Transcripts For RT CrossTalk 20240711 :

RT CrossTalk July 11, 2024

The Electoral College however. We are shorthand will say president elect for me the real focus is what happened in what they were rest of the election there was no blue wave it looks like as we speak now the senate will remain in republican hands thoughts more gridlock which may not be a bad idea because of pay at one of the the senate we could have seen a number of things that a lot of conservatives would be against so you know from trumps days are numbered in the white house that it would appear but. Even without trump ive now i say there is trying to some in the media is not recognizing it and i think thats a huge mistake go ahead bob. I greeted a lot of sled victory over the blue wave they refer to. Never materialized and i think the reason why they expected as well just an ocean that electional trunk in 2016 had been a mistake and that this was their problem money because i dont think they ever came to terms with why the last 2016. Instead they spent the last 4 years under minding the legitimacy of election saying that trump was merely a president who came to power by with us or the kremlin and through fake news so because they never really took a. Clear as all survey of why this happened then never really addressed it and when did which is why i did thought that this was merely a mistake and i think this. Is a lot firmer and if occasions now further because. They see they need to come to terms with why people still voted for trying to decide why they didnt have a blue a bunch of get this whole idea that the country would again go back to normal and unified it was again based on that did the trunk was a mistake and people would reject him but again he so turned out to have started an entirely new movement and even if hes gone some little pick out there and there will continue all same of a lot of the same policies and i guess the main problem is theres no i dont see any possibility for cation bringing the country together because again did the main concern or problem people i was trying to i was a saying that the election was stolen from him and a large are to say electorate will agree with this and you can kind understand why them to me that you know far from beings inferior to him that take johnson actively gone out to censor him and then all the media kept there really biden it and it also guilty and also quite a lot of the republicans. No more the 70000000 people voted for trump well last quote why should we recognize the legitimacy of biden for the last 4 years the democrats did not recognize the legitimacy of trump even last week. Started this week a letter that you had. Hillary clinton come out im still saying now 4 years in a row that the election was stolen from our so this failure to recognize electoral defeat it is it did not start with sean. So i think they have a lot to do in order to. Bring in this divisions and i just like to make one final point if you recognize that the country is divided because you have got it now or at least 8000000 more people voting for trunk this so i can explain this and even blacks and latinos and all this is the graphics voting the greater numbers are trunk and how are you going to explain it i mean. You have you know from biden saying that you know if youre black you should be a black you for not putting for me or was it al sharpton arguing that all the cubans are released the knicks theyre more whites which is and they did their thing by giving up their quotas for trump. Again no Michelle Obama came up and said listen we really are in dire need to unify the country you have to reach out to trump orders but we have to come to recognize a 70 percent of this people voted 2 percent of the hate allies chaos and division i mean. How can you how is this the Opening Statement to unify the country if you say that unification is between us good americans have to unify with bad americans is just the premise refusing to recognize the position of the other side is just such a horrible point of the parcher if you recognize you do have to come together you know exactly that its absolutely right because even in victory we have the people surrounding biden and Michelle Obama obama being mentioned here a continued to hold half the electorate in contempt. Ok we may thats why there is you have this this. Talk about essentially reeducating a trump voter i mean in the lack of recognition that these people have agency they have their own values they have their own interests here theres not a recognition of that and on top of that why should republicans and republicans treat biden any differently than the way the democrats treated donald trump head examined. Yes exactly in my opinion it will be more difficult from joe biden than it was for the not trying because the idea that the elections was the soul is white and they didnt know and you know actually in my opinion its. More predominance of the liberal not only in the United States but are actually you know in the world and you know i can compare that with what happened you know in france with Yellow Jackets because of. My color repressed smoke meant by using Something Like a blood shed but to continue continue littering the rest of the planet. For instance who can go in belarus so west without her knowing joe biden if hes elected oh. He criticized for instance i dont know but i am sorry ukraine or and the african country as long as. I in my opinion there is no if you dont see that there is a massive fraud in the United States so its a complete complete loss from our predominance of the west and especially how the u. S. Leader or yet exactly you know the plan that the it seems to me that the left has has forgotten what democracy is all about because for them democracy is the pursuit is to pursue an ideology it is not to look for representation theyve moved away from representation when they want to say i want to use the electoral process it to inforce and i use that were specifically enforced their ideology on the people that dissent from it and thats a form of authoritarianism so democracy is it has no value to me its a vehicle thats what it is not really ok i do want to see in United States to its wonder democrats win the election. While youre on talk of the marker of them are christian. It is a system where the process is more important than the outcome. And they get it and in this case you can actually see that unification of the United States would to a large extent rely on the democratic process so for example now the dispute is whether or not there were an election irregularities the United States has democratic mechanisms in place for this that is if there are reasons to believe that there are irregularities then these are assessed. And looked into and is improving to be the case or not to get a case however what you see now is only. The democrats were not there already decided that there are no irregularities this is fake news so if there are regular this will day really accept that this existed and all other side of the coin with the with the republicans if there shows that no actually it wasnt any major irregularities at least not enough to swing the election. And they still feel that the election was stolen so again this commitment that end results this is a reluctance to accept that the democratic process should be held off the outcome its very much absent them this is very much huge an idea that both sides now see that the other one is not merely our political opposition seeking a different path for the country this both sides are seeing the other side attempting to ruin the country so again that the democrats looking at them and they republicans theyre just you know are they are sentient want to remake america as a fascist country which is. Based on some strange assumptions and then you have the republicans looking at the democrats now who are doing that that well i would say more of those behind it that they want to operate a lot of the institutions because under the premise that america systemically racist country you really have to dig up all the roots to cleanse it of its horrible history and origin and its just that the macwrite process actually rots away in this. System and this is just because. Its i mean theres talk of a truth and reconciliation process like there wasnt south africa for people that were in trumps orbit i mean we have general play and we have other people that have been subject to this thats quite terrifying its very it sounds like the stasi to me that you know they when they want to cleanse the body politic of these impure thoughts again this has nothing to do with democracy it is about the promotion of an ideology that is alien to half the country that. Actually youre trying to lift look as look at this do you just want to maybe least like. The rings original regulation and sending people the. Finished for instance if you gave to do not paid for 2 doors or a group doris you would be finished you will be on and on the least in my opinion its typically of the. Usual activities not only in the United States but you can in france who is the same and in the point of when it was underlined by the next im going to contain that. But i dont want to control it is a left is completely true because and certainly in my opinion biden is not able to manage the country during the next. You can explore years so the Vice President will be the real president and shes a neutral its really going to try to. I think you know they did betray her it is a hard left as you can make that case but let me go to plan right now i see her as the quintessential status quo candidate politician i mean its no surprise that when she was picked the stock market went up because they shes going to do their bidding just like obama did. And so then when i see here im rapidly running out of time here is that the print dress of element of the Democratic Party theyre going to remind them that theyre browns to ok and mean and what were going to see here with this potent quote victory is the beginning of a civil war within the Democratic Party has been the republican 20 seconds and go ahead are going to. Put out the cry party are not unified. Bidens entire election platform also gets biden on the get out of office and remember to wear masks now if this is your name election platform it also reflects that there was a lot of divisions within the Democratic Party i mean. Youre going to get it ready to go and were breaking down a short break well continue our discussion and some real stay. You know clothes will suit wolf will wear sleeves. But. Probably was in short. Order cook doesnt actually matter the age to put a gun the most of. You can do that with us because all of those who do use the bunkers those stories could be game we will see in the movie it is with it would seem to most of us but i is the most severe some of what is in your speech come home and use the of. The 20th century was thing in order of revolution the Great Depression and world war the 21st is the century of mental illness. Those arent my words thats what surfaced some psychiatry to tell us the only question is should we accept it as a fact. Use. Tactics that can be used to get innocent people to confess to crimes they didnt commit i dont even think people in the us really get that the police are allowed to lie to the person who falsely confessed actually came to believe the lie that they were told about their own behavior once a false confession a stake in the case is closed nobody really can tell the difference between a good confession and one that is a. Welcome back to crossfire for all things are considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were discussing some real news. Ok i was going to examine that in little talk about whats going on in france and other parts of year period we have the french president declaring. That there must be an end to muslim is islamic separatism its very interesting coming from the quintessential neo liberal of europe talking about this i mean i was really quite shocked. And what it tells me is that this neal liberal ideology doesnt understand what its doing as a matter of fact its tearing the fabric of societies are all across europe and they suddenly say oh this is terrible its him or its quite extraordinary let me read to you and some i mean from a French Institute of Public Opinion which you probably know very well name last week they said the majority of muslims under the age of 2557 percent believe islamic law to be more important than french law in france increase of 10 percent since 2016 so this is going on for a while all of a sudden the french president has an opinion about him you know actually in my opinion its the muslims treat because actually islam isnt in france is a part of the local problem which is you need ration for the last 45 years france we salute any reason because we are able in your continuing economic crisis or for 45 years we imported millions of immigrants and because any kind of goals that the state are created we even dont look only they are but you know you know places and you know these reasonable course is a problem but so small part you know notable foreign friends dont do the french. Criminologist so you also say that that 80 percent of the crimes in the region of paris is linked to maybe once population so and were talking friends of places without any control were at war. We know her. Policeman needs are fighting. Inside and dont want to control there is. Just to be a little Drug Trafficking and we have some smaller didnt contest it we were insurance and in my opinion in an enlightening wants to make us believe that we are already sure no we are a little ignition on and if we dont have this. Maybe when we dont have any amusing problem so its not a religious problem to be so its a mess you know many and sold it will me gratian problem. And you know i could just do to finish my call would lead to serious public. Rebuke to fight against the generally during the 200. 00. 30 years so we are using do security sticks. Security idealogy to expend we need. Islam in line to buy units because it. Exists. There thats the point your plan your business and its be very clear i mean we were talking about the increase of 11 can call islamic terrorism were talking about the beheading of School Teacher recently a very horrific crime and this is what spurred this debate here but plenty i mean you know there are those that say this is a crisis of islam thats an argument you can make but you can say its a crisis of liberalism too and i think its because theres a crisis of liberalism and it doesnt understand how its destroying a political culture because if you dont have respect for your own political culture why should you expect immigrants have respect or go ahead and i think its important their point out like oh my god this is not only his initiative it will all of our leading alger islamic terrorism is also counter fundamental. List ideas which are not compatible with french culture and values and this actually looks like another step in this. Oh this repudiation of the functioning of multiculturalism is essentially based on the basic idea that you need to recognize that there is one culture set a cultural norms and values of the society should be able to organize around again if if they say there isnt so then you can truly complain if some people could just lump all over french or if they if you think they were argue that so you have a list of different cultures which you should not respond more or less atomically without without. It being under the same phone number ella and interestingly this is a very much sure whats microns about it would be a very conservative argument was exactly what a human beings are very much organizing in groups that were tribal and their role of state is to make the states 11 tribe in the role of their government this should make sure that this does not take on a biliteral of form where we become sort of folk force i think it was our other tribes still form forming thing a Common National identity of all. Living without in those borders wants a cultural norms and values which it all and race. Does some very reasonable approach to take up i guess youre right i mean this kind of conservative i did that we do do need to uniform around. Yes a certain shared ideas at this impedes on the idea that the liberal should stand old its own it should not be constrained by. Any and it was our socalled indoctrination of culture so you do have to have a balance between the individual ism and effects of the recognising that humans do belong to collect it we organise a tribe still a large extent and its not so you cant literalism you might get in a struggling that was the idea that it could dismantle the tribe i think theres now seeing namely that education tends to break into smaller tribes where people associate with different values and identities which arent linked to this government state in a more or the nation i think is where often a lot of this problem is begin to emerge and again is oh yeah this actually is a rice. Problem in france sold soley at the feet of the sonic state islamic faith doesnt seem real if their brother had said it. But your point is very well taken a great if you look im not attacking islam here at all when im talking its not. A new liberalism and that the an ideology you know. Well you know you know what kind of bouncing off what glenn had to say here you know you know theyre having. Liberalism in its attempt to create a triumph there where you have the miliary i would go further than that i think that liberalism wants to destroy all ok no identity and recreate it based on certain laws and civic duties and all that people dont think that way they dont think that way and this is why this ideology is is so counterproductive because when it does is it you know you start destroying the assent of a cynic body and then people wont protect that but then you have a group of people that feel disaffected by that ideology where they ball the ball on their relation ok so i mean its liberalism spot here and i want to make it very clear that none of us on this program and our viewers are tolerate any kind of violence and terrorism like weve seen in europe recently and that is it is completely unacceptable head example and you know actually we dont have to forget that the last bullet to us in france was built by the legal roads complete dish on participating in one side you want to educate the society were good most of the western country all the new rights mean. 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