Entire psychology of the world in terms of money in terms of the economy in terms of the politics in geopolitics so 1st mention the geopolitics of the domestic politics of america i will go into that into the next episode of kais report but right now i just want to point out that over the july 4th 4th weekend we saw these protests in washington d. C. And we saw these protesters stomping on a u. S. Flag and then burning it and one thing they said was america was never great now this is our response to of course donald trump saying make America Great again and how did Hillary Clinton respond to that she insisted that america is already great so here we see this radical shift in the mindset of these young people who are knowledgeable for at least 3 of them that america was never great hey young people great well you know its up to them to make it in their own image and the money els and jen say im a believer you know i already had the plum 40 or 50 Year Experience in the United States post world war 2 post Lunar Landing you know booming stock market never had a work day in my life. Because of that and you know so its up to them to decide whats great make of great and good luck with that great for me but the other thing that i think has happened and you can see it also reflected in monetary and Financial Reality is that during the course of you know the end of world war 2 and being the only Industrial Power and growing strong and then having then going bankrupt essentially 1900 71. 00 coming off the Gold Standard and the psychology of the world in 1971 was like we had no alternative america is the empire and. There was a kind of a pause as like a road runner sort of pause and everybody where it wasnt certain that we could do a global trade with just their system and yet they want everybody went forward but when i was growing up i mean you could it was weird this notion that we did genocide the natives here we did have slavery and we dragged people out of their homes in africa and pulled them here and forced them to work for free and yet like all of that paper prints and all that Wealth Creation could cover that up that could make everybody in the world but also domestically see us in some sort of light that actually was never there or that it was always the meth it was never real so i think were seeing a shattering of illusions the money printing all of this the Wealth Creation isnt real anymore and so for the youngest people all they see is that none of the boomers not of gen x. And none of those older than boomers and x. Are wearing any shorts because the tide has gone out and what theyre seeing is a gross collection of karens. Well a couple of points there number one when you say they are road runner pause i believe you are referring to wile e. Coyote yes in fact paused and mostly before a fall. Down into the canyon he was chasing the road runner yes the dynamic in that drama. Strong. And my 2nd point is america like any country is a big bureaucratic institution and is not terribly interesting and not terribly has doesnt have greatness at all its just like one Big Post Office but individuals are great there have been great americans and there been great europeans so there have been great. Individuals throughout history and in america because it is just basically very neutral its not great or bad really its just a collection of freedoms that are codified in the constitution and then throws it over to the population and says will any of you rise up and be great and this current generation we have like any on mosque for example the start of south africa any migrates the United States and hes made America Great because hes been afraid to do things that in europe you would not be able to do or in any war anywhere else in the world you would not be able to do so one evil and is worth 100000 protesters in the street burning the american fly if thats what it takes to give us an avon then thats the equation thats america its just the way it is folks nevertheless this sort of notion of america was never great has never been seen in my life probably not your life and probably not joe bidens life hes the oldest of the candidates running for president for example so thats a mindset change its a revolutionary mindset change and we dont know if it ends up being better for that or worse for it only time will tell but in terms of something i brought up in a previous episode and i would like to expound on this theory is that you know that 971. Moment when we went all out that was the 1st time in 5000 years that we had a global fee system based on the u. S. Dollar which could be printed up and only the Us Government or treasury or fed knew actually how many dollars were out there the same sort of thing has happened during this pandemic with this fact that a multiple number of facts that nobody is working everybody staying at home yet theyre making more than ever with all this money being borrowed from who knows who right because who has 3. 00 chilean dollars to give to the American Government and a quarter to give to people to stay home and do nothing and stock markets keep on going higher despite all the metrics that would suggest that the market should crash like earnings and dust real production actually making things and selling bangs well thats all gone like all the historic stuff that weve seen for the past 10200 years thats all gone this might be the craziest thing ive seen in my stock market career the stock and the economy so the red line of course this is the inverted continued jobless claims and the nasdaq 100 index is the blue line as you see usually when unemployment goes up well the stock market falls but here we see a historic collapse you know in employment so increase in unemployment and yet the naz that continues to march higher so this is a fundamental snap i mean you know weve covered this with the negative Interest Rates the negative price of time and the negative oil prices that also happened 2 months ago so theres something that has changed or something that snapped and its itll its historic i believe being unemployed and having a huge Unemployed Population doesnt mean youre not great i would give you as an example Great Britain right during the satcher or unemployment crash when they transition from coal mine. 2 spades in the city gave us of course. Great music they gave us punk rock gave johnny rotten gave us. The sex pistols and that was great said it made the country great as a whole. The music of that era so here in america with the unemployment as it is i would hope that the americans have a rich tradition and music perhaps could generate some great culture some great art stars the stock market zooming higher well you know the best performing stock markets in the world are some bob way of Venezuela Iran because their currency is collapsing so the connection to the stock market must be made to the u. S. Dollar not the employment number of that those that the connection is to the fact the u. S. Dollar is collapsing against the stock market its already collapsed against bitcoin its moving down against gold right so all those key metrics of how is the u. S. Dollar performing are showing that the u. S. Dollar is getting quite weak there has been a masking of retail inflation for a number of years and has been obvious for people shopping for groceries and things that prices are going up but now in the last year though if you look at twitter and type in is there inflation youll see people are saying oh my gosh you know i went to the Grocery Store and prices are up 20 percent how did that happen so that that collapse the dollar now is inching its way into reality yeah of course lake the dark ages Everybody Knows is the dark ages it was post roman empire things were pretty bad in europe we had half the population wiped out in a black plague and yet from that horrible dark time came the renaissance so it and its still considered to this day nobody has replicated the greatness of the arts of that time so they were still backward they were still like superstitious people. There were things that there were counter revolutions to that revolution all the time and this is one thing that you could always understand looking back from you know 500 years in the future its easy to tell right now nobody knows. Either this is a revolution or a counter revolution or whats going on is this the dark ages there is that a in the light and age right and that entire renaissance played on one individual who single handedly spawned modernity and that would be of course Leonardo Da Vinci and 500 years later were still living in the shadow of the in our the dimension when he was and the connection between leonardo and they teach the family between capital and ideas that has been replicated in places like Silicon Valley where you have steve jobs is like a renaissance thinker meets venture capitalists right so you know its the its all they say its all was darkest before the dawn well our inventors of this day and age 500 years after dementia are people like blith masters who can create it creates and invents a credit default swap and lo and behold here is j. P. Morgans assessment of the situation that we find ourselves in today she invented this credit default swap for j. P. Morgan j. P. Morgan concludes the world is drowning in too much debt for stocks to go down again partly because of credits of paul swats this is the beginning of the explosion of global that its now will be adding 16 trillion dollars in global debt household government and private sector so 35 percent of g. D. P. Increasing global indebtedness is a even bigger than the 20 percent of g. D. P. Increase seen in the years after the lehman crisis so theyre saying theres too much debt for them fed or at Central Banks to ever raise Interest Rates again as chis report told you years ago you cant taper ponzi and now theyre saying because of that that stocks can get never go down because theres too much debt but it was a people origin is like pope sixtus during the Leonardo Da Vincis time and they suffered hugely as dementia came up with called new planetary scale or schema in terms of sun in the earth and. Vented all kinds of things in the church was on the back foot and pope 6 this was like wait a minute you know and then it became wait a minute im the evolved im the evil and the artist is god so i got reversed so the Catholic Church became the evil and. The renaissance became. And now we could be flip flopping and j. P. Morgan is like the Catholic Church of the middle ages trying to engage in papal indulgences where you commit fraud and well give you free printed money. Right jamie dimon. All right well were going to take a break and when we come back much more coming your way. So we have inherited a brain constantly comparing itself to others. For a Monkey Wrench a bit of food it compares itself to others and it seems that its weaker then it doesnt reach for the banana because its afraid of getting bitten if it sees that its stronger saratoga and is released and it goes for it and it feels good so we feel patterns when we were young of comparing ourselves to others and making decisions about when you feel one anyone would feel one down and its easy to feel one down all the time if youre into alternated to think that way and then you end up with this or does all the time and absolutely precious. Time of the time corporations repeat the same mantra sustainability its very important to accelerate the transition sustainable transport sustainability stay number man out a more equitable and sustainable world. They claim their production is completely harmless. Because. Companies want us to feel good about buying their products while the damage is being done far away this is 2nd this we dont even and i mean look. You missed me do you want any minimum strength seemed to be based on just. Going in. Welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to turn to jimmy sun he is a bit coin educator developer entrepreneur welcome back jamie i want to jump right into it on the 4th of july Independence Day here in america you wrote quote a declaration of monetary independence can elaborate on the thesis here about rig markets how big coin fix is said to me yeah i think back in 1776 our forefathers knew that they were the system was rigged against. A lot of taxation without any representation people here in Great Britain didnt really care about and they were being treated unfairly and its my thesis was that this is happening today that its not some elite saying Great Britain its essentially the people back and told the Federal Reserve and they are not just doing it on america if you fall all over the world as a result a lot of that and the right end to cohen is uniquely positioned for this the Technology Allows for individual sovereign say it cant be confiscated its separate state from money can you speak on this a little bit theres a lot of. Ways in which you can describe money but the main problem with money if you have money today is that a few people control it but thing about the queen thats very unique is that you need the agreement of everybody that holds it that runs all note in order to change the Monetary Policy a good point which of course means that it changed and this is this reflects back on some of the moral issues with the money today and i quoted Nicole Nicole in. The 14th century who said thats really it if france or the government expands the monetary so on. I for their own ends that it isnt in unjust thing and thats exactly what im pointing out about all of these monetary expansion programs that are happening all over the world as a result of this and so its been quite a. Deal in the sense that its impossible for a few people to control and we saw that with. 2 x. No one you know and they failed and they were some very powerful corporations cant do it no its ok so what is because Monetary Policy well the Monetary Policy a big point is hard to tap at 21000000 with a known inflation schedule d that has every 4 years so this is you know theres a 21000000 decline by will ever be and rate of inflation slows down you know to basically 02140 so it ends up being a very good Monetary Policy for saving money or storing your value for tipping your value thats thats the point if it works well of course in the Genesis Block of the protocol they have the phrase that the a chance throws on the brink of a 2nd bailout for banks in the u. K. And so theres a direct reference to central banking and of course fee out money which is the province of central banking is the opposite of because its unlimited creation and none more or not more so than today where youve seen just trillions printed almost on a weekly basis Federal Reserve chairman jerome powell. He did however insist that the money printing does not cause inequality and yet to me when i seems to me that the case that it does cause inequality is quite obvious you have what is what are your thoughts yeah absolutely it causes. Massive inequality because its not about who provides value to civilization and economy and all that its all about how close you are its money we talked about last time i was on the show about why the cities of new york and london they are very rich in art because a lot of changing happens to them its not about necessarily what you know goods and services youre providing civilization its all about your money this is known as. Dr richards and so on an irish french economist from the 17th century in the century so i mean its very obvious to anyone and and you know that certain people i specially are Companies LikeGoldman Sachs that are getting enormously rich off of doing almost nothing that actually benefits the economy and or at least its not obvious to anybody what it is that they do for the economy yet although all those bankers make hundreds of millions of dollars billions of dollars and that thats that its a little hard to swallow when somebody like. Tells us that its not exacerbating well and already when it when it actually as you mentioned because Monetary Policy theyre the having the they fix the absolute scarcely at the 21000000. 00 coin level and as in a contrast to what you have in the United States which is this idea where debt is really the best way to run the economy and saving which is inherent an inherent property of bitcoin is something that in the United States and in other countries is vilified you know we hear about things like the paradox of thrift and where you hear about why keynesian ican economics that the economics of debt is the best and. But my and my question though. Oh is. How did this religion of debt in america and everyone is in debt theres unbelievable amounts of debt and its excepted as the best way to have an economy how do you overcome that that that orthodoxy in the United States where the way to run an economy is to plunges deep into debt as possible because its not that thats exactly what they tell us thats exactly what Mainstream Media is pushing and of course because it would be the complete opposite of that but h