To you you were telling us what the media here wasnt telling us that thered been a pandemic rehearsal in 2016 in there was a cover up of it what whats your take now that tens of thousands of people in this country have died because of coronavirus and how is it there in australia. Well its a shocking state of affairs isnt it i mean just last week before the Public Accounts Committee and in london the whole shocking landscape was laid out that thousands of people had been thrown out of hospitals back into chaos it really is the kind of making up of an expendable society where experts talk blithely as has one of them did in this particular report the 12012000 excess deaths would have happened another expert said no wait a minute if theres another spike its likely in the u. K. To go up to 35000. 00 now were not talking about the total of coronavirus victims were talking about people who die in care homes who were thrown out of hospital i think thats one of the great scandals of this that Public Health england in effect in april emptied hospitals of all non karrar coronavirus victims including Cancer Patients katia patients neurology patients people are needed serious attention and here we now have the president of the Royal College of surgeons arguably the most conservative. Of the of the Royal Colleges saying with a hint of panic in his voice look we cant go on like this because if theres another spike were going to lose thousands of war people so what this has been its just. And they knew it they knew in what what came out of this Public Accounts Committee hearing as is the Public Health england and therefore. Well those executives in the department of Health Health and social care. They knew that all these elderly people and people with disabilities and people in care homes well people were at risk if they were left if they werent in hospital but still they dumped them they threw them out of hospital. And you know we. One doesnt want to add to the. To the a stereo or about this and im not trying to do that but i think theres something very grave and disturbing disquieting about all of this that so many people so many vulnerable elderly disabled people with run out of hospital and didnt get the care in care homes and many of them died on their own but thats a National Shame the u. S. Can watch your latest film the dirty war on the n. H. S. Of course i would say Public Health england and the bar us john soon as government completely refuted they deliberately sent thousands tens of thousands of people to their deaths because of that cat home policy. Now as you as you imply doctors and surgeons as you refer to are warning that many tens of thousands will be killed by a 2nd wave because if the n. H. S. Shut down of Cancer Services why do you think less is heard about the impact on other diseases of the response to the pandemic here in britain with the n. H. S. I think its got to go straight back to Simon Stevens and his and his cabal running running the show that these people have enormous power. Steve stephens presided over. Perhaps the greatest disabling of bed capacity in the n. H. S. Since 948. 00 since the beginning of the n. H. S. And here. The the n. H. S. He had plenty of warnings not only. Was the the results of a drill and 2016 ignored but going back to earlier that people warning the the cameron government that if those lands really sokol reforms that is the health and social care act but affectively set up. Intense privatisation and fragmentation of the Health Service if they happen and they was a great public emergency such as a pandemic then it would be a catastrophe they were well and there were so many warnings there are so many experts to warm them. And none of this was hated that should not cost that really should not pass that but now where we can pick up a newspaper and casually read that they will be up to 35000. 00 excess deaths like that expression excess deaths up people of Cancer Patients cardio patients and other people who needed serious diagnosis and serious treatment who would deny to it why well Simon Stephens would no doubt point to the fact that bed numbers were going down before he took over and you dont seriously saying that there are people left in icing coronavirus yeah they dont weaponize in coronavirus too ideologically privatized the national Health Service either. Because theyre there privatizing as we go along i mean they are to ruthlessness. In privatizing it at the very height of this but this disaster with. With with with Companies Taking over p. P. A. Distribution and testing and salt when all that should be in regional Public Health authorities which of course themselves were disabled by the 1st by the cameron government and then later by a lowes. Who followed and yes Simon Stephens wasnt there at the beginning thats true but he was in charge of this monolith which had the lowest bed when i made the film 30 warn the n. H. S. It had the lowest bed capacity in europe and that was last year 2019 on the eve of this pandemic. And it was night along the way. People have to be called to account politicians and officials that have to be called to account because it cant happen again surely i mean its ok to go and stand out and clapping n. H. S. And quite right so you absolutely horrific people. Doing that pass without p. P. In the most extraordinary circumstances but also under cover of that that great warmth felt towards the end and h. S. Was a political project but dismantled it has dismantled it from within and its still going on suddenly burst johnson is the champion of the n. H. S. This is ridiculous these people these people earlier them colluded in the 2012 health and social care act which absolutely ravaged the 1st Public Health system in the world. And changed it in character and left it croon for when Something Like this came along of which they were warned. Well the government is giving more money to the n. H. S. Is not only Boris Johnson who says the n. H. S. Is one of the most important parts of british Civic Society the Murdoch Press is the b. B. C. All of these institutions have been clear that far from wanting to dismantle the n. H. S. They wanted to protect it and they celebrated those like of former like an army veteran who walked around the garden to raise money i know that one case concerned you about a psychologist i think wendy peak whos had to fundraise i think online for cancer care do you see this as. As the major hit in context of coronavirus and yet his country ideologically driven privatization wendy peak case if there is is is really remarkable isnt it. I remember yelpers of contributed to to wendys. Campaign run absolutely wonderfully by her daughters but this this is somebody with whos lost an eye she had a cancer in a melanoma. In a very unusual one but but all that is within within the expertise and certainly within the remit of the n. H. S. Why wasnt she treated why wasnt she treated there are other wendy peaks and perhaps they dont have the same dynamic family to be able to support them. All over the country. Health secretary matt hancock says that whats needed in the n. H. S. Is harnessing Technological Development he says and many of us who may have had like the way the telephone access to their g. P. Surgery was actually an improvement on the waiting times reporting months what do you make of that hancocks desire to modernize the n. H. S. So its truly harnessing technology this time look i dont say this lightly matt hang caucus discredited he couldnt get his figures straight talking about the number testing you remember was 10001 day and then not quite he couldnt get these figures straight about p. P. Equipment arriving here. But what hes great passion is is tech he loves technology and he loves it so much they did a period in an advert tauriel in the Evening Standard paid for by a private tech Company Battle on health which has got contracts from the n. H. S. What he said was which horrified. Most doctors was that. G. P. Consultations would be now by default. Are online so yet another. Remote that the doctor wouldnt actually see you the doctor would see you virtually well yes that works for some it works certainly works for everyone under the age of 30. They dont have anything wrong with them. And it certainly might work for for people who just want a prescription for something that is very easy to identify but it does not work as as has dr phil whittaker. Distinguish the pay explained in my film it does not work in the consulting room when you want to find out when someone is trying to tell you something but theyre not sure of the words theyre not perhaps to articulate its their body language that actually tells you whats wrong with them and and its and its the wise doctor who can see his patient are patient and and understand that but can get a diagnosis right all doctors would tell you that good doctors and here is hanging caulk with these latest weeds. Hes latest protest we well call denies it refutes any corruption regarding any particular tech company whether it be babylon or or any other job stop you there more from legendary journalist and filmmaker after this short break. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy on sunday shouldnt let it be an arms race. Spearing Dramatic Development only. I dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. Join me every thursday on the alec simon show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. Welcome back im still here on the Season Finale of going underground with legendary filmmaker john pilger i want to move on to one truth teller who is exposed ideological privatization as well as war crimes Julian Assange is currently in jail where there has been a death belmarsh prison in london what are we expecting from the Court Hearing on september the 7th i understand it all the Court Hearings change that dates change what are we expecting from this next hearing for the worlds most famous publisher and journalist doggedly youre quite right that has been a death from covert in belmarsh and theres been a lot more in belmont that of course. The authorities are not. Telling us about. What can we expect well at the moment its farce at the end of june. The. The the circle prosecution in this extradition bit by the United States. Stood up and said well havent you would type moment that overrides the 17 previous charges in the old indictment the old charges were about espionage but this is about hacking. And it concerns that the major informant is a paid f. B. I. Informant a serial criminal who has been convicted of forgery theft. Pedophilia and. He on laughing because its so black he has been put up as the major informant in this new indictment now theres a twist here having announced this new indictment at a press conference. The court hasnt heard anything the defense hasnt hurt anything. Theres nothing in the system not to process about this new indictment and lets hope it isnt a fast lets hope it is something that is rightly thrown out of court and gives a jury and the sun trees freedom at last but they could be a coming fast in which the Court Considers one indictment hes then extradited to the United States to consider another and to to face another indictment this is not justice the whole case has been really black far from beginning to end and should have not got past day one in february. And its down to. True justice to deal with this when it comes up again on segments of sort of september this time in the old bailey this is an opportunity perhaps for british justice to redeem just that much because at the moment it shamed by the a sound case anybody who looks at it objectively impartially cant help but feel yes. Well as far as we know the Crown Prosecution Service say everything is up to scratch they cant comment about an ongoing case as you know there is it outcry probably justifiable arguably from all journalists in nato nations about the arrest of the british publisher jimmy lie in hong kong why is it you think that the same journalists are not crying out for the release of julian as sons do you think they dont recognise a songe as a publisher they think of him as a whistleblower and theres some confusion in the minds of journalists in nato nations i think in recent years that journalists who might of otherwise behaved. At least professionally have lost the knack and the skill of journalism and the will of journalism i think its gone the spaces that were once there in the socalled Mainstream Media for those who could ask hard questions who could challenge the system. Have all but closed not entirely but pretty well all but closed. And journalism has given up its become Something Else its become. Its become an echo. An echo chamber of whatever propaganda or is runs through the system its propaganda against the sun. Will with china. Russia to blame for the weather some of it is as i say almost laughable propaganda but it is presented as news now you asked me why that is so i cant really answer i do know that theres been a surrendering of what journalism was and journalism is basically doing your best to keep the record straight thats all you dont get it right all the time but doing your best to keep the record straight that duty and i would suggest its a juicy has been abandoned. Well forus johnson former journalist hes not commenting on the sons case and as regards china because and the journalists here are reporting it the gross human violate Rights Violations of china britain is sending its top warship h. M. S. Elizabeth to the south china sea. Why do you think thats a bad idea given what were hearing about china or its crackdown on human rights in hong kong its millions in concentration camps and that its attempts to pay you surveillance against all citizens was a word we need evidence for everything youve just said their action and i think journalism is about evidence its about hard evidence and throughout my career ive ive had to ive had a duty imposed on me when ive reported from asia. From cambodia vietnam india indo pakistan the United States to produce evidence but that evidence is no longer required china may be doing ghastly things. But we need to look in the mirror do it while china while we accuse china or of of subverting goalies human rights. The fact that the United States has overthrown the government in bolivia. Caused sanctions of course according to a United Nations estimate up 200000 deaths in venezuela the suffering. The suffering little and the number of deaths around the world that has been caused by us is never a subject for serious discussion we have our enemies we have our demons and theyre the ones home home is is is is is is the perfect what i mean its interesting that the chinese are bringing in a National Security law and it sounds pretty harsh actually but the other day the president of the look ounce will in in this country in a straight said that actually the chinese National Security law wasnt as far reaching as the neutral country and laws that would be brought in in this country a democracy what is going on in the world is a struggle for. Freedom true freedom within democracies liberty has become privilege perhaps there always was but it certainly is now and the last the erosion of democracy is the big story but the big story that no one really wants to write in australia these draconian foreign interference laurels as i as i mentioned at least the equal of anything china can impose. In hong kong. In in the United States both the president ial and other executive. In positions in positions and we like this word these days that we some to muse about ourselves in positions of forms of but tell it totalitarianism. These are not a story trump is because he is reviled for all sorts of reasons only his is a character sure of a system. That his predecessor barack obama who is much admired by many was the one who put whistle blows away. Was the one who started 7 wars was the one who were who who ordered the murder of people by drone these horrible in our socalled backyard. But the its become almost a fetish there were the 2 had guys in the world this china china wasnt a bad guy until a few years ago actually it was most peoples view of it was benign now its a bad guy russia has always been a bad guy and what are so tame tourists about this this misinformation the fact that china is reported without people understanding this country is ringing by 400 u. S. Bases on its doorstep. And that china is almost certainly going into a form of a state of siege ive seen this happen in other countries that means it will defend itself and it will defend itself with the most lethal weapons that it can fire for instance its. Development of of maritime missiles that can destroy whole fleet. The change from of low alert to high alert you know its you know its in its Nuclear Posture none of these are real news or thay are they put in the context of bad china or what is the cause of them china has in mind as far as i can say. For all its faults and there are many of course china wants to get on makin