Transcripts For RT News 20240709 :

Transcripts For RT News 20240709

last year was for the half hours and $55.00 questions. and although there are fewer correspondence in the chamber this time round, no doubt there are going to be a few topics that will crop up as they always do. every year. we waiting for president putin to hook up by video link in order to start getting those questions rolling. we've got a correspondence that we've also got to correspond watching across the press conference when it kicks off, as well with me in the studio to give some political analysis to what said on a boy could join us from all to see you again. now, as i said, there are a few topics that crop up every year. there's one topic in particular that's been cropping up with alarming regularity in the headlines these past few weeks. what do you think is going to be the overriding topic for those reporters today? well, i guess it depends on the vantage point. as far as the domestic politics is concerned, obviously covered 19 and the still of the threat of log downs and the economic restrictions is something that the russian people understandably concerned about. but as far as the foreign policy is concerned, i think russia, russia, ear, and russian american relations will dominate. specifically, because of the last week, russian proposal to nato, to the united states, to actually settle that to t g security differences in some sort of a legally binding document because it was, feels as regular as this miss doesn't it? every year we say that relations between moscow and the rest are struggling, but it does feel like it's, it's worse for a generation, doesn't it? well, i'm not actually quite sure because i think we have passed some very difficult points . but my sense, my intuition and i have nothing to prove that. but my intuition is that for the 1st time in many years, the united states divided administration actually seems to be eager not to settle those differences. but the sort of i shaved them in a certain direction to make sure that both sides have the resources to address what matters most for them. simply because there's so many issues on the, on their place right now called the 1900 economy inflation. both russia in the united states are struggling with huge inflation. i think both leaders that sort of willing not to sort of pull their differences on hold, but to make sure that they don't take more energy than they should. because there's a lot of heat that needs to be taken out of these shared problems. that's don't forget that. well, i'm not sure that they are sharing their common problems. everybody faces them, but they're facing them in a different way. and i think russia fills the you know, for the 1st time and perhaps many years is doing create a good both in terms of defense and security. and domestically as well. i think russia is pretty confident about the way it's been dealing with the corona crisis. the way it's been dealing with economy and western sanctions. i think if we can really feels like he's in the driver's seat right now, but i'm sure we will also hear questions about his successor bay bay arise at every press conference and nowadays the, the issue of who will come if you will russia after putting is still pretty timely . got me just just for our international audience. what is going to be the overriding topic for the, the local press when they talk to mr. period, because there are, it can make struggles like there are everywhere, but inflation is up. the pandemic is huge. mentioned well well why do we put addresses those issues on regular basis? and this type of event is a bit like advantage to share for the reporter. so they all want to not only answer that question but make an impression. they're both on the colleagues and on their regional audiences. so i think they will be quite a few humorous questions. there always are. women usually ask him about his private life. you know how he keeps himself in shape. what have you, but i think he will focus on the serious stuff and the reporters will try to make it more entertain. yeah, they're all going to try and put a lot on the evening news. i think that's what they do from the show real. do you think he's also going to take a lot of repeated questions over the remarks about that being a potential invasion of ukraine? well, actually definitely we are going to hear that because i mean bbc sky news and many of the opposition and media like we do have gotten the accreditation for this event as well as some ukrainian journalist. for sure, we will hear about that, but i think he's position and the comments position overall was pretty clear. so he will no doubt reiterate some of those points. but i think my sense is that both the united states and russia, one to use these captions as a way of reaching something. because remember, last time when we had those tensions was in, in spring of 2021. and it resulted in a personal meeting to include an invited and nowadays, you know, the extensions also led to virtual conversation between them over the phone. so i think they're actually trying to use these verbal confrontation to come up with something tangible be good. i mean have agreed to talk again because we are an extremely fragile times right now of course, but just thinking about the comments that have been said, president biden said strong, economic and other measures if russian rebate ukraine, we had a president picked on tuesday, the enlarged defense ministry meet, say russia could take adequate military technical response measures and react harshly to unfriendly steps. it doesn't sort of start. i mean, that's a pretty typical response from both of them for the cameras. the thing rather than what will happen, i mean, really kind of like a pigeon language among the bureaucrats, washington size we will introduce more sanctions, food and size, bring it on. we're used to that, i mean, we've been living under a sanctions here in russia for at least a few years already and even before that, so i think the russian economy is not only well adapted to exist in such a region, but it's also pretty resilient nichols washington, zombies reaching across the atlantic. the other bone of contention, of course, is in europe. the red lines about who in to see is where, where people put that troops. so the military hardware, it's not a mountain problem. it's not going to come up today. i'm sure it's going to be a race and form or another it's, it's a very difficult and trick issue, because for russia it's, it's an issue of strategic security of an axis central significance. whereas for the weapons, more about the principle, what we can do and whether russia submits to the western view of things or not. but my sense is that washington is not that eager to expand. nader practically. i mean, he wants to talk to talk, but he doesn't want to walk the walk. so to say, because it's resources are extremely limited and the bottom and ministration is actually pretty clear that it wants to, you know, shape and channel those risks. resources towards its immediate priorities. so i think that's one of the reasons why actually, you know, despite this very straightforward, the russians demand on concrete guarantees, complete security guarantees. washington did not rejected out of hand. they actually going to discuss it. but although clearly russia is not going to get everything that it asked for, but it's a, it's an opening bargaining position. yeah, of course, because russia says that it was promised things before and they've been renee don't . that's why once it, yeah, well, it was promised that before, but in a verbal form, the russian leaders and it's also their responsibility on their you know, historic mistake. i mean, there, there is a realization of that in moscow that they, they trusted too much. they, you know, trusted but not verified. and nowadays they actually one dot to be put on paper and to make sure that indeed the 2 sides, russia native. don't keep each other on edge needlessly. i mean, there's always going to be some tension. there's always going to be some rivalry, there is no doubt about that, but whether you need to spend additional resources on just, you know, driving each other crazy. i think that's an open question and i think there's actually some signs of both washington and moscow have had enough of that already. plus packs treaties the hard for, but the recently broken look at some of the nuclear treaties the iran treaty and such like, and i guess both of them are going to want some sort of concrete guarantee. but they both want room to maneuver it's. it's almost like a non stop. well, i think the, what i like about this moment and about russia exposure is that russia says that whether or not to strike a deal, we will do what we need to do in order to protect our security and to ensure that you know, our borders are well protected, we can come to the same table and make sure that you know what, what's important to us. we know what's important to you. we strike some sort of a deal, but whether or not he agreed to our proposal, we will go our own way and there is, you know, there's a degree of confidence and forward planning and that as well. and i think that's also one of the factors while there's a lot of analysts in the west say that joe biden should have dismissed that proposal out of hand. but we haven't heard any rejection so far. i think in the west is actually biting time because it understands that in keeping, you know, and holding those talks in russia, if can have a degree on influence on ration actions. and russia is ready to allow a certain degree of influence ease. of course, it's cheryl and of course the politics of economics. russia has endured sanctions, but then gets accused of playing politics with economics. other things like supplies to, doesn't it, like, you know, those whole delegations and the, you know, the west is also being charged with many crimes in russia. various typical and habitual crimes like interfering in russia on politics as well as in the politics of neighboring states and expanding nato. what have you, but my sounds again, i may be wrong, but my sense is that the 2 sides are tired of fighting windmill . so i think they actually realized that the, the, the heap of actual problems is too large to continue verbal battles. i think they want to restrict themselves to what is absolutely necessary. and hopefully i'm keeping my fingers crossed, mostly the overarching geo politics. but it will, there will be some interest from the for media about what's happening within russia last year, of course, or a few questions about self appointed opposition leader alexi, nevada. nate, he's already been in the news much this year, but do you think there will be certain aspects of russian life that will be seen on by the report? i hope so. i mean, the russian, i report clearly will ask about that at this conference 1st. and foremost is geared towards the russian audience, but i'm sure western reporters will chime in as well. the nato argument, by the way, can i ask, can i mentioned something you mentioned like st only, and i'm sure somebody will ask about his faith. he's serving a term and the rational prison on pearl violations. in a case that is widely seen in the west as, as politically motivated. but you know, just the other day i had a chance to speak to you. one of the lawyers of juliana sanchez has been languishing and in britain prison for quite some time and who who's portion is much less determined. i'm only so i'm sure that that's if no violence issues raised that julian massage will also make okay, you know, with r t for moscow, it's just 12 minutes past mid day. and it looks like president putin is going to be any moment now. ready to feel those questions from the assembled reporters from russia and around the world. and he's making his way to the stage. now let's listen and nobody knew what jamie, can you give me one more much at that i bought that the liquor what the rest and i do a little bit too far away from you. i hope that number is not taking your team, which has done a good job. i hope to hear me loud and clear and i hope i'll be able to hear you loud and clear research share much more best coff kicked the door to be to i don't think we need any introductory knock that police into existing that's getting to be more insightful and useful if we dive straight into your questions to be turned into the queue. and i would say, naturally, actually remarks from me. let's go straight for him to georgia questions and update he only be with you, my woman, since 2021 on our plans going forwards and on our goals and talk to someone i chose to search for you. or if you like to invite him to one of the oldest of turn this here today to one of the the inter fax agency, mr. terry cov, the virginia legends, the eulogy. yes. because her mr. president with his degree, let's make sure i will be a bit muffled because really i have the other stuff. would you go to charge you to this device? comerica? oh, okay. are you speaking about leisure? dogwood? the economy shipping is moving on and the world has own, waged globally on the corona virus. a because she, the question is not practitioner is after what is the impact of the swore a cut on the russian economy is that we could image go crease. is it the and her? what are the drivers that can help us just recover from tries? she really is to be a good should we expect special moves each year instead of the full vaccination finances? 3 summer glove, they were both going to insure a cook less stable development of our economy. what the, what the actual glove launched up and what's your opinion? it's a bunk of video to, to read on the work is reesha governments and the central bank probably bankers for during this sharon of virus 0 look going personally and fish confidence it each a t o versus does ritual a process. and brenda, i always, that culture opposed questions about the central bank on this press conference. so tradition of saw his lip almost at which it and if you wish of a pro, well, a full response to all your crassness and then you got it late them, which was like richard would mean the answer with an end to the press conference sat heard so i with all my really nick lizard for our unless you, when again, if you've answer this music, you will so many questions and that so those re cover all of our activities. and as he said, the entire world has been waging a war against undercover 19. and that fights is ongoing and we are aware of as you, the years. sure. but the majority challenge is imposed by the news train army crown . and you've left the casket. you know that so a team of our specialists went down to south africa where at least 2 strange was discovered. sure. and essentially they've been working successfully. they had like to thank our counterpart from south africa as you know, their corporations to us, and that's for the impact on the russian economy. they will be rich land. ara, philip plans going forward, no garage again. we've talked about that length of college to now what i can say is that still glue our economy currently will phased an immense challenge when we conduct 19 and angry chin economy, the compulsory restriction, seeing the economy richer band with social area coordinators. and i think i will talk across, i will focus on that later on. we're taking shook and further replies, particularly we proved to be more adapted, more prepared to that shock them and making it then the top 10 or top 20 economists around the world. so all decline was just that as the 3 percent, lucia economy, which is sir, you move with the lady is going to be lower than yeast around the other in the other economies. and we recovered much faster than the advanced economy, islam. now it was others were frozen golden numer, got margarita defendants and see what we saw these trends published with last year and our have a year with them table with the data with me, with this issue. and if you do it are all stupid g d p growth isn't at 4.5 percent to just watch the issues with currently it's 4.6 sir, but i'm, we show for the date as of october, industrial production of global 5 percent manufacturing, part 5 point to the american, the or harvest name of bruce lambert, duke, our crops was louise little down because it clammy condition, the list of the what's the 3123 cities we got, that's very good. this need to be harvested and that will help us to feed also and we shift in the experts and they put them to provide for the ex boy usually with most of it though. but the success of income has been phillip or growing the tree. and we roll. busy over we expect 6 percent and they should last year we had a decline of one point. 4 percent. construction is seen north mill on the 90000000 square meters commission. we've seen this for the 1st time and they still record high rushes model, hazel tree and live to congratulate everyone who works in the construction industry . those who work in the construction side found that the in the management for the annual average salary started to pick up in real terms like the unreal disposable income means now improved with them got was minus 2 percent. and this year weeks 1000000, drastic. and we'll talk about inflation, is expected to be at the level of 8 percent worship. it's significantly higher than what we predicted. we bought real disposable income with the fuel to get minus inflation will still be 4 point one that's going to the list. most of the end, product and entry and at the end of the year will be $3.00 where you know, for every category and sure of our citizens. these are the average figures. i would like to emphasize it once again. normally when there's, well, i'm sorry, we have to work with these average numbers who will be needing you to have some targets. we have some benchmarks we'll talk about householding is that i'm, which is the more later on it is about to leave the renewed so we wanted to go back to the unemployment rate. that was, that was sat before the pandemic. that actually was issue strictly even lower than before. the pandemic we had with the cancer with 4.6. and now we have 4.3. it might slightly pick up to 4.4 rubber in any case. so that is a strong single of how our economy is doing overall, but there are certain challenges are included in the labor force and labor market issue, not $2.00 to $3.00 that are good, particularly in the construction sales samples. and i should be now. so that's a huge challenge now to look at the fortune, to try to run the felon sagel studio with teachers, with the partition to the world. now we had 94000000000 and it's almost double to 110, usually late. at the end of the year, a new mile is machine. you ask for a public debt for you to claim it looks in just 4 percent of g d p. that's and minimum her figures rationally. because at the liquor for the register compared with our he is here now with some more performance indicators that food searches reflect the performance of the central bank. and even the government should work it bit our international and ethics reserves that wanted to have an increase from with me. 595000000 to 625500000000 yogurt and the national wealth fund. schumacher his economy, 185200000, that means that macroeconomic parameters are quite well, but we are really concerned about life expectancy. it went down a little bit, it was $71.00. and last year with $71.00. we'll talk about that during the press conference, and that's one of the negativity of the me. you can leave after effects of the 10 demik good thing they looked at. so that's the situation in nutshell, rob with appraisal for that. overall, i think the central gulf government and the central bank, william is with criminal will the will to wear it in his years. a looked at a satisfactory as that score it over all the results. are it positive yourself to best? not only you crazy try this and not vaccination when we need the full vaccination driver. we talked about those economic drivers. so written, is it worth is lead multiple occasions are given the in a little little you dream situation that we've seen mostly, or, you know, we tell you that since we're both 19 unit 345, i just went through what are the challenges and drivers are really junior, senior, unfortunately the renewal for the life expectancy is shrinking the death rate he's santa going up unfortunately, unless venetia, rob liam at my summer gl on is that the one of the key, seated among the challenges for us? is we proving our demographics? is your increasing our population from a humanitarian point of view, from dealership political point of view. it's a challenge section 146000000 for such a varsity clarity is not a lot of questions. and from an economic point of view to, we must just turn have enough hands in the labor market. lilian of ciocca, aerowood as possible. so currently we have spent 70 will and able bodied person. so it will need to increase the significantly by in the swing to little mackenzie for by 23rd. that's one of the key factors behind economic grass. again, it's always new show up if there's a lot to be said for bidding on the geopolitical front. so which one is not on the as mr. sol geneva, it's also needed in the sands that are great warfare. preserving our people and increasing population is one of the keys. the challenges set and targets for of the vehicle in for, for the 2nd with the driver please wait, but you might infrastructure no, we're here. we've been them the parole in taking no extra effort. it took me to ramp up infrastructure in $500000000000.00. 1000000000 for food has been earmarked, but in more than a new infrastructure, we're removing, upgrade them of infrastructure not spraying directly. we also have national projects. we had tween julie, this is lou. sorry. 263000000000. the pony and sir is well this year for self $400.00 class. in next it will be $460.00 listening to one rob lima, plenty room. 2.5 trillion will be spent from the national. well fun sir. you live in authority to build a new infrastructure out of greater and the 3rd key factor is sonia. to play the losing our labor productivity into with all about education, digitalization and better health care. and you know, there is a host of programs in which lay said that we received, drafted those programs to sort of weaver, but it won't be a marks the road funding mission. and that you will, that be grammar. these 1st 2 are about in a regular mat they basis up. so just need to make sure he thing is of that. we get marina corranio, the right return from every rouble from every call pick invested. now your 3rd question was on vaccination. would you regrettably, like in many other countries, iraqi take some european countries for it or they will all say you struggling get away with the low level of vaccination you crush or take germany that i was running with that their advanced health care system. and there's a lot of criticism towards their health care system, but in any case, that's one of the most advanced this ticket assistance she did. we have 49.4 percent. sheriffs leak that slip vaccination rates. as of yesterday, i knew you're going to ask me that question. so i double check here. when you is going to be one of the center pieces about this press conference. and i talked to miss will papa and the scarlet cover brooklyn. so it's 59 point in 4 that al, collectively, immunity leave shirt immunity. not sure that those who had covered illness or those who or clown, those who had vaccine, about 70000000, we called the 1st dose from 70 plus your local and we'd had 2 doses, newton, and i'm newton collecting the 1000000. but that's not enough. we need to get still active immunity of that, 80 percent of youth solution guardian, i hope next year. but maybe at the end of q, one or kids, you will get to that level. in some countries your pride, you make the decision, you collect you in the way in when did you that didn't was they say we need to 1995 percent level of heard immunity that's. that's where we have the moment. thank you . news from against the matter. thank you. so let's go on to the next big agency tass. getting against the task that you think you are in a contract can attest. ancient singles like 2 siding. let us hold the address of a question about the social spending a for the e. so your book, most with the government has increased as social spending recently yet cool, and according to the budget or the following 3 years. this is an ongoing trend at handling. here at our stores siding there some time ago. we should go had a discussion about me cutting down, but social expenses, silica next year, it is a violent of a good. how could you comment on that? and how would you describe brightness in your budget? is it a development oriented budget, or is it a socially oriented budget? was multi 1000000 share that actually yes and for them as it possible is that social spending will be increased further. lee, given, i think the pandemic situation is key for you to control or not, and what is the risk of losing control over inflation? i'm not sure what you're good question. if you just look and usually if this is a new, you don't live in your definitely our budget focuses on social spending. doors of kiddos. can you give me the price that we had that we saw the government ministers take a look at how often here in social spending, in general, with daily health care, the federal budget system only if you become all surrey medical fund spending and then you know, make sure, miller, than the 1.7 trillion for you and i spent on health care or roast achieving that wishes that significantly disgrace the plan. you show the 3.6 trillion for health care switched from 2 left from the federal budget. and just a moment from the compulsory medical system. and yesterday was going to be about 4 trillion. you should go to the blend year next year. you know, you didn't before, but there's going to be going to be higher. probably 3 them you soon as you go to they should be a 3rd. again, i will tell you again there region expenditures based on what they have that which again, as i said this 1.6, she won't point 7 trillion national on social spending. definitely there's been an increase in what she does was mother it was for me during the panoramic.

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Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Georgia , United States , Nevada , United Kingdom , Iran , Washington , Brooklyn , Eastern Cape , South Africa , Virginia , Western View , Ukraine , Germany , Iraq , Lima , Peru , Venetia , Limpopo , Britain , Iraqi , Ukrainian , Russian , Russians , American , Bruce Lambert , Sol Geneva , Juliana Sanchez , Joe Biden ,

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Transcripts For RT News 20240709 :

Transcripts For RT News 20240709

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last year was for the half hours and $55.00 questions. and although there are fewer correspondence in the chamber this time round, no doubt there are going to be a few topics that will crop up as they always do. every year. we waiting for president putin to hook up by video link in order to start getting those questions rolling. we've got a correspondence that we've also got to correspond watching across the press conference when it kicks off, as well with me in the studio to give some political analysis to what said on a boy could join us from all to see you again. now, as i said, there are a few topics that crop up every year. there's one topic in particular that's been cropping up with alarming regularity in the headlines these past few weeks. what do you think is going to be the overriding topic for those reporters today? well, i guess it depends on the vantage point. as far as the domestic politics is concerned, obviously covered 19 and the still of the threat of log downs and the economic restrictions is something that the russian people understandably concerned about. but as far as the foreign policy is concerned, i think russia, russia, ear, and russian american relations will dominate. specifically, because of the last week, russian proposal to nato, to the united states, to actually settle that to t g security differences in some sort of a legally binding document because it was, feels as regular as this miss doesn't it? every year we say that relations between moscow and the rest are struggling, but it does feel like it's, it's worse for a generation, doesn't it? well, i'm not actually quite sure because i think we have passed some very difficult points . but my sense, my intuition and i have nothing to prove that. but my intuition is that for the 1st time in many years, the united states divided administration actually seems to be eager not to settle those differences. but the sort of i shaved them in a certain direction to make sure that both sides have the resources to address what matters most for them. simply because there's so many issues on the, on their place right now called the 1900 economy inflation. both russia in the united states are struggling with huge inflation. i think both leaders that sort of willing not to sort of pull their differences on hold, but to make sure that they don't take more energy than they should. because there's a lot of heat that needs to be taken out of these shared problems. that's don't forget that. well, i'm not sure that they are sharing their common problems. everybody faces them, but they're facing them in a different way. and i think russia fills the you know, for the 1st time and perhaps many years is doing create a good both in terms of defense and security. and domestically as well. i think russia is pretty confident about the way it's been dealing with the corona crisis. the way it's been dealing with economy and western sanctions. i think if we can really feels like he's in the driver's seat right now, but i'm sure we will also hear questions about his successor bay bay arise at every press conference and nowadays the, the issue of who will come if you will russia after putting is still pretty timely . got me just just for our international audience. what is going to be the overriding topic for the, the local press when they talk to mr. period, because there are, it can make struggles like there are everywhere, but inflation is up. the pandemic is huge. mentioned well well why do we put addresses those issues on regular basis? and this type of event is a bit like advantage to share for the reporter. so they all want to not only answer that question but make an impression. they're both on the colleagues and on their regional audiences. so i think they will be quite a few humorous questions. there always are. women usually ask him about his private life. you know how he keeps himself in shape. what have you, but i think he will focus on the serious stuff and the reporters will try to make it more entertain. yeah, they're all going to try and put a lot on the evening news. i think that's what they do from the show real. do you think he's also going to take a lot of repeated questions over the remarks about that being a potential invasion of ukraine? well, actually definitely we are going to hear that because i mean bbc sky news and many of the opposition and media like we do have gotten the accreditation for this event as well as some ukrainian journalist. for sure, we will hear about that, but i think he's position and the comments position overall was pretty clear. so he will no doubt reiterate some of those points. but i think my sense is that both the united states and russia, one to use these captions as a way of reaching something. because remember, last time when we had those tensions was in, in spring of 2021. and it resulted in a personal meeting to include an invited and nowadays, you know, the extensions also led to virtual conversation between them over the phone. so i think they're actually trying to use these verbal confrontation to come up with something tangible be good. i mean have agreed to talk again because we are an extremely fragile times right now of course, but just thinking about the comments that have been said, president biden said strong, economic and other measures if russian rebate ukraine, we had a president picked on tuesday, the enlarged defense ministry meet, say russia could take adequate military technical response measures and react harshly to unfriendly steps. it doesn't sort of start. i mean, that's a pretty typical response from both of them for the cameras. the thing rather than what will happen, i mean, really kind of like a pigeon language among the bureaucrats, washington size we will introduce more sanctions, food and size, bring it on. we're used to that, i mean, we've been living under a sanctions here in russia for at least a few years already and even before that, so i think the russian economy is not only well adapted to exist in such a region, but it's also pretty resilient nichols washington, zombies reaching across the atlantic. the other bone of contention, of course, is in europe. the red lines about who in to see is where, where people put that troops. so the military hardware, it's not a mountain problem. it's not going to come up today. i'm sure it's going to be a race and form or another it's, it's a very difficult and trick issue, because for russia it's, it's an issue of strategic security of an axis central significance. whereas for the weapons, more about the principle, what we can do and whether russia submits to the western view of things or not. but my sense is that washington is not that eager to expand. nader practically. i mean, he wants to talk to talk, but he doesn't want to walk the walk. so to say, because it's resources are extremely limited and the bottom and ministration is actually pretty clear that it wants to, you know, shape and channel those risks. resources towards its immediate priorities. so i think that's one of the reasons why actually, you know, despite this very straightforward, the russians demand on concrete guarantees, complete security guarantees. washington did not rejected out of hand. they actually going to discuss it. but although clearly russia is not going to get everything that it asked for, but it's a, it's an opening bargaining position. yeah, of course, because russia says that it was promised things before and they've been renee don't . that's why once it, yeah, well, it was promised that before, but in a verbal form, the russian leaders and it's also their responsibility on their you know, historic mistake. i mean, there, there is a realization of that in moscow that they, they trusted too much. they, you know, trusted but not verified. and nowadays they actually one dot to be put on paper and to make sure that indeed the 2 sides, russia native. don't keep each other on edge needlessly. i mean, there's always going to be some tension. there's always going to be some rivalry, there is no doubt about that, but whether you need to spend additional resources on just, you know, driving each other crazy. i think that's an open question and i think there's actually some signs of both washington and moscow have had enough of that already. plus packs treaties the hard for, but the recently broken look at some of the nuclear treaties the iran treaty and such like, and i guess both of them are going to want some sort of concrete guarantee. but they both want room to maneuver it's. it's almost like a non stop. well, i think the, what i like about this moment and about russia exposure is that russia says that whether or not to strike a deal, we will do what we need to do in order to protect our security and to ensure that you know, our borders are well protected, we can come to the same table and make sure that you know what, what's important to us. we know what's important to you. we strike some sort of a deal, but whether or not he agreed to our proposal, we will go our own way and there is, you know, there's a degree of confidence and forward planning and that as well. and i think that's also one of the factors while there's a lot of analysts in the west say that joe biden should have dismissed that proposal out of hand. but we haven't heard any rejection so far. i think in the west is actually biting time because it understands that in keeping, you know, and holding those talks in russia, if can have a degree on influence on ration actions. and russia is ready to allow a certain degree of influence ease. of course, it's cheryl and of course the politics of economics. russia has endured sanctions, but then gets accused of playing politics with economics. other things like supplies to, doesn't it, like, you know, those whole delegations and the, you know, the west is also being charged with many crimes in russia. various typical and habitual crimes like interfering in russia on politics as well as in the politics of neighboring states and expanding nato. what have you, but my sounds again, i may be wrong, but my sense is that the 2 sides are tired of fighting windmill . so i think they actually realized that the, the, the heap of actual problems is too large to continue verbal battles. i think they want to restrict themselves to what is absolutely necessary. and hopefully i'm keeping my fingers crossed, mostly the overarching geo politics. but it will, there will be some interest from the for media about what's happening within russia last year, of course, or a few questions about self appointed opposition leader alexi, nevada. nate, he's already been in the news much this year, but do you think there will be certain aspects of russian life that will be seen on by the report? i hope so. i mean, the russian, i report clearly will ask about that at this conference 1st. and foremost is geared towards the russian audience, but i'm sure western reporters will chime in as well. the nato argument, by the way, can i ask, can i mentioned something you mentioned like st only, and i'm sure somebody will ask about his faith. he's serving a term and the rational prison on pearl violations. in a case that is widely seen in the west as, as politically motivated. but you know, just the other day i had a chance to speak to you. one of the lawyers of juliana sanchez has been languishing and in britain prison for quite some time and who who's portion is much less determined. i'm only so i'm sure that that's if no violence issues raised that julian massage will also make okay, you know, with r t for moscow, it's just 12 minutes past mid day. and it looks like president putin is going to be any moment now. ready to feel those questions from the assembled reporters from russia and around the world. and he's making his way to the stage. now let's listen and nobody knew what jamie, can you give me one more much at that i bought that the liquor what the rest and i do a little bit too far away from you. i hope that number is not taking your team, which has done a good job. i hope to hear me loud and clear and i hope i'll be able to hear you loud and clear research share much more best coff kicked the door to be to i don't think we need any introductory knock that police into existing that's getting to be more insightful and useful if we dive straight into your questions to be turned into the queue. and i would say, naturally, actually remarks from me. let's go straight for him to georgia questions and update he only be with you, my woman, since 2021 on our plans going forwards and on our goals and talk to someone i chose to search for you. or if you like to invite him to one of the oldest of turn this here today to one of the the inter fax agency, mr. terry cov, the virginia legends, the eulogy. yes. because her mr. president with his degree, let's make sure i will be a bit muffled because really i have the other stuff. would you go to charge you to this device? comerica? oh, okay. are you speaking about leisure? dogwood? the economy shipping is moving on and the world has own, waged globally on the corona virus. a because she, the question is not practitioner is after what is the impact of the swore a cut on the russian economy is that we could image go crease. is it the and her? what are the drivers that can help us just recover from tries? she really is to be a good should we expect special moves each year instead of the full vaccination finances? 3 summer glove, they were both going to insure a cook less stable development of our economy. what the, what the actual glove launched up and what's your opinion? it's a bunk of video to, to read on the work is reesha governments and the central bank probably bankers for during this sharon of virus 0 look going personally and fish confidence it each a t o versus does ritual a process. and brenda, i always, that culture opposed questions about the central bank on this press conference. so tradition of saw his lip almost at which it and if you wish of a pro, well, a full response to all your crassness and then you got it late them, which was like richard would mean the answer with an end to the press conference sat heard so i with all my really nick lizard for our unless you, when again, if you've answer this music, you will so many questions and that so those re cover all of our activities. and as he said, the entire world has been waging a war against undercover 19. and that fights is ongoing and we are aware of as you, the years. sure. but the majority challenge is imposed by the news train army crown . and you've left the casket. you know that so a team of our specialists went down to south africa where at least 2 strange was discovered. sure. and essentially they've been working successfully. they had like to thank our counterpart from south africa as you know, their corporations to us, and that's for the impact on the russian economy. they will be rich land. ara, philip plans going forward, no garage again. we've talked about that length of college to now what i can say is that still glue our economy currently will phased an immense challenge when we conduct 19 and angry chin economy, the compulsory restriction, seeing the economy richer band with social area coordinators. and i think i will talk across, i will focus on that later on. we're taking shook and further replies, particularly we proved to be more adapted, more prepared to that shock them and making it then the top 10 or top 20 economists around the world. so all decline was just that as the 3 percent, lucia economy, which is sir, you move with the lady is going to be lower than yeast around the other in the other economies. and we recovered much faster than the advanced economy, islam. now it was others were frozen golden numer, got margarita defendants and see what we saw these trends published with last year and our have a year with them table with the data with me, with this issue. and if you do it are all stupid g d p growth isn't at 4.5 percent to just watch the issues with currently it's 4.6 sir, but i'm, we show for the date as of october, industrial production of global 5 percent manufacturing, part 5 point to the american, the or harvest name of bruce lambert, duke, our crops was louise little down because it clammy condition, the list of the what's the 3123 cities we got, that's very good. this need to be harvested and that will help us to feed also and we shift in the experts and they put them to provide for the ex boy usually with most of it though. but the success of income has been phillip or growing the tree. and we roll. busy over we expect 6 percent and they should last year we had a decline of one point. 4 percent. construction is seen north mill on the 90000000 square meters commission. we've seen this for the 1st time and they still record high rushes model, hazel tree and live to congratulate everyone who works in the construction industry . those who work in the construction side found that the in the management for the annual average salary started to pick up in real terms like the unreal disposable income means now improved with them got was minus 2 percent. and this year weeks 1000000, drastic. and we'll talk about inflation, is expected to be at the level of 8 percent worship. it's significantly higher than what we predicted. we bought real disposable income with the fuel to get minus inflation will still be 4 point one that's going to the list. most of the end, product and entry and at the end of the year will be $3.00 where you know, for every category and sure of our citizens. these are the average figures. i would like to emphasize it once again. normally when there's, well, i'm sorry, we have to work with these average numbers who will be needing you to have some targets. we have some benchmarks we'll talk about householding is that i'm, which is the more later on it is about to leave the renewed so we wanted to go back to the unemployment rate. that was, that was sat before the pandemic. that actually was issue strictly even lower than before. the pandemic we had with the cancer with 4.6. and now we have 4.3. it might slightly pick up to 4.4 rubber in any case. so that is a strong single of how our economy is doing overall, but there are certain challenges are included in the labor force and labor market issue, not $2.00 to $3.00 that are good, particularly in the construction sales samples. and i should be now. so that's a huge challenge now to look at the fortune, to try to run the felon sagel studio with teachers, with the partition to the world. now we had 94000000000 and it's almost double to 110, usually late. at the end of the year, a new mile is machine. you ask for a public debt for you to claim it looks in just 4 percent of g d p. that's and minimum her figures rationally. because at the liquor for the register compared with our he is here now with some more performance indicators that food searches reflect the performance of the central bank. and even the government should work it bit our international and ethics reserves that wanted to have an increase from with me. 595000000 to 625500000000 yogurt and the national wealth fund. schumacher his economy, 185200000, that means that macroeconomic parameters are quite well, but we are really concerned about life expectancy. it went down a little bit, it was $71.00. and last year with $71.00. we'll talk about that during the press conference, and that's one of the negativity of the me. you can leave after effects of the 10 demik good thing they looked at. so that's the situation in nutshell, rob with appraisal for that. overall, i think the central gulf government and the central bank, william is with criminal will the will to wear it in his years. a looked at a satisfactory as that score it over all the results. are it positive yourself to best? not only you crazy try this and not vaccination when we need the full vaccination driver. we talked about those economic drivers. so written, is it worth is lead multiple occasions are given the in a little little you dream situation that we've seen mostly, or, you know, we tell you that since we're both 19 unit 345, i just went through what are the challenges and drivers are really junior, senior, unfortunately the renewal for the life expectancy is shrinking the death rate he's santa going up unfortunately, unless venetia, rob liam at my summer gl on is that the one of the key, seated among the challenges for us? is we proving our demographics? is your increasing our population from a humanitarian point of view, from dealership political point of view. it's a challenge section 146000000 for such a varsity clarity is not a lot of questions. and from an economic point of view to, we must just turn have enough hands in the labor market. lilian of ciocca, aerowood as possible. so currently we have spent 70 will and able bodied person. so it will need to increase the significantly by in the swing to little mackenzie for by 23rd. that's one of the key factors behind economic grass. again, it's always new show up if there's a lot to be said for bidding on the geopolitical front. so which one is not on the as mr. sol geneva, it's also needed in the sands that are great warfare. preserving our people and increasing population is one of the keys. the challenges set and targets for of the vehicle in for, for the 2nd with the driver please wait, but you might infrastructure no, we're here. we've been them the parole in taking no extra effort. it took me to ramp up infrastructure in $500000000000.00. 1000000000 for food has been earmarked, but in more than a new infrastructure, we're removing, upgrade them of infrastructure not spraying directly. we also have national projects. we had tween julie, this is lou. sorry. 263000000000. the pony and sir is well this year for self $400.00 class. in next it will be $460.00 listening to one rob lima, plenty room. 2.5 trillion will be spent from the national. well fun sir. you live in authority to build a new infrastructure out of greater and the 3rd key factor is sonia. to play the losing our labor productivity into with all about education, digitalization and better health care. and you know, there is a host of programs in which lay said that we received, drafted those programs to sort of weaver, but it won't be a marks the road funding mission. and that you will, that be grammar. these 1st 2 are about in a regular mat they basis up. so just need to make sure he thing is of that. we get marina corranio, the right return from every rouble from every call pick invested. now your 3rd question was on vaccination. would you regrettably, like in many other countries, iraqi take some european countries for it or they will all say you struggling get away with the low level of vaccination you crush or take germany that i was running with that their advanced health care system. and there's a lot of criticism towards their health care system, but in any case, that's one of the most advanced this ticket assistance she did. we have 49.4 percent. sheriffs leak that slip vaccination rates. as of yesterday, i knew you're going to ask me that question. so i double check here. when you is going to be one of the center pieces about this press conference. and i talked to miss will papa and the scarlet cover brooklyn. so it's 59 point in 4 that al, collectively, immunity leave shirt immunity. not sure that those who had covered illness or those who or clown, those who had vaccine, about 70000000, we called the 1st dose from 70 plus your local and we'd had 2 doses, newton, and i'm newton collecting the 1000000. but that's not enough. we need to get still active immunity of that, 80 percent of youth solution guardian, i hope next year. but maybe at the end of q, one or kids, you will get to that level. in some countries your pride, you make the decision, you collect you in the way in when did you that didn't was they say we need to 1995 percent level of heard immunity that's. that's where we have the moment. thank you . news from against the matter. thank you. so let's go on to the next big agency tass. getting against the task that you think you are in a contract can attest. ancient singles like 2 siding. let us hold the address of a question about the social spending a for the e. so your book, most with the government has increased as social spending recently yet cool, and according to the budget or the following 3 years. this is an ongoing trend at handling. here at our stores siding there some time ago. we should go had a discussion about me cutting down, but social expenses, silica next year, it is a violent of a good. how could you comment on that? and how would you describe brightness in your budget? is it a development oriented budget, or is it a socially oriented budget? was multi 1000000 share that actually yes and for them as it possible is that social spending will be increased further. lee, given, i think the pandemic situation is key for you to control or not, and what is the risk of losing control over inflation? i'm not sure what you're good question. if you just look and usually if this is a new, you don't live in your definitely our budget focuses on social spending. doors of kiddos. can you give me the price that we had that we saw the government ministers take a look at how often here in social spending, in general, with daily health care, the federal budget system only if you become all surrey medical fund spending and then you know, make sure, miller, than the 1.7 trillion for you and i spent on health care or roast achieving that wishes that significantly disgrace the plan. you show the 3.6 trillion for health care switched from 2 left from the federal budget. and just a moment from the compulsory medical system. and yesterday was going to be about 4 trillion. you should go to the blend year next year. you know, you didn't before, but there's going to be going to be higher. probably 3 them you soon as you go to they should be a 3rd. again, i will tell you again there region expenditures based on what they have that which again, as i said this 1.6, she won't point 7 trillion national on social spending. definitely there's been an increase in what she does was mother it was for me during the panoramic.

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