A technical argument but its the argument that prevailed in bush versus gore and there are already 3 or 4 justices who agree with that argument but it would take a combination of circumstances during the election to bring that case into a posture where you would want in the court so i think its unlikely you will prevail in the courts but thats his best shot you broke media myths about Different Cases time and time again over your decades in law what impact do you think the socalled Mainstream Media is going to make on the case they seem to have already decided that joe biden is the president of the United States. Well the media mostly engages in Wishful Thinking and theyre often wrong because they substitute was d they hope will happen for a careful analysis of what will happen and you know the most likely outcome obviously is that biden gets elected with more than 270. 00 electoral d votes and he wins in court if you have to be betting money thats where you have to be betting but with our judicial system its impossible to predict the outcome what are the timescale are we talking about will be about a month as it was in 2000 with bush and gore. If if it turns out that that biden wins the election without pennsylvania i think well have a result within weeks not months if pennsylvania becomes a key state then i think it will take months do you think trump always had in mind the 300 judges that were appointed under his Administration Given that he had already been suspecting vote tampering. Well i think he there are a lot of reasons why he wanted to appoint lots of judges his base wants conservative judges but i think part of the reason may very well have been as a backstop as a protection in the event that he had to take the election to court any president would think in those terms how is the average american supposed to understand what on earth is going on you may know that social Media Company twitter is already throttling the ability to share tweets made by President Trump about the election well twitter is violating its own terms you know it gets exemption from defamation suits gets a supposed to be only a platform but its become a publisher and it decides what goes in and what stays out and it decides whether to flag tweets or not thats not its job and i think the American Public is getting fed up with the social media and them being exempt from theyre above the law in some ways and yet they act in a way thats inconsistent with the law of the twitter denies and says its a its changing all the time as to its policies as regards politics what do you think the role of lawyers will be on behalf of trump we had his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani on the program hes been giving press conferences in philadelphia to the press will you be helping the case or do you see that it will be giuliani and his team who will be defending the. Interim president it will be giuliani it is chamber ive known really for i dont know 30 or 40 years ive done my duty to the president of the United States of america by defending him against the unconstitutional impeachment charge on this issue im going to just sit back and watch d i have my own podcast or analyze the case and i will be an observer and a commentator but not a participant in some historical now what he was telling us on the program was about to biden and making extraordinarily geishas about the president s son and. Well maybe the president and certainly the president future President Biden himself why do you think it didnt make any headway on the news channels in the United States and a polling day well i think some of the news channels didnt cover it if there were any anti biden they covered it if they were pro by and they didnt cover it thats a tragedy. That you dont get objective news it should have been covered it should have been investigated its a serious charge but the media if theyre pro biden just say its an uncorroborated on document the charge and the other sides acts as if its totally d proven its a charge worthy of being investigated and i suspect it will be investigated if and when joe d biden becomes president by what do you feel in the night when youre watching florida declare so decisively relative to 2000 and the other states coming in i was surprised i voted in florida and i thought florida d would be much closer as it has been in the past the remarkable thing about this election is how little has changed over the past 4 years obviously the country has changed dramatically but the vast majority of states voted the same way d they did 4 years ago then difference in the popular vote d about 3000000. 00 is about the same as it was the only difference is a handful of states which incur. Lohse all actions went the other way and that will determine the outcome of the election supporters of trump say he shouldnt have given that press conference on the night saying there is fraud and waited a little bit do you think that will affect any Court Outcome because he was alleging both before it even before the election and of course on the night rather than saying this is the state of play at the moment well wait and see i dont think that kind of statement affects the courts it was done after the polls will close so i think it was just him saying what he believed and i dont think it will have any impact either electorally or judicially not just finding out Something Different i know youve been accused of being brought to the epstein sex trafficking right scandal we had a guy on who worked for Israeli Intelligence who made a claim that amp steen and maxwell were israeli spies anything that you knew of the daily mirror pension fund being used to finance epstein and Israeli Intelligence being involved i am totally convinced that bass completely false is false as the accusation against me and my case the accusations we have emails that my accuser tried to suppress and which she admits she never met me we have her lawyer and take it meaning that she was wrong we have the f. B. I. Former f. B. I. Investigating it i have been totally completely exonerated and the proof is overwhelming that my accuser made up the whole story and i think people making up stories about them aside i dont think theres any truth to that at all why do you think people who knew epstein im actually saying things like that. Well you know hes a mysterious character people now know a lot about him visited me once in israel i think it was the only time he was ever it is really he didnt seem to know anybody there i arranged d a lunch for him at the time before i do anything wrong or anything improper that he had done i arranged a lunch with him with the judges and justices and important people he had never met any of those people i cant imagine that he had any contact with israel but its easy to make up stories and i think the media has an obligation to check those stories ive asked d the f. B. I. To investigate me and investigate my accuser one of us should be charged with perjury and it obviously should be her because i never met her she made up all story i think we have to be so cautious about epstein related stories because people are so inclined to make them up specially now these days and need us no opportunity to respond im not here are going for epstein what he did what i found out he did afterward is terrible but i didnt know about it most people who know him didnt know about it before but i doubt he had any connection to any Intelligence Agency why do you think the media are more interested in the story than the hunter biden alleged corruption. And should be why news about a man who will be president of the United States the other is a bad enough secure financial guy is dead but one is salacious the other is not and i think the media follow salacious stories and they dont investigate properly if they investigated the accusations against me with the same or here that theyve investigated other allegations they would dismiss them out of hand i hope they do imo im an open book ive done nothing wrong thats why im prepared to speak about it many of the other people have been accused arent prepared to speak about it but i have nothing to hide absolutely and i should ask you given the trump gave the Golan Heights illegally occupy the new u. N. Resolution to israel recognized jerusalem as the capital with the u. S. Embassy then what if my does become president will be us is. Relations. To patiently go on hikes is completely totally lawful as a professor of law specializing in these kinds of issues i can assure you that capturing a battleship in an aggressive war waged against you and not giving it back is perfectly lawful United States did the right think of the year by Human SecurityCouncil Resolution is different all but well the un Security Council resolution is dead wrong and its been wrong in the past but but but as for why. He will stand by the decisions made by President Trump the only place youll never get perhaps is on the iran deal where hell go back and try to get a better deal from iran but he wont reverse true so he wont reverse the Golan Heights and he certainly wont reverse the Peace Process between israel and the gulf states which is a very d positive development to israel as nothing different not that much difference between trump obama i think biden will d be better than obama but not quite as good for israel d as trump but i think biden will be fine ive known biden for 40 years hes always been pro israel d generally and i think support for israel warming bipartisan among the democrats and the republicans with a few exceptions on the hard left of the Democratic Party prince around thank you thank you often the break washington ballots to washington bullets will the u. S. Election do little to impede the march of u. S. Imperialism we are asking both of egypt rashad about assassinations in the name of democracy only some more coming up on 2 of going on the ground. L. Look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. A robot must obey the orders given by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the 1st law show your identification for should be very careful about Artificial Intelligence at the point of view screen is to create trusts ever the shia. Muslims might take on various chimes in with Artificial Intelligence will summon the demon. The robot must protect its own existence and existence. Will. Join me everything on the alex im unsure and ill be speaking to guess of the world the Politics School or business im show business ill see you then. The u. S. Has a history complicated and heated president ial election whats different this time is that the biggest political events of the last 4 years is happening amid the coronavirus spend. The rest of them to the level of civil unrest sparked by the death of george floyds. The why of the radical groups on both sides of the political spectrum. Right there with the city ordinance. Say. These groups attract barely a week members who have taken to the streets making protests look like full scale work you see here was only a state of whats about to happen this demonstrators are sometimes heavily armed and they are not afraid of violence or law enforcement. If you want a war let it begin with us. Were going to meet these groups and their leaders to find out how far theyre ready to go to fight for what they believe the state for this country. Welcome back regardless of the litigation now underway about this weeks contested u. S. President ial election some things arguably never change as the u. S. Military seeks to block chinese economic supremacies as the u. S. Deep state seeks to neutralize rival power was im joined now via skype by author another division of his new book washington bullets a history of the cia coups and assassinations is out now and he joins me from North Hampton in massachusetts thanks so much for going back on does it matter who wins obviously in some minute but as regards the issues in your new book. You know the issues of the u. S. Foreign policy u. S. Aggression towards countries like venezuela towards countries like cuba the difference is not only minimal its just not this is a bipartisan consensus whether youve had a democratic president liberal democratic president or youve had a far right republican president theyve all tried to troll overthrow governments and they succeeded from the overthrow of Mohammad Mosaddegh in iran from 1053 do able more alice in bolivia 2019 theres been no difference you know when you look at the record of these people they all have a very similar active duty toward the world which is to use u. S. Power as much as possible to secure the basic you know advantage to american corporations and i dont see any difference in a Biden Administration between biden and trump theyll be a difference in attitude you know a Trump Presidency was a presidency where mr trump essentially pushed people aside at International Meetings to get to the front of the line when hes photographed biden will be a little more polite but this politeness when bombs are being dropped on you is to my mind irrelevant ill get to the bullets in more detail but you mention even morale is there he really has written the preface to your new book how do you think washington will react in the past few days its happened that even morale is can return to that lithium superpower we often talk about the fact we all carry a bit of bolivia with mobile phones thats well said we do carry a bit of bolivia with us in our mobile phones. Is returned to bolivia the bolivian people stood up against a coup detat which they faced in november 29th its extraordinary action we havent really seen many examples of a coup detat happening and in about. The people he checked the coup government in a democratic process this struggle and they fought and the United States we mustnt underestimate this we saw this recently in el salvador with the president about salvador center right person went to china got a lot of deals on the way back to el salvador stopped off in tokyo japan she whispered in his ear and said dont cut a deal with china regarding the port the americans showed up they signed some deals with those out of putting a lot of pressure to break with china this is exactly what the bolivia story is about it will more or less be did his country toward china they had a number of important deals in booting the chinese help putting a bulletin satellite into space called to book atari satellite the americans were furious about this and they overthrew the the government so this cold war with chinas commercially trysts and south america being pushed back by the United States not through its own commercial dealings because United States cannot actually compete commercially as you see with huawei and zte that d. Theyre using extra economic means to break the back of the chinese commercial developments in these parts of the world and thats what were going to see again whether its a trump or biden ministration really an anybody administration because you see in Silicon Valley option not one silicone valley c. E. O. Has come out to condemn trumps trade war against china because they agree with the trade war because thats the only way they can compete with chinese high tech firms at this time but the bluefin example is really something to hold on to the people who helped fast r. C. Had you know gasoline and red being thrown on her head was cut and she looked at the camera and says we are not afraid and now shes been elected as a senator in the senate didnt believe you have something to hold our heads high for ok well we invited the u. S. Ambassador i dont. Which one it might be in the next few hours whether its the same one joke in washington obviously deny what youre saying they say was a formula and a constitution that evo morales was responsible for you mention bolivia che guevara was killed in bolivia by tehran reputedly told him he told the killer his own killer you are only killing a man with the idea that youre you know killing an idea you seem to disagree in this book washington bullets you believe washington bullets actually do have actions greater than jake of even so when i was a young person i was so enthusiastic about the rise to power in so then known as up of altar of a young man by the name of thomas and carter in 1903 some kind of came to power brought in very sensitive policies very progressive people into the administration you know he did something so intelligent he said on every wednesday women will not do any cooking not do any cleaning not do any washing weve got to teach men to take charge of the carrick on i mean side the house it was at that level of sensitivity that he put policies in place in 1907 he was assassinated it was killed the collusion of french intelligence the military in so and so on the in the highest some got a project at that moment lost confidence you know people lost confidence in the ability to move history forward the killing of some of the killing of lumumba that had a catastrophic effect on the National Liberation policy in the congo cant underestimate what it does how it shocks the psychosocial capacity of a people when their standard bearer is killed in cold blood and you know we can recite name after name after name the assassination of chris hani at the beginning of the south africa. Experience after apartheid he was killed in 1904 going out to get a newspaper this major leader of the communist party. You know leader of the work a