Washington ok it has get right to it David Mcconnell said hell have a vote on the nominee really havent before election day. I think hes going to do everything he can to push it through before election day because i think the stakes larry are incredibly high and fraught for the republicans if they went after the election when you know if that only speak believe doll trouble be a losing president and Senate Republicans will have lost their majority in the senate but the reality is this is a this is a dangerous political calculus for the majority leader because what hes really doing fundamentally is pushing through a Political Force a nominee whoever that person is who is deeply unpopular with the American People 60 percent of americans including nearly half of republicans hope want the next president not this president but the next president to be the one who gets to decide who will replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg or on the Supreme Court and so its a deeply unpopular thing in this because doing it fundamentally the stakes yourself because if the cast or Donald Trumps nominee is a vote to overturn the Affordable Care act and its a vote women protections for preexisting conditions at a time when were in the endemic and weve got over 200000 americans who have lost their lives and the states just couldnt be higher. The thought in some circles that a biden wins election the democrats take control of the sun and they increase the Supreme Court to 12. I mean ive seen ive seen those arguments ive seen a number of policy proposals about about what we might do to reform the coordinate get more equitable and ensure that it is truly representative of of the american electorate in terms not of its decisions necessarily or rather of of the composition of who serves on the court but you know i think thats counted thats table stakes down the road right now what matters are the policy issues that are at stake and we talked about the Affordable Care act but thats thats one of many issues on the docket larry youve got to consider your rights and gay and lesbian americans bisexual Transgender Americans who are fearful that a far right court will roll back protections you have Consumer RightsGroup Voting Rights youve got labor rights youve got the 2nd amendment republicans have already signaled that concern is a signal that they want to bring cases challenging the way in which the 2nd amendment is interpreted to a newly conservative Court Next Term so all of these issues that just really is the heart of the fabric of American Life are at stake and you know so from a from a policy perspective thats what really matters right now but if i were john roberts ardency justice to the Supreme Court right now i do you looking at what Mitch Mcconnells doing weaponized this is nominee in the seat and i have your concern about what that means in terms of how the American People will regard the legitimacy in the integrity of the court and its decisions in the next term so you know i think questions of reform are fair questions to be asking what can robbers do. Now much probably in this current in his current role and hes got that i think he probably was just as far away from from this political right as it possible or well see term or if if bidens elected and the democrats take the senate. Would be a calamity in america to demand that they vote now yes it would be a calamity in that the American People will have spoken in november they will decide whether they want joe biden to be president or they want they want to be allowed to get down from another 4 years if the American People say d we want joe biden as our president and we want democrats to happen in short in the senate and Mitch Mcconnell despite all that despite the outcome of the election still cautious through a republican nominee to the court that would be that would be the liberal definition of the tyranny of the minority pushing through a decision despite what the majority of americans what i cant think of anything more undemocratic and that and i think that if Mitch Mcconnell does that it will not only tara to the heart of the fabric you know its going to see if the Supreme Court but it will do extraordinary damage to the institution the senate i think Mitch Mcconnell might be one most cynical majority leaders ever in the history of the institution hes already done extraordinary damage in the way that hes run the senate but he does this if you push this through after joe biden is elected in after Senate Democrats take over the senate i think that is shes doing extraordinary injury to this and. Ok what do you know if anything about judge amy kone bericht. So its interesting because shes obviously at the top of the list and she was also a front runner when now Justice Cavanagh was nominated by donald trump she is a beloved on the right she isnt even chuckles picking that she passes almost all of their litmus tests if you look at the course of her academic writings and as well as jurisprudence shes just signaled very clearly that she thinks roe v wade was an erroneous decision it was wrongly decided and i think its fair to say that she would be a vote in favor of overturning roe she was highly critical of chief judge chief Justice Roberts in the decision that upheld the Affordable Care act so i think its also a fair conclusion to say that she would be a vote in favor of repealing the Affordable Care act repealing protections for people resisting conditions but shes also written over the course of her of her tenure in her academic life as was the judge shes also written about how she considers president s to depart from originalism to be suspect and perhaps even president s that that neednt be followed that really strikes at the heart of stories isis what meaning respect for president which is something that senators often ask about because it is important whether or not a judge is going to follow what judges who are and then have written and concluded if shes saying that anythings fair game that she doesnt agree with thats extraordinarily dangerous i think for anyone on the Supreme Court but itll be interesting to see have to have her picture because she will be a highly contentious nominee she was confirmed to her Current Circuit Court seat on a Party Line Vote well thats not true there are there are 4 democrats i think 3 or 4 democrats who voted for her but both simpkin and joe manchin have said they wont vote for her again this time because they disapprove of how mcconnell is running through the nomination up it will be a highly contentious vote and sure to divide rather than unite the country. Funny thing about the court in the past Felix Frankfurter a very very liberal jurist was appointed by Franklin Roosevelt and turned in the one of the more conservative members of the Court Earl Warren appointed by a as an hour former governor of california turned into one of the more liberal can we always stamp the cord. No and its a good its a really important point youre right there over the course of history seeing justices who are perhaps proven to be disappointments from by the president and the party that nominated but i think whats at stake here in the reason people feel so strongly about Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Justice Ginsburg was a linus of the left and she in many respects really was at the vanguard of progressive thought and championing working people in this country and defending their Constitutional Rights and so thats a sacred seat i think for Many Americans when they look at who who should occupy that seat and so youre right larry we cant always predict how are the jurors who are ultimately decide a case and nor should we hopefully should we be able to but this is a this is a special seat and when 60 percent of the American People want Mitch Mcconnell and donald trump to wait and let the next president decide who should be nominated you that see thats a thats a supermajority thats thats enough to overcome a filibuster in the senate that is an overwhelming majority of americans who believe this at a time when this country really cant unite about much of 60 percent americans want us to wait then i think we should listen to the supermajority the well iraqi people. David in your gut do you expect an election result november 3rd. You know i would you know the modeling on this and there are very few snorri us that actually get us larry to an election result on our november 30th barring a hulloa i form a Vice President biden which by the way i think is possible but barring a blowout its not entirely clear were going to know and you know this is why why what youre seeing President Trump do we talks about mail in voting mail in ballots and he tries to stigmatise them he tries to test down preemptively on the legitimacy of voting by now which so many states do my home state of washington does without any problem hes really trying to lay a foundation for being able to challenge the Election Results on Election Night if he doesnt like the outcome and you know i think that we need to live by the principle in this country abide by the principle that every vote should be counted and if states are are allowing people submit their ballots by mail is long as their stand on election day they should be counted so you know whether or not we know the outcome on november 3rd we darn well need to ensure in my opinion need to ensure that every american vote is lawfully cast that those votes are counted so so were going to have a constitutional crisis. Look i mean this 2020 literally everything has gone wrong this year so i would be a fool to tell you that now we couldnt i sure as heck hope we dont larry but. We you know we need to i think we all need to appeal to our better angels here and i hope that american democracy which has survived for centuries now can see through this election and look thats what i believe in the American People and the American People. Are already voting interest people in early voting states youre seeing record turnout because the American People know what is a state in this election is a repudiation of an agenda for the past 4 years or the such divide this country rather than unite us and so thats what people are voting on at the ballot box the voting on that theyre voting to start some response to overcome the endemic. People get what the stakes are larry and so people are going to come out and vote and i believe and the american spirit and i i darn well think that if joe bidens elected on november 3rd he will be president and donald trump needs to understand his place needs to respect his office enough to know that if you lose the race hes the ballot race rather than try to contests it and draw it out and will geisha only hurt the country ok david give me a forecast for Election Day Senate and presidency. Well i think president probably telegraphed that one of the job ones going to when its looking good hes leaning on the battleground states those key polls and when you compare where he was even compared to former secretary clinton were she wasnt 2016 joe is ahead and hes really you know hes nearing that magic mark of 50 percent which is where you want to be its an incredible place for him to be as the challenger the you know Donald Trumps trying to define the selection hes trying to find in terms of socialism one or all of these things are failing these people are seeing through that theyre looking his record in there and theyre theyre rejecting what donald trump is offering so i think joe biden wins the presidency in the senate the Cook Political Report is is giving us democrats giving us a pretty good shot at winning the senate when you look at senators like Susan Collins in court garner 2 senators who are representing states that went for help or equipment 2016 theyre both underwater and now at this reunion popular so a Supreme Court vote is going to make their jobs even tougher so when you take races like that when you consider how well more teles doing in arizona i think weve got a clear path to retaking the senate in november theyve advance for your time today as all of us. Thank you were going to see you well well have more politicking after the break. To get the valuation and get it by. Stock price times current the number of shares outstanding and if you have knowledge on how to buy back your own stock and pump up those stock prices and executive Stock Options then you have a higher market cap actually didnt create anything for the economy it didnt engage in any capital expense expenditures a cap ex to expand your company in any way then whatll happen is will happen to i. B. M. You know they want to the whole stock buyback routine then eventually played out and the company is a shambles or General ElectricGeneral Electric is almost absolutely out of business by trying to push me instead of products. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Tyson nation community. Are you going the right way or are you being. What is true. Is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallows. Welcome back to politicking continuing the conversation now with alex vogel he served as chief counsel to Senate Majority leader bill frist former general counsel for the National RepublicanSenatorial Committee and he is in northern virginia. Alex it now appears republicans have the molds to confirm your reaction to this. Im not surprised that leader mcconnell was able to get the votes together im a little surprised at the speed at which he was able to get the votes together were only a couple of days into this and already generally people are conceding that leader mcconnell has the votes to go ahead and move this nomination and Trumbull County is set to announce the nominee on saturday and do you think if that does that do you think they can get a confirmation before november 3rd it is certainly possible the reality is that once we started chipping away at the filibuster with all the various Nuclear Option permutations going back in the last 15 or so years a lot of really road blocks simply went away there are certainly some procedural games that can be played the senate is not designed under the best of circumstances but i think a vote confirmation by election day is definitely possible what do you make of the hypocrisy of those senators saying when the last time when obama lost when scully and i had now lets lay the best way to only election it was 9 months away and now they rush this through. You dont see any at racine where i dont because i actually read what leader mcconnell said back then and i read what he said as recently as this february before this this vacancy came up and it was very clear both times that he was talking about situations where it was an Election Year and the senate was held by the other party from the president it is not terribly shocking that the other party is not enthusiastic about moving someone elses nominees with all deliberate speed thats different then a president and senate of the same party there have been numerous i think its 29 vacant that have come up in Election Years the vast majority of those have gone through i understand. The concern and i think a lot of the issues that have played exupery in Court Nominations in particular what happened with Justice Kavanagh play into this dynamic and are unfortunate but doesnt the senator from south to particularly hypocritical when he says record these words. Theres no doubt that there are people on both sides of this issue who spoke out last time during the maryland garland and persuasion who are going to have their words thrown back at them certainly Lindsey Graham is dealing with some of that Barack Obama Chuck schumer a number of people who made comments at that point are going to have to to hear those again the reality is the focus rightly once a nominee is announced and that process star