The rioters also targeted our lady of Mount Lebanon a st peter cathedral american i Catholic Church and los angeles the 83 year old cathedral is also home to a middle easterner refugee congregation kill all cops and make america pay for its crimes against black wives with spray painted on its iconic exterior and catholic cathedrals are not alone in being targets for vandalism at the places of worship are being damaged in a washington d. C. At los angeles in new york city minneapolis and multiple cities from sea to shining sea all in the name of Racial Injustice and then over to the u. K. Or in the light of no evidence and the recently released or russia report a member of parliament is a looking to find someone else to blame for their partys that continued record of losing and makes a media outlet the scapegoat with the goal of silencing them so in this weeks news of you to use a 360 view we are going to ask for politicians and activist has a freedom become a concept for me but not for the. Thanks for joining us i am getting no hughes and as the number of places of worship continue to be grow and vandalization seems to be getting the attention less and less of those in the Mainstream Media after george floyd it was a kill on may 25th protest did ensue but some protests turned into riots which then turned into facing the racial statues and places of worship months later more churches are on the front and center of the attack. Are to correspond it touches a way to has the details of crime los angeles as you can see the San Gabriel Mission is boarded up and stop after catching fire now police are still investigating whether or not this was an act of arson or Church Leaders are saying that this is only one at many houses of worship throughout the country facing a violent acts of vandalism after George Floyds horrific death the country was outraged and while many joined together in peaceful protests the situation has taken quite a turn since it began the u. S. Is now seeing violent acts against some churches like the defacing virgin mary statues spray painting the word idol on it or burning them in the case of the San Gabriel Mission in los angeles founded in 771. 00 and the peace Catholic Church in florida setting fire to the churches all together or even a g. s the sculpture was decapitated but what does the mother of jesus or jesus christ himself have to do with george floyd according to black labs matter activist john king statues in stained glass showing jesus and mary as quote white should be taken down and says they are forms of White Supremacy others say those behind the b. L. M. Movement and stem from a marxist standpoint which according to history view organized religion as oppression but even before the b. L. M. Movement its long been debated in california that 21 Catholic Missions that still stand across the state represent a symbol of the. Spanish colonial ism forced the conversion of native americans to christianity and now images like this are circulating Abundant Living Faith Center in El Paso Texas was vandalized breaking 27 windows and 6 doors local news reporting viable way church of god in Fort Worth Texas was robbed on the morning of july 11th according to police all the mirrors in the church were destroyed but according to a media report the president is standing in solidarity with the Catholic Community and a white house official says those found guilty of these violent acts will be prosecuted now a restoration of fine has been set up by the San Gabriel Mission now theyre hoping to restore this Historic Church reporting in los angeles and suites our team. Now i want to go more in depth on this subject i want to bring in prepayment justice to the nation the founder and president lorrie moore and Vince Everett ellison author of the Iron Triangle inside the liberal democrat plan to use race to divide christians in america and their quest for power and how we can defeat them thank you so much for joining us lori i want to start with you you know we have seen the questioning. And destruction of monuments of historical reference in the news and yet theres very little about this vandalism of churches or other representations of christ why so. Well because it doesnt fit the narrative and unfortunately there is an all out assault on argue Dayo Christian values they are not only assaulting and attacking me defacing churches but theyre doing it to synagogues and unless we as americans stand up and demand accountability from our elected leaders we need to be calling these leaders these mayors these governors who are tolerating this type of activity going on. We have a right to be able to worship we have a right to be able to express our faith and when these. When this race is black lives matter group comes in and says that theyre fighting oppression and racism no theyre not if youre jews if youre christians you dont fit the criteria and especially if you dont follow or kowtow to their or their viewpoint they will attack your very foundational beliefs and that is the belief of western civilization Judeo Christian values. Well but thats the thing you know events you know america was built on this idea of religion being free of government control all religion and religious freedoms you know like we are a country where our freedom of religion can be practiced today. Well not so much you know you know. Im sorry vince im very gay bence. Ok ok for me get it but let me throw it back to laura problems with Venters Mike Lori do you feel like we can still practice freedom of religion in America Today as our founders intended. In most communities absolutely but in these communities like what were seeing in los angeles in portland and other cities across this country where our faith is being attacked no they wont tolerate it and thats where our elected leaders we need to be more leadership this is an Election Year and christians and jews are paying attention to their religious freedoms that are being squandered by these litter these leaders these local officials who refuse to execute the law and protect the citizens especially to be able to worship they are shutting down even with the whole code crisis we see it even with leaders in our in our states in our local communities who are shutting down our ability to worship or to gather its unacceptable but thats the. Well but thats the thing where you know you would expect this out of something underneath any administration but right now this is a president trying to be a Vice President even to a christian and do you really feel like the youre getting the support right now that you need other white house do you think theyre aware of the problems going i mean the president could say hes going to prosecute this is stuff that you would not expect to be happening under a president that says that he was you know he was going to support christians in this country absolutely and you know the president is doing everything that he possibly can to make sure that our religious freedom is secured and protected it is whats happening with our mayors is county commissioners it is governors who are standing in the way of us being able to worship freely and our message to jews and christians across the country if you live in a community where your religious freedom is being suppressed we are calling on you to rise up and to recall every state has an ability to either recall or go to the Supreme Court of that state to have an official removed and dad are our ability to worship freely in this country is a constitutional right and we must speak up and challenge these leaders to make sure that they uphold our freedoms. Well i also want to get i want to look more into this laura and i want to down to florida where john had to bring this a package and the details of whats going on in florida and how the community is reacting. Police continue to hunt for the suspect or suspects who beheaded a jesus statue in miami the miami archbishops Office Released a statement about the crime writing late tuesday night july 14th early wednesday morning july 15th a statue of jesus christ was decapitated the statue of the Good Shepherd was located in a garden outside of its namesake parish Good ShepherdCatholic Church located in southwest Miami Dade County the statue was located not only. Private property but on sacred property archbishop thomas wednesday is requesting that Police Investigate this incident as a hate crime its the latest example of vandals targeting churches in florida and other parts of the country on july 11th police say 24 year old Stephen Anthony shields plowed his van through the doors of our lady queen of peace church in Ocala Florida and then jumped out poured gasoline into the foyer area and then set it on fire shields then took off in his van according to police who after a brief chase not to mop the road and took him into custody fortunately there were no injuries at the church as mass hadnt started in pews werent packed yet shields reportedly told cops he did it because he had a problem with the Catholic Church and was on a mission to do damage calling himself a king and describing his actions as quote awesome hes facing felony assault and hate crime charges at the Good Shepherd church in miami Church Leaders there posted this message about the incident saying it remains under Police Investigation and the church is taking necessary steps to increase security adding let us not speculate but rather let us Work Together to pray and to prevent any future vandalism or damage to our parish as a result of this incident we have created a special campaign to raise funds for additional security measures for Good Shepherd the church has a donation page to help prepare the statue or buy a new one while asking visitors to pray for the church and safety of its parishioners with a quote from the bible in the gospel of john reading beloved do not imitate evil but imitate good whoever does what is good is of god whoever does what is evil has never seen god for news views hughes john hardy. And i want to bring back and lord or of them are and event ever and hes back with us then i want to go with you because you have to tell you im very. Private this is being happening it is also happening to black churches as well you know this Movement People have said its been taken over by others in this case and the faith is a really big part of the black community so in this case you know shaun king and is pointing out religious statues saying having been encouraging them to be attacked in this tool being used as a vehicle to divide and as it rightfully something that is being used as a cover of Racial Injustice. Well you know the Democratic Party is always with a party of darkness i mean with slavery segregation theyve always found a way to try to murder to kill black people from slavery up until now but look and theyve been always trying to undermine religion here in the end of america. Invaded the Civil Rights Movement back in the sixtys and the marches of the communists and they have to treat the church and black liberation theology is just part of it so now with the chicken a stickler comes on the rules we decide to lay down with dogs you know were getting fleas these marxs of the goddess of the black church they the compromise most of the black preachers. Take it our religion and they get a couple of possibility going on here and i sit there right now in the black community theres like theres desire to try and go most likely to see most. And most like civil organizers their job is to control the black community for the Democratic Party to make sure that they get 90 percent of the black vote but. They are paid by rich white liberals theyre rather Democratic Party and as a judge their job is to keep the black people under the boot of the Democrat Party and theyve been doing it for the last 220 years and they are not going to let up and as long as they get mad its a little blood but they are not going to stop the other peoples poor peoples afraid and as long as they keep in mind its a little bit of both but more reason to stop. And people can read for themselves and i have to wonder why is this not being an extra time to talk about divisiveness in our country. Why is it why cant we find this is a way to unify people of every sort of background to say listen this is wrong these sorts of principles are not just principles that are christian principles theyre principles that make a good society why are we not hearing from our politicians and our Church Leaders united saying this is wrong and if we did dont you think that would be a Strong Enough tone to keep some of its vandalism from happening to our communities. It would be if they would do it but blood passes ill be employed by the Democrat Party not to do it and republicans dont show up because the black community is not their constituency so they have no reason to go down there the people that will have to change this are going to be christians and citizens who have to go and be the Good Shepherd who have to go and be the Good Samaritan again we have. To evangelize to our brothers and sisters in christ. But we have to start here so right now as we said back and watch our cities murder and we watch this play crystal not being an america where democrats have told the ground should be illegal to go in destroy the black community and make sure that back on the plantation we have to speak out is up to us and i know the black american im saying they dont speak for us the same way that the white white saw in the small back in the sixtys if the kook lets play it doesnt speak to the star process stand up and say its christians we oppose this and we go down and pull our brothers. But you know who they are most of the black Community Say that they are christian and we must remind them that if youre a christian you cannot be of the. White community that if you are christian you cannot live because of the mission and all that you are because it makes you. Feel that something and more im going to give you the last word on this case do you think that the reason why were not hearing much outcry from the churches right now is because basically theyre living by that whole turn the other cheek mentality that they are taught the scriptures and that might not be what it means but thats why christians are just saying out its ok its for the greater good. The great point scottie you know. God bless you for what youre saying the recent why youre not hearing from the larger christian population especially within the leadership is because the Mainstream Media is not going to give them up the boys however i will tell you we are mobilizing religious leaders leaders of faith both jews rabbis and pastors black and white ministers who are uniting together to stand in opposition of this whole zimmerman this movement is not of god and these leaders recognize it but youre not going to hear the Mainstream Media give them the time scottie i commend you for giving us this opportunity because there are many christian leaders like myself like vince and there are rabbis and pastors who see the threat to our Judeo Christian civilization our Judeo Christian western values is on the is it is a threat right now its being threatened our rights are being threatened and we are mobilizing to speak up were putting out a statement next week about this and were bringing these leaders together to speak into the void the vacuum that is being created by this whole antisemitic black lives matter group they are the race as. Well and invented lore and i thank you for joining us and have this conversation you know i look at all the different agents and all of them that preach peace the question is are they actually going to put that into action thank you so much for joining us and were going to have to leave this right here now after the break there is a story which is sadly all too familiar to those of us who work at this network because it once again a better politician looks to put the blame of another was and baseless accusation on the good journalists who work at this network will be right back. We go to work. Straight home. I like it when the hosts ask a question for the guests and then actually listens to the guests answer and then react to that answer a folks Dennis Miller here ive got a new show. Oh yo. Lish. Take a bite. Off larry king. Listen learning dog wallace said i never learned anything when i was talking its important to listen. Mo