Towards the end of this year or early next year but until weve actually got data on whether the vaccines actually do protect against kovac 19 i think it would be unwise to distribute vaccines very widely because we we dont want to distribute a product that that essentially doesnt work so we need to see the results from those large scale trials in which some people are vaccinated some people get a placebo and then we look for a difference in instance between the 2 the 2 groups if we dont have that sort of data its going to be very difficult to make judgments about whether a vaccine is effective or not peter smith former chairman of the w. H. O. Global Advisory Committee on vaccine safety thank you for your time. Ok measure. And thank you for joining us on r. T. This tuesday is stay with us for our exclusive interview with the armenian president coming up right after the break. Ok lets just say i dont know about that get a list of all the ill just. Keep im going to want to make one quiet while you know. How to keep. Clearly hopeful but there are also friends that the us are still so that the soul hoping to do something to see if. They charge for. A value of the house and the simple dollar going to bomb a simple well put on one of that kind of a look at that. On. As the election approaches we feel its necessary to ask a very simple though important question why do most potential voters describe themselves as independent or not affiliated become Political Party on top of this poll after poll reveals voters want more Choices Institute party system limiting. Democracy. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallows. You can have capitalism without capital and you cant have tapped at all without giving people an Interest Rate to incentivize them to save. And the reason you do that is that if there is a downturn like. Then theres plenty of seed stock theres plenty of capital in your capital system to smooth it out but if you had to face the current and you Interest Rates are 0 and theres no incentive to say therefore theres no capital then you dont have to apples and if you have a club talk or see run by Central Banks then the worse it gets the more they pay themselves 3. What is the realistic vision i mean we understand that were not going to go back to the same status quo as it used to be thats just him paul. The board at this point well the thing is i think it is so premature to day to Start Talking about what is what is going to happen to us tomorrow or the day after tomorrow when we have not being able to solve actual todays problem at todays actual problem is the cease fire because the process itself will define it i think if im going to say this is what i want. And the other side will say this is what i have one we are quite apart from each other and thats why the whole process of the gauche agency is important to bring them together in fact during the last 20 years of the gorge a thing a lot of differences were results and i you have to trust me there were several of them where should know where not the result they were principal of ones that needed political courage and decision but otherwise and when you are speaking of a conflict of this scale and size there are so many details that look like details but you have to negotiate them so all of that was done now its broken but there is no other way you have to start to go shooting again and i mean for us very its very important i told you i think its that not born a car about people and the republic they dont see any other solution thats except armenians in the government car about living freely in their homeland with dignity and for every armenian worldwide including the armenian in diaspora what is important not to have the danger of another ethnic places cleansing and and genocide but what will be the outcome im sorry. I will restrain myself to coming up with a prediction or speculation because it will look like more speculation rather rather than hope or a vision what i am saying today is the time to stop the war i mean you look now at the city of stefan i care. Well or even from a drone i mean looks like you seem to see it after the 2nd world war and what i was asking about i mean how on earth these people are when they every day they wake up and go any time to a shelter and they leave you know in a city that every stored after the 1st war with the love because its a beautiful city and now its completely destroyed let me give you an example in shushi there is a church of the christ the savior its a Beautiful Church built in 1900 more or less the same time there was the most built in shushi because there was. Very minority living in shushi then. After the 1st war both of them was that were destroyed you know the government of the gordon a cut above with the help of donations coming from armenians abroad i dont want to give names and some non armenians friends and some of them are not christian are told there were muslim the church the christ the savior was restored the cathedral. And then what happened after a couple of years the most was restored so this is armenian approach so what happened with the war starting now. There is targeted the church the monastery. And you know who was there inside women and children not weapons including journalists including russian journalists there were he there were one that. The number one motivation for fridays talks in moscow was to avoid a humanitarian disaster whats been done so far in that regard and what are the numbers for the refugees for the casualties thats the saddest part have all the refugees been moved to stave zones have all the Vulnerable People been evacuated from nagornokarabakh while humanitarian has many layers here of course about the ferry means also stopping of the war on the on the front line allowing International Organization humanitarian ones like the red cross that to help to withdraw the ones the that and the bodies and everything humanitarian also has to to look what is happening because a lot of people have lost their friends their relatives humanitarian also means about us when i have a big number of refuges from the gordon thought of as a the president of a country im proud to say what i found with the 1st day of of the war there is a National Unity here as as an example of that is the way people serve organize the them in order to take over if you choose from the robots or from the gordon caught up i mean even before the government has started to move the ministry of social affairs and so on to the ministry of Health Volunteers thousands of them start taking care of them do you have the latest numbers or at least possibly estimates while there is its peak its peak ok very rigorous thinking about thousands and thousands of people. The role of russia how is moscow done enough not only as a peace broker but also as an ally of armenia well i think i have defined for myself personally several important principles when i think about russias policies in caucasus the one who was recently reminded by president putin. I think it was on the 7th of october. Saying clearly that the russia has. Relations with armenia. There are treaties signed with political military and army is also part of of Treaty Organization and president putin made it clear that russia is going to own or in each agreement. Its absolutely clear clear message to one of the principles that i think its important for russia and. Russias policies in caucasus and i salute that because this showing that russia is a reliable partner the 2nd thing is that russia also has good relations with azerbaijan russia has very good relations with other budge on a very good relations with armenia because so much balance that the 2 sides can trust to russia as a mediator and thats very important its not only that 2 sides can trust the mediator that that side the 3rd side which is Russian Federation hes taking the very hard responsibility responsibility of being a mediator its not easy and so its trust and responsibility that brings sides together to Start Talking and basically i hope that we will get finally a cease fire and then we Start Building up on that cease fire and russias role is crucial of course its only important that there is this platform which is the way to see me this group that cochairs and the 3 president s starting from President Trump president micronor president putin have appealed to the sides and i would say of course President Trump is busy now with the elections while president micro representing europe is very actively involved and and and. There is only one thing that i can say thanks to present my grown therefore to russias role is special. 3. The world is driven by a dream shaped by phone person. Who dares thinks. We dare to ask. A dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. Dozens of women sells their bodies on the street many of them underage. Los Angeles Police reveal a taste of their daily challenge no if youre going to exploit a child here in los angeles there were going to come out you see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight the las 6 trade. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world the politics sports business im show business ill see you then. 3 you must have heard a radically different assessment from the turkish president from burdwan who actually called decades of efforts by the mints group a lame and useless what would you respond to that and that came straight after the joint statement by president s maicon trump and. I think my comments will be 1st of all it shows the. Not understanding of the whole Peace Process. It also shows off fortunately the suit to resolve international disputes. Its also shows probably that the goal of turkey are completely different in the area including in azerbaijan and they are not targeting cruise on resolving. Not gordon qatar bucky sure but something goes on there are genders i told some our analysts say that the real goal of turkey getting involved here is not only not gordon cut a book to teach armenians a lesson and to remind that there will never recognize the genocide but also maybe to have stronger presence. In the budget on what makes you treat the presence of syrian islamist mercenaries on the Ground Fighting alongside as are by dying troops as a fact and also mr president you mentioned the p. K. K. Fighters can you rule out completely the involvement of kurdish fighters there absolutely thats absolute nonsense there and if you find one of them youre a journalist to give me a call please if youre one trace of one yes indeed in armenia there are citizens of armenia and citizens of the gordon cut above of kurdish but mostly as the origin there at the kurdish but they belong to a different phase which is the yazidi faith you know what is important i think everyone each time as i told you before every other question the one type of that you just asked me which is provoked by turkey or slide but the reality is a question that questions the fact that armenians can defend their homeland. Because they need they need someone to come and help i was asked by many journalists what do you think about the world rushed to come and support. I mean gordon carr about all our media will iran come and work with a 3rd party what why are we argued trying to get give a message is that we dont want any of our anyone to be involved dont want anyone what we want we dont want any inclusion we dont want to complicate the thing we want an exclusion of one which is turkey if turkey comes out i can assure you the cease fire will be stable and for a long period of time the moment out there about just starts a war. And with shelling and using over all possible of modern equipment that boat from worldwide and brought into there thats a different story supplying of other bhajan with modern absolute modern weaponry. They should expect people of not born a car a burka retaliating and fighting because there are strong motivation to fight for life not for piece of land to fight for their life and their homeland and their dignity mr president with all that support from turkey with the money would be advanced weaponry why would turkey or azerbaijan want to involve syrian islamists there well are you asked them i dont know but you are not your that i am put in there theyre nice not only meet our head then you can ask what the mr not. Announced that and hes he was not the only head of foreign intelligence of a specific country like russia but all the other so im not only confident we have so many proofs of that im not here to start proving it to you what is the proven true but think i dont know why ask mr erdogan or mr ali or why theyre brought the people there realistically is there a possibility that now a peacekeeping mission could help and could be brought in and who could take up the job well im open as a president im open to any idea and this is not something that has restrictions but i think in order to come to peace keepers peacekeepers are our people that will be there if the both sides will agree you cannot have peace peacekeepers on one side theyre not peacekeepers you agree so if you do agree well about basically it depends on how the process peace talks world follow i think everything is on table. If we have a cease fire in the if we come back again 2 sides to a negotiating table then you they can discuss anything peacekeepers mand they issue is. Timing is everything and its premature for even someone like me to say this is acceptable this is not why i give you another very strong example of that for years starting from the from the 1st day when the gordon car buck declared independence then it was a part of soviet union and then the supreme. Soviet of armenian soviet socialist republic has voted that they should recognise the gordon car above as an independent state or state or maybe even part of armenia but later the leadership of armenia wisely stopped this process why because it is so so simple they are your people as president erdogan would say hes your not head of the cli your brothers they are your brothers carla by the way what why didnt the army to recognize it for all of these years for a simple reason. For the simple reason because every in armenia we do understand by recognizing we are adding another complication to the complication to the Peace Process for 4 years or years i mean it didnt recognize to give a chance to peace talks to succeed and to get to final resolution and the status of the gordon a call about through negotiations and if the negotiations final resolution recognizes the independence and so on so that armenia with the recognizes what so why while the not the recognizing the independence of not going to write about or not go to color but as a part of armenia were giving a chance for negotiations very important issue of course if now the war will continue and there will be no chance for going back to negotiations because armenia will not have any other and other choice rather than to recognize and go and support their brothers but there is a hope for it going back to negotiations theres a hope forces fire and thats why our minute to day is go doing that even today now it comes back to your question about the about these about that in the future is premature lead give the chance to cease fire and lead give a chance to people coming back to negotiations and defining the parametrize of negotiations lets not complicate mr president i understand the reason is very unfortunate and tragic but judging from what you told me. You feel that russian armenia have become closer after this flare up would you say that. Our closeness. Cannot be judged on the level of todays politics. Cannot be judged on the level of. Announcements or or or attitudes or decisions by groups some parties i think if our relations where and are sure will be very deep much deeper than political events on the surface because to answer your this question it will take me again the same word that we were using several times today trust. This is not just the trust of no its the trust that comes for several centrist president s thank you very much for the trust and lets just keep building it and thanks a lot for defining so many complex things for us thank you watch pleasure to talk to you 3. You can have capitalism without capital and you cant have topped it all without giving people an Interest Rate to incentivize them to save. And the reason you do that is that if there is a downturn like. Then theres plenty of seed stock theres plenty of capital in your capital system to smooth it out but if you deface the currency and you Interest Rates are 0 and theres no incentive to say therefore theres no capital then you dont have to apples and if you have a club talk or see run by Central Banks then the worse it gets the more they pay themselves. Is youll be a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is true. In the world corrupted you need to descend. Join us in the depths. Or im a bit loose shallows. The filesystem still just know that the bill is doubled ill just. Keep coming toward me going to let fly it was not a good. Look at. Cleary hopefully but there are also friends so that the words are still so but the soul hoping to do something to see. Which. They value about the doesnt it i suppose if the law doesnt go in but was able to put them on the back of the road to have. Chose seemed wrong. But old rules just dont hold. Any old belief yet to shape our disdain comes to educate and in games from it equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. As the election approaches we feel its necessary to very simple question most potential voters describe themselves as independent or not affiliated with the Political Party on top of this poll voters want more choices to use the 2 party system let me take. Them out. Because. Its the 4th day. Truce between armenia. But both sides accusing each other of violating the cease fire. I mean