Transcripts For RT News 20240709 :

Transcripts For RT News 20240709

pandemic. while much of the global population struggling to get access to even basic coded fighting health care. we hear from a director of the chair and in france, a presidential candidate is find thousands of euros for comments deemed hate speech . eric, the more himself claims he has become the victim of political injustice. adding that court should be cleared of ideology. ah, what getting live direct from our studios in moscow? this is archie international, and i'm john thomas. certainly glad to help you with our now france is leading europe once again in terms of daily covey case loads, clocking up more than 270000 infections in 24 hours. the figures come as anger over the micron government's new vaccination pass was vented across paris. the . the pictures don't quite show it, but sundays protests saw thousands hit the streets. it came right after the national assembly gave its blessing to the so named vaccination pass. it will mean only those who are fully jobs will be allowed access to things like restaurants and cinemas. it replaces the current less strict health pass system under which a negative test was sufficient. and it is not only france that has seen unrest over covered restrictions in the last few days. there have been major flare ups in the netherlands, greece and germany as well. ah ah ah, it's been a record breaking 24 hours in germany and not in a good way when you look at the 7 day indices, that's the the number of infections of coven 19 per 100000 of the population. it's past 515 nationally. if you look at things locally in berlin, it's close to $1000.00 per 100000 of the population vol. so seen the bond as fair as the german military say that they're going to implement disciplinary action against it's serving members who refuse to get their vaccinations. there are some cases that have already been opened in relation to that. there's also a number of new rules that have come into play in berlin. if you're riding any of the german capitals, public transportation. you're going to have to have an f, f p to mask covering your nose and mouth. that's a much more substantial face covering than a normal surgical mask. also, if you're riding that public transportation to any event, which they'll be more than 10 people at, well, that event will be covered by the to g plus rule. what that means is that if you're going there, you need to be vaccinated, recovered and be able to show a negative test that was taken within the last 24 hours, or that you've had a booster vaccine shot. if you're under 14 years of age, none of that matters because you're not covered by any of those particular rules. however, those people who run the hospitality industry in the german capital say not enough as being done to keep them afloat financially, while everything seems to be done to try and keep bars and restaurants open at least in some fall. the earnest of his i'd earns emptied both on this place and september 2018. we worked, providing people not only with food services, but we also have cultural events, bernice and celebrations for our neighbors. the last to years haven't been as one of them to be. we're definitely demand on the money of tourists. previously, we had groups of them even people's from france, england and spain. i know now is dried up the same as the number of birthday celebrations and events, especially with elderly people. this is samara refused to wave of cancellation, coupled with kristen has been cancelled, but definitely feel the impact of it. and absolutely want to receive more financial support because we have no more chance of being left standing. it's not just in germany that new rules are coming into play on monday. if you're in greece and you're over 60 and you're not vaccinated. well, you're going to get a 100, you ro fine. in fact, you're going to get that 100 euro fine. every month until you get vaccinated it all schools are also getting underway again in greece. on monday, on friday though, students were extremely unhappy with the ministry of education that building being pelted with missiles by children saying that they wanted substantial protection against cove at 19, in, at the measures that were being put in place. which is not enough to do that. those who were attending that protest said they wanted schools to reopen, but they needed to reopen in a manner that was safe from the virus. in austria, over the weekend, we saw another saturday of demonstration, thousands of people on the streets of vienna. people extremely unhappy with the measures that the austrian government have taken when it comes to its trying to fight against coven 19 leaf business owners. old us that the measures that have been taken by vienna taking them pretty much to the wall general de la. it's definitely extremely sad. we had to remain shut down for half a year during the last long locked down, filling all the required applications for subsidies. coffee money requires the help of tax consultants and every new lockdown. new applications, new subsidies. it's exhausting. sometimes help comes extremely late, some people and upon the rocks, after all of it, himself syracusa, i applied for financial support during the 1st wave, but my application wasn't even onset. i think they've just been overloaded, been a count, worked as an excuse, but i think it was just like that just in following waves. i received help but received it with a delay and it wasn't very clear what amount of money i could count on his been very hard, very hard to plan. any thing. i'll staying in austria coll niana. the austrian chancellor has confirmed that his government is pushing ahead with its plan to introduce mandatory vaccination at the beginning of february. it's a controversial plan which is drawing a lot of criticism from a small section of the austrian population. it's also a plan that's being watched very closely by a number of other european countries, including here in germany, to see how it plays out. but across europe, nations are taking a number of very different causes when it comes to them trying to snuff out this latest wave of coven 19 with omicron taking hold world wide countries such as denmark have begun, administering a 4th vaccine spokesperson for the world health organization talked to us through the latest developments and what's in front of us. ah, well, what we see leaks is, is a critical increase in number of concessions around the world. and as we see on current becoming a dominant variance, we have seen in one week 50000000 newly faction, which is the absolute director, is the beginning of that many contributing decrease from the previous week. so the sheer number of infections will bring more people to hospitals, even though one crew may prove less your disease, then don't previous variance, but these numbers are low. we will need more pressure on how system. so it is very dangerous situations. the countries are trying to find the best way to, to reduce the risk of transmission. we know what needs to be done. so we hope that people will not be in a box, and they will be boxed and they can become effective. mostly those who have not have their primary series of like sees the countries are basically looking. ready into how we can completely understand the government. so trying to find the ways to balance the public health side of the story and public oh benefits . i don't get this nice socially for money issues. so you need to do that. however, we are trying to see why my current is having different periods or shutting of the virus period than previous parents don't study if we need some time for the time being. being offered 10 days, the isolation, fortune to the cases 2 weeks current time woke up. now these 2 weeks current, kennedy tucked down with the appropriate where are the master, the senior equity and this is still a problem. again, who says boosters may come for extra benefits and we are looking into data now. and that is very much possible. that's why we want to how to prevent dec delegation. the biggest benefit is the primary. don't want to make sure everybody's with us cooling. the primary workstation is being available to everyone around the world. british prime minister boys johnson's popularity has hit an all time low over a so called party gates, scandal is dominating the u. k. media with a string of revelations about boozy get together at downing street. it has put johnson in damage control by the hiring. several staffers for allegedly breaking down. meanwhile, his ministers are seemingly trying to shift the narrative with some magic new policy, putting solutions to the migrant health of hair extra funding and the policy britain we will television life for the make. in addition, forest johnson is promising to lift coven restrictions a policy getting considerable public support. but come the, the n h f says is currently under extreme pressure due to the macro wave reports of downing street shindig. have caused widespread anger in the u. k. happening at the height of the 2020 locked down when people were even barred from attending funerals of their loved ones. on that latter point, ellis tustin greeted or crated or rather, excuse me, a campaign group name's not numbers. he founded it after being unable to pay last respects to his grandfather that happened in the 1st wave. so it was sunday masjid, i didn't get to, you know, i stayed in london dressed and my best suit and how soon are by myself. and it's interesting to note on a day that the prime minister was having wine fridays, the funeral, there's only about 4 people that yeah, it was very rough. no way. it could've been easy for many people that could have been easy for me. it can view it easy when i want to try more normal flight this concept the got a hard job so you need for why and he saw the job and he needs to hit the ball with resign my lease. and if, if this is the idea of leading by serious the already wrong approach of thought, the state of the country at the moment, the leaders giving us rules that we do are you in stand by whereas they come out. meanwhile, party gate isn't just a headache. for the tories, a photo has emerged showing the leader of the u. k. opposition drinking beer with staff during the 2021 spring lockdown. although tier stormer insists he did nothing wrong, and unlike the pm, is refusing to apologize. just days before the election, we've been very busy working in the office. we stopped for something to eat and then we carried on working no party, no breach of the rules, and absolutely no comparison with the prime minister. it, members of the ruling, conservative party don't buy that argument, however, and choose him of hypocrisy. that's after storm or ridicule the prime minister in parliament for the way he justified a downing street after work. bash says to says that he didn't realize he was at a party. ah, it is so ridiculous that is actually offensive to the prayer with the whole country was locked down. he was posting boozy, parted in town. express is he now going to take a decent thing and resign? earlier we spoke with radio host john gaunt. he thinks politicians on both sides are absolutely failing to live by example. but anyway, the country needs to focus on more pressing issues was a smell. it's the stench of hypocrisy. obviously he wasn't doing what a lot support staff seemed to be enduring avenue, right. booze up in garden. but he was inside the house. he was drinking beer and his excuse that they were having a chinese and therefore his work meal is frankly ludicrous. these politicians are all the same. they make the rules and they want to act in a certain way. but they don't want the rules to apply to them, but there are many other things. now we need to move on. things like assuring inflation that the job losses that are going to be around the corner. let's talk about the migrant problem as well at dover. let's talk about law and order they, they're the things that the british public now won't boris to get on top of the wealth of the world's top 10 richest people has doubled during the pandemic. that's as the poor continue to suffer due to a lack of treatment and vaccines. those are the findings of a new report by the oxfam, charity, called inequality. he kills which claims policy choices by governments are skewed in favor of the one percent. the well for the world's 10 riches men has doubled to the pandemic began the incomes of 99 percent of humanity, a worse off because of coven, 19 widening, economic gender, and racial inequalities, as well as the inequality that exists between countries. a, tearing our world apart. this is not by chance, but choice. economic violence is perpetrated when structural policy choices are made for the richest and most powerful people. this causes direct com to us all the time they make has really expose been a call. it is and fuel them, so ok, some have been tracking billionaire wells for some time and of course the full list shows that it has been growing over the last 40 years. but over the last 2 years it's been really exponential. so we call it a billionaire bonanza. and at the other end of the spectrum, of course, for 99 percent of humanity. it's been a very, very difficult time. and most people are worse off as a result of that. and then make, of course, more than a 160000000 people have fallen into poverty during this time. and it's in a moment when you can see the difference is really showing very, very starkly. we can't cor success when there is such disparity, that at one end of the spectrum, you have people who have more wilson, they can spend in several lifetime, and the other we have people struggling to pay their next health bill or, or not knowing where the next meal is coming from having such a level of disparity affects everyone, even the wealthiest, because you know it's a sign of an unhealthy state of affairs, of a unhealthy society that needs addressing. and one of those key drivers for equality has been vaccine access to vaccines. so the difference between rich and poor countries has grown the inequality. so and the forest countries in africa and generally only 10 percent of the population has had his 1st course of vaccination. so that means that they still and they're taking much longer for their coverage with a response and their recovery from the economic downturn. which means that unfortunately the train is set wide. and if we don't act ahead of the 2022 us mid term elections, the democrats are facing many challenges with half of the respondents and recent polls. feeling frustrated and disappointed with job biden's presidency. that's as cases of the new omicron variance surge and inflation remain sky high or to kill him up and comments and who survey from gallop shows that americans party affiliation has shifted by 14 points. and this is just as the country is facing, the lead up to the mid term elections of 2022. now according to these polls, this is the largest shift in party affiliation. in such a timeframe that has been seen census data was being collected starting in 1991. now gallop also found the jo biden's approval ratings have significantly nose dived in recent months. now c, b s took another poll and it showed that 40 percent of respondents said that biden's presidency made them feel nervous. survey also showed a bleak outlook among americans with 73 percent saying that they feel things in the united states are somewhat or very bad in a general sense. now, biden's numbers continue to remain low and the army kron variant continues to serge across the united states. people complain about high inflation, the economic situation in general, and the recovery of the country from the pandemic. but biden does. busy not seem to think so. america's the only leading economy, the world were household incomes and the economy as a whole, are stronger than they were before the pandemic. much predicted crisis didn't occur . packages are moving. gifts are being delivered. shelves are not empty. now, across the united states, polls indicate that americans are upset about the economy, immigration race relations, the rising rate of crime inflation as well as the rising coven numbers. but even among democrats, there is confusion about their own policy. clearly the current strategies failing, and we need a major course correction. it seems like the democrats can't get out of their own way. the democrats have got to do a better job of being clear on what they're trying to do. at this point, things don't look good for democrats as the country prepares for the mid term vote taking place in november of 2022. later this year. at this point, the democrats appear that they may face some very big losses when americans go to the polls. in right wing presidential candidate in france has been fined at 10000 euros after a court found him guilty of hate speech. erickson moore has rejected the ruling calling you to crack down on free speech. we once an end to this system which every day tightens the noose on the freedom of expression and democratic debate. this system manufactures the crime of opinion on industrial scale. there is an urgent need to drive ideology out of the courts. justice must become justice again. well, that certainly how eric seymour would see this. he is the bad boy of french politics, particularly as we head into that presidential election in just a few months. he's now been slapped down once again. so what did he say that was at so exclusive hearing france? well, when he was speaking on that show back in september of 2020, he was talking about unaccompanied miners. so children who come here illegally and many of which are living on the streets in france, particularly here in paris, and he described them as being thieves as killers and as rapists. now those comments were seized on by number of organizations who made a complaint, and of course, it's now gone all the way through the courts. eric's in war has been reacting to that decision by the court to find him 10000 euros, saying that what this is, his condemnation of free spirit at by a judicial system which he is described as being invaded by idealogues objectively to once again, i am the object and the victim of political justice that i'm condemned for incitement for complicity in the incident. but the complexity of the formula used is too much to understand. i know that these immigrants like unaccompanied children and not a race in arizona. well, eric seymour also says he stands by his comments and he is due to appeal that fine by the court. and then he went on to say that from his perspective, that the majority of st mobile phones after it took place here in fonts, were being carried out by these unaccompanied miners. he says he's also got a really busy legal agenda at the moment and he said that's because they, when he means they, he means the ruling elite or trying to demonize him to try and silence him. however, there was other reaction to that decision by the court on monday, and this came from the lawyer who represented the 30 or so organizations that originally filed a complaint against what he said. if it's more, it's definitely an important decision because we want him to understand that we want acceptor, we need him to understand that there are human rights defenders. there are anti racist. we need him to know that we will stand up against a political project aimed at destroying the legacy of the french revolution and the enlightenment, iraq. now, it's not the 1st time that zer moore has been convicted of hate speech. in fact, he's been convicted of this twice before, and there have been around 16 investigations into incendiary remarks that he's made particular topics such as immigration and on islam. he has plenty to say about both of those subjects. now whether you agree or disagree with this and was views, what is absolutely clear, cannot be disputed, is the fact that when he discusses topics, it is something that becomes an explosive debate here in faults. and people pay attention. and as a result of that, when he announced his candidacy for the presidential election, i just, a few months ago he surged in the polls automatically and what his voice is done, whether you like the contribution or not it's pushed the debate towards right wing agendas and some would say that that he's even pushed present mack on his traditionally like to be part of the center debate to the right with policies that he's made and policies he will be campaigning on in this election. so this is an election that is going to afford pretty much exclusively on right wing issues, and that is partly due to voices like eric some more. at no doubt, his support has dipped since he 1st came on to the waves and said, i want to be the president. but the reality is he is shaking up the political debate here in france. and he is certainly a voice that we will hear a lot of in the next few months. berlin has condemned you plans to re brand gas and nuclear energy as green fuels. germany's economic and environmental ministers didn't hold back when offering their thoughts. labeling nuclear energy as sustainable is wrong, given it's high risk technology. this is more than worrying. i find it completely wrong that the european commission is intending to classify nuclear energy as a sustainable economic activity. a form of energy that on one hand can lead to devastating environmental disasters. and on the other hand, leave is behind large amounts of dangerous highly radioactive waste cannot be sustainable. the statements come after the european commission published a draft proposal, which suggests classifying gas and nuclear as climate friendly energy sources. it has gained momentum, thanks to natural gas, hyper inflation and energy prices hitting homes and industry across the continent. the commission justify the proposal by claiming it would actually aid the uses, desire to go green. the activities covered in this complementary delegated act would accelerate the phase out of more hopeful sources, such as co and in moving us towards a more low carbon, greener energy mix, chairman of a local alternative for germany branch. rayner ross 1st says the country's economy actually needs nuclear energy. nuclear power is a vital source of energy for our country for the years to come. because what we don't need and what all the germans fear is the complete disruption of the n s. she prohibition system with the danger of black out it's, i would say a matter of ideology, much of the public view on this topic depends of course on media. i would say painting off the topic nuclear power plants have been dealt as an environmental problem for quite some time. and the only solution for the energy transition has been well seen and shown, and propagated in renewable energy. but more and more people seem to understand that the transition aims to 100 percent renewable energy cheese will not be able to meet 32 minutes. that's when i will be back with another full and specialization is this is our international law when i would chose the wrong one old fool just don't rule out the same because the after an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves, well the part we choose to look so common ground in join me every thursday on the alex salmon show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politics sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then in ah, ah hello and welcome to crossed out. were all things are considered. i'm peter level. there are many reports, us intelligence warns of a russian false flag operation to provoke an invasion of ukraine to those of us who are skeptical this sure sounds like still another weapons of mass destruction. conspiracy theory also, how bad could things get? ah, to discuss these issues and more i'm joined by my guest, maxine should golf. he's director of the center for advanced american studies at moscow state institute of international relations. and we also have dmitri barbara, she is a political analyst and editor. it interests me. internet media project for a gentleman cross stock rolls in effect, that means he can jump in any time you want. and i always appreciated. i was going to maxine 1st of max, you know, in lieu of my introduction here, i'd like to read some of the words from the national security advisor, jake sullivan. he said, russia is laying the groundwork to have the option of fabricating a pretext for an invasion, including to sabotage activities and information operations by accusing by accusing a grain of preparing an imminent attack against russian forces in eastern ukraine. how do you replied that? because my introduction, i also mentioned weapons of mass destruction. 2003 go ahead. met, right? well, as were, remember, president putin promised to quote unquote, military technical response should be in nature. we know pale to address the proposals unsecure, to guarantees that the russian delegation put forward in geneva. and i think there is a lot of focus on the military component in that phrase, in the western media. but because there is a lot of us on.

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United States , Dover , Kent , United Kingdom , Paris , France General , France , China , Austria , Russia , London , City Of , Ukraine , Germany , Arizona , Iraq , Denmark , Samara , Samarskaya Oblast , Geneva , Genè , Switzerland , Vienna , Wien , Spain , Berlin , Greece , Americans , America , French , Chinese , British , German , Russian , Austrian , Germans , American , Jake Sullivan , Erickson Moore , Jo Biden , Ellis Tustin , Eric Seymour , Dmitri Barbara , John Thomas , Rayner Ross ,

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Transcripts For RT News 20240709 :

Transcripts For RT News 20240709

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pandemic. while much of the global population struggling to get access to even basic coded fighting health care. we hear from a director of the chair and in france, a presidential candidate is find thousands of euros for comments deemed hate speech . eric, the more himself claims he has become the victim of political injustice. adding that court should be cleared of ideology. ah, what getting live direct from our studios in moscow? this is archie international, and i'm john thomas. certainly glad to help you with our now france is leading europe once again in terms of daily covey case loads, clocking up more than 270000 infections in 24 hours. the figures come as anger over the micron government's new vaccination pass was vented across paris. the . the pictures don't quite show it, but sundays protests saw thousands hit the streets. it came right after the national assembly gave its blessing to the so named vaccination pass. it will mean only those who are fully jobs will be allowed access to things like restaurants and cinemas. it replaces the current less strict health pass system under which a negative test was sufficient. and it is not only france that has seen unrest over covered restrictions in the last few days. there have been major flare ups in the netherlands, greece and germany as well. ah ah ah, it's been a record breaking 24 hours in germany and not in a good way when you look at the 7 day indices, that's the the number of infections of coven 19 per 100000 of the population. it's past 515 nationally. if you look at things locally in berlin, it's close to $1000.00 per 100000 of the population vol. so seen the bond as fair as the german military say that they're going to implement disciplinary action against it's serving members who refuse to get their vaccinations. there are some cases that have already been opened in relation to that. there's also a number of new rules that have come into play in berlin. if you're riding any of the german capitals, public transportation. you're going to have to have an f, f p to mask covering your nose and mouth. that's a much more substantial face covering than a normal surgical mask. also, if you're riding that public transportation to any event, which they'll be more than 10 people at, well, that event will be covered by the to g plus rule. what that means is that if you're going there, you need to be vaccinated, recovered and be able to show a negative test that was taken within the last 24 hours, or that you've had a booster vaccine shot. if you're under 14 years of age, none of that matters because you're not covered by any of those particular rules. however, those people who run the hospitality industry in the german capital say not enough as being done to keep them afloat financially, while everything seems to be done to try and keep bars and restaurants open at least in some fall. the earnest of his i'd earns emptied both on this place and september 2018. we worked, providing people not only with food services, but we also have cultural events, bernice and celebrations for our neighbors. the last to years haven't been as one of them to be. we're definitely demand on the money of tourists. previously, we had groups of them even people's from france, england and spain. i know now is dried up the same as the number of birthday celebrations and events, especially with elderly people. this is samara refused to wave of cancellation, coupled with kristen has been cancelled, but definitely feel the impact of it. and absolutely want to receive more financial support because we have no more chance of being left standing. it's not just in germany that new rules are coming into play on monday. if you're in greece and you're over 60 and you're not vaccinated. well, you're going to get a 100, you ro fine. in fact, you're going to get that 100 euro fine. every month until you get vaccinated it all schools are also getting underway again in greece. on monday, on friday though, students were extremely unhappy with the ministry of education that building being pelted with missiles by children saying that they wanted substantial protection against cove at 19, in, at the measures that were being put in place. which is not enough to do that. those who were attending that protest said they wanted schools to reopen, but they needed to reopen in a manner that was safe from the virus. in austria, over the weekend, we saw another saturday of demonstration, thousands of people on the streets of vienna. people extremely unhappy with the measures that the austrian government have taken when it comes to its trying to fight against coven 19 leaf business owners. old us that the measures that have been taken by vienna taking them pretty much to the wall general de la. it's definitely extremely sad. we had to remain shut down for half a year during the last long locked down, filling all the required applications for subsidies. coffee money requires the help of tax consultants and every new lockdown. new applications, new subsidies. it's exhausting. sometimes help comes extremely late, some people and upon the rocks, after all of it, himself syracusa, i applied for financial support during the 1st wave, but my application wasn't even onset. i think they've just been overloaded, been a count, worked as an excuse, but i think it was just like that just in following waves. i received help but received it with a delay and it wasn't very clear what amount of money i could count on his been very hard, very hard to plan. any thing. i'll staying in austria coll niana. the austrian chancellor has confirmed that his government is pushing ahead with its plan to introduce mandatory vaccination at the beginning of february. it's a controversial plan which is drawing a lot of criticism from a small section of the austrian population. it's also a plan that's being watched very closely by a number of other european countries, including here in germany, to see how it plays out. but across europe, nations are taking a number of very different causes when it comes to them trying to snuff out this latest wave of coven 19 with omicron taking hold world wide countries such as denmark have begun, administering a 4th vaccine spokesperson for the world health organization talked to us through the latest developments and what's in front of us. ah, well, what we see leaks is, is a critical increase in number of concessions around the world. and as we see on current becoming a dominant variance, we have seen in one week 50000000 newly faction, which is the absolute director, is the beginning of that many contributing decrease from the previous week. so the sheer number of infections will bring more people to hospitals, even though one crew may prove less your disease, then don't previous variance, but these numbers are low. we will need more pressure on how system. so it is very dangerous situations. the countries are trying to find the best way to, to reduce the risk of transmission. we know what needs to be done. so we hope that people will not be in a box, and they will be boxed and they can become effective. mostly those who have not have their primary series of like sees the countries are basically looking. ready into how we can completely understand the government. so trying to find the ways to balance the public health side of the story and public oh benefits . i don't get this nice socially for money issues. so you need to do that. however, we are trying to see why my current is having different periods or shutting of the virus period than previous parents don't study if we need some time for the time being. being offered 10 days, the isolation, fortune to the cases 2 weeks current time woke up. now these 2 weeks current, kennedy tucked down with the appropriate where are the master, the senior equity and this is still a problem. again, who says boosters may come for extra benefits and we are looking into data now. and that is very much possible. that's why we want to how to prevent dec delegation. the biggest benefit is the primary. don't want to make sure everybody's with us cooling. the primary workstation is being available to everyone around the world. british prime minister boys johnson's popularity has hit an all time low over a so called party gates, scandal is dominating the u. k. media with a string of revelations about boozy get together at downing street. it has put johnson in damage control by the hiring. several staffers for allegedly breaking down. meanwhile, his ministers are seemingly trying to shift the narrative with some magic new policy, putting solutions to the migrant health of hair extra funding and the policy britain we will television life for the make. in addition, forest johnson is promising to lift coven restrictions a policy getting considerable public support. but come the, the n h f says is currently under extreme pressure due to the macro wave reports of downing street shindig. have caused widespread anger in the u. k. happening at the height of the 2020 locked down when people were even barred from attending funerals of their loved ones. on that latter point, ellis tustin greeted or crated or rather, excuse me, a campaign group name's not numbers. he founded it after being unable to pay last respects to his grandfather that happened in the 1st wave. so it was sunday masjid, i didn't get to, you know, i stayed in london dressed and my best suit and how soon are by myself. and it's interesting to note on a day that the prime minister was having wine fridays, the funeral, there's only about 4 people that yeah, it was very rough. no way. it could've been easy for many people that could have been easy for me. it can view it easy when i want to try more normal flight this concept the got a hard job so you need for why and he saw the job and he needs to hit the ball with resign my lease. and if, if this is the idea of leading by serious the already wrong approach of thought, the state of the country at the moment, the leaders giving us rules that we do are you in stand by whereas they come out. meanwhile, party gate isn't just a headache. for the tories, a photo has emerged showing the leader of the u. k. opposition drinking beer with staff during the 2021 spring lockdown. although tier stormer insists he did nothing wrong, and unlike the pm, is refusing to apologize. just days before the election, we've been very busy working in the office. we stopped for something to eat and then we carried on working no party, no breach of the rules, and absolutely no comparison with the prime minister. it, members of the ruling, conservative party don't buy that argument, however, and choose him of hypocrisy. that's after storm or ridicule the prime minister in parliament for the way he justified a downing street after work. bash says to says that he didn't realize he was at a party. ah, it is so ridiculous that is actually offensive to the prayer with the whole country was locked down. he was posting boozy, parted in town. express is he now going to take a decent thing and resign? earlier we spoke with radio host john gaunt. he thinks politicians on both sides are absolutely failing to live by example. but anyway, the country needs to focus on more pressing issues was a smell. it's the stench of hypocrisy. obviously he wasn't doing what a lot support staff seemed to be enduring avenue, right. booze up in garden. but he was inside the house. he was drinking beer and his excuse that they were having a chinese and therefore his work meal is frankly ludicrous. these politicians are all the same. they make the rules and they want to act in a certain way. but they don't want the rules to apply to them, but there are many other things. now we need to move on. things like assuring inflation that the job losses that are going to be around the corner. let's talk about the migrant problem as well at dover. let's talk about law and order they, they're the things that the british public now won't boris to get on top of the wealth of the world's top 10 richest people has doubled during the pandemic. that's as the poor continue to suffer due to a lack of treatment and vaccines. those are the findings of a new report by the oxfam, charity, called inequality. he kills which claims policy choices by governments are skewed in favor of the one percent. the well for the world's 10 riches men has doubled to the pandemic began the incomes of 99 percent of humanity, a worse off because of coven, 19 widening, economic gender, and racial inequalities, as well as the inequality that exists between countries. a, tearing our world apart. this is not by chance, but choice. economic violence is perpetrated when structural policy choices are made for the richest and most powerful people. this causes direct com to us all the time they make has really expose been a call. it is and fuel them, so ok, some have been tracking billionaire wells for some time and of course the full list shows that it has been growing over the last 40 years. but over the last 2 years it's been really exponential. so we call it a billionaire bonanza. and at the other end of the spectrum, of course, for 99 percent of humanity. it's been a very, very difficult time. and most people are worse off as a result of that. and then make, of course, more than a 160000000 people have fallen into poverty during this time. and it's in a moment when you can see the difference is really showing very, very starkly. we can't cor success when there is such disparity, that at one end of the spectrum, you have people who have more wilson, they can spend in several lifetime, and the other we have people struggling to pay their next health bill or, or not knowing where the next meal is coming from having such a level of disparity affects everyone, even the wealthiest, because you know it's a sign of an unhealthy state of affairs, of a unhealthy society that needs addressing. and one of those key drivers for equality has been vaccine access to vaccines. so the difference between rich and poor countries has grown the inequality. so and the forest countries in africa and generally only 10 percent of the population has had his 1st course of vaccination. so that means that they still and they're taking much longer for their coverage with a response and their recovery from the economic downturn. which means that unfortunately the train is set wide. and if we don't act ahead of the 2022 us mid term elections, the democrats are facing many challenges with half of the respondents and recent polls. feeling frustrated and disappointed with job biden's presidency. that's as cases of the new omicron variance surge and inflation remain sky high or to kill him up and comments and who survey from gallop shows that americans party affiliation has shifted by 14 points. and this is just as the country is facing, the lead up to the mid term elections of 2022. now according to these polls, this is the largest shift in party affiliation. in such a timeframe that has been seen census data was being collected starting in 1991. now gallop also found the jo biden's approval ratings have significantly nose dived in recent months. now c, b s took another poll and it showed that 40 percent of respondents said that biden's presidency made them feel nervous. survey also showed a bleak outlook among americans with 73 percent saying that they feel things in the united states are somewhat or very bad in a general sense. now, biden's numbers continue to remain low and the army kron variant continues to serge across the united states. people complain about high inflation, the economic situation in general, and the recovery of the country from the pandemic. but biden does. busy not seem to think so. america's the only leading economy, the world were household incomes and the economy as a whole, are stronger than they were before the pandemic. much predicted crisis didn't occur . packages are moving. gifts are being delivered. shelves are not empty. now, across the united states, polls indicate that americans are upset about the economy, immigration race relations, the rising rate of crime inflation as well as the rising coven numbers. but even among democrats, there is confusion about their own policy. clearly the current strategies failing, and we need a major course correction. it seems like the democrats can't get out of their own way. the democrats have got to do a better job of being clear on what they're trying to do. at this point, things don't look good for democrats as the country prepares for the mid term vote taking place in november of 2022. later this year. at this point, the democrats appear that they may face some very big losses when americans go to the polls. in right wing presidential candidate in france has been fined at 10000 euros after a court found him guilty of hate speech. erickson moore has rejected the ruling calling you to crack down on free speech. we once an end to this system which every day tightens the noose on the freedom of expression and democratic debate. this system manufactures the crime of opinion on industrial scale. there is an urgent need to drive ideology out of the courts. justice must become justice again. well, that certainly how eric seymour would see this. he is the bad boy of french politics, particularly as we head into that presidential election in just a few months. he's now been slapped down once again. so what did he say that was at so exclusive hearing france? well, when he was speaking on that show back in september of 2020, he was talking about unaccompanied miners. so children who come here illegally and many of which are living on the streets in france, particularly here in paris, and he described them as being thieves as killers and as rapists. now those comments were seized on by number of organizations who made a complaint, and of course, it's now gone all the way through the courts. eric's in war has been reacting to that decision by the court to find him 10000 euros, saying that what this is, his condemnation of free spirit at by a judicial system which he is described as being invaded by idealogues objectively to once again, i am the object and the victim of political justice that i'm condemned for incitement for complicity in the incident. but the complexity of the formula used is too much to understand. i know that these immigrants like unaccompanied children and not a race in arizona. well, eric seymour also says he stands by his comments and he is due to appeal that fine by the court. and then he went on to say that from his perspective, that the majority of st mobile phones after it took place here in fonts, were being carried out by these unaccompanied miners. he says he's also got a really busy legal agenda at the moment and he said that's because they, when he means they, he means the ruling elite or trying to demonize him to try and silence him. however, there was other reaction to that decision by the court on monday, and this came from the lawyer who represented the 30 or so organizations that originally filed a complaint against what he said. if it's more, it's definitely an important decision because we want him to understand that we want acceptor, we need him to understand that there are human rights defenders. there are anti racist. we need him to know that we will stand up against a political project aimed at destroying the legacy of the french revolution and the enlightenment, iraq. now, it's not the 1st time that zer moore has been convicted of hate speech. in fact, he's been convicted of this twice before, and there have been around 16 investigations into incendiary remarks that he's made particular topics such as immigration and on islam. he has plenty to say about both of those subjects. now whether you agree or disagree with this and was views, what is absolutely clear, cannot be disputed, is the fact that when he discusses topics, it is something that becomes an explosive debate here in faults. and people pay attention. and as a result of that, when he announced his candidacy for the presidential election, i just, a few months ago he surged in the polls automatically and what his voice is done, whether you like the contribution or not it's pushed the debate towards right wing agendas and some would say that that he's even pushed present mack on his traditionally like to be part of the center debate to the right with policies that he's made and policies he will be campaigning on in this election. so this is an election that is going to afford pretty much exclusively on right wing issues, and that is partly due to voices like eric some more. at no doubt, his support has dipped since he 1st came on to the waves and said, i want to be the president. but the reality is he is shaking up the political debate here in france. and he is certainly a voice that we will hear a lot of in the next few months. berlin has condemned you plans to re brand gas and nuclear energy as green fuels. germany's economic and environmental ministers didn't hold back when offering their thoughts. labeling nuclear energy as sustainable is wrong, given it's high risk technology. this is more than worrying. i find it completely wrong that the european commission is intending to classify nuclear energy as a sustainable economic activity. a form of energy that on one hand can lead to devastating environmental disasters. and on the other hand, leave is behind large amounts of dangerous highly radioactive waste cannot be sustainable. the statements come after the european commission published a draft proposal, which suggests classifying gas and nuclear as climate friendly energy sources. it has gained momentum, thanks to natural gas, hyper inflation and energy prices hitting homes and industry across the continent. the commission justify the proposal by claiming it would actually aid the uses, desire to go green. the activities covered in this complementary delegated act would accelerate the phase out of more hopeful sources, such as co and in moving us towards a more low carbon, greener energy mix, chairman of a local alternative for germany branch. rayner ross 1st says the country's economy actually needs nuclear energy. nuclear power is a vital source of energy for our country for the years to come. because what we don't need and what all the germans fear is the complete disruption of the n s. she prohibition system with the danger of black out it's, i would say a matter of ideology, much of the public view on this topic depends of course on media. i would say painting off the topic nuclear power plants have been dealt as an environmental problem for quite some time. and the only solution for the energy transition has been well seen and shown, and propagated in renewable energy. but more and more people seem to understand that the transition aims to 100 percent renewable energy cheese will not be able to meet 32 minutes. that's when i will be back with another full and specialization is this is our international law when i would chose the wrong one old fool just don't rule out the same because the after an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves, well the part we choose to look so common ground in join me every thursday on the alex salmon show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politics sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then in ah, ah hello and welcome to crossed out. were all things are considered. i'm peter level. there are many reports, us intelligence warns of a russian false flag operation to provoke an invasion of ukraine to those of us who are skeptical this sure sounds like still another weapons of mass destruction. conspiracy theory also, how bad could things get? ah, to discuss these issues and more i'm joined by my guest, maxine should golf. he's director of the center for advanced american studies at moscow state institute of international relations. and we also have dmitri barbara, she is a political analyst and editor. it interests me. internet media project for a gentleman cross stock rolls in effect, that means he can jump in any time you want. and i always appreciated. i was going to maxine 1st of max, you know, in lieu of my introduction here, i'd like to read some of the words from the national security advisor, jake sullivan. he said, russia is laying the groundwork to have the option of fabricating a pretext for an invasion, including to sabotage activities and information operations by accusing by accusing a grain of preparing an imminent attack against russian forces in eastern ukraine. how do you replied that? because my introduction, i also mentioned weapons of mass destruction. 2003 go ahead. met, right? well, as were, remember, president putin promised to quote unquote, military technical response should be in nature. we know pale to address the proposals unsecure, to guarantees that the russian delegation put forward in geneva. and i think there is a lot of focus on the military component in that phrase, in the western media. but because there is a lot of us on.

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