Transcripts For RT CrossTalk 20240712 :

RT CrossTalk July 12, 2024

Oh and welcome to crossfire where all Things Considered im hearing go will justice be done in a london court not only is joining us on trial but so is freedom of speech and the profession of journalism what explains the sparse Media Coverage of this trial why havent more journalists spoken out and is a zoologist being used as a target a big example for those who challenge the powers that be. This and more im joined by my guests they were doc in london she is a journalist with i do does the munich and los angeles we cross the run well home he is a comedian and host of the you tube show get your news on was run as well as a writer and a regular on the jimmy dora show or across the girls in effect that means you can jump any time you want and i was appreciative ok lets go to taylor and london you have the fortunate experience of being a witness to whats going on in this trial i dont know how much you can see because i know that the authorities have made it very difficult for the public to observe here but here youve been watching it now for a few days just give us please our audience are your impressions because so few Media Outlets are covering this trial so go right ahead. Yes so many journalists are covering this case remotely and we have to watch it there a video link only 10 journalists were granted access to be physically present in the courtroom and only a few observers can be in the Public Gallery they say that this is a result of the coronavirus pandemic but this case has really lacked open to s. S. I can tell you that earlier today and even last week it has been very very difficult to follow the core proceedings weve had so many technical difficulties so many journalists have been booted off the baby away if you dont. Catch this video link within a certain period of time you want to have access for the rest of the day its very very strict and in fact on monday last week the 1st day of the core proceedings there were 40 and observers who were initially granted access to cover the court case and then once they went to visit the video link they found out they were actually granted Remote Access on accidents so the judge revoked their access and these were and shield servers and people part of professional organizations who were seeking to monitor this court case as well as to report on it. You know iran its going to los angeles you know it wasnt many years ago that julian assad was the fed it is a hero alongside the the guardian in the New York Times so why isnt the guardian the New York Times and then doc too because one time he was considered the greatest journalist alive now hes even given that privilege of that title and you know can how do you explain journalism just abandoning one of its own go ahead ron. Those are all the questions that weve been asking for quite some time now and i wish i had the answer for i mean i do yeah i mean i think it really speaks to just the failures of the industry especially in the United States i mean i remember that when he was exposing these war crimes and he was deemed a hero and rightfully so he exposed some essential information of war crimes going on around the world then all of the sudden he was deemed public enemy number one and hes not even a journalist anymore and you even see segments especially here in the United States i mean one particular one comes to mind off the top my head where it was on n. P. R. And Glenn Greenwald basically had to explain to the reporter what a journalist isnt isnt allowed to do you had to correct the introduction that the reporter gave them because the reporter was like well this is one of julian assad just friends and when i was like i dont really know the guy i just understand this issue and im passionate about it because i am a journalist and it was basically Glenn Greenwald giving a crash course and the idea of freedom of the press someone who is supposedly a professional reporter so the the kind of radio silence in the United States has been nothing short of disturbing you know its you know what did the problem is here isnt it and i think rons example is so perfect because agr. A deal what will what very little the American Public specifically knows about it is wrong to gauge. The pain that i cant get over for all of this time is it its the the the authorities they want to focus enough now a son has got accepts ok who gave it to him because i dont really want that ok and for us and for the public it isnt just new story is it its what he exposed not room but what he exposed and this is what he has the authorities so angry war crimes cover ups you my. A meddling in the media dictating narratives here he exposed all those things and telling the truth was his prime in their arms youre exactly right there were some pretty incredible moments in Court Last Week when Clive Stafford smith and attorney took the stand and he discussed the ways in which wiki leaks publications helped him and his own work as an attorney and how wiki leaks publications have led to positive social and political change in our world he cited his defense of want title of a prisoner as that he is wiki leaks documents to show evidence of torture and wiki leaks documents have also helped aid in the passing of legislation to and drone strikes in pakistan and the prosecution i can tell you was not happy and this is being discussed in a court of law unfortunately these are issues that are not discussed in our Mainstream Media and in our Corporate Media and that is why join us on chose to create wiki leaks in the 1st place if there is absolutely right would enjoy innocence wouldnt be necessary or weak the likes of journalists have been doing their job full stop no kidding no kidding well and something i want to add to something that you said peter whether theyre so concerned with where and how he got the information and i just want to add real quick the reason that is is because they are desperately trying to. Make this claim which again there is no evidence of this by the way theyre really trying to make this claim that he helped hack something because for anyone who is not aware the way the law works in particular in the United States but i think lucy wants to send her love to julians cat by the way my cat wants to send her love but but the way it works is that if you receive information id like as a journalist or a publisher if you are seaven for mation and you publish it that is no crime you can even say hey this is good to the person who gave it to you hey this is good stuff can you get me some more of this that is also not a crime but lets say that person is hacking hacking illegally and you help them well thats thats considered a crime so they desperately are trying to make this case that julian a songe helped Chelsea Manning theres no evidence of that they tortured Chelsea Manning to try to get her to say that that happened she still has and so thats kind of where theyre at you know i think you know here i think that one point he was making around to get a passport so he could shoot her video games i mean now thats a high risk National Security very very own game all right yet taylor that thats just the whole point here is that. Journalists it is journalists are fine as long as you go what power wants you to say and thats what you see on cable t. V. 247 actually thats how you get on t. V. Is by echoing the way the the talking points of the deep state and obviously your employer which wants to be in good stead with the deep state i mean you know it you know when James Clapper says something i guess n. B. C. Or Something Like that you know you you rest assured that he is in the know and hes telling his employer so he can have this circular game or he leaks it and then they report it and he can berms it ok and we can leaks and Julian Assange short circuited all of that another reason why they hate. Yes exactly i mean this is the 1st time that the u. S. Espionage act of 917 again legislation that was passed very long time ago during world war one is being used against a journalist and a publisher and in the courts the defense is not permitted to use a Public Interest defense in these types of cases and all the prosecution has to prove is that the publications could have potentially lead to someone being harmed or harm being caused just the possibility of that which is very easy to do if you think about it so its very much in favor of the prosecution here and this case also really violates the 1st amendment we are saying that the 1st amendment does not apply to a Foreign National apparently that has any courts interpretation and many do not agree with that assessment because the u. S. As the in os x. Does apply to a Foreign National it makes absolutely no sense and also to go back to the point of wiki leaks publications really helping initiate positive change it was brought up in court as well that through the afghan and iraq war logs it really exposed how many civilians were dying overseas and it really deterred support for the war in the United States which is perhaps one of the reasons why former president barack obama chose not to go ahead with a prosecution yet this Current Administration is going ahead with the prosecution which that of course does speak to the political nature of this case and that this is a example of warren journalism i think its the establishments one of you know in a very weird way very weird if you like its been floated that he was thinking about some kind of partner clemency that would include. And you know what i think its quite might do it because you know why its a popular issue its a popular issue the what this department of justice is doing is oh. Popular and its something that most people feel its in just deep inside theres something wrong with this year because ron this is an example Julian Assange is an example and thats what they want to say a Chilling Effect throughout the entire recession i would say even destroying the profession and pretty much destroyed anyway go ahead. Yeah i mean i dont i dont share your enthusiasm the trump might pardon anybody because i think medical maybe they dont know i understand i understand but but i would just say you know i dont really have any confidence in that happening simply because the people who hes surrounded by would never want him to do anything like that and hes listening to the people hes surrounded by so so i i unfortunately dont see anything like that happening. And i want to just he back on something taylor said real quick you know this whole idea that ok hes not an american citizen which he might julius on is not an american citizen this whole idea that were going to impose the espionage act on him which you know was passed in 1917 because a world war one doesnt really have any relevance in our day and age right now were going to impose that on him but of course the freedom of speech laws dont apply to him because hes not an american citizen theres a phrase for that that we all know thats a very colloquial thing but its basically what this is thats called having your cake and eating it too and thats what the prosecution is trying to do here they are trying to set everything up so that they just have the easiest path necessary and there is no way for a number of reasons that he would get a fair trial here in the United States if you were ever to come here to the United States because theyd be able to do everything behind closed doors. Ok were rapidly running out of time this part of the program here in the next part i want to talk about the issue of freedom of speech of the 1st men because i think you can sure interpret it in many many ways and i want to talk about the future of journalism so stay with us were going to go to a short break and we will come back and you were discussion on joining us a. New gold rush is underway in ghana thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the gold fields hoping to strike it rich. As. Children are torn between gold. From me was very poor i thought i was doing my best to get back to school which side will have the strongest appeal. Welcome back across the uk where all Things Considered im people about to remind you were discussing the. Ok lets go back to london kelly and you were talking about the day of the 1st amendment here but this is an extradition treaty and i do know looking at the people that are covering this is that they are grappling with a matter how american law meets british law because its a treaty that both sides have to agree with so i think its a strike against you this is a doesnt apply to join us on it because theyre trying to apply american last year and i think its quite disturbing how the british legal system is bending over backwards to accommodate the american position by during this prosecution go ahead. Yes exactly it seems as if the government has no sovereignty essentially the judge manesar bracer in this case has consistently rules in favor of the prosecution and the u. S. Government and did not even grant Julian Assange bail a couple months ago when it was definitely warranted because he is at an increased risk of contracting 19 because he has a chronic lung condition and hes essentially being held in prison on remand without charge he already served his time for minor bail violation where he was given a very lengthy sentence for that minor violation but to go back to freedom of the press issues in the 1st amendment trevor tim who is the founder of freedom of the press foundation and an attorney as well he took the stand and had a very powerful testimony where he spoke about the serious implications this case has he addressed the issue of the espionage act and how its being used very broadly to punish very standard journalistic activity journalists all over the world. And its very very serious that the u. S. Government is seeking to criminalize this activity things like source protection which is a journalist obligation to protect their sources as well as publishing leaks which is a big part of journalism history as well. You know ron what is the future of the profession here because it seems to me that you know a lot of people that are involved in journalism are activists and theyre activists for a certain person political ideology and and in the end to do have a impact you need access and so if you just can stuff youll get more and more access if you dont question too much then you know youll be considered a favor ok and those journalists will get preferential leaks too to pursue a political agenda i mean there seems to be if i dont think were going to ever have a journalist thats going to. Expose all gray began or the meal i massacre thats in our past because no one has courage and the only person that does has courage is on trial in london go ahead well you know i used to say the media structure in the United States is toxic i have since tweaked that where i say we dont have a media structure in the United States and thats very toxic and thats the truth we really dont we just have a corporate giveaway where institutions who have no business being in news and information dictate our news and information we have m. S. N. B. C. Which is owned by comcast c. N. N. Which is owned by time warner and has no business being in news jeff zucker and mr that and fox news was just an extension a Ripper Murdoch so we dont really have a media structure in the United States now a reason for hope is there is a and of independent journalists in the United States and that list is growing by the day and theyre doing some amazing work and theyre boots on the ground all over the country and then all over the world i mean tailors in london right now so the optimist in me says eventually well see some types of policy. That aid a healthy new structure Something Like other countries have i mean norway for instance comes to my mind 1st but i think thats going to take a lot of time and i think its only its not going to happen until you know the grassroots becomes so powerful that it really cannot be ignored anymore and it becomes kind of kind of the main game in town but thats slowly but surely happening i mean especially im its younger generations that are turning away from cable news more and more in droves and i mean youre absolutely right because cable news will never give you the context of a story so its very hard to comprehend its meaning and unfortunately part of my job is the watch a lot of cable t. V. And no i want to remember you people that the people that report on it dont really know what theyre talking about and then the you how they present there is they really dont know what theyre talking about because everything is very skewed all the time its im always not like oh why didnt you mention this or like you had 60 minutes they made a statement on yemen but they never mentioned that the u. S. Is involved yeah you just never met never mentioned it here just a minor detail just a minor detail that i dont how they just dismissed the editing room somehow i feel im going to ask you a very depressing questions of brace yourself here. And its already quite depressing i cant help but think that theyre just running the clock out and join us on his health because we have this procedure theyll be an appeal it could eventually end up in the Supreme Court and that is before the extradition is approved i mean i hate to say it but if you images ive seen of him hes in very bad health hes getting no from what i understand any real

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