Transcripts For RT CrossTalk 20240712 :

Transcripts For RT CrossTalk 20240712

Discuss this and more im joined by my guest now is chris of oro and athens hes the director of the duran dot com and in milwaukee we have jennifer to master she is a federal law and compliance attorney or across up rules and in fact that means you can jump in in time you want to how was this going to jennifer in milwaukee this is the this saga continues on were getting more and more documents that are being released and the thing that theres a real striking dichotomy in my mind in all of this is that a lot of these facts have been known for a very long time that we have had allegations made for a very long time there was a trial of. Stand trial and was convicted of charges and then we have the Media Coverage of it in encino Prince Andrew. Bill clinton depending on. What side of the line was donald trump it seems to me theres so much focus a Little Details which i think is a sad comment on our culture and looking for political advantage instead of looking at really what is happening the failures. Decades what youve raised is i think the crux of our time right now and i do think that this case is bringing it to light a couple things to say here with respect to what you have now truthfully and accurately stated but a couple things to state one is the fact that these are things as you said that we have known for a long time that we have that the public has known but somehow we dont know how weve known it we just know these things are out there but we dont believe theyre actually factual enough to be bringing up in major conversations and thats because of mainstream Media Coverage or i should say lack thereof especially in the United States here so weve seen this complete you know shush on the level of that were not sure what to believe and now is this is coming out there almost for staff to cover it but even still theyre not covering it the way they should theyre not covering what an important story this is now yes it has been used for political advantage of my goodness the things that we have known are 1 some of the ties between us certain not only politicians but hollywood celebrities and of course as we know there are many hollywood celebrities that have come out being far more political than they probably should be but thats the connection there so whats come out in this recent document again is a nonprosecution agreement of course it was drafted by Alan Dershowitz who himself is implicated in some of the depositions statements of the victims and another thing that came out in this with a lot of Media Coverage immediately of course a in trying new guy trump hung out with a guy trying to guilty too and just kind of focusing on that one of the statements in the depositions very clearly says that trump was never seen by the victims at any events or on the scene island so again we are politicizing this but i think one thing that a train general bill barr did when he was testifying before the House Committee the other day was try to distinguish himself from being a political actor and being. Somebody that cared about the rule of law obviously we saw that a lot of congress and women did not want to hear that or talk about the rule of law especially if it might help them politically but i think we do at least have an attorney general and i care a little bit more about the world law especially getting to the bottom of this having that now its the fact that its being so politicized now i think you want to talk about those comments and be later in the program but it seems to me that it is this intentional is this kind of a slow burn to constantly turn our attention away because it me in particular and theres this american thing with the royals in the u. K. You know Prince Andrew Prince Andrew in all of this and thats all nice and mine you know and i dont really care on the eat meat because its very intimidating but you know it seems to me that as this trial because a set for next year next summer i want to go back to Jennifer Alyssa mean more and more people potentially could be coming out and were going to how we have 46. 00 charges right no 4 of trumpington to a perjury but more and more with. Alleged victims come forward were going to have a lot more to chew on here but it seems to me you know its you know trump went in and Prince Andrews and not the focus on the bit was much where it should be so yeah i mean we should be focusing on the victims and it was the victim testimony that were reading here but you know peter i mean everyone was on the Mainstream Media was reporting on clinton or dershowitz or Prince Andrew some of the other names that may come up maybe some hollywood names or maybe some some very powerful know Business People ok fight bill clinton 26 times he was on that plane none of this is a surprise given bill clintons history it doesnt it doesnt shock me the fact that bill clinton would be on epsteins island doesnt shock me doesnt make for interesting news ok its an interesting revelation in the history of this. Former u. S. President but it shouldnt shock anyone nor should it shock anyone if you find out some hollywood celebrities were on this island either were not talking about people that we should be looking up to hollywood and bill clinton but peter there is one name and theres one organization that we should all take a look at and its an organization and a name that no one in the Mainstream Media is reporting on and that is the f. B. I. The f. B. I. And Robert Mueller Robert Mueller and b i the f. B. I. Of bill clinton yes b. I of george w. Bush the f. B. I. Of barack obama both democrat and republican this is not about politics is the f. B. I. That had the Prince Andrew picture they had it this is the f. B. I. That did not for some reason for some reason would not give over evidence to the victims side they could prosecute epstein and i make the youre wrong i believe that was 2015 i could be corrected if that here is not correct but they have the evidence they wouldnt cooperate with the victims we need to ask the question now and i think you know im going with this what is the f. B. I. Protecting there steve was and steve working for the f. B. I. I dont know im just giving opinions im getting you know theyre made from what i read you know youre asking a very valid question look at carter page i mean he was constantly being asked who he was working for he actually had a relationship with the with the cia but he was allowed to say it ok can i just say how its a cost i remember when when they asked him a question you know way back you know what why didnt you go after this or why to going out there still he said something along the lines of i was told not to because this guy is intelligence is intelligence or is being protected by telling just Something Like that i forgot the exact quote but there you have it was the f. B. I. Using epstein in order to get salacious details about powerful people look in order to leverage those that information we have to ask these questions and the other question i have to ask is. Why Robert Mueller Robert Mueller there he is again the same guy that was going after trump during the russia gate hoax there he is again and there he is his f. B. I. Crissy the victims to try and get information or trying to connect trump to mc i mean they were trying so hard to connect trying to se what is going on here you know what is going on here you know jennifer if you know if the 2 perjury charges really kind of interest me because those are slam dunks you said this one time now youre saying that thats an easy when they dont and easily provable ok because you dont need any witness this is your own words being used against you here again and the last time we talked about it im still troubled by the charges themselves because it seems to why go away or just turn away from a mountain of other things as you said in your 1st answer we kind of know a lot of these things here ok and the Justice Department is focusing on very very specific things is i get the impression is it they they want you they will they want to penalize they they want to. See a conviction here because a conviction is very important for me because in the say we did something but going back to what i would say didnt look like they had been doing the law for a very long time seems to me very convenient go ahead jennifer exactly nothing you know what alex was dead on point there i would even take it one step further because yes if this was just Jeffrey Epsteins case said now if this was just if this was just about epstein maybe that would be one thing we talk about the f. B. I. Or their use of intelligence this is max well this is somebody who is a u. K. Citizen a british says and she lived in europe she had residences in europe and of course now these 7 residences in the u. S. But she has been shes a foreign which is a Foreign National she was a for nascar she was a who still citizenship this is a woman though that has so many ties overseas that which implicates the cia so if alex acosta has come out and other start to come out that epstein had connections to intelligence that again. The cia has now also been implicated as weve seen playing out now and durhams investigation a lot of other things that yes the f. B. I. Was at the front and center but it almost makes one wonder as it is the f. B. I. Sort of the silencing weighing or the prosecution weighing of the cia operations right silence this is our guy or this might be our guy but you can go after him were just going to use them or we are used in many ways i mean these are a lot of questions that we had yet to be answered but this is that that is one of the most important things we need to see thing is i want to see this dead so you cant convict a dead guy so you know you have maxwell so its quite you know not to absolve her of any kind of criminality and some of the things weve learned through documents i mean you dont have words for this kind of behavior but i mean it seems to me that you know shes going to think the f. B. I. Is going to say we are taking care of this because we got a conviction on a perjury charge ok this latest clean lets move on thats not satisfactory in my mind go ahead tell us no its not satisfactory at all you know what happened to have seen is not satisfactory so i mean they have to get to the bottom of this peter they have to get to the bottom of this Robert Mueller needs to be questioned the f. B. I. Works for the d. O. J. Thats bars d. O. J. Thats a cheap bars d. O. J. He needs to get to the bottom of this and Robert Mueller definitely has some answers i mean this is Crystal Clear now this point Robert Mueller has some answers as to what was going on with epstein and what was going on with claim thats well we need to get to the bottom of this well thats thats what i got from everything that i read ok ok you saw him present his findings to congress one of the most pathetic presentations in the history of media and in congress and so you have confidence if you were to housman question would be you know being of sound mind to be able to answer it i mean it seems to be a trend here you know its like by bill its my. You know in the crisper way rate which is a completely useless person what does he do ok how is he earning his wage as head of the f. B. I. Ok i mean it seems to me that all these all of these individuals are silent ok and its convenient that their son thats the problem thats that is the problem is theyre silent when its convenient for them but now we have these testimonies we have the documents in front of us and we know that they were hiding information they were hiding information that could have saved many many victims a lot of crieff a lot of pain a lot of agony and they werent turning over that information i have to ask myself why and it wasnt a republican thing or a democrat thing this spans 3 presidencies 3 both republican and democrat they have the answers they have and the u. S. Government has the answers. Ok you got jennifer quick real quick before we go to the break overhead like absolutely going back to peters going back to im sorry to alexs point here this was this is a republican and democrat thing there have been so many convictions so many charges and so many indictments for republicans and democrats and so this is not a political think it should be used as a political thing this is video that. Any now im really glad you said that because thats what. Makes us different from other media because im not looking for a political angle here im trying to understand how the f. B. I. Could let this happen on a covered up i dont know if thats the right word right now we need to know more but this is huge and in these documents a dump slowly but surely youre telling us they didnt do their job or im going to jump in here were going to go to a short break and after that short break you were discussing on the air mass. Thinking of getting a new puppy once we got there she. Didnt know its still trapped in this tiny little wire we dont need a crate with him he will. Freaking out and he will want to bring in anywhere near. Breeding dogs or caged in the into lane conditions on puppy i mean 67 years you know theyve been locked up in cages outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the courtier the rain the snow the funder nothing they have no protection. You. Know its ok. Across the u. S. Cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and still most of the puppies are coming from these large Scale Factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even joined by good businesses are involved like cargill among santa there has been a shocking amount of the organized opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding facilities. Most of that opposition is coming from other cultural groups and industries that have to deal with dogs by dog on a hearty. Welcome back to crossfire where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were discussing that Epstein Maxwell saga. Ok lets go back to alex in. The 1st time you were on cross talk and we talked about this story you asked that most fundamental question and it still remains to be answered where did the money come from and you know something about money is something you can track ok because they can track any of your financial endeavors whatsoever its very very easy to do with meagerly or illegally but you just simply cant move money around without somebody noticing it youre this i dont know how much Maxwell House some people have said like 20000000 dollars you know houses all over the world 1st of all where did she get her money i mean ive never heard that was she ever gainfully employed i dont know anything about that but extremely wealthy and of course we have no idea how it made his money and his wealth is estimated to you know its Something Like 700000000. 00 or Something Like that so i mean again where is the f. B. I. And we are the tools of the state i mean you know people can lie and you can perjure yourself but money is money and its something you can find out where it goes go ahead else you know where is the money you know another good question would be peter where is the 50600000005 cities where did that go where did that girl yes the i know this intelligence knows they know where the money is they know where it is claimed maxwell said that she did not have any communication. Any communication with epstein for 10 years and jennifer can can elaborate on this we get documents which show she was emailing in 2015 in her case im not a lawyer but i would imagine her case is dead just blown apart i didnt know epstein right stop communicating with him oh it was it was was she looking after epsteins money or was her money epsteins money lets not forget maxwell comes her history it is very interesting and very color you dont know what happened your fathers money the Pension Funds exactly her fathers money we dont know where it is either. Yeah jennifer again you know if this is what really bothers me is that find perjury you should be punished for perjury absolutely and with members of the former administration or members of congress would live up to that ok but thats a different topic for a Different Program here but again you know i mean if you want to make a really solid case and follow the money and i dont top of it from what we know that has been put into the public square. Of the activities of them seated in maxwell they couldnt have done it alone they werent flying the plane ok they want and if they were aircraft control controllers again if there were a lot of people around in this operation you know what are we going to learn about that again this is the thing ok if you have a list of flights the times from what airport to whatever who was working in the airports what did they see oh are we going to hear anything about that or is it you know perjury and that this is done go ahead jim. Now this is my opinion i mean if they havent read anything on this but the facts do seem to line it up 1st of all there are a lot of names even in the disclosures that have come out that are still redacted so its rightly stated i mean this was these are names that none of us were really surprised by the ones that were released either we knew about them or we really care about them but there are still names within that deposition that are redacted there is a reason for that if those names are redacted that means there is an Ongoing Investigation into those redacted names of those people are not suicide at this point and so so there is Something Else still going on we still the durham inves

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