Cases unjust way and you dont have those that pick up the fruit that falls d from the tree and make jam out of it and i have in my role as an activist been more were tree shake that one that picks up a fruit and becomes one a leg to the office or head of a corporate entity in the private sector and i think theres a legitimate role for both i feel my calling is to be the one shaking trees rather than picking up fruits trying to make jam out of lets get to the jam eaters in a 2nd this book in this book you blame yourself and others becoming complacent under the Obama Presidency at tell me a bit about that and how you see that complacency is creating donald trump well i think that many of us were very supportive then are still supportive of many of the initiatives of president obama during his presidency from health care to Police Reform to other areas and did not do as much as we could to hold the opposition accountable and to hold even some aspects of his own administration that was resistant to change accountable and that we should have always had the vigor to be continue to fight no matter who was in office even if it was someone that i felt was doing the right thing but you still had your National Action network the initials a behind you that running joining the abomb a presidency i know time. And time again in the book you talk about it as a model of grassroots action at the very local level to help a civil rights and social justice. We definitely were very active during his is 8 years Trayvon Martin we were out on the front lines of that from the beginning as well as the ferguson killing in ferguson missouri Michael Brown and aragon all of that happened during the obama era what im saying is that we could do even more and i think that thats what i challenge us that we should never even modify what we do and i think we were very active but i think we could have been more active while everyone knows you did you did a lot because we had we had one of the tall trumps pastas a guy called Darrell Scott he said that trump has been the most pro black president ever and of course he reminded us how black lies might have began under the a bamma presidency when those horrific Police Killings across the world on t. V. Screens yeah i think the killing of aragon a in new york and Michael Brown by police theres the slogan the hashtag that laughing matter literally started at 3 very young women the night that we saw the. Acquittal of George Zimmerman for killing Trayvon Martin in sanford florida so it started there but unlike the Obama Administration trump has not responded them the bombing ministration came in and had federal investigations federal involvement and advocated against it even the president himself barack obama address Trayvon Martin said there could have been me at one point he said he could have been my son trump has denied that any of the. These issues events episodes were racist that there was any systemic racism still present and with drew in the Justice Department from things like consent to creese which is when the federal government says that Police Departments would have a pattern of inequality if unfairness harassment or killings could no longer operate on their own that they must be under the supervision of the Justice Department trust suspended a trance suspended lawsuits by the Obama Administrations Justice Department that said that we are suing because you are in have many people from voting so in many ways you are by the administration was moving forward as Lyndon Johnsons administration in some areas were in the days of dr king all of that came to an abrupt halt and reversal on the donald trump i mean i dont know where the trump said himself but he probably thinks he outdoes l. B. J. On civil rights i mean you dont take it seriously when i his people talk about 500000000000. 00 for people of color communities and 500000. 00 new jobs these statistics when nothing to you as opposed to the questionable record of obama and joe biden well i date that you would be very very hard to prove that any of those figures are correct 1st of all the unemployment of blacks started going down under obama and biden and down trump just reaped the benefit of a economy that had been say what one would have to ask themselves is how then do you explain that blacks are still more an intro it to whites there was initiatives by the Obama Administration to close the gap the troubled ministration had not only not had an initiative to close the gap even in a good economy where black some unemployed and whites he refuses to even acknowledge the any. Quality in terms of the other programs that he announced weve yet to see the results these announcements but on the ground were still mourn employees still more incarcerated still a lot of victims of Police Brutality still the ones denied more rights to vote so they can make whatever proclamations they want the facts that they they have not resulted in any Movement Toward change we could have different opinions we cannot have different facts where the facts ill get to by blairs and a 2nd if i may tell me about the scene in the book whereas trump apparently gets upset that you call him a racist and his lawyer Michael Cohen gave you a phone call Michael Korda called me through a mutual friend and said that trump wanted to meet because he could not understand why i was attacking bertha risen as racist and bertha rhythm was when donald trump which was the issue he entered form of the into politics was saying that the president of United States barack obama was not a real american he was not born in america it was born in kenya when there is no evidence at all supporting that in fact the evidence is the contrary that he was born in the state of ohio and grew up there and i said this was trump play into the us against them hes not one of us it was a donald trump that to go out and calling for the execution of 5 black and brown young men for raping a white woman in central problem in manhattan that ended up not having done that even then donald trump refused to say that they should not be given a settlement and should not have gone free so i think that when Michael Cohen call their mutual friend and trumpet i met i said to him that this is a racist lie and it is race based and youre playing to a crowd us against. Them kind of rhetoric and he was denying it and he says where you and i have had bad days and we got along socially you know im not a racist i said 1st what i said which is saying is is racist and im not calling you by name a racist at that point but i concluded that he is a racist because hes comfortable using racism hes comfortable in of being around racists denies that and as you outlined the book he says on bill oreillys show on fox news you apologized. Not at all 1st of all i went that same night on my show and said that he was going to distort the meeting and i did not apologize and certainly ive not apologize since ive been very clear all over the country saying that i believe emphatically and ill repeat it donald trump is a racist and a big and that is my view so all for what reason would i have apologized if i was going right back on television the same day saying the same thing that ive said and ive repeated in sense even though you have talks he denies hes a racist people who catch our interview with a totally exonerated central park 5 number yusef salaam on this show on our you tube channel because i mention fox news that was hit by the me too scandal this book time and time again emphasizes the intersectional nature of the struggle l g b t q i Rights Movement people are going to be a bit shocked suddenly when they turn one of the pages in your book and you say you found yourself with Harvey WeinsteinRobert Deniro and others. Join the 26 team the Election Night just tell me how you were sitting next to Harvey Weinstein and these celebrities well there was a private party of those that had supported the Clinton Campaign to weiss the results i would buy to clinton headquarters it was very crowded and even in the reserved area so i decided to go to this private fire my girlfriend and i and Robert Dinero and others was sponsoring a friday weinstein was there who had been a supporter of the campaign and thats how i found myself sitting that night just watching the returns this was way before any of the allegations against weinstein to go on quote it so i dont think any of us were aware of any of that what ali wildstein was later accused of they dont on to the Clinton Campaign you think if Hillary Clinton had won weinstein would be in jail right now i think that if Hillary Clinton won i dont know if hed be in jail i dont think she would have done anything to end a feel would an investigation or prosecution that is not been anything that i knew as a sentence as 1st lady ive never seen or tried to stop the gist of the investigations when seen it was denies all the accusations and is that fighting the case brevin al sharpton ill stop you there more from the legendary civil rights activist after this short break. As the election approaches we feel its necessary to ask a very simple important question why do most potential voters describe themselves as independent or not affiliated with a Political Party on top of this whole after poll revealed voters want more Choices Institute party system a little more bot. When i was told small seemed wrong. But old rules just dont hold. The world to get to shape out just to come out to it and in gaining strength because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Welcome back im still here with the author of rise up reverend al sharpton why did you always have an affinity for the democrats given that Hillary Clinton certainly in the global south is known for a Foreign Policy that is has been devastating to countries all around the world i mean libya to name to name one country which doesnt doesnt feature in this book but its africas richest per capita country and now lies in ruins because of obama and clinton arguably well i disagreed with that and i said that i would have marched under Clinton Administration when they came with the omnibus crime bill that i think led to a lot of incarceration of blacks in in the ninetys i marched against clinton on welfare reform i think politics is about choices and i felt that they were a better choice than the opposition but i by no means felt that they were not for flawed in certain areas and would publicly take them to task on that as well as the reason i ran for president myself in 2004 was challenging the Democratic Party when i was born my parents were republican they became democrats in the sixtys when john kennedy and Lyndon Johnson supported the civil Rights Movement both johnson and kennedy had some baggage that we didnt like but they were better than nixon so i think that you deal with choice when youre trying to get where you can even if it is in a call steps youre youre not looking for perfection youre looking for liberation i mean how difficult has it mean i mean the theres a scene in this book when there you are trying to create a better world. And i understand al gore says to you what do i tell Jewish Voters just because youre meeting up with them seemingly believing all the anti sharpton propaganda is that is that what. D. N. C. Was like is that what the d. N. C. Is like today that d was what part of the d. N. C. Was like if you go back into the 1980 s. It was bill clinton and al gore and others that formed a right wing to the Democratic Party called the democratic Leadership ConferenceDemocratic Leadership Council which i talk about in the book and they were trying to bring the party away from what they felt was the left for the progressives in bollywood Jesse Jacksons campaign who was a mental model i ran to try to bring it back from this triangulation is moving the party to the right and i think that it has been followed as i talk about in the book by Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and others and i think that has all been an intra Party Struggle that has now moved the party more toward which should be but is still not all the way we ought to be but it is still in my judgment much better than the republicans that dont move at all in any area toward trying to have an equal and fair society you see we talk to young activists who want people to vote by them this time around they appear to say things havent changed that much theres all sorts of propaganda against money sondra supporters people on the left what is the Democratic Party so associated with the right in some ways now. I think that thats a great question that we challenge and i talk about that in the book i call them latte liberals those that are saying things will not get in do the work and i think that weve got to work those of us that relate to the Democratic Party to our defeat those right wing do it as we continue to do it a gradual list in the party and i think thats true in any Political Party but it as i say in the book if im in an abusive relationship that does not mean i leave the relationship and become someone that is going to go would have picked up i try to correct the relationship or build an alternative that answers my needs i think the republicans are not an alternative d they want to pick up on the deficiencies of the Democratic Party and awful blacks and others nothing ok maybe call the police and of the piece of relationship what do they make you feel when trump is on these rallies as he will be at time and time again hes the one doing a mom a caged refugees from Central America dehumanizing the children denying them medical care hes the one who put those camps before donald trump did the right in the book of course refugees feature as you call it has you say jesus was a Palestinian Refugee no doubt about it that jesus was a refugee and there were many of us that was opposed to some of what was done on the Obama Administration when he said he would not doubt at the level of down the trunk and if donald trump was of opposed to it he should have said that didnt he should not have duplicated he has not only do the created hes expanded it the and he has bragged about it and i think that it is in human you cannot have it saying that im doing some because somebody else allegedly did i think he says he reduced the number of. Cages in fairness to him less well i mean lets get on to the Green New Deal environmental ism again features in this book this existential crisis the world has what do we make of joe biden as he says to the world he opposes the Green New Deal he wants fracking. I think that we disagree with him on that and even some of the authors of the Green New Deal congresswoman ok as you know cortez and others have supported biden but say very strongly that they are going to fight for the Green New Deal again i support the Green New Deal as support what theyre about i disagree with biden of on some things but i think hes a better alternative than donald trump i mean maybe people from around the world after reading this book and reading other books may find it difficult to understand how biden can so easily rely on the black voters just to turn out interesting line in your book we say the average black voter is more centrist on issues not having to do with race they are driven by socialist ideas you think thats behind the behind the fact that biden doesnt need to even particularly campaign to have people of color this november i think he has campaigned i think that biden is spent an inordinate amount of time talking meaty and taken stands with us joe biden sent a video to the funeral of george floyd after flying in meeting with the family and i the day before the funeral where donald trump and others have not done that at all i dont think that joe biden has neglected talking and being held accountable to the black community in this campaign he and i disagree in the ninetys vehemently around the crime but i think that he has made many appearances in the black community including with National Action network and has co