Transcripts For RT News 20240709 :

Transcripts For RT News 20240709

nothing like of course people are going to die. and we report from war. tony theo, p. a where fake news by western media is being blamed for the turmoil. ah good everywhere. there's just a data in here in moscow content, calling bright welcome to you. well, news from aussie international. first, he has a statement for the future of the world without american leadership might be grim and chaotic. certainly, according to secretary of state, antony blinking. that is, but as ours is nicki aaron's been finding out, there are quite a few countries reeling in the aftermath of washington's help. have you ever wondered what the well to might be like without the united states? i think chaos. that's what it thinks when we're not engaged. when we don't lead, then one or 2 things house, either some other country tries to take our place, but probably not in a way that advances our interests and values, or no one to us. and then you get chaos. yes, the us has used is magic touch to bring peace and harmony to many a state far and wide. one fine example operation enduring freedom, better known to you and i as the u. s. invasion of afghanistan following the september, the 11th attacks, the u. s. entered the country with a mission to hunt down the song bin laden unpunished. the taliban government that would most of the country since 1996 the promise was one of retribution, the goodies defeating the bodies. we must rid the world of terror, sore children, and grandchildren can grow up in freedom. we are not nation building again. we are killing terrorists me in the, in the news i they call it collateral damage to you and i, that's innocent. people in the wrong place at the wrong time when 10 civilians including 7 children, were killed in an strike. the military initially defended it only a month later, did they acknowledge it was a tragic mistake, and yet none of the military personnel involved will face any kind of punishment. then consider the hundreds of other similar cases exposed by wikileaks. in reality, the kind of peace, the u. s. has brought to the country, has left its people so terrified they've run for their lives, and the 6000000 off guns have either been displaced internally or have fled the country altogether. fueling a refugee crisis that continues to reverberate across europe. by the time it withdrew, it had become america the longest war, and yet in its wake it less than alarming new threats to wash money out of the ways of europe, africa. back into the head of a trend. that is the goal. my goal is to have in people and then there's iraq, as america ended in time. and i'm gonna start, it's next step was to announce the end of active combat for its troops in iraq. the picture change too much. some $2500.00 service members will remain on the ground even in the coming year. it was 2003 when the us approach the you went to make the case for invading iraq. so i think saddam hussein stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, and we will remember how that ended and yet more than a 1000000 raw case on estimated to have lost their lives as a result, along with thousands of american troops on the outcome. widespread sectarian violence and the rise of islamic state. and then this syria, after humming and hiring us, entered syria in 2014 shifting from working quietly behind the scenes to support rebels to overt displays of us force. i have resisted calls for military action because we cannot resolve someone else's civil war through force, particularly after a decade of war in iraq and afghanistan. the images from this massacre or sickening a crime against humanity in a violation of the laws of war. big promises were made like defeating ices. by like 2014, the $500000000.00 spent training, what were supposed to be $5000.00 on t. i see syrian rebels had managed to successfully train about 5. so once again, why that is goodwill and both sides and the really good chance for success, the u. s. has secured the oil among the many u. s. military to raise the promise, the waste, the same went of stability, peace and freedom. but with the growing list of foreign interventions, 10 fell out. perhaps if kind of a u. s. consider a career change from the global policeman. tony blanket has a very difficult job and that is to try and put a good face on a, on bad policy on, on an administration that you know, promised the moon of a can even launch. we haven't had a foreign policy success in decades or invasion of iraq in 2003, of course, predicated on over a decade of, you know, sanctions based containment of saddam hussein. that change the entire middle east, which in turn gains the entire world. not for the better either. so, you know, the, i did states as a, has a problem. we are in a position where we have the, the power, the, the accumulation of power to, to make this stand and continue to make the stand. and right now, there's not too many nations that can stand up and prevent us from doing it. it doesn't make it right. we've seen the consequences of this. but for the moment, the united states, you know, is a, is a super power. the lack of moral compass, amazon lucas, have ready to in new york over what they say, the company's reckless disregard for safety and union busting policies. has been a wave of criticism over how it treat stuff off to 6 died when a warehouse collapse during a tornado in illinois earlier this month kind of open recalls. so we're here in times square, and as you can see behind me, there's a large demonstration of amazon workers and their supporters. now the name talking pointed, this demonstration is workers health and safety. i hear the new york based amazon workers, one adequate protections from coven 19 as they go to work every day. but the whole country is reacting to the incident where we saw a tornado that hit an amazon warehouse, killing 6 amazon employees. that was earlier this month. december 10th, and the country is still reacting to that horrendous news. many questions are being raised about jeff days else. the billionaire ceo owns amazon and whether or not he's really concerned about the safety of his workers. this is what some of the protesters, amazon workers and their allies had to say to us when we spoke to them earlier. those workers were not allowed to leave. they weren't allowed to had their phones. we saw the screenshots, amazon is letting us leave. the van driver said they were told that if they didn't come back with their vans empty, they would not have a job. the next day. they were saying we need to go. there was a storm and the manager say no, you have to stay, you are not allowed to eat. that's like a 100 years ago with the triangle shirtwaist factory. workers work between 10 and 12 hour shifts. totally isolated from the outside world. and we are here. so there man, among things hasn't paid. amazon has shown itself to be incapable of protected workers, lives incapable of doing anything but putting prophets over people's lives, over safety. how many more people in our class after di, how many people have to die to be working this inhumane like this at the speed in these warehouses to get these packages out there? this is impossible. i actually post now you will go to the bathroom, not able to take a break, not able to, to have time off the sick pay. no, nothing like of course people are going to dine. now protesters also been highlighting the fact that while the pay of amazon employees is considerably low, jeff bezos, the billionaire ceo, seems to have avoided the tax bill and is not really paying its fair share of taxes . he recently spent a lot of a lot of his own personal wealth on a trip to outer space. now, the protesters here say that the conditions in amazon warehouses are unacceptable. worker's rights are not being protected for many people. calling out this huge international corporation, taylor bobbin r t new york. friction between the you and one of its members states is again threatening to boil over with brussels now launching an infringement procedure against poland over its challenge to the supremacy of the law. the commission considered these rulings of the constitutional tribunal are in breach of the general principles of autonomy, primacy effectiveness and uniform application of union law. well, this all stems back to when poland passed a series of laws overhauling its judiciary, creating a controversial chamber of the supreme court devoted to disciplining judges well that royal brussels which claims warsaw has effectively stripped to the judiciary of independence. but refusing to guild and october, poland rule that a new membership did not give the block superior legal authority. i'm also not alone in this conference age. neither hungary escalated a feud with brussels on wednesday by announcing that it won't change its immigration laws despite a european court ruling. last month the you ruled that a hungarian asylum law that excluded people if they arrived from a country where they were deemed not at risk, fail to fulfill its obligations under the blocks law. or the route means that hungry could miss out on billions of heroes of a you funding dog. i'm going to be c t tech in copy you. you has no legal rights to keep payments. and participation in the recovery and resilience facility from hungary, or from any other member states. the whole process from the point of view of the unity and future of europe is the most brutal sabotage. this is what breaks apart the e. you can chat open some of your on a european politics expert. we heard from says the e u is stepping well beyond its rim. it is really outrageous. what kind of freedoms are people in the brothel administration are giving to themselves, to even think of trying to a colonial style to do to tell of june country that their laws are, are not the highest laws or they're all ice laws on their own countries. european commission, which is say, a institution that is imposing on it. so will our members faith while ah, it does not come from any democratic legitimacy. so we're hungry and all they're doing is that they are exactly saying that they don't want to be part of such system a while. those rouse rumble on europe's also facing a winter energy crisis and with prices hitting all time highs this week. gas tank is initially heading to asia, being abruptly turned round mid journey to take advantage of the premium prices being paid by europeans right now. russian gas giant gas problems rejected claims that it's to blame for the crisis. gus promised sharply reduced its own gas sales on the european spot market, despite growing demand and limits the ability of other companies to supply additional gas to europe and compete with gas prom. this is one of the key causes the crisis and the record rise in prices in europe. gas prom supplies gas, according to consumers, requests and full compliance with the current contractual obligations was been a 6 fold leap in european gas prices since the summer. as the continent prepares for the worst of the winter cold, there are also fears that countries reserves are insufficient. the shut down for french nuclear plants in recent days is also compounding worries. i guess premiums also rose after germany suspended approval of rushes, nordstrom to pipeline to europe. some european politicians are trying to block the projects altogether over russia, supposedly preparing to attack ukraine claims the kremlin denied international and strategic affairs. expert frances perez believes these economic problems have taken on serious political overtones when you asked i again, she prices especially gossip by what prices are. it becomes a political and a social problem. it's not ugly economic problem. it doesn't mean bucked on the consumers. it doesn't mean back that you are p, at the best reason i destroyed him, backed us vas european companies, awful, sad, just problem, and venue. russia eith, respecting each contractual commitments, us foss, death exports to the european market, arkansas, but varies another question. a gasket, good gas from an russia supply mo, gus to rock outside the contractor and framework. and yet, the discussion is very political east just problem russia. we've all seen some gas supplies fall economic a very, i try season all, and all geopolitical reasons. but you cannot save a guest from his duck expo, i think the gus is coming keep twixt faults, but you've got an expo law that you are committed to to with european are where the authorities are demanding that western mainstream media stop spreading. fake news, they claim this unbalanced coverage of the civil war, that then that it's biased towards the rebels fighting the government, people to take to the streets around the world over this to support the elected, ethiopian government rallies have been held. may i see an ends bureau in los angeles and also the u. s. embassy in ethiopia, when people demanding for us and it's western allies, stop interfering in the ball. told country as paula slater explains. the government and people who p o. p. o. great. over the wasted media coverage of what is happening in the country. the more any yeah. rebels belonging to the tiegram people never racing on either p l 8. i've been in the world in a bit. whoa, whoa. trying to overthrow the democratically elected governments. instead of remaining neutral mainstreamed, western media has chosen to take sides majority of your pin, any european as well as a broad, strongly feel that cnn has covered the conflicts over the past year in a manner that is highly biased and detached from context. and you times insist on repeatedly falsely claiming that it was the government of prime minister at be meant cnn has in fate a much better. 8 news anchor with the largest e p. o pin television channel has monitored and reported on the false reports, the channel continues to spew out. for example, when t p a live march used to abby suburb, ha, you know, they, they are at the 60 kilometer away from add this to and near, reported that i'd be sob about is under siege by t p a live this completely tech news. and that the used tech picture another the chip in i lies is transferring weekend to, to great region. but impractical. did you pin i had lies is not doing that to use factually, but see an inch from this method in order to attack the it's your pin economy. i'll just hear about published a video clip on facebook with the heading thousands of to grand a wasted in ethiopia. it shows a video of vigilantes and states that they are looking for to grands. but what it doesn't mention is that these such an antique were heating a close from the government to go out and protect their own neighborhoods against to grands who are coming in, looting and killing people. on november 26th, the french state owned international media off in france. 24 reported that some tpl a fight has had reached debra sina some 50 kilometers from addis ababa. it was simply untrue. as picked up by fact finding organization in the capital city. yeah . wants to sell her falsity, but it's, it's, it's becoming that the really fucked hard becoming boarding experts agree the mainstream press is talking with one voice, suggesting a coordinated effort behind the scenes and not only the media. they enjoyed the rights groups like amnesty or human rights, which they also collect these reports in the sample assembler report. and then today, congress man data plan union and then they use it to impose sanctions be easier can government if it's clear that western media is wilfully and deliberately choosing to misinforming audiences. it's unfortunate because during war time is credible reporting is urgent policy via our team at us about whether you're in high commission. if a human rights says both the government and the rebels have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during the on crisis. hacienda also in the spotlights in the u. s. after a former long time producer for disgrace style, chris cuomo, pleaded not guilty to child sex trafficking charges. court documents reported by fox news alleged that john griffin tried to pay off witnesses, including that he offered a woman $30000.00 in january, and also sent $4000.00 to a family member of a 9 year old. he's accused of assaulting griffey was indicted. this month on allegations of attempting to lou miners for sexual activities and coerce girls as young as 70 years old to go to his home. he faces a maximum life sentence in prison. if he's convicted. cnn says the charges against john griffin, a deeply disturbing as by far the 1st sex scandalous cnn. in recent times, this month, of course, the network fired chris co bo, for alleged misconduct after he helped his brother, andrew then new york's governor to fight off the sexual harassment cases. cnn host on lemon was also recently accused of sexually assaulting a bar tender. and last year, c n. n. legal analyst jeffrey toobin was allegedly caught performing a sex act while during a work related call. i'll see contributed lauren chen suspects the scandals. will dent cnn's ratings the charges that john griffin is facing, they are not capricious. they are not merely based on a. he said, she said, situation. there are evidence of payments at tax messages that duly people to believe authority, specifically that he has been up paying underage girls of for sexual favors, as well as trying to involve their mothers to varying degrees. he is engaged in grooming, and some would argue as well sex trafficking, many mainstream media outlets not just seen on themselves. have, i think, been a little bit hesitant to talk about this issue. even though we can only imagine what the reaction would have been if this had been someone, for example, on the fox news team or the trump team that had been discovered doing the exact same things overall as cnn's credibility has been shipped away, especially over the trump administrations years, a lot of people just no longer believe that they are a fair and unbiased source of news. and it's just not a good look for a network that is already struggling to keep up a positive public appearance. and sadly, the only time cnn has been, i think, really disgust widely lately has not been for their amazing journalism or content. it has been because of these, these negative new stories involving their personnel. if the feds are alleging that not only did john griffin engage in these terrible behaviors, but he also then try to pay off a witness to remain silent. i don't think we have much reason to take john griffin at his word. and i think the fact that he has engaged in these things shows that as a person, there is not much he is not willing to do when it comes to preserving i his own freedom, a track and field athlete who's lost a transgender rivals 5 times in her career says female swims from pennsylvania university should fight for the right for fat competition without having to compete against biological men who change gender of their fees also launched a legal battle under the furnace and women sports act saying more people need to speak out the sad, the death is still happening, that women are still losing to biological males in their own sport. shows why we need more female athletes to speak up about this. i just want to say to the female athletes in pennsylvania did not let anyone silence. you speak up tell the n c a your athletic directors and your coaches that you one fair competition because speaking up about this is nowhere near as scary as it seems. and the man of support his overwhelming talk. colleagues who are the, lia thomas, who competed with the men's pennsylvanian swim team for 3 years before coming out as transgender in 2019 has already broken several records this season, raising questions not just about the right of transgender to compete, but if their biological makeup gives them an unfair advantage. competitive parents have written an open letter to the college athletic, so she ation expressing their concerns about the physical disparity between swimmers. at stake here is the integrity of women, sports, the precedent being set, one in which women do not have a protective and equitable space to compete as a direct threat to female athletes in every sport. what are the boundaries? how was this in line with the n c, a commitment to providing a fair environment for student athletes? on the transgender swimmer herself, rebuts the accusations, saying she submitted all the necessary medical papers which were approved and therefore allowed her to join the female team at an idaho state representative. we spoke to says transgender, inclusive can competitions of far from being for if you are a biological mil and you want to identify the female, you are more than as an adult. you are more than welcome to do so. but we are never, ever, not in any part of society, let alone this, we are not free to choose the consequences. so the consequences of deciding to be a biological female is if you love sports, you can't compete on the women side cuz you're a biological male. we just physically cannot compete against the biological male. i don't care what hormones they've taken. they don't even come close to dropping their testosterone level down to ours. we're stepping back instead of moving the ball forward and providing more opportunities for girls and women. now we're starting to have ours take away even more and we're supposed to kindly, politely, like good little girls stand on the sidelines and cheer for the boys. i refuse to do that when they're competing against stuff. the facts in english county is going all out to push a fee, good diet spine banding, meat and dairy at council events from now on an oxford ship that catering will be entirely planned based egan dictatorship takes up a political bow and boxed it up as gleam party rules, entirely part based menus for public meetings. this council recognizes the meat and dairy production is a significant contributor to lean house gas emissions. and that reducing consumption of these foods is a key part of tackling climate change. the ruling has angered meat eaters in and out of the council, with many conservative counselors on the warpath. veganism is not something that should be rammed down the throats of vegetarians and mediators want freedom to choose be fog over broccoli. no longer on the table. me can some take out sandwiches instead. i shortly we go be on the politics of america's gun laws with 2 families forever changed by gun violence in oregon. 101 seconds is next on our t. oh . and so it begins 2 weeks of our christmas and new year's specials. and when we look back in the year, that was and parents in the future with some of our roster of amazing guests, all heterodox thinkers, that wouldn't be caught dead on breakdown finance. corporate media 1st, james powered counselor can oh, is your media reflection of reality? in the world transformed what will make you feel safe, isolation for community. are you going the right way? or are you being that somewhere? direct? what is true or his faith in the world corrupted? you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. i was diagnosed with cancer in 2005 when the doctors told me the cancer was incurable . i knew i had to make a change, so i decided to travel to one of the most toxic places in america. florida. one of florida is biggest industries and best kept secrets, is phosphate in the biggest player in 80. $5000000000.00 industry is mosaic. tonight, there are reports of millions of gallon, a florida offer, a chronic. i don't want to hear that word poets, but that's what i'm in 2013 my, all our family dog, my brother, who was 21 years old, myself and my father were all wrong with a good way. yeah. maybe they'll actually work more. is more important than with this is what happens when you have a child with lots medical problems. i'm putting all of these ones. you don't have to worry about it. he has school. yes. and he just had surgery in august. this one right here they did. was that he has spinal at these us and he has an extra vertebra one. so i'm sitting on, does it set like this? and it was cutting off one flow and nerves and all of that is the high functioning artistic. i wish i could see the world like he sees it for one day. so hearing things that normal people don't hear seeing things that normal people don't see his. he sees details that we don't and he hears things that we don't. and i would love to see the world as he sees it with his he, he picks up everything, he feels things that we don't feel temperature variation differences and textures smells. and it's awesome. i never ever, ever want him to be quote normal because kids with autism rock he shall be yankee, sat, 20 two's. he shot you know 25 percent. oh that he talks about. he wants an a key thing. hon has been that much money, but yeah, he has, he has his own guns and when he gets better, gets healthy him where he ends end up raylon's period of time and handle the recoil negotiated. a lovely.

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Arkansas , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Manya , Khanty Mansiyskiy Avtonomnyy Okrug , Australia , Afghanistan , Washington , Florida , Illinois , Syria , Oregon , Kremlin , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Ethiopia , Ukraine , Germany , Iraq , Debra Sina , Amara , Hungary , Idaho , Pennsylvania , Poland , France , Warsaw , L67 , America , Russian , Aussie , Pennsylvanian , French , Syrian , Ethiopian , Hungarian , American , Addis Ababa , Saddam Hussein , John Griffin , Chris Cuomo , Jeff Bezos , Paula Slater , Tony Theo , Jeffrey Toobin , Lauren Chen , Nicki Aaron , Frances Perez ,

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Transcripts For RT News 20240709 :

Transcripts For RT News 20240709

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nothing like of course people are going to die. and we report from war. tony theo, p. a where fake news by western media is being blamed for the turmoil. ah good everywhere. there's just a data in here in moscow content, calling bright welcome to you. well, news from aussie international. first, he has a statement for the future of the world without american leadership might be grim and chaotic. certainly, according to secretary of state, antony blinking. that is, but as ours is nicki aaron's been finding out, there are quite a few countries reeling in the aftermath of washington's help. have you ever wondered what the well to might be like without the united states? i think chaos. that's what it thinks when we're not engaged. when we don't lead, then one or 2 things house, either some other country tries to take our place, but probably not in a way that advances our interests and values, or no one to us. and then you get chaos. yes, the us has used is magic touch to bring peace and harmony to many a state far and wide. one fine example operation enduring freedom, better known to you and i as the u. s. invasion of afghanistan following the september, the 11th attacks, the u. s. entered the country with a mission to hunt down the song bin laden unpunished. the taliban government that would most of the country since 1996 the promise was one of retribution, the goodies defeating the bodies. we must rid the world of terror, sore children, and grandchildren can grow up in freedom. we are not nation building again. we are killing terrorists me in the, in the news i they call it collateral damage to you and i, that's innocent. people in the wrong place at the wrong time when 10 civilians including 7 children, were killed in an strike. the military initially defended it only a month later, did they acknowledge it was a tragic mistake, and yet none of the military personnel involved will face any kind of punishment. then consider the hundreds of other similar cases exposed by wikileaks. in reality, the kind of peace, the u. s. has brought to the country, has left its people so terrified they've run for their lives, and the 6000000 off guns have either been displaced internally or have fled the country altogether. fueling a refugee crisis that continues to reverberate across europe. by the time it withdrew, it had become america the longest war, and yet in its wake it less than alarming new threats to wash money out of the ways of europe, africa. back into the head of a trend. that is the goal. my goal is to have in people and then there's iraq, as america ended in time. and i'm gonna start, it's next step was to announce the end of active combat for its troops in iraq. the picture change too much. some $2500.00 service members will remain on the ground even in the coming year. it was 2003 when the us approach the you went to make the case for invading iraq. so i think saddam hussein stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction, and we will remember how that ended and yet more than a 1000000 raw case on estimated to have lost their lives as a result, along with thousands of american troops on the outcome. widespread sectarian violence and the rise of islamic state. and then this syria, after humming and hiring us, entered syria in 2014 shifting from working quietly behind the scenes to support rebels to overt displays of us force. i have resisted calls for military action because we cannot resolve someone else's civil war through force, particularly after a decade of war in iraq and afghanistan. the images from this massacre or sickening a crime against humanity in a violation of the laws of war. big promises were made like defeating ices. by like 2014, the $500000000.00 spent training, what were supposed to be $5000.00 on t. i see syrian rebels had managed to successfully train about 5. so once again, why that is goodwill and both sides and the really good chance for success, the u. s. has secured the oil among the many u. s. military to raise the promise, the waste, the same went of stability, peace and freedom. but with the growing list of foreign interventions, 10 fell out. perhaps if kind of a u. s. consider a career change from the global policeman. tony blanket has a very difficult job and that is to try and put a good face on a, on bad policy on, on an administration that you know, promised the moon of a can even launch. we haven't had a foreign policy success in decades or invasion of iraq in 2003, of course, predicated on over a decade of, you know, sanctions based containment of saddam hussein. that change the entire middle east, which in turn gains the entire world. not for the better either. so, you know, the, i did states as a, has a problem. we are in a position where we have the, the power, the, the accumulation of power to, to make this stand and continue to make the stand. and right now, there's not too many nations that can stand up and prevent us from doing it. it doesn't make it right. we've seen the consequences of this. but for the moment, the united states, you know, is a, is a super power. the lack of moral compass, amazon lucas, have ready to in new york over what they say, the company's reckless disregard for safety and union busting policies. has been a wave of criticism over how it treat stuff off to 6 died when a warehouse collapse during a tornado in illinois earlier this month kind of open recalls. so we're here in times square, and as you can see behind me, there's a large demonstration of amazon workers and their supporters. now the name talking pointed, this demonstration is workers health and safety. i hear the new york based amazon workers, one adequate protections from coven 19 as they go to work every day. but the whole country is reacting to the incident where we saw a tornado that hit an amazon warehouse, killing 6 amazon employees. that was earlier this month. december 10th, and the country is still reacting to that horrendous news. many questions are being raised about jeff days else. the billionaire ceo owns amazon and whether or not he's really concerned about the safety of his workers. this is what some of the protesters, amazon workers and their allies had to say to us when we spoke to them earlier. those workers were not allowed to leave. they weren't allowed to had their phones. we saw the screenshots, amazon is letting us leave. the van driver said they were told that if they didn't come back with their vans empty, they would not have a job. the next day. they were saying we need to go. there was a storm and the manager say no, you have to stay, you are not allowed to eat. that's like a 100 years ago with the triangle shirtwaist factory. workers work between 10 and 12 hour shifts. totally isolated from the outside world. and we are here. so there man, among things hasn't paid. amazon has shown itself to be incapable of protected workers, lives incapable of doing anything but putting prophets over people's lives, over safety. how many more people in our class after di, how many people have to die to be working this inhumane like this at the speed in these warehouses to get these packages out there? this is impossible. i actually post now you will go to the bathroom, not able to take a break, not able to, to have time off the sick pay. no, nothing like of course people are going to dine. now protesters also been highlighting the fact that while the pay of amazon employees is considerably low, jeff bezos, the billionaire ceo, seems to have avoided the tax bill and is not really paying its fair share of taxes . he recently spent a lot of a lot of his own personal wealth on a trip to outer space. now, the protesters here say that the conditions in amazon warehouses are unacceptable. worker's rights are not being protected for many people. calling out this huge international corporation, taylor bobbin r t new york. friction between the you and one of its members states is again threatening to boil over with brussels now launching an infringement procedure against poland over its challenge to the supremacy of the law. the commission considered these rulings of the constitutional tribunal are in breach of the general principles of autonomy, primacy effectiveness and uniform application of union law. well, this all stems back to when poland passed a series of laws overhauling its judiciary, creating a controversial chamber of the supreme court devoted to disciplining judges well that royal brussels which claims warsaw has effectively stripped to the judiciary of independence. but refusing to guild and october, poland rule that a new membership did not give the block superior legal authority. i'm also not alone in this conference age. neither hungary escalated a feud with brussels on wednesday by announcing that it won't change its immigration laws despite a european court ruling. last month the you ruled that a hungarian asylum law that excluded people if they arrived from a country where they were deemed not at risk, fail to fulfill its obligations under the blocks law. or the route means that hungry could miss out on billions of heroes of a you funding dog. i'm going to be c t tech in copy you. you has no legal rights to keep payments. and participation in the recovery and resilience facility from hungary, or from any other member states. the whole process from the point of view of the unity and future of europe is the most brutal sabotage. this is what breaks apart the e. you can chat open some of your on a european politics expert. we heard from says the e u is stepping well beyond its rim. it is really outrageous. what kind of freedoms are people in the brothel administration are giving to themselves, to even think of trying to a colonial style to do to tell of june country that their laws are, are not the highest laws or they're all ice laws on their own countries. european commission, which is say, a institution that is imposing on it. so will our members faith while ah, it does not come from any democratic legitimacy. so we're hungry and all they're doing is that they are exactly saying that they don't want to be part of such system a while. those rouse rumble on europe's also facing a winter energy crisis and with prices hitting all time highs this week. gas tank is initially heading to asia, being abruptly turned round mid journey to take advantage of the premium prices being paid by europeans right now. russian gas giant gas problems rejected claims that it's to blame for the crisis. gus promised sharply reduced its own gas sales on the european spot market, despite growing demand and limits the ability of other companies to supply additional gas to europe and compete with gas prom. this is one of the key causes the crisis and the record rise in prices in europe. gas prom supplies gas, according to consumers, requests and full compliance with the current contractual obligations was been a 6 fold leap in european gas prices since the summer. as the continent prepares for the worst of the winter cold, there are also fears that countries reserves are insufficient. the shut down for french nuclear plants in recent days is also compounding worries. i guess premiums also rose after germany suspended approval of rushes, nordstrom to pipeline to europe. some european politicians are trying to block the projects altogether over russia, supposedly preparing to attack ukraine claims the kremlin denied international and strategic affairs. expert frances perez believes these economic problems have taken on serious political overtones when you asked i again, she prices especially gossip by what prices are. it becomes a political and a social problem. it's not ugly economic problem. it doesn't mean bucked on the consumers. it doesn't mean back that you are p, at the best reason i destroyed him, backed us vas european companies, awful, sad, just problem, and venue. russia eith, respecting each contractual commitments, us foss, death exports to the european market, arkansas, but varies another question. a gasket, good gas from an russia supply mo, gus to rock outside the contractor and framework. and yet, the discussion is very political east just problem russia. we've all seen some gas supplies fall economic a very, i try season all, and all geopolitical reasons. but you cannot save a guest from his duck expo, i think the gus is coming keep twixt faults, but you've got an expo law that you are committed to to with european are where the authorities are demanding that western mainstream media stop spreading. fake news, they claim this unbalanced coverage of the civil war, that then that it's biased towards the rebels fighting the government, people to take to the streets around the world over this to support the elected, ethiopian government rallies have been held. may i see an ends bureau in los angeles and also the u. s. embassy in ethiopia, when people demanding for us and it's western allies, stop interfering in the ball. told country as paula slater explains. the government and people who p o. p. o. great. over the wasted media coverage of what is happening in the country. the more any yeah. rebels belonging to the tiegram people never racing on either p l 8. i've been in the world in a bit. whoa, whoa. trying to overthrow the democratically elected governments. instead of remaining neutral mainstreamed, western media has chosen to take sides majority of your pin, any european as well as a broad, strongly feel that cnn has covered the conflicts over the past year in a manner that is highly biased and detached from context. and you times insist on repeatedly falsely claiming that it was the government of prime minister at be meant cnn has in fate a much better. 8 news anchor with the largest e p. o pin television channel has monitored and reported on the false reports, the channel continues to spew out. for example, when t p a live march used to abby suburb, ha, you know, they, they are at the 60 kilometer away from add this to and near, reported that i'd be sob about is under siege by t p a live this completely tech news. and that the used tech picture another the chip in i lies is transferring weekend to, to great region. but impractical. did you pin i had lies is not doing that to use factually, but see an inch from this method in order to attack the it's your pin economy. i'll just hear about published a video clip on facebook with the heading thousands of to grand a wasted in ethiopia. it shows a video of vigilantes and states that they are looking for to grands. but what it doesn't mention is that these such an antique were heating a close from the government to go out and protect their own neighborhoods against to grands who are coming in, looting and killing people. on november 26th, the french state owned international media off in france. 24 reported that some tpl a fight has had reached debra sina some 50 kilometers from addis ababa. it was simply untrue. as picked up by fact finding organization in the capital city. yeah . wants to sell her falsity, but it's, it's, it's becoming that the really fucked hard becoming boarding experts agree the mainstream press is talking with one voice, suggesting a coordinated effort behind the scenes and not only the media. they enjoyed the rights groups like amnesty or human rights, which they also collect these reports in the sample assembler report. and then today, congress man data plan union and then they use it to impose sanctions be easier can government if it's clear that western media is wilfully and deliberately choosing to misinforming audiences. it's unfortunate because during war time is credible reporting is urgent policy via our team at us about whether you're in high commission. if a human rights says both the government and the rebels have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during the on crisis. hacienda also in the spotlights in the u. s. after a former long time producer for disgrace style, chris cuomo, pleaded not guilty to child sex trafficking charges. court documents reported by fox news alleged that john griffin tried to pay off witnesses, including that he offered a woman $30000.00 in january, and also sent $4000.00 to a family member of a 9 year old. he's accused of assaulting griffey was indicted. this month on allegations of attempting to lou miners for sexual activities and coerce girls as young as 70 years old to go to his home. he faces a maximum life sentence in prison. if he's convicted. cnn says the charges against john griffin, a deeply disturbing as by far the 1st sex scandalous cnn. in recent times, this month, of course, the network fired chris co bo, for alleged misconduct after he helped his brother, andrew then new york's governor to fight off the sexual harassment cases. cnn host on lemon was also recently accused of sexually assaulting a bar tender. and last year, c n. n. legal analyst jeffrey toobin was allegedly caught performing a sex act while during a work related call. i'll see contributed lauren chen suspects the scandals. will dent cnn's ratings the charges that john griffin is facing, they are not capricious. they are not merely based on a. he said, she said, situation. there are evidence of payments at tax messages that duly people to believe authority, specifically that he has been up paying underage girls of for sexual favors, as well as trying to involve their mothers to varying degrees. he is engaged in grooming, and some would argue as well sex trafficking, many mainstream media outlets not just seen on themselves. have, i think, been a little bit hesitant to talk about this issue. even though we can only imagine what the reaction would have been if this had been someone, for example, on the fox news team or the trump team that had been discovered doing the exact same things overall as cnn's credibility has been shipped away, especially over the trump administrations years, a lot of people just no longer believe that they are a fair and unbiased source of news. and it's just not a good look for a network that is already struggling to keep up a positive public appearance. and sadly, the only time cnn has been, i think, really disgust widely lately has not been for their amazing journalism or content. it has been because of these, these negative new stories involving their personnel. if the feds are alleging that not only did john griffin engage in these terrible behaviors, but he also then try to pay off a witness to remain silent. i don't think we have much reason to take john griffin at his word. and i think the fact that he has engaged in these things shows that as a person, there is not much he is not willing to do when it comes to preserving i his own freedom, a track and field athlete who's lost a transgender rivals 5 times in her career says female swims from pennsylvania university should fight for the right for fat competition without having to compete against biological men who change gender of their fees also launched a legal battle under the furnace and women sports act saying more people need to speak out the sad, the death is still happening, that women are still losing to biological males in their own sport. shows why we need more female athletes to speak up about this. i just want to say to the female athletes in pennsylvania did not let anyone silence. you speak up tell the n c a your athletic directors and your coaches that you one fair competition because speaking up about this is nowhere near as scary as it seems. and the man of support his overwhelming talk. colleagues who are the, lia thomas, who competed with the men's pennsylvanian swim team for 3 years before coming out as transgender in 2019 has already broken several records this season, raising questions not just about the right of transgender to compete, but if their biological makeup gives them an unfair advantage. competitive parents have written an open letter to the college athletic, so she ation expressing their concerns about the physical disparity between swimmers. at stake here is the integrity of women, sports, the precedent being set, one in which women do not have a protective and equitable space to compete as a direct threat to female athletes in every sport. what are the boundaries? how was this in line with the n c, a commitment to providing a fair environment for student athletes? on the transgender swimmer herself, rebuts the accusations, saying she submitted all the necessary medical papers which were approved and therefore allowed her to join the female team at an idaho state representative. we spoke to says transgender, inclusive can competitions of far from being for if you are a biological mil and you want to identify the female, you are more than as an adult. you are more than welcome to do so. but we are never, ever, not in any part of society, let alone this, we are not free to choose the consequences. so the consequences of deciding to be a biological female is if you love sports, you can't compete on the women side cuz you're a biological male. we just physically cannot compete against the biological male. i don't care what hormones they've taken. they don't even come close to dropping their testosterone level down to ours. we're stepping back instead of moving the ball forward and providing more opportunities for girls and women. now we're starting to have ours take away even more and we're supposed to kindly, politely, like good little girls stand on the sidelines and cheer for the boys. i refuse to do that when they're competing against stuff. the facts in english county is going all out to push a fee, good diet spine banding, meat and dairy at council events from now on an oxford ship that catering will be entirely planned based egan dictatorship takes up a political bow and boxed it up as gleam party rules, entirely part based menus for public meetings. this council recognizes the meat and dairy production is a significant contributor to lean house gas emissions. and that reducing consumption of these foods is a key part of tackling climate change. the ruling has angered meat eaters in and out of the council, with many conservative counselors on the warpath. veganism is not something that should be rammed down the throats of vegetarians and mediators want freedom to choose be fog over broccoli. no longer on the table. me can some take out sandwiches instead. i shortly we go be on the politics of america's gun laws with 2 families forever changed by gun violence in oregon. 101 seconds is next on our t. oh . and so it begins 2 weeks of our christmas and new year's specials. and when we look back in the year, that was and parents in the future with some of our roster of amazing guests, all heterodox thinkers, that wouldn't be caught dead on breakdown finance. corporate media 1st, james powered counselor can oh, is your media reflection of reality? in the world transformed what will make you feel safe, isolation for community. are you going the right way? or are you being that somewhere? direct? what is true or his faith in the world corrupted? you need to descend a join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. i was diagnosed with cancer in 2005 when the doctors told me the cancer was incurable . i knew i had to make a change, so i decided to travel to one of the most toxic places in america. florida. one of florida is biggest industries and best kept secrets, is phosphate in the biggest player in 80. $5000000000.00 industry is mosaic. tonight, there are reports of millions of gallon, a florida offer, a chronic. i don't want to hear that word poets, but that's what i'm in 2013 my, all our family dog, my brother, who was 21 years old, myself and my father were all wrong with a good way. yeah. maybe they'll actually work more. is more important than with this is what happens when you have a child with lots medical problems. i'm putting all of these ones. you don't have to worry about it. he has school. yes. and he just had surgery in august. this one right here they did. was that he has spinal at these us and he has an extra vertebra one. so i'm sitting on, does it set like this? and it was cutting off one flow and nerves and all of that is the high functioning artistic. i wish i could see the world like he sees it for one day. so hearing things that normal people don't hear seeing things that normal people don't see his. he sees details that we don't and he hears things that we don't. and i would love to see the world as he sees it with his he, he picks up everything, he feels things that we don't feel temperature variation differences and textures smells. and it's awesome. i never ever, ever want him to be quote normal because kids with autism rock he shall be yankee, sat, 20 two's. he shot you know 25 percent. oh that he talks about. he wants an a key thing. hon has been that much money, but yeah, he has, he has his own guns and when he gets better, gets healthy him where he ends end up raylon's period of time and handle the recoil negotiated. a lovely.

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