This because i directly dealt with the biden family including joe biden. Does more headlines in about 59 minutes it was our 2 international. You will or if youre seeing this later you already did fall back an hour at 2 am november 1 Daylight Saving time and its saving not savings artificially moves an hour from morning to evening during the months of the year when the days are longer is started during world war one the goal was to save energy if for instance the summer sun set at 8 pm rather than 7 we might spend that hour outdoors not at home consuming electricity but science journalist Joseph Stromberg notes that studies that evaluate the Energy Impact of daily. Saving time are mixed it seems to reduce lighting use and electricity consumption slightly but may increase heating and air conditioning use as well as gas consumption its probably fair to say that energy wise its a wash and theres a growing push to stay on daylight time rather than shifting to standard time and floridas 2 u. S. Senators have introduced the sunshine protests action act to do just that rick scott arguing that after months of staying inside amid the coronavirus pandemic families across the nation could use a little more sunshine and time to enjoy all that florida has to offer if youre working at home you can sleep later without that Early Morning commute and the kids dont have to stand in the dark at the bus stop if their Distance Learning so fall back or a lock the clock lets ask brian keene who is the president of smart power dot org named the nations best nonprofit Marketing Firm helping to get the message out about Energy Efficiency and clean energy brian does switching to standard time save energy or should we lock the clock. Actually personally im in favor of locking the glock i like the sun i think we need to see more of it to the truth and in the midst of this pandemic the whole point is we should actually be spending more time outside simply so that were not catching you were not giving the virus to each other so the intent really to keep ourselves outside as long as possible really speaks to actually locking our clock so that we can actually spend what time outside the other thats really interesting holland is this concept that you know were not actually. Going to work so were not getting in the cars and having our you know the long commutes back and forth but we are now in our backyards and so what youre seeing now is the seasons are changing people are buying these propane you know heaters and heating their backyards and the danger of their course is yeah were not getting in the cars but were just actually directly heating the earth by kind of using our propane tanks to just you know light up the earth so we do need to be careful and thats going to be a bigger issue as it gets darker and not simply because it actually is cooler but then does a psychological effect that people do think its cooler so the propane tanks will go on yeah and all the restaurants here in the northeast are trying to go all fresco so you see more and more of those while we have spent so much time at home and understand that we are driving less we sure were during the early part of the shutdown low demand we read is clobbering oil prices and because were at home were told electrical bills are going up and the factory shutdowns that have disrupted supply chains have cut natural gas consumption by a 5th so brian regardless of what time it is there are things we can do to save energy in the coming months and i understand that you literally wrote the book. I did in you know its true what we actually realize is that you know our own homes are using tremendous amounts of energy and we actually theres a lot we can actually do about that that in fact we start 1st with understanding that you know an expression were talking a hollow in by the way our homes are using energy that we dont even know are wasted we call that phantom load or vampire power in this is the energy that all of our gadgets all of the kind of the cool instruments we have in our houses the flat screen t. V. s cell phones all these kind of cool gadgets theyre just drawing power and we dont even know theyre using it so take it like this those flat screen t. V. s which are great which by the way people are watching right now when we turn it off with our with our clicker when we turn it off with a Remote Control it is still on and its still drawing power its actually drawing power to the degree of about 100. 00 a year for every flat screen t. V. Now some people might say ok well one 100. 00 a year no big deal but if you consider the fact that the average American Home has more flat screen t. V. s than children you Start Talking about a lot of a lot of money so thats significant and taken that then consider the back by the way that every cell phone charger that you plug in and by the way think of the number cell phone george and i when i say cell phone actually mean cell phone i mean i pad i mean. All those charges that you have gone that you have plugged in you you know if you like me by the way which which isnt good but if youre like me you keep them plugged into the wall unplug it and you run off the side of the house. When theyre still tucked into the wall theyre still drawing power and so youre actually paying for that power to come out of the wall and every charger thats in the was about 10. 00 a year that youre paying for the simple fix by the way is to simply unplug is not that sophisticated just unplug it and start saving money to do today there are 16. 00 coal fired power plants across the United States that are powering today just to produce the pamp higher load that we use in this country was to produce the energy that we are just wasting in workers the energy that we dont even know were wasting so its not like writing you know oh my gosh we need to live in a cold dark house and wear sweaters all the time its like wow this is just energy we dont even know or waste it like lets just start turning really turning off or t. V. s really unplugging cell phone chargers these are kind of simple quick fixes we can do the other kind of thing well im saying that i just. Go ahead. Well there is going to be funny is if you just go down into your kitchen into the middle of the night and see how it glows its going to close like the Starship Enterprise oh yeah but you or clocks in it and none of them till the right time rates i mean there are going to do. The most energy your microwave oven uses is to power the clock not even to go on both live also is not a clock is on 24 hours a day 7 days a week 360 year and meanwhile youre cooking you know maybe you know while its going to the floor yup its a glorified well when it all adds up thank you brian keane smart power dot org thank you very much and beyond Energy Issues there are some Health Implications in falling back this time of year the American Academy of sleep medicine cites an abundance of accumulated evidence that the acute transition from standard time to Daylight Saving time and current significant Public Health and safety risks including the increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events read heart attack and stroke mood disorders and Motor Vehicle crashes if you live in arizona or hawaii you dont switch to standard time and 32. 00 other states are looking into locking the clock if you want to email me your state rap and your state senator now an update on an important story weve been following all of a long newspapers are imploding why wait for tomorrow mornings print copy to know whats happening now as we can harvest information in real time on smartphones and tablets while the New York Times and wall street journal are hurting Readers Online with pay digital subscriptions corporate cost cuts continue. Cripple many local newspapers and many are folding all together the moscow pullman daily news serves those on both sides of the idaho Washington State line where todd broadband warns readers of the extinction of local news noting that. 3 percent of americans continue to rely upon newspapers as a direct source for their news and that the vast majority rely upon the whirlwind of digitise soundbites in the form of social media local and cable t. V. In order to placate their need for the next hit and door friends the popularity of twitter feeds are a symptom of an increasingly reactive society weve cease to reflect and American University journalism professor dr margo warns that what we dont know can hurt us. That loss of local coverage is actually increasing political partisanship and polarization because people are turning to National News which tends to be more conflict driven more republican versus democrat more talking heads and that is having a real effect in local communities and then you have these news deserts where you have just no coverage whatsoever and i think that what gets lost our coverage about local issues planning and zoning issues local airport issues education issues certainly crime violence in communities all of these issues are getting left out of coverage when youre turning to more national or International Wire services and thats going to thats having real effects on communities nationwide. So support your local newspapers by clipping be advertisers coupons and subscribing and when you see news happening to them off. Coming up the pandemic hits us all hard and our soldiers are suffering terribly what you can do to help the next this is the big picture on our team america. A lot of people talk about is this the beginning of china as the worlds superpower but theyre not thinking about another end of an era and that would be the Central Banks. Most of us are coping with this shutdown weve been living through but many cannot and please dont reach for the clicker because you need to know something thats been happening and its an important story we have been following all along on this show suicides among active duty members of the United States army increased by 30 percent in the 6 months since the onset of the kobe 1000 pandemic matching an overall rise in violent behavior among almost all branches of the military well u. S. Army secretary Ryan Mccarthy cannot definitely say the spike in suicides and murders is because of kovi had he points to a direct correlation from when coded started and when numbers actually went up why is this happening. And what can you do to help lets ask matthew hoh former United States marine and pentagon and state Department Official and certified peer support specialist for Mental Health and Substance Abuse disorder and as matthew and i talk were going to show you some numbers on the bottom of your screen and if youre hearing this as a podcast i will read these numbers to you the National Suicide prevention lifeline is 802738255 if you are a veteran you can reach out to the Wounded Warrior project at 8889972586 thats 88 a w w p alarm matthew when the 1st 3 months of 2020 we read that military suicides were actually declining then came coronavirus how is the pandemic especially tough on our men and women in uniform. Around me on how and when you again. Talk about this topic with regards to the crisis line i called it myself i struggle to suicidality since coming home from the wars i carry this card with me. At all times for myself as well as for others you are struggling or someone you know is struggling we use that line that the phone number the phone number is also available to people who are friends and family members who are looking for help and i urge them to all as well because this is a very big tune or not just for the person whos struggling with suicide but with a family and friends and so what were seeing and im so glad youre talking about this what youre seeing is. Within the u. S. Military there has been a 20 percent increase in suicides in 2020 with the army leading the way basically 30 percent. This is maybe not to be unexpected the cause of the high rate are the what were witnessing i think increase in suicide among the general population however you cant really compare the military to the general population because of the wide different demographic though while we can link the civilian population and say well hey you know suicide or the 1000000 population are going up so its just natural that the military suicides are going up you know it doesnt really work that way again because of the great differences in the democratic right to have a lot more people of color in the military than you do with diety you have a lot more males in the military a lot younger people that are going to know that u. S. Military didnt start challenging him aside until either 2000 or 2001 and so we just dont have the data for decades going back about how the military was affected by. I over the last 2 decades what we have seen is a steady 3 in a number of suicide though up until around 20072008 us in the u. S. Military active duty members again not veterans but active duty members and this is only had a lower rate this guy and the civilian population than the general our around that one around 2007 or so you start to see this increase is then it has been the trend has has gone up every year in the 27. 00 p. 2829. 00 there have been record numbers of suicides among the us military and now it was going down at the beginning of the year but what weve seen is it being. Since grown a virus has hit and you know there may be a number of reasons for that but one of the reasons i was back is that the us military in force is a very strict warranty on its Service Members huge the pandemic and that may be having a factor cerns of that isolation that in a little deeper social interaction that the pressure that goes along with being isolated that youre having an effect on. Yeah a lot of people are stress to having to stay at home i frankly enjoy it but its stressful not to be able to be at home and matthew about your point on the vets when you and i 1st started talking about this almost 2 years ago now you made a point that really has stuck with me. Young enlisted men were most at risk for suicide we read that a firearm is used in 60 percent of these incidents but i remember you telling me when we spoke almost a couple of years ago that it is my demographic cohort the vietnam era guys and even world war 2 veterans were still at risk the invisible wounds of war no no wage correct. Thats absolutely thats absolutely true and we asked the if you look at the veterans demographics we look at those who went to war compared to those who did not go to war among veterans from the rate of suicide is extremely high among those who do go to war for example in 2010 the state of california the study of world war 2 veterans and they found that at that point in 2000 right so youre talking 45 years after the war has i mean im sorry 55 years after the war time out this terrible. But the way you have you have worked times as in any Natural Healing themselves you served in world war 2 as compared to people who had not served well over 2 who are the same age so when the save for quality troops better its a mulch your korean veterans say whats true for iraq and our veterans for gulf war veterans though if you go to war you know the number of reasons for this but believe and we know this because of studies that have been done that combat relating elt with injury it is the chief reason for suicide among combat veterans. Why isnt this again a group what were seeing the rates of suicide for our youngest veterans there was younger men while in women as well who fought in iraq and afghanistan or anywhere who were hit and times higher than those of the general public who are there are saying yes and some are on some units. After they come home all might say. That the fighting. In this hour grates more team times higher than among the general public who are again in the same theyre not that the cold war so again. Steps over that the effects of war the invisible war are not only incredibly well as you are used are you not go away with mine. Yeah combat related guilt one positive aspect of whats happening we read that more are reaching out for help referrals to the Wounded Warrior project Mental Health providers spiked 48 percent from april to august and their senior Mental HealthSpecialist Roger brooks figures there is a reduction in the stigma of seeking Behavioral Health assistance because you can do it from the privacy of your home matthew were getting short on time but i must ask you to talk to everyone whos watching active military veterans friends and family. What are the warning signs when is the time to pick up the phone and ask for help. Well if you yourself are considering suicide the biggest morningside for me personally is when you start preparing when you start making the plan may start putting down whether it be on paper or if its just in your mind hour youre going to actually not just commit this to is. Taking your own life but also preparation this so that people say have your password so they can get into your account you know your affairs are in order out how youre going to notify people are you going to leave you know that you better when you start making a plan thats when its really serious for people who are around those who are suffering like that it is similar to most other forms of suffering youre going to youre going to see a notice a Behavioral Changes youre going to see attitude changes you are going to hear things from them that maybe they havent heard before