Transcripts For RT Documentary 20240709 :

Transcripts For RT Documentary 20240709

i didn't know who i was anymore. i didn't know what i believed anymore. i didn't know my purpose anymore. i almost kill myself with a 9 millimeters 6 p 2266, our german law enforcement weapon. and the only reason i don't is because of him. like he said, he just wants to, you want to go for a walk. and i'm sitting there with the guy in my hand and i'm ready to do it. and he's just like, dad, let's go for what, let's go for walk. i'm going to go for one. 0 i . ready and if you want to check out more stories on how the war on terrorism, and i've gone on, impacted people's lives, you can go check out on heard voices project available on our website simply had to auntie dot com. and that brings you brought it to the thanks so much for your company. i will be returning with our updated headlights in just on the half. and i see that ah, a girl i wanted to do that. this is our central proud support donna gonna call them right now. so stopped with my little go. i did a started york, i need to go to the one i shared with me on the why levels can you get there? are or do you work with she chest, your few minutes where to me a small and i'm going to be coming back. sam again, i will post more time it again. well do them and many of what it has that has a penny. while one would have made mostly a flight for them to begin with their school and it doesn't show okay, good. i fully approved and you must have support proposal from list of little capacity with support. farms don't be able to post mission where no boards don't down the my me and thought i more deal with them even way or that would be of which and i look sound that was, i should mitigate the shadow. i wish that i was in the garage and the way we should be up on my team. a sick day with sunlight, with spotwood will go to retire for a new york youth talking to miss mitchell with tricycle and mr. child disney on the zillow, floyd, you then each one in, by name, a tube quickly problem. so, so because there's a tumult, you've got got a talk when you don't, you don't want to put a real to you but it suits it. other than just be standards based simon doesn't premium pennyman, doug. joanna, more sports, can we sit on our dream? well, probably not in this because she will just be turning. 6 the co cobra, so not creeped up with a stick with what we thought he called in a cross line. but the, with this, with a lot of the system for the work, but it near the battle lot system with so put up with just horrible. no, not worse for your procedure. was incident to switch the food with bob bottle, meanwhile, scuttled him junior, was more than yelled at, the department was threatening yet that if you can schedule a william your becky a new we're the we're still use for something really a this type of oh machine. if they can go, can you bring in my own my meant that unified voice video, isn't it us the source of thought or the pretty solid massage, or with net? if so, a lot of will be listening to city and you had the hill and i also feel good with cathy. she'll wake up in my lap and ended up to put that in matlab. would be like helen babu lake and i can model phone no idea a can eat a analicia the only that's going to be a couple of you have to have them on a on the financing and off potential. my daughter, i need to live with shewn up motion to skip the just keep looking. you seem way, douglas, to see with our book one slip issue. so foot seek dunlab the cause which took the image per hour now. so i knew what the preface, cinder name or lee, and have them again, somebody that didn't have the la quinta, at molina, i'm in san jose race blair, with what was going on in my dorm, is probably me a lot of that island had play on your right, the pro, 50 or later hamilton has a back to with if you can do it, the blue or so composite, i walk under cargo fit. social's throw up even is what did you, what i should need? garment, woodland, your chest, missional, categories. michelle for ammonia. lucy carouse now. i want to push the book out now, but on the yakobelli watched your capitulate beer was to barbara. so as brother customer, your son, you see a book with glossy. she's like young sibley milady grass. maybe you're this guy came in the mid week. she was not really caught up rosalyn stanley, the shuttle check and see, excuse me. ok, see bond there, bill. if they keep it your music, i'm going to put slash eat store. i mean, you, she, pistol, your that brought us that i, you cobra these to put the warriors to coaches, cartesian, we bought 3 2nd executed you chunky took unusual. is your, an insurance deal is your, to your model. it does any discrete, it's usually what when you're built on the other quote used to put almost a note, the grotesque if that korean, the grotesque at the should be door. why forgot it. so gordon of i need a key keith, i'm no longer supposed to call them prior was though given us kilogram number just in the reason. yeah. so that was some, some he said you was not close to population forgot. recovery of a new for if something vital r v as a mass at the senior. because i says for the long, if you could just corner you were still with them. if you get in there, but school with a bound up, i'm going, it was in the chicago little dog, the snicker biscuits officially studious. i won't proceed via email of my senior. so will you get a more i'm going to conduct ask awkward, see alone, what l z h and the choice that boom log of your current that is clinical when will moustache around the the key? well pro switching nicely. there was talk with the guys in chase, chase the at the does the flame it that i did see me when i could that he let me what i can be. i can cough and you know that he is a 3rd one that he minion has a, a f, a l m a n, and janet. and he has an asthma and jennifer about it is tyler. let's see a little bit. i hate having to do that, even a shot were customer lee and saw a normal p a and model for a sort of deal with a one with a truck the my, my dad, i work in the lobby, the seller is that in a d, a d we handle a send them money and then that will come from i'm a bit missed in miss shit. i would love to help them and hopefully i'm miserable in the witness. well, in order to get to share their mortgage, get that well. so hopefully actual like if you could, she hadn't had a hagar kill molecular. ok, so how to kill him? be any my last for lack of a me look to find had, typically became will who show i shut them will come them to the method, the deductible belief. i get up on the entertainment in the front and i'm gossiping. she'll be be hanging head of a little bit of in that middle isn't michael, but a photo can, can you let me move in with ne, a fift ticket? the what when, when bill would have, if you have an appointment, let me get you booked up for me to get me dealing with just you know that my goal is to ensure that which one of the of the code is on your what your boss will be on one of the other about brussel, blue, a blue, or you're either going to work a position i. i would like to watch a much door, a proud mom was a boy and i'm a how awesome was the count them here? what did you, what ways need your do you not a media issue? we were to this book. i mean, yeah. you polish, did you catherine yet? i'm that my i got got the ah ah a ah, we'll deal with him. he has it in that i want to push him, but still as a cousin will be, it will be the one in the mail. but i am really sort of the people here at the bla la jenica was willie sniff around there? oh, it's a wishing group and called and leaving it on the day the below, which russian would you when it's done with the lawyer or i'm what the legend would have done when your bill is sure. would them here when, when is not home? where did you know? watching over here will specialist publishing. we're what we're going to go over the weekend, said your classmates will neil tina, who watched with what other stuff which we're going to go right here. what you want to watch douglas point, you stumble, yell at this puzzle. why don't you will president of company will be here and we will meet the i will teach where for decided to go with this. what stuck in my me, i'm to more you go. i doubt what on board 3, i talk about your machine that you more you know, you want. if you can allude years to the got toilet unable to grasp. when you wired store, i didn't know what was wrong. the other one you externally. 2 was on this, i threw an u. e. shanks of a price sheet. is you core newman, orga, you more talking about now? sure. more thought lucian, still present it is worked out you want on years now. would you describe that? there was more of an issue on your board is to lead, spoke stuff maybe for, for mushroom, almost the normal motion of why you did it on that and you boards night that you call it, isn't that alien yet? this joke us forgot it? would you store it non logo dot org theater. she's like us boost heard the rosa. black ha, then a, a wayne. if you please see miss kimball, i would love me. check my senior by changing it to some we watch the diesel top twisting, especially because our buses were you were born initially with similarly cookie, me, you, when you seriously bizarre that the machine you go when you go sites watch in the store, it was thrilled, but i'm going to go out there with talk to like go okay, of the willing to give why it is so. i mean was pretty sketchy. what's in miss lord knew that one would whip or did you more welcoming me? did you look in what had week? no credits you my lead system always go to school. we still look at our for the i would rather see we've got to produce media chain. does our bosses to switch to to sure you knew 5 store your composition list? possibly we're shooting the true story. possibly to get all i got from you re normal was pretty regular to watch and that should be doing me with the machine. i ill not the last 3 o'clock or what do you, what you got you on the left on the which not that on the last bill through julio for my job with him. yeah. he's posted on the will it, i'm just not done with people and you go, i didn't go, i did it on much on a recorded. it wasn't my, me, i'm to what not upon you from job or north for sure of the my bill. you were i have the last we will share for latoya was a call. but you more people look at you more, but you want the use nile to purchase, or what the jim krauss on. what to get them to from special store? would you please? i need to change or share either so forth. yeah, well, i will continue. so i guess it was a go on with my hands on not go. just all of them are depressed and ology, but no, dear. what stations are there when you can earn your bill? as i mentioned goal, which wasn't, that was coming from grad school, the school bus. they thought you get us both get them clock boys glumly, or what more india got or, and with some lawyer who the knew what the solution is in utility, almost almost at the end of the punishment like enforcement bill, as you indicated, should all be just will it, you can use your stood example. would you say that you are not you all to dumb what you're going to enable this big luggable of circle you can choose from inconceivably, if it's not emotionally feel if your watershed mm knows about the on the circuits in c o a to the, to name was the letter before. mostly the letters were that he either need to possibly, but if you possibly possi get the free will begin. would say it's better that let's put it up despite the panel. yes. is that i'm a get you more, but i want to move a home for the going to the ash wayne. yeah. vill ah, which ineligible? i think is the dog for the sports. but that the family that i thought the machine, the regular nashika middling with fear more. i mean, unless you put that amount with with a fish is thought i'd really on their eyes and some of them with questions could chicago what the other one is, you know, all of this was put it in it's, it is are in what you mean. you mean? yes, that's in the other one. yep. when you was to pooler and i checked with them again luck. what did i say and you know, with that, what if i had them my as about it, but i teach this need that much ed, please. i did go on with the g to nadia. was she in that room course? i'm cocked up by me. it's a promo. would you need the possibly in your body died? it, but that's a pretty you are more storage a poignant or are you watching just that? the boy. thank you. oh, she thought that belong but i didn't get there. i'm what the from was it fair to were it that he is via a wiki up the rules at story. it will be a slides. this is there was usually born. you still were briskly called the new builder, but as larger you seem to get out on vacation, you pause and look at the to the pretty will stay. sports was will go from 40 percent own you can was to will you push of the much school, awkward or more for the more particulars along switching francis pneumonia with streaming mutual harrington in mr. lloyd support bill with the roof hook up, watch for water to to put rights might be a good one to pull to play up sheets up for you. here with her. i see where you are using the person. marcella. chelsea garcia, mashini houston that i get to start up with almost a new phone running completely city of students for possibly could you do records if you needed from the mileage if the weekend was working for mr. robert, here i shoot the which school and i will get stuck on one from smith. kimble, if you thought ah, you could tell me that. i'm sure she'll know when you put the most finished with forgiveness learn when you walk around the got food. yes, clinical tory, even the good story. buffalo lay t like interest dania girl with the white issue was a chief school cuz she were there. yes. the keys stall left. this issue, i doubt severe to i need to know how many questions you get there just me go ahead or it more than that. you send me spices cooking for you on some your posts from landscaping. the prius from a go to mac, a gift card on that committee for beach next door was on the money. but what did smelly chima shake your her go to chick smith. she couldn't afford. yeah. and it shuts us down. the didn't watch it open. all was know, especially with all about going, it's got the blush with one in the so louis with when you on the rude human idea. yeah. mm. you with each it is about a soviet the business that though it just a lot of she's going to do so can you to live? what's your bluetooth means? a trim before you die? rosky spend this more to have my medical idea hoarded, but sure. what other p h q at the levels have with the corridor low nuclear, which deals could still things in the room? sure, sure, but i thought you did that you have control kinds of mortal. we've got all in a flu for completely fits which is doing it. it's not letting me out just for sure that it was good that of them. so many of them gets home and then you boot because in the close i need to know both because i thought it would almost new to deal with like when we he up on the board. but when he has written this through like that deal for 2 kinds in the show, this shit, i had a name where it saw, ah, i know she will, she look, i still think so. but eventually, emergency party e p class, if you want to deal with ritual, need new carl, give out, cut off with cable 5 much i i will get on with that completely and they sent me back with a couple of the shipping from our school for because i need to to go to betty. yeah, up on that. thank you for potentially just let, let's go with the shit arrangement goodies from all with the customer position a few plus now with a lot of money with just not i'm wondering what we're done with that. if my mental issue with the machine was mentioned with becky, but i would, legible, which kicked them. i'm in potential costing their pie. do your shipment, is it just a mortgage? mm ah. rather driven by a dreamer shaped bank. concur sent those in in theirs. thinks we dare to ask for what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy. even foundation, let it be an arms race is on very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful. very critical of time to sit down and talk a police dogs and buns are deployed against anti lockdown demonstrators in amsterdam . the cities man gave the order to break up 1000 strong legal rally, covert cases, steadily surging. we look at how big fathers managed to benefit from the pandemic for 2021 from a power supply crunch and record migrant in flux to soaring inflation. and then on time high on the side, right. we look at what made 2021 the difficult give the united states and also on the way for 19 years.

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Germany , New York , United States , Afghanistan , India , Houston , Texas , Poland , Russia , Chicago , Illinois , Amsterdam , Noord Holland , Netherlands , Polish , Russian , Soviet , German , Ina Cross , Rosalyn Stanley , Neil Tina , Jim Krauss , Chelsea Garcia ,

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Transcripts For RT Documentary 20240709 :

Transcripts For RT Documentary 20240709

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i didn't know who i was anymore. i didn't know what i believed anymore. i didn't know my purpose anymore. i almost kill myself with a 9 millimeters 6 p 2266, our german law enforcement weapon. and the only reason i don't is because of him. like he said, he just wants to, you want to go for a walk. and i'm sitting there with the guy in my hand and i'm ready to do it. and he's just like, dad, let's go for what, let's go for walk. i'm going to go for one. 0 i . ready and if you want to check out more stories on how the war on terrorism, and i've gone on, impacted people's lives, you can go check out on heard voices project available on our website simply had to auntie dot com. and that brings you brought it to the thanks so much for your company. i will be returning with our updated headlights in just on the half. and i see that ah, a girl i wanted to do that. this is our central proud support donna gonna call them right now. so stopped with my little go. i did a started york, i need to go to the one i shared with me on the why levels can you get there? are or do you work with she chest, your few minutes where to me a small and i'm going to be coming back. sam again, i will post more time it again. well do them and many of what it has that has a penny. while one would have made mostly a flight for them to begin with their school and it doesn't show okay, good. i fully approved and you must have support proposal from list of little capacity with support. farms don't be able to post mission where no boards don't down the my me and thought i more deal with them even way or that would be of which and i look sound that was, i should mitigate the shadow. i wish that i was in the garage and the way we should be up on my team. a sick day with sunlight, with spotwood will go to retire for a new york youth talking to miss mitchell with tricycle and mr. child disney on the zillow, floyd, you then each one in, by name, a tube quickly problem. so, so because there's a tumult, you've got got a talk when you don't, you don't want to put a real to you but it suits it. other than just be standards based simon doesn't premium pennyman, doug. joanna, more sports, can we sit on our dream? well, probably not in this because she will just be turning. 6 the co cobra, so not creeped up with a stick with what we thought he called in a cross line. but the, with this, with a lot of the system for the work, but it near the battle lot system with so put up with just horrible. no, not worse for your procedure. was incident to switch the food with bob bottle, meanwhile, scuttled him junior, was more than yelled at, the department was threatening yet that if you can schedule a william your becky a new we're the we're still use for something really a this type of oh machine. if they can go, can you bring in my own my meant that unified voice video, isn't it us the source of thought or the pretty solid massage, or with net? if so, a lot of will be listening to city and you had the hill and i also feel good with cathy. she'll wake up in my lap and ended up to put that in matlab. would be like helen babu lake and i can model phone no idea a can eat a analicia the only that's going to be a couple of you have to have them on a on the financing and off potential. my daughter, i need to live with shewn up motion to skip the just keep looking. you seem way, douglas, to see with our book one slip issue. so foot seek dunlab the cause which took the image per hour now. so i knew what the preface, cinder name or lee, and have them again, somebody that didn't have the la quinta, at molina, i'm in san jose race blair, with what was going on in my dorm, is probably me a lot of that island had play on your right, the pro, 50 or later hamilton has a back to with if you can do it, the blue or so composite, i walk under cargo fit. social's throw up even is what did you, what i should need? garment, woodland, your chest, missional, categories. michelle for ammonia. lucy carouse now. i want to push the book out now, but on the yakobelli watched your capitulate beer was to barbara. so as brother customer, your son, you see a book with glossy. she's like young sibley milady grass. maybe you're this guy came in the mid week. she was not really caught up rosalyn stanley, the shuttle check and see, excuse me. ok, see bond there, bill. if they keep it your music, i'm going to put slash eat store. i mean, you, she, pistol, your that brought us that i, you cobra these to put the warriors to coaches, cartesian, we bought 3 2nd executed you chunky took unusual. is your, an insurance deal is your, to your model. it does any discrete, it's usually what when you're built on the other quote used to put almost a note, the grotesque if that korean, the grotesque at the should be door. why forgot it. so gordon of i need a key keith, i'm no longer supposed to call them prior was though given us kilogram number just in the reason. yeah. so that was some, some he said you was not close to population forgot. recovery of a new for if something vital r v as a mass at the senior. because i says for the long, if you could just corner you were still with them. if you get in there, but school with a bound up, i'm going, it was in the chicago little dog, the snicker biscuits officially studious. i won't proceed via email of my senior. so will you get a more i'm going to conduct ask awkward, see alone, what l z h and the choice that boom log of your current that is clinical when will moustache around the the key? well pro switching nicely. there was talk with the guys in chase, chase the at the does the flame it that i did see me when i could that he let me what i can be. i can cough and you know that he is a 3rd one that he minion has a, a f, a l m a n, and janet. and he has an asthma and jennifer about it is tyler. let's see a little bit. i hate having to do that, even a shot were customer lee and saw a normal p a and model for a sort of deal with a one with a truck the my, my dad, i work in the lobby, the seller is that in a d, a d we handle a send them money and then that will come from i'm a bit missed in miss shit. i would love to help them and hopefully i'm miserable in the witness. well, in order to get to share their mortgage, get that well. so hopefully actual like if you could, she hadn't had a hagar kill molecular. ok, so how to kill him? be any my last for lack of a me look to find had, typically became will who show i shut them will come them to the method, the deductible belief. i get up on the entertainment in the front and i'm gossiping. she'll be be hanging head of a little bit of in that middle isn't michael, but a photo can, can you let me move in with ne, a fift ticket? the what when, when bill would have, if you have an appointment, let me get you booked up for me to get me dealing with just you know that my goal is to ensure that which one of the of the code is on your what your boss will be on one of the other about brussel, blue, a blue, or you're either going to work a position i. i would like to watch a much door, a proud mom was a boy and i'm a how awesome was the count them here? what did you, what ways need your do you not a media issue? we were to this book. i mean, yeah. you polish, did you catherine yet? i'm that my i got got the ah ah a ah, we'll deal with him. he has it in that i want to push him, but still as a cousin will be, it will be the one in the mail. but i am really sort of the people here at the bla la jenica was willie sniff around there? oh, it's a wishing group and called and leaving it on the day the below, which russian would you when it's done with the lawyer or i'm what the legend would have done when your bill is sure. would them here when, when is not home? where did you know? watching over here will specialist publishing. we're what we're going to go over the weekend, said your classmates will neil tina, who watched with what other stuff which we're going to go right here. what you want to watch douglas point, you stumble, yell at this puzzle. why don't you will president of company will be here and we will meet the i will teach where for decided to go with this. what stuck in my me, i'm to more you go. i doubt what on board 3, i talk about your machine that you more you know, you want. if you can allude years to the got toilet unable to grasp. when you wired store, i didn't know what was wrong. the other one you externally. 2 was on this, i threw an u. e. shanks of a price sheet. is you core newman, orga, you more talking about now? sure. more thought lucian, still present it is worked out you want on years now. would you describe that? there was more of an issue on your board is to lead, spoke stuff maybe for, for mushroom, almost the normal motion of why you did it on that and you boards night that you call it, isn't that alien yet? this joke us forgot it? would you store it non logo dot org theater. she's like us boost heard the rosa. black ha, then a, a wayne. if you please see miss kimball, i would love me. check my senior by changing it to some we watch the diesel top twisting, especially because our buses were you were born initially with similarly cookie, me, you, when you seriously bizarre that the machine you go when you go sites watch in the store, it was thrilled, but i'm going to go out there with talk to like go okay, of the willing to give why it is so. i mean was pretty sketchy. what's in miss lord knew that one would whip or did you more welcoming me? did you look in what had week? no credits you my lead system always go to school. we still look at our for the i would rather see we've got to produce media chain. does our bosses to switch to to sure you knew 5 store your composition list? possibly we're shooting the true story. possibly to get all i got from you re normal was pretty regular to watch and that should be doing me with the machine. i ill not the last 3 o'clock or what do you, what you got you on the left on the which not that on the last bill through julio for my job with him. yeah. he's posted on the will it, i'm just not done with people and you go, i didn't go, i did it on much on a recorded. it wasn't my, me, i'm to what not upon you from job or north for sure of the my bill. you were i have the last we will share for latoya was a call. but you more people look at you more, but you want the use nile to purchase, or what the jim krauss on. what to get them to from special store? would you please? i need to change or share either so forth. yeah, well, i will continue. so i guess it was a go on with my hands on not go. just all of them are depressed and ology, but no, dear. what stations are there when you can earn your bill? as i mentioned goal, which wasn't, that was coming from grad school, the school bus. they thought you get us both get them clock boys glumly, or what more india got or, and with some lawyer who the knew what the solution is in utility, almost almost at the end of the punishment like enforcement bill, as you indicated, should all be just will it, you can use your stood example. would you say that you are not you all to dumb what you're going to enable this big luggable of circle you can choose from inconceivably, if it's not emotionally feel if your watershed mm knows about the on the circuits in c o a to the, to name was the letter before. mostly the letters were that he either need to possibly, but if you possibly possi get the free will begin. would say it's better that let's put it up despite the panel. yes. is that i'm a get you more, but i want to move a home for the going to the ash wayne. yeah. vill ah, which ineligible? i think is the dog for the sports. but that the family that i thought the machine, the regular nashika middling with fear more. i mean, unless you put that amount with with a fish is thought i'd really on their eyes and some of them with questions could chicago what the other one is, you know, all of this was put it in it's, it is are in what you mean. you mean? yes, that's in the other one. yep. when you was to pooler and i checked with them again luck. what did i say and you know, with that, what if i had them my as about it, but i teach this need that much ed, please. i did go on with the g to nadia. was she in that room course? i'm cocked up by me. it's a promo. would you need the possibly in your body died? it, but that's a pretty you are more storage a poignant or are you watching just that? the boy. thank you. oh, she thought that belong but i didn't get there. i'm what the from was it fair to were it that he is via a wiki up the rules at story. it will be a slides. this is there was usually born. you still were briskly called the new builder, but as larger you seem to get out on vacation, you pause and look at the to the pretty will stay. sports was will go from 40 percent own you can was to will you push of the much school, awkward or more for the more particulars along switching francis pneumonia with streaming mutual harrington in mr. lloyd support bill with the roof hook up, watch for water to to put rights might be a good one to pull to play up sheets up for you. here with her. i see where you are using the person. marcella. chelsea garcia, mashini houston that i get to start up with almost a new phone running completely city of students for possibly could you do records if you needed from the mileage if the weekend was working for mr. robert, here i shoot the which school and i will get stuck on one from smith. kimble, if you thought ah, you could tell me that. i'm sure she'll know when you put the most finished with forgiveness learn when you walk around the got food. yes, clinical tory, even the good story. buffalo lay t like interest dania girl with the white issue was a chief school cuz she were there. yes. the keys stall left. this issue, i doubt severe to i need to know how many questions you get there just me go ahead or it more than that. you send me spices cooking for you on some your posts from landscaping. the prius from a go to mac, a gift card on that committee for beach next door was on the money. but what did smelly chima shake your her go to chick smith. she couldn't afford. yeah. and it shuts us down. the didn't watch it open. all was know, especially with all about going, it's got the blush with one in the so louis with when you on the rude human idea. yeah. mm. you with each it is about a soviet the business that though it just a lot of she's going to do so can you to live? what's your bluetooth means? a trim before you die? rosky spend this more to have my medical idea hoarded, but sure. what other p h q at the levels have with the corridor low nuclear, which deals could still things in the room? sure, sure, but i thought you did that you have control kinds of mortal. we've got all in a flu for completely fits which is doing it. it's not letting me out just for sure that it was good that of them. so many of them gets home and then you boot because in the close i need to know both because i thought it would almost new to deal with like when we he up on the board. but when he has written this through like that deal for 2 kinds in the show, this shit, i had a name where it saw, ah, i know she will, she look, i still think so. but eventually, emergency party e p class, if you want to deal with ritual, need new carl, give out, cut off with cable 5 much i i will get on with that completely and they sent me back with a couple of the shipping from our school for because i need to to go to betty. yeah, up on that. thank you for potentially just let, let's go with the shit arrangement goodies from all with the customer position a few plus now with a lot of money with just not i'm wondering what we're done with that. if my mental issue with the machine was mentioned with becky, but i would, legible, which kicked them. i'm in potential costing their pie. do your shipment, is it just a mortgage? mm ah. rather driven by a dreamer shaped bank. concur sent those in in theirs. thinks we dare to ask for what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy. even foundation, let it be an arms race is on very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful. very critical of time to sit down and talk a police dogs and buns are deployed against anti lockdown demonstrators in amsterdam . the cities man gave the order to break up 1000 strong legal rally, covert cases, steadily surging. we look at how big fathers managed to benefit from the pandemic for 2021 from a power supply crunch and record migrant in flux to soaring inflation. and then on time high on the side, right. we look at what made 2021 the difficult give the united states and also on the way for 19 years.

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