Is talking about stopping that from me well we have 1300000 unemployed now with a rate of 4 point one percent if they stop its hard not to see the Unemployment Rate at least easily hit in 20 and probably more so the obvious thing is youve got to keep going and anything related to what you did from 2010 to 2020 is a disaster and im im im a beginner to cameron in a 2nd but im going to tell you ritchie cynic says the firmer scheme should not and cannot go on forever and everyone who says it should be extended after october would then just say it has to continually extend therefore thats the argument for stopping it. Well i didnt say it should go on forever but i certainly think it should go on for a year or so i mean france and germany have agreed that theyll keep this going for 2 years but if this government wants to have an Unemployment Rate of 37 percent or 28 percent on a number like that keep saying stuff like that the bank giving the doesnt have a lot of leeway i mean its talked about going negative can you imagine that and buying more assets but essentially what you have to do in this once in a 100 year crisis i mean we had a once in a 100 year financial crisis now we have a crisis that is comparable to the great influenza and the answer is that you have to have the courage to keep going and theyve done well so far and anybody who says to them that we should go back to where we were as in 2010 well what did we learn from that we learned that it was the slowest recovery in 300 years after the southie bubble and sadly the the slowest recovery ever actually 600 years ago was the black death so this government they want to do that thats where well go we have unbelievable hardship in the country and for the chance of that to say such idiotic things really begs belief to me well in fairness of our strength and he says it should be no return to our stereotype it is predisaster David Cameron his fellow Bullingdon Club member David Cameron has a new preface and he says actually the reaction of britain to the 28 crisis was precisely why britain is in such a good place to cope with 1000 was the rainy day we had been saving for i sat watching chancellor richardson next press conferences thinking how vital it was that we had taken those difficult decisions when we did referring to austerity David Cameron the you just made that up right no im afraid joe this is the new pro this i mean its the but thats a complete and total joke i mean there the economy was absolutely destroyed by their will sterrett city it was certainly not prepared for what was coming the government sector if you like had been decimated think of towns. I mean he senses the Health Service and Everything Else was actually decimated then the country was totally unprepared because of the complete nutter incompetence of David Cameron and especially him. On the ice tickle slasher alls ball and can you believe theyre going to try and try this the same old nonsense and ive argued that a stereotype was entirely reckless and evil had no basis in economics whatsoever and was only designed to hurt the poor which is what it did so youre really going to try and do that again i think not and politically it will be a disaster the government here David Cameron many members of the conservative party in fact the Labor Party MembersRachel Reeves is now a member and because tom is cabinet she said at the time the benefits should be cut much bigger and faster than the osborne government was doing so i dont know i mean does this all feed into why. Governments like britain like the United States the reagan fatter models that are behind them or why they have the worst cove and thing is you know its you know i mean its the of the obvious thing is that weve seen an explosion of Poor Mental Health and distress and despair and depression and anxiety so thats whats happening right now across the western world in the u. S. And the u. K. But what what it deed what these austerity did is it made communities vulnerable it made individuals vulnerable in the way that they should intervene in a sense that the government sector in preparation for a crisis like ovid was the strong but gentle fathers hand protecting people from what was coming what these people did was they took away all the buffers all the safety and said we can just get rid of that we can go to the private sector look at the disaster thats going on in the u. K. Today where the government has taken testing away from the Public Sector and give it to the private sector and people in landed no one to get a test and they have to go to newcastle where where is that i do not recall that mckenzie said its annoying highly ideological i mean if you think back to the austerity i mean im probably professor of economics there is absolutely no evidence in the data that there was any phenomena justification for the austerity that they imposed it was simply about reducing the size of the state and trying to hurt the poor and all the evidence about the role of a sterile city has now been shown that we were right those of us who opposed it said it was a complete disaster what it did was it exposed countries to a shock that was coming and so so the Great Recession exposed vulnerabilities that existed in the past and now whats happened is because of bad disastrous macroeconomic policy that hurt people it meant that the societies were vulnerable to a shock that was coming and with no protection so its absolutely disastrous and youre right members of the labor party. It is almost and at the time i opposed it tooth and nail opposed to on the m. P. C. And ive opposed it for the last 20 years and if you look back in essence of being right and theyve all been wrong well and they lead to political and financial class clearly disagrees with you and in fact they often point to the growth in employment and if what youve just been saying isnt disturbing enough youve been tweeting on the stand about labor market figures the actual figures that we get from the office for National Statistics why do you think you have problems with the oh and s. His figures upon which we base all of our modeling and so well if you get home look i mean so we know since march that around 9000000 people are actually off on this scheme what at what time to the on ss they are on the Unemployment Rate well the 1st thing is its the least timely in the World Everybody else can produce data right now for august well the o. And s. Is producing data for june great thats really helpful but the other thing is that the data that they produce dont reflect whats happened to the economy so lets think what happened to the Unemployment Rate for the last 5 times since march 3 point 93. 93. 93. 94. 10 so the Unemployment Rate in britain is absolutely falling great well thats not true we know that theres all sorts of problems there is some evidence in this in the study they just produce that vacancies. But basically the data that the o. And s. Produces is not fit for purpose if you look at the United States we really have reflections of whats going on right at this moment you but i mean that my view is they are the o. And s. Estimate was completely irrelevant you should ignore it i better tell you what the owners say they say the framework is based on the concept of labor supply and demand i dont know the secretary. Says this approach has Wide International acceptance including by the International Labor organization. Well that may be true but its interesting that the u. K. Cant produce timely estimates it produces them months and months behind everybody else but more and cyprus and luxemburg can do it so why cant the point to it i mean its lawful its completely laughable the quality of the surveys are too low they dont spend enough money on it if the by looking at that survey it really tells you nothing about the hurt that people in the u. K. Are experiencing and so thats why i think its basically laughable well im here professor of labor economics thats what i do yes the. Job but also my job given that you know arguably more than. Anyone in their thought the recent Monetary PolicyCommittee Members about the ideological fillers of a gore financial persuasion that goes on about the importance of debt and given that you know about that what you view is do when they hear on the news that policies that affect them and their lives must be enacted because of the debt. Well i mean thats a really interesting question i mean the 1st 2 things to say to it and i think the 2nd this probably the most important the 1st thing is that right now Interest Rates are unbelievably low so governments can borrow money very cheap but i think this is the right in our g supposin suddenly the u. K. Was at war and you say well if we go to war problem is that we can have to build things that we had our factories that make tanks and airplanes and all that stuff would use and the debt would clearly rise would you say sorry we cant fight this war weve got to give me because we worry about the debt well no you wouldnt youd say well we have to do this for a while this is an important thing that we do to save our country will think of the coded crisis as equivalent to that youre fighting a war against this virus and you and you spend it on your people and you invest in your people i mean in a war you dont not fight the war let people die it was the same with the cold bit you do everything you can to protect your people and the debt is something that youre going to have to deal with and then youll pay for it down the road you may it may take 200 years to pay for it well thats fine the alternative its not great that you have to do it but think of the alternative the alternative is worse so as long as the government does sensible things which i doubt this governments the seems able to do but if you spend it on sensible things thats obviously a good way to go if you waste its going to cost of dunmore sorts of things that would be some of the public on the list as this program should oppose well maybe there are structural it is a structural details there it was after all not with a few days ago britain reza commemorating the battle of britain when it comes to rising white flags but ive got to ask you then is it something generational about politicians is that the problem a lot of controversy here over or the decision to tear up the treaty that was signed over the European Union and brics it arguably some people on the left and the right who support leaving the European Union might say will stay the aged be the sovereign right of parliament not of the European Union treaty what do you make of all of the hullabaloo. Well i mean it seems pretty bizarre to be trying to think about separating a country and generating huge lines and i saw pictures this morning huge lines of trucks at the border in a pandemic when youre trying to socially distance folks. I just think what youve seen here is a separation between what the ideologues and the politicians are saying and the hurt that people are experiencing i mean i dont doubt that the vote for breaks it was a cry for help the vote in the United States by trying to trump was actually actually a vote from people who were hurting and in some ways what we have is im hurting it makes me feel better if you elite chaps like blanche there are out there you start to hurt that makes me feel better so i think its very clear because of the austerity policies but it to keep at least people were hurting they reached out for help and guidance and what you had was politicians who just basically made stuff up and i think breaks it is probably most most ridiculous decision made by any Sovereign Parliament in the last 250 years because its quite clear from economists its hard to work out why people would vote against their own best interests and that may be pretty controversial but that thats the truth i mean that i understand it was that people were hurting and people say to me oh this is about much more than money its about sovereignty but lanpher as an economist and i would say you cant eat sovereignty the president launched last thank you eric. And you sir are off to the right 26 years to the month bill clinton along with cosponsor joe biden signed into law the violence against women act we speak to one of president clintons accusers about dirty tricks in the d. N. C. And why she thinks americans need to vote trump in the polls the more coming up a but true going underground. Show small seemed wrong. When old rules just dont all. Mean you wont get to shape out these days to come as a candidate and in gains from an equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart when shes to look for common ground. Canas calendar is drawing alfonzo among his darned this changing page change dard served. His 1st words were added i will see youre a challenging post youve got 2 years to live. I have no doubt that what happened was criminal. Offense concentrate market is a 1000000000. 00 industry these companies have a huge financial motivation to sow these products there are numerous stocks showing that doctors were keen to chest x. Ray concentrate straight infectivity on that patient gives them doctors the wrong choice to play golf curbstone why they would keep me sick each of those years day. And people still die and im always question or so i tried being hard to live when so many have. Geysers but Survival Guide ecstacy just like all to start simply to travel all the surfaces. Be sure its still there you dont forget it back. Oh heck no. Repatriations want to get arrested 7 years. Philip a separate kaiser for us. Welcome back well as president clinton and joe biden celebrate the anniversary of the violence against women act is the former arkansas governor guilty of the crimes he professed to be against one accuser claims the former president raped her 978 while on the campaign trail there are allegations bill clinton and his lawyers strenuously deny Juanita Broaddrick claim speaking up about these allegations with other victims helped put dont trump in the white house and will be voting for him in november she joins me now from fort smith in arkansas when he thanks so much for coming on were also speaking you know to a guy called Tony Schwartz who says he ghostwrote trumps best selling book the art of the deal he says that was the worst thing you ever did the ghost writing that book eternal shame but you of course have said that shame is what any democrat should feel about. Voting democrat while the clintons are still in the party arguably. Oh yes scener ive always and will continue to talk about who the clintons are and what they have done below personally to women how he has the vibe his violence against women act was just ridiculous you know. He didnt he did just what he preached but it wasnt just one event of a turn here from a democrat volunteer and i should say also that of course you run health care in your state different Nursing Homes was it just that the tell you all the way to becoming a republican and this. Republican party considered so right wing. Now add was never in politics before 978 i never did anything like voluntary for candidates and i even voted for barack obama the 1st round so i vote for the candidates but now im so. Republicans because of what all the democrats have done to our president well i have to say obviously pledge of lawyer David Kendall he didnt get back to us but he said in the past any allegation that the president assaulted mrs brodrick with more than 20 years ago is absolutely false you dont accept clintons apology much over the clinton except that he even gave an apology given that he didnt admit to it happening while now of course he did apologize to me in 1991 in person. Before he announced he was running for president it was a shock to me i resent a nursing home eating a little rock and someone call me out of the advanced sense i recently did in the hall why i go down by the elevator and there stands been bill clintons and he rushes over tyranny and apologizes to me and says im so sorry for what idiots im a changed man im a family man i would never do anything like that again and im standing there absent in absolute shock. I hadnt seen him an in years and avarice and i was surprised too and agist said you got a heroin are 1. 00 and then i found out you reached 3 weeks later that he announced he risked running and the thing that bothered me the most about that hans is after 13 years when i had tried to go on with my life is like he was saying i can reach out and touch here anytime or want well obviously even the apology is disputed its all disputed and then we invite clintons lawyers and representatives on a quest people say ok the clintons have some power in todays Democrat Party but their fame is at the moment the british Guardian Newspaper has printed something about a model in september of 9097 claiming to being sexually assaulted by donald trump just remind us how you think you helped get trump elected and i dont know whether again you and others may have to come out again in public to counteract all the what he saw as propaganda against him yes and in the beginning or well i am because the hollywood access to see just come out but after meeting President Trump in speaking with them i believe president drawn by believe goes reduced words i think it was a locker room talk just like the senates and i did not know that there was a new. Person out there with the. Alleged assaults against president drops at our we can believe it i believe its another el