The procurement system. Fixing is not being delivered at the rate that we anticipate its a real problem from the National Vaccination plan and it means antonymous regions will have to review their strategies. And the u. K. Tightens its locked down amid one of the worst coded daily death tolls and a g. P. S. System to track infected people to put that idea of the day. By day of g. P. S. Tracking is for the spell never implemented in china anyway so what are we going to get much like now because theyll be nothing if we let this continue but im worried that were. Storing up lots of folks was going to get onto this quickly the way to do it is to keep these restrictions going to get people back. A very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at our change here in moscow thanks for joining us this hour. Moscow has sent hundreds of thousands of dozens of its sputnik the vaccine to latin america as the region increasingly bets on the russian jab argentina its the 3rd delivery of the russian shot with 5000000. 00 doses in total expected by the end of the month libya has received 20000 doses u. N. Secretary general has said sputnik the can play a key role in fighting the virus as it you suffer as huge delays and shortages from other vaccine manufacturers they are trying to report. News on Vaccine Distribution challenges delays in deliveries you may be sick and tired of it but this is the reality around the world even the trust between the countries is being put to the test as the scramble for vaccine doses intensifies concerns over how cash strapped governments and regions like latin america will be able to secure enough jobs for their nations in time are even more serious the ultimate remedy for it is more vaccines cheaper vaccines this explains why the head of the u. N. Is counting on the russian vaccine and wants to get the green light for it asap we hope the w. H. O. Will approve russias covert 1000 vaccine as soon as possible it can play a very Important Role in the fight against a pandemic it seems though for some latin american countries waiting for the final w. H. O. Approval may prove to be way too costly while corona virus infections in russia are pivoting bag down skepticism for sputnik v. Has all but vanished demand is on the up and moscows keen to help. The 1st shipment of the russian jab is only intended for 20000 bolivian medics but its still crucial for those on the covert front line the 1st 20000 doses of the vaccines have arrived in bolivia to stop. The 2nd wave of the covert 19 pandemic the bolivian president luis r. Se has personally welcome to shipment at the International Airport eventually bolivia will get enough sputnik 3 doses to immunize 2600000 people the president wants to cement confidence in the vaccine by getting the job to. The russian creation is set to become very most used vaccine in mexico in the 1st 3 months of this year and the country that is just about to certify the use of sputnik the january house proved to be disastrous with the worst spike ever in new covert cases the president tested positive last week but the leaders happy has been able to seal the deal with moscow to 12000000 people we spoke with the president of the Russian FederationVladimir Putin and he was genuine and cool deal i invited him to visit mexico and thank him for the decision to send us 24000000 doses of the sputnik the vax and over the next 2 months. Argentina was the pioneer in trying out sputnik among latin american countries the 1st jabs arrived and when osiris at the end of december and after getting the data on side effects only one percent of those who received the shot have some sort of issues brought us loudest went on to order 22000000 doses with the latest batch having just arrived the president and the Vice President have both taken the russian vaccine argentina has been dubbed the global testing ground for moscows vaccine dr well so far so good and the infamous curve in the country has gone past its peak in the country with more people bucks in the. Way we could only see 2 percent of the workers because. We had only 300000. 00 scenes in the theaters send the need to so much now we are receiving 5000000. 00 more dossiers and with spoke to lead the box initial round with 25000000. 00 used for joy of september the trend is more and more evident you probably shouldnt shy away from what they call walk or not also in spanish if you want a quicker escape from the red zone for your country when it comes to western vaccines supplies the british e. U. Spat could hit a boiling point within days after brussels announced plans to let Member States seize control of shot exports trying to escape explains. This ra is really heating up in brussels made the threat that it will look to ban exports of the. Vaccine from the blog thats going to have massive implications not just for the cape but also other countries in the world and this comes amidst a huge shortage of the curve in 1000. 00 vaccine here in the e. U. Now leaders are meeting on friday to discuss whether National Regulators are going to get these powers to say no you cannot export any of the vaccine that is produced within the European Union and 1st that could be hit hard is the u. K. Which currently is waiting on a shipment of some food 3000000. 00 doses of the 5 is a bio tech vaccine thats produced in belgium of course if the export ban comes in a wont be getting those doses while continuing dialogue i believe the e. U. Needs to take robust action to secure a supply of vaccines and demonstrate concretely that the protection of its citizens remains our absolute priority well this of course comes amidst a huge spat over the last days between the e. U. And also the anglo swedish pharmaceutical group this is astra zeneca astra zeneca which has plants in the u. K. And in belgium had made this commitment with the e. U. Last year when it was researching the vaccine its now turned around the e. U. And said were only going to be able to supply 25 percent of the doses that we said we would by the end of march and this is a massive problem for the e. U. Because its not just been dealt this now by astra zeneca which says its got production problems but its also been told similar things by pfizer by own tech that they simply cannot produce the number of vaccines that it said it would be able to do now the shortages are already impacting many areas of europe for example here in france paris and other regions in the country said that they. I have to delay the rollout of their Vaccine Program while in spain in the capital in madrid its already said its having to halt its programme has warned that that could also be the case in catalonia so really not good news as this comes amidst huge criticism all of how the e. U. Has rolled out this program of vaccination trying to get all countries at the same time and oversee finding itself relatively in short supply but the e. U. Is pulling pointing the blame firmly that anglo swedish astra zeneca astra zeneca will suffer if they treat people in the worlds biggest market 2nd class citizens to add to all of this investigators have now been sent to the astra zeneca plant in belgium to check that they were in fact telling the truth that they was a problem with production and thats because theres a suggestion that millions of doses had already been sent to the u. K. And that has left the e. U. Serious because it says its invested a huge amount of money in astra zeneca money astra zeneca says it hasnt received much of for the moment but it does seem that the e. U. Is now moving towards a europe strategy a strategy that its often criticised when its been deployed by of the countries. Shortages of the jobs are being particularly felt in spain where 2 of the biggest regions have even halted their backs nation campaigns blaming the e. U. We must stand up to brussels and demand more doses we need more vaccines and more tests and everything the destruction this task will prolong the fight against the virus the cattle and madrid regions have used up almost all their doses with remaining vials needed to give 2nd chance to those who already have one that ruins government plans to inoculate most of the population by june and the head of the countrys vaccination Association Says the shortage is nationwide. So. The number of doses were receiving has been significantly reduced the vaccine is not being delivered to the rate that we anticipated so its a real problem for the National Vaccination plan and it means a ton of us regions will have to review their strategies the supplies who do half will be needed to give 2nd doses to those who have already started the vaccination process so we will not be able to knock uli other vulnerable and increase groups that were identified in the original plan its a difficult and uncomfortable situation. A similar picture is playing out across that you were just 2 percent of people have been vaccinated so far as a republic stop an occupation altogether for 2 weeks because of the lack of doses all paris and 2 other parts of france have postponed their job campaign with a special occupation chief again says brussels should have secured early supplies from former giants. I do not like the lack of transparency with regards to the contracts that the European Union has concluded with pharmaceutical companies we dont know about them we dont know the Purchase Price we dont know anything at all and i think thats wrong of course were concerned that apparently those countries did purchase vaccines in a higher price than the European Union have not experienced such delay in delivery we are not at all satisfied with the current situation. U. K. Is cracking down on trips abroad travelers will now be turned back at the border if they cant prove their trips quote essential home secretary is closed down comes after britain 2nd highest ever cope with daily death toll the rules of quid people should be staying that time unless they happen reason to leave going on holiday is not a valid reason. Britains also announced new rules for travel from what it calls high risk countries flying from 30 listen nations must quarantine and a government approved hotel at their own expense yet there are calls to go even further with a top official denouncing a mass failure to follow the rules not just borders and monitoring new strains but time to fix the biggest flaw in our current strategy namely that 3 quarters of those with symptoms do not self eiseley jeremy hunt once g. P. S. Tracking through peoples phones to make sure they self isolate is cited poland and taiwan successfully using the policy my colleague mccarran put that controversial idia up for debate. But lets know your thoughts on the their proposal for g. P. S. Tracking what do you think of that. Or just the i guess im not sure i mean i think its a bit over the top really i think what we havent done through all this process is get out test trace and isolate work if you want to get your domestic market economy back on the up and running you do Australia New Zealand have done 0 code in the got 0 go bit by chance in their borders good tech to test trace and isolate by quarantine and by providing support for people into isolation but weve got what weve got to do is weve got to accept that this disease will exist that this disease is probably not going to be seasonal forever we have got to protect the elderly and the vulnerable and britain has done incredibly well with the Vaccination Program but in terms of people who are not clinically vulnerable those people need to be sent back to work and we certainly need to open up the schools the idea of g. P. S. Tracking people is for the personnel never implemented in time anyway we know that most of the introductions of the virus into the u. K. During the 1st wave of the pandemic and indeed you in the 2nd world travelers returning from mainland europe and i think it might be too late now but nevertheless we are faced with a new virus variants and i guess this strategy is to try and stop the introduction of these more worrying variants of the virus that has been in all of piety with the British Government where the matter how crazy the idea is somebody comes along and says they want an even more crazy and draconian rule broadhead we have let these people run absolutely right and what has happened we are the Public Sector debt is now 2. 13 trillion in december we borrowed 38000000000 pounds hes absolutely bananas weve got to get back to work weve got to get back to work now because theyll be nothing to come back to if we let this continue much longer while thats most of thats ridiculous isnt it so were going to let all these early people die away were going to let this virus spread and there is. It is dated by the 15th fascinated by the 15th century as you well know as making an assumption the vaccines are going to work and theyre going to transmit your make your make you know something that the economy can exist if you lock it down for a year justify that you might not worry about other people the n. H. S. But i do my backgrounds in cancer and im worried that where we are storing up lots of problems for ourselves weve got to get out of this quickly and the way to do it is to keep these restrictions going get people vaccinated but its still going to take months for that to have an effect thats the ball that you might not stand the biology of the biology thats the body of the situation the point here ace there is that scientists are going fall too far what you need in any society is a balance between risk takers and people who are risk averse. The only concern that we have is about the spread of the virus the only concern we have is about the position of the n. H. S. No concern is being given to the future economic wellbeing of this country no concern is being given to the Mental Health of young people no concern is being given about how viable this country will be after youve brought doctors in cotton wool you know were going to have to learn some very serious lessons this will not be the last pandemic and i think we and many other countries were not alone in this were not prepared for this we learnt some hard lessons over march and april but we have did far too much we didnt delay got that balance wrong we need to stop debating only about the medical issue and we need to start seeing it in the wider context and accept that britain does need to continue as a country and that the has to be a balance between keeping people safe and also maintaining the wealth and livelihoods and educate should all those codes are. So had numerous u. S. States locked down restorations despite surging u. S. Death toll thats my story after this break. Join me every thursday on the alec simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world the politics sports business im show business ill see that. Is youll media a reflection of reality. In the world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. Isolation for community. Are you going the right way or are you being lead. Dialing. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us on the debt. Or a made in the shallowness. Welcome back antilock down riots and lebanon have entered a 5th day triggered by radical restrictions including around the clock curfew earlier this week at least one person has been killed and hundreds injured with Security Forces and the army reportedly using live ammunition in the protests. All the violence the city is seeing comes amid a buckling Health Care System and sharp rise up poverty in the kobe hit economy riders vandalized and set fire to numerous buildings in lebanon 2nd largest city tripoli as you can see here among the property destroyed with the town hall demonstrators all to police and soldiers with stones and molotov cocktails as well Security Forces responded with tear gas and rubber bullets and that live ammunition as we were mentioning earlier demonstrations began after authorities extended the lockdown by a further 2 weeks was preceded by an 11 day around the clock curfew earlier this month and the city already struggling with high unemployment and poverty journalists omar abraham reports from the scene. There would be it up as it is the 4th day of the protests in tripoli a lot of protesters have gathered to trying to march to the local Administration Building and storming as happened in previous days Security Forces are using tear gas grenades to stop the protesters but its not stopping some of the protesters from throwing the grenades into the windows of the provincial headquarters some officers have been hurt as a result of the protesters have been dispersed from the square with tear gas and some of them are trying to hide in the surrounding areas the Lebanese Army has surrounded the area but for now the army is not taking any action right now the situation is stable is there are some small clashes from time to time it seems like the army is waiting for serious clashes to get involved just because some time ago it used armed forces to on blocking the roads to trickle in that. They had at the Lebanese Red Cross is the countrys caught between fighting kogut and plunging incomes. Many areas you look at the situation and you do that we have to get back to the protocol and regulations and people are fighting crime youve got going to need to be. Going to have them to see how they can manage them and then they live and. Today no hospital. And then run up up the avenue of mad to push them back to. The end they have we had a paving a lot of problems and the cape is to be a measure of the dome but of course 2 out of every 2 to be is to be in the. Community between both because youre to get a bill to put their wealth on both 5 prominent of course and majority of from the community while. The u. S. Is registering some of its highest daily death tolls from the virus thats more than 79000. 00 victims this month alone at that isnt stopping some states from lifting covert restrictions as artist on a quarter reports joe biden entered the white house masks a blazing with an executive order that promised to shut down the coronavirus but barely a week in and hes already backpedaling nothing we could