the big cities. in response to the mandate which prevents and banks and partially vac struck this crossing from the us into canada without a 14 day quarantine. hundreds of canadian drivers have begun. they so called freedom come boy, that's a journey from vancouver to alter in protest against the new rules. industry groups are saying the restriction is good for 16000 truckers off the roads with some even ready to quit their jobs. while there is reportedly a modest optic of drivers getting vaccinated, at some companies, there are substantial reports of higher than normal turnover, and others declaring their intention to leave the industry over the impending mandate at the border. the canadian transport minister defended the measures saying the biggest threat to our supply chain is covered. that is why we created the vaccine mandate for truckers, but david fry hi to get him believe the mandate is only going to triple the supply chain. 2 years into this we you know they have not imposed a mandate on truckers, they were essential workers. they were the heroes of the road for whatever minority of them don't get vaccinated and i don't know exactly what that number is. they have a pretty solitary profession to begin with. and so to pretend that the and that it's the vaccine mandate that are going to save the supply chain as opposed to actually cripple it. it's intellectual dishonesty if not overt dishonesty because even if you're double vaccinated and you get sick because you could still contract the virus, we know that you still have to isolate, even if you're double vaccinated as a trucker and become exposed, you still have to isolate lift the measures protect the vulnerable and let the healthy live a free and productive life, and maintain the very infrastructure that we need to deal with any crisis. not even this one. and just a quick reminder that the world health organization says cove it 19 vaccines are a vital tool and the fight to and the global pandemic. china's biggest video game. 3rd, 10, sent tons introduce some strict limit some playing time for children. it's enforcing them as well. with the facial recognition system under these new rules subscribers, aist under 18, can play for a maximum of 14 hours during the winter holidays from january to bit february on fridays saturdays and sundays. game time is limited to just one hour the evening. the move follows new guidelines coming from the chinese government aimed at tackling child addiction to video games. other firms all following suit, but so fall 10 cent is the only one to enforce the rules with facial recognition. it's an issue we discussed with a panel of guests differential recognition as up acknowledge she is a silent technology which is coming into our life. we don't experience, for example, a lot of mental health, but because because of the fact that the calming silently, that's a major problem in china, this is perfectly acceptable and contextually to society and the societal norms. people operate by everyone is quite happy with the system and in a way, thankful to it because that's enabled them to prosper. problem is that those gamers are miners. so the, you really think those miners care or even understand fully why they're recreational restriction exists. so the problem is, should be shipped to their parents for the solution that the govern, for example, is providing to these should be tailored to the parents which eventually perform decision making over their children and not to, to give me companies. the more i look at it in the cultural context of china, all 10 same, the company that's doing this and how families operate in china. i understand that this is actually very beneficial and well accepted. why they might decrease the amount of hours spent playing on a specific online platform. for example, you think those mar, to millennial playing games. so want to find an alternative. for example, they can stop waiting on a block from line to go to another one with another identity. for example, if they're really ones that big you find that comes to music provide to you the restrictions may be more realistic in western markets. but knowing the chinese market and what 10 st is as a business would make this really, really difficult if you are a chinese national 10 cent is a company that owns multiple social networks. but more importantly, the chinese super cold we chat, which is a non governmental form of identification, but also identity clearance for banking and financial services. and chat is the key part that $0.10 is using for the monitoring of minors and controlling their activity. it is one of the most advanced air defense systems in the world, protecting cities on their inhabitants from air strikes, but huge secrecy surrounds versus s 400 system. until now, ne, corresponding mulish up of all of a went to the factory where it's highly classified missiles are produced to be given irregularity of the technology behind. ah, have you ever seen how to add chrome guided missiles for rushes? renowned as 400 triumph ad defense complexes are assembled. let's take a look right now and they haven't gone factory here in moscow oven. god is one of the world's oldest manufacturers of anti aircraft missile weapons. in january 2022, it turns 18. it's appeared in the most difficult days for the country during the great patriotic war. manufacturing long range on to aircraft guided missiles requires a massive production facility, and there are several dozen watch shots that haven't gone, but most of them are secret. even secret, but we're trying to find uncovered bailed secrecy. the s 400 complexes are supplies to the russian army and exported as part of military technical corporation with foreign countries. upon from bio like china, india and tacky. there is a whole list of countries that are not announced which are queued for the as for hundreds, make the complicated so unique. the answer is they've gone in the cells. sofa is due to over 50000 people involved in creation of the defense missiles and missile flies. 20 seconds. but it takes 20 months to build. we are at the forgery and press a show here where for forging of where it's still noise as wanted. he was, it says and tight stadium handle, it is carried out. all the other parts of the missile will have to with mechanical satellites, meaning it has to be rated durable possibly come to the home of the michelle is one of the steering mechanisms of reduce here. is gas dynamic and ira dynamic flood is will have to operate at extremely temperatures. so the alloy composition is given wait attention. the next section is web of gas dynamic. that, that bill to been sold in the steering compartments leave and you know, so they have an important part is when the missile the jacks from the launch mechanism, these runners will deflect. the stream is away from the missile, knows it's incentive in the direction on august. second, on to that light towards the target point to be high speed with control function by higher a dynamic leaders in the field to aircraft missile systems on russia and the united states, the f 100 and patriot advanced systems on the most famous developments of the countries in this area, the s 400 trying beats all existing air defense systems, hands down, it's operational range is 400 kilometers and it can detect any targets at a distance of up to 600 kilometers a trunk, some tricks that fly with maximum speed of 17.3 kilometers per hour, or 4.8 meters per 2nd, meaning they can intercept hypersonic weapons. the s 400 consumer tenea it targets up to 8 airborne targets. and simultaneously trunk up to $160.00 targets. we are now entering the most sacred workshop of the oven gone country. we're literally no journalist ever set foot arkansas. the at times are just as portions you were at the assembly side to the evan god factory. this is really the holy of holies of i enterprise because the process of creating a miss all is completed here. miss all is rolled into the transport and launch container. here are the transport launch container has a unique design with a catapult inside. little the catapult is peerless worldwide to me when he watches its uniqueness. since we mentioned it, i'm out of order that i can. so it allows the missile with outsourcing the engine to go to the start and launch already in the air was to wilson gloves. and most importantly, the purpose of the transport launch container is to store the message for many, many years. we do not know way in the world. these missiles will protect people from asked strikes, but at the oven got plans that assured us that their missiles always hit precisely on target. and we'll just reason breaking usa just come in a moment to go before we depart. sir. the news is that it's been announced. nato sending additional fighter jets and ships to eastern europe due to the situation around russia and ukraine. nato saying they fear a russian invasion of ukraine, that news has been confirmed. it actually has appeared on the nato alliance is official website will bring you more on that story. when i return the top of the hour, tuesday with our t more news coming your way in just 30. ah! now when i was sure seemed wrong. when i'll just don't hold me, you will. yes, to see power is the because the advocate and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves world support. we choose to look for common ground. ah bring you the very latest every hour the day. this is all now snow phone. everyone had home with their may or may it, we should all be may or may, we should all be angry because a was more, all right. can understand united states history, understand the role that slavery play is already a very formal institution at a time. united states became a nation, it actually find the nation. the rise of capitalism is clearly on the backs of flight, and it's laid down. if you had investigated lynching any great extent. you can't believe a country. and country still stands in brick. i'm from the south. everybody know, know what they're saying. to some extent, i would argue that we're still fighting the civil war in the south is winning in this guy. he's drunk, you know, come out here and back needs, right. just to put a space ship deal out here. i gotta be drank in some kind of bad whiskey or so it's tricky. but i guess he's got enough money to do it. whatever he wants to do. he's 80 at the money to play the game with probably 10 miles out of town highway. $62.00 war lady is 45 miles and they own so. oh they don't want anything out about this and trash but she have to have the key or to get in the amount is 19876.

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