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Diplomats wife and then fled the country. But she was the last person to risk it is absolutely clear that the United States government does not earlier a legal although disturbed or. Welcome the latest developments in a look back at whats been happening to you over the last 7 days youre watching weekly here on r. T. International now we start with the news that a man has been found shot dead in the u. S. City of portland does come after approach from rally clashed with black lives matter demonstrators on saturday evening Portland Police reported hearing shots fired in later located the victim you had been hit in the chest and was already dead and information though about any suspect has been released its also unclear to whether the incident is linked to the clashes of the 2 demonstrations. Earlier supporters had been driving around the city in a socalled crews rally some waving banners proclaiming all lives matter one point they came into contact with black lives matter protesters and arguments broke out in some cases they descended into brawls and the racism protests have been ongoing in Downtown Portland for months ever since the death of george floyd in minneapolis back in may or the portland incident does come after a week of chaos in the state of wisconsin the city of konoha your enduring looting shootings and also curfews the unrest erupted after police shot a black man multiple times in the back a word of warning you might find the following images disturbing. The. Police. Who who. Were staying boarded up. Until this incident was. A who. Are. I remember back originally when black lives matter 1st started were Trayvon Martin and then you know you had Mike Brown Eric garner and you had case after case of these shootings of young black men and women across the country were the officers were never really held accountable for that and you had protests and grab these kind of false you know. Dog and pony show styled fixes of the institutional racism without really addressing it without really. You know taking it to task of really changing that culture and the nature of this country that allows these things to happen its not going to change until there is real actual honest change in this country and that doesnt come from just you know politicians getting on t. V. And promising reforms that never happen. Well also this week President Trump did claim that he has done more for black people than almost all of his predecessors. But i say very modestly that i have done more for the Africanamerican Community than any president says Abraham Lincoln our 1st republican president. And i have done more in 3 years for the black community then joe biden has done in 47 years to go when im reelected the best is yet to come. From a speech that did come this furious black lives matter protesters descended on washington a top level guests on the final day of the Republican Convention reported being harassed on their way out of the event of often looks now at how the current unrest in the u. S. Has become a crucial pawn in the Election Campaign its. Ours bernie guns firing people looting images that have become all too familiar in the United States as of late anarky an action on the streets has got politicians pointing fingers at each other republicans are even staking their reelection efforts on a tough law and order stance saying that democratic governors have let the situation get out of hand results when failed to fish rules in cities like portland minneapolis chicago and new york make a conscious decision not to support Law Enforcement to violence and bloodshed we are seeing in these and all those cities isnt happening by chance its a direct result of a refusing to allow Law Enforcement to protect our communities leftist try to turn that meant of elements they want to cancel them but im here to tell you these heroes cant be cancelled from seattle and portland. To washington a new york democrat run cities across this country are being overrun by violent mobs those statements from the south dakota governor did not make it past leftist media which called for a reality check we will interject and we feel like theres something thats important and deliberate and very wrong that should be corrected just so that we feel responsible about our broadcast other news outlets got much the same for suggesting local authorities are responsible for the violence how shocked are we that 17 year olds with rifles decided they had to maintain order when no one else would this goes beyond racism Tucker Carlson is advocating and defending murtha how shocked are we that Tucker Carlson is praising a murderer as some kind of vigilante hero democrats are taking those blame claims and throwing them right back in the face of conservatives saying that theyre the ones that ferment it they hate to begin with the question for us this concern is when are we going to make republicans do their jobs when do we continue to sit idly by and watch the sede burn to the ground. Our nation is hurting we need leadership that will heal our wounds not continue to pour salt on them peaceful protest against Police Violence should not be met with more violence and yet thats exactly what the president called for after the death of george floyd and here at home as george full oid Briana Taylor and a never ending list of innocent people of color continue to be murdered stating the simple fact that a black life matters is still met with derision from the Nations Highest Office as media and politicians blame each other some us citizens are taking up arms on their own in juneau shit wisconsin a teenager said to worship the police went to a protest and opened fire on the crown 2 people were killed the local police then shined in on their own saying that the victims were to blame because they were on the streets in violation of curfew laws but this is not a Police Action this is not the action i believe of those who set out to do protests it isnt all it is the persons who are involved after the legal time involved in illegal activity that brought violence to this community this teenager is not the only one right wing militia groups and black selfdefense organizations have sprung up across the country while politicians point the finger at the situation on the streets is only getting worse across the country people are bracing for Turbulent Times ahead i think theres a political gain going on on the side and both sides youve got the democratic side trying to to blame the president for curing racial unrest and i dont know flowing through that and youve got youve got the republican side saying that its actually the pin pointed the finger at Democratic Leaders and democratic city is that the leadership there is not take me appropriate action. No law and order and so there needs to be a middle someplace we do need law and order we need to provide security and safety for family security for our businesses especially small groups i feel bad for small but they were sold here by the coronavirus and those are the ones already being impacted a lot on this. Unfortunately the real situation but both parties are using it as a political weapon. Now it is exactly 3 weeks since the contested president ial election and better response triggered unprecedented scenes of protest in the country. The birthday of president lukashenko and them as traitors have been marking the occasion to by laying flowers in his official residence once again gathered at Independence Square in the capital of minsk from there his you don. You can see there is several 100 people behind me several 100 people are waiting for these for this crowd just over there now you can see a lot of police vans here because they are right here just in time right on time when this meeting was sheffield to begin with its not just police vans but. There are Police Vehicles in full riot gear there are some really advanced machinery just over there check it out and so essentially you can see the police filling everything thats going on and over there this is why people are moving essentially so theyre chanting go go leave and theyre chanting shame shame but essentially what they want they want the incumbent president of the republic of belarus to step down weve seen daily action but this is it because its a sunday and this has become sort of a traditional thing for them have to say a couple words about some progovernment action that the capital of better use has seen essentially have been opposing actions between both the Anti Government and the progovernment protesters have been boxed in so to speak because theres a line of special forces literally a few meters away from me and people are yelling at them theyre yelling change shame theyre saying that you swore an oath to serve and protect this country like and theyre saying who are you protecting this country from now so essentially now this column is not being allowed to move any further and in the back very slowly from what i can see a very heavy police force is moving from the back sort of kind of cramping it in the senshi they wanted to repeat they wanted to repeat a very similar action that they had last week it was to start at 2 pm here and as they came here they found out that the Police Forces that they had. He had this square cordoned off and then they they decided to gather here in the in the avenue that is literally just like a few like 10 meters down down from the Vantage Point where i am right now so they decided to do that and then the police they blocked off the streets as if to let protesters process does fill onto the onto the driveways and onto onto the street but then the special forces arrived in the century they started they started detaining people the most active participants of the protest those who were resisting they arrested forcefully but no no one was beat to from what i judging by what i have seen no one was beaten in total 10100 excuse me and 25 people have been detained here. It has been a year since an American Woman allegedly killed teenager harry done in a car accident in the u. K. And then fled the country however britains attorney general has now suggested that the diplomats wife could actually face a virtual trial well harry died when his motorbike was hit by a car reportedly driven on the wrong side of the road by answer kulis after being charged with causing death by dangerous driving she left the country claiming Diplomatic Community and hes parents do say though that they wont abandon their fight for justice and spoke with r. T. Shadi edwards dashti. The hardest thing for me is having no control over when youre going to cry to camilla big i. Dont show marlo shes very easy but since her is go. The most smallest thing. Just start crying or cant stop myself from the marriage feel. The frustration or fear because our current account. Atheists are just saying if it carries. Its a 1000000. You know when you. And. Feel like. Harry spammy are fighting to bring security us back to the u. K. To face justice 6 months after his death she was charged with death by dangerous driving but britains extradition request was rejected by the u. S. Its been a tough tough battle for this family weve had to not just climb mountains but move mountains because having now closed the loophole the legal loophole that allowed her to escape she was the last person to escape it is absolutely clear now that the United States government does not have either a legal or moral leg to stand on the authorities and the system completely let her respond they down this family lost their son and they were treated like dirt on the bottom of their shoe that legal loophole allowed secure less to claim Diplomatic Community as the wife of a u. S. Staff member but after discussions between the u. S. And u. K. The family at the base cannot be prosecuted Going Forward thankfully with the harries an amendment in the treaty a few weeks back absolutely area shows us the family that know what the family would have to fight the way we have nobody else now its the crime such as once was done and walk free is a proud thing to know that. Is part of the the new rule in history books thankfully that cherrys some of ours legacy now but despite that timber of hope it doesnt help a charlatan tim get justice for harry himself in the promise i made him when we lost in that night just the desire in the pit of your stomach to complete that promise. Take you tell you a poorly you look at me to get injustice winnies lay in the. New life left him. Literally every bone in his body. Every organ damage to the point we couldnt even do open donation and someone has to be held responsible for that nobody in this world should be able to take a life i will call way a year on from harrys death the family is still unable to come to terms with their loss. Reserves. Are truly may know. A special special not. Just for loss he enjoyed life enjoyed meeting people he was larger than life as they say was he was he were he couldnt be more proud of her a so this is long before last that primary school. And i were 10. And this is neutral as doug himself. In this beat home who was beautiful thats the way inside and out and. He couldnt sit. Still not quite. Able to teach him. A hand on the wall here. And you know that. And it cant. Watch not International Still to come on the week against russia finds itself repeatedly accused in the media of poisoning the prominent opposition activists alexina valmy the kremlin says that no one should be jumping to conclusions well have a look at the story in more detail in a couple of minutes. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy Going Foundation let it be an arms race is often spearing Dramatic Development only closely im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. The world is driven by shaped by one person those with. No dares thinks. We dare to ask. Hello again this week the kremlin has faith repeated accusations from both western officials and the media of poisoning a prominent opposition activist in the valley fell seriously ill on a flight in siberia and ascend since been airlifted to berlin for treatment suskind taylor reports now on the unfolding blame game. Its not every day that a patient receiving treatment in a siberian hospital becomes a global person of interests and thats what happened when i was a value fell ill on the flight to moscow forcing akkad to make. Her 820 local hospital numerous toxicology tests were run all the results came back negative. For a wide spectrum of synthetic substances including inhibitors were negative also on admission to the hospital there was no clinical picture specific to the call in a series inhibitor Group Fast Forward a few days new valise still in and used coma had been airlifted to a specialist carrick and then more tests were run and it can call for the kind thats raising him to group was found the exact substance so remains unknown and almost a week later no updates the russian doctors saved his life in those crucial early hours one to Exchange Date to better understand the initial findings of their job and colleagues but somehow already decided who its best to believe so but dont even need to wait for the final results after all but its all just for her but it was not in chalk novelli is 20 twentieths a good script how big was the kremlin in fact it was hooted himself the question is are the germans prepared to share their beings all of the. Names there will all the medical tests that they. Took on the of on the other prepared to share them with the russian doctors if then out if they tried to do what to reason may did with the script palls and offer no cooperation whatsoever with the russian with or it is so the russians could make an independent assessment of what the german scientists of found then its hard to see why the russians are any under any obligation to conduct the full investigation i say look we dont know that he was poisoned our doctors say that he wasnt so why should we just accept what the germans say when the germans refuse to provide us with any scientific basis to assess their findings. Either way russia has to be punished and not just with actions to make previous actions quote pale in comparison but also by striking as an entirely unrelated project but im increasingly convinced the germany should pull out of the north stream to project russias president putin is turning increasingly into a dictator who persecutes opponents including by means of poisoning attempts the poisoning attack on the russian Opposition Leader must lead to targeted reaction the Baltic Sea Nordstrom to should not go into operation for im going to lump all those who have been fighting to keep north stream to alive despite the best efforts of nations this is neither the time nor the place to be talking gas. I think that we should the couple these issues and in our opinion north trying to should be completed nobody builds a pipeline just to n. R. Somebody a pipeline is built because it is the mom its the 2nd part of the pipeline and that was initiated in 2000 try we saw the same argue mance and those years apart under fact alan cheese from north america was not yet commercial. We see a kind of replay of the arguments of 2005 remember the last it was built and now theres a new trial and drain situation i would say is that a bit more different from it last 2 years ago and i dont see how the old speaking notes which we have been hearing from u. S. Officials over the last years are still when it into these environment of neri low gas prices is that a loss side of the International Figures shes called for moscow to conduct a full and transparent investigation which the kremlin has already said will happen but only when it becomes clear what exactly needs d to be investigated if the divisions. As identified it was determined that it was an intentional act of poisoning then of course it would give grounds for an investigation no dealt so far there are also many other medical versions as to what could have caused have on this condition despite a preliminary investigation that was initiated zoe is or was the 20th no evidence of an intentional criminal act against me has been established and no evidence that would allow us to classify this incident and a criminal law has been found so far well the world awaits further findings of the praises heaped of those doctors and let. The medical professionals who initially treat me are getting quite the say respects. I personally my family my children have received dozens of physical threats you know im not hiding my personal life and of course it didnt affect anything god will judge those people were treated and obviously those threats were not his fault one would think that until the final result in the bar actually turns off it like its the only thing one could do is wish. Coverage but it seems that here and inconclusive medical diagnosis has already been spun into a predetermined political one. The families of British Health workers who lost their lives on the front line to cove it have been warned they could lose Welfare Benefits if they accept compensation from the government thats because the 60000 pound lump sum on offer would be treated as capital that means tested benefits and that could leave them in eligible for payments such as universal credit and housing or pension benefit critics say that this is deeply unfair though to the loved ones of those who died while trying to help others. The government was right to say we must honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice so its shocking that families are being forced to choose between accessing Social Security theyre entitled to or the compensation they need or the u. K. Government doesnt see this that such benefits have always been calculated the same way the principle is that payments only go to those who cannot meet basic needs but a Senior Health consultant does also say that such an approach hardly encourages workers to put their lives on the line that is very unfortunate took a long time for the present the bodies of all the Health Care Workers to negotiate this with the government and then to subsequently find that it is going to be treated as capital is a step backwards it should just be a payment and we must remember people die as a result of being in the front line saving lives and often in circumstances where they are working with inadequate p. P. So they are really truly honestly but in very much in the front line in danger and their loved ones should not be also being that ised just because they received 860000 barrels payment 60000 pounds does not go very far in our current quad and therefore it is a payment for somebody who has put their lives in the front line it should not their fault be for that penalize good youve got a capital were not going to help you if this comes to be what will happen is then Health Care Workers may make a choice to say you know what come to think about it i dont want to put myself in the front line that would be also a negative backward step. Well adding insult to injury for many a small payoff from the government to bring n. H. S. Workers on to the streets on wednesday last month authorities announced a 3 point one percent pay rise for almost 900000. 00 Public Sector stuff because they have been demanding 15 percent and even worse to many and even on the pay rise list and that includes and supporters clean is and nurses government that predicted in that way and i have a number when you know im saying if you think that were going to go back on the battlefield get out im sorry but its not really worth risking our lives to go and a patient when were actually putting ourselves at risk to many of our colleagues in the way its specially the black nurses or you know i you know its great to send us back on our bill without the texture unfortunately a lot of us will not work that period. Youve been watching a week here or not International Just coming up to half past 7 in the evening were back with more news at the top of the. Throughout its history just how just with the selfproclaimed Islamic State terrorist group of recruited up 230000 following us from all over the world to find fault. In. Sounds of russian citizens left their country to join the terrorists often bringing wives and children with them. But he is not going to play dumb ideas imposed on you. Guys and you could move. All on you to the. Hundreds of children and widows were held captive all disappeared. Back in russia those children families wait them search for. Is youll be a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Away. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or im a bit of a shallow. Max keiser financial Survival Guide stacey lets learn about fill out lets say im the troika and youre. Greece bank of the fight wall street fraud thank you for help thank. You stuart

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