A secret where you are now and rachel how dare russia do to us what weve been doing to us thats our thing. But it gets even better is there any proof russia paid the taliban fighters well Anonymous Sources in the Intelligence Community said their wives all did the Intelligence Community well one of their trucks where they were they have any reason to lie to you and may the American People ah yes its their job to lie to the American People as the wise might pompei o one said i was the cia director we lied we cheated and. We had entire entire training courses so we know for certain that u. S. Intelligence agencies lied to you and me we saw with w m d we saw in russia gate we saw it with russians hacking divertissement power grid back in 27 do you remember that a Utility Company called russian hacking mel ware and one of its computers this after officials confirmed that a code used with the russian hacking operation was detected my you know my dad dad dad dad dad horrifyingly have true. If true 2 little words but alas 3 days later the Washington Post and miss russian government hackers do not appear to have targeted the Vermont Utility died but dont worry if you still want to push that fake news story you can still find the original Washington Post article online saying russian operation hacked Vermont Utility how how nice of the washington power is to keep their garbage propaganda up there for us to use whenever we want whenever we see fit. We see all this Dumpster Fire bull just put out by the Intelligence Community and we all just eat it out rajaratnam contract so when i 1st heard about this story about the russian bounties paid to the taliban i thought i wonder if our Intelligence Community is trying to stop peace from breaking out. You see every time you hear a thinly sourced outlandish story like this you can bet there was the threat of peace or troop withdrawal on the horizon so i looked back to see what peaceful maneuver they were trying to stop with this scandal and sure enough the timeline fits like a glove june 26th 2020 the New York Times 1st reports the russian bounty story but just one month earlier pentagon commanders begin drawing up options for an early afghanistan troop withdrawal following trumps request and equally important just 10 days prior to the russian bounty story president trumps confirmed in public for the 1st time his administrations plans to cut the u. S. Military troop presence in germany from its current level of roughly 350028 reduced force of 25000 so the Intelligence Community in the deep state thought dear god we cant just have peace breaking out around the world we have to do something to stop this lets leak that ridiculous story about the russian bounty we got from waterboarding some poor afghan villager releasing this laughable story served 2 main purposes and reminded everyone what a threat russia is so we better put more troops in germany and it served to keep every last us soldier in afghanistan because screw those russian funded taliban and in case you needed reminding im no trump lover across my career ive said more positive words about the school lex family of intestinal tapeworms than i have said about donald trump the scold been shown to read more than he does im not implying trump is some kind of hippie peacenik mean the thought of him with with no broad vial los some idea the. No no no no im not saying any of that the military under trump has dropped bombs at a faster rate than any president however in certain areas of the world trump has threatened to create peace sure hes doing it for his own ego hes doing it because hayes base wanted or is this is nonfunctional etc etc whatever the reason he has sometimes put forward plans or policies that go against the military Industrial Complex and the establishment war hawks and each time this is happened he is either quickly from or to usually with all areas propaganda so lets go lets just look at the calendar april 4th 28. 00 Team President trump ordered the pentagon to prepare for withdrawing u. S. Troops from syria well that clearly could not be allowed because it goes against the u. S. Imperial plan which dick cheney and Henry Kissinger drew up in crayon back in 1990 so what happened only 3 days later april 7th 28 day reports began emerging of alleged Chemical Attacks in the city of duma what are the odds that within days of trump telling the pentagon to withdraw for charlottes side decides to use the one weapon that will guarantee American Forces continue attacking them. I mean assad may not be a chess player but i also dont think he ate that many paint chips as a kid and sure enough over the past 2 years weve now seen 4 whistleblowers emerge to challenge the cover up of the chemical weapons probe they say there was no chemical weapons attack but establishment propaganda beats peace any day and twice on sunday the fall story succeeded in keeping america entrenched in syria finally lets move to north korea trump threatened to create peace with kim jong un simply saying he would attempt such a thing sent weapons contractor stocks just crashing to the ground and you know one of the many reasons that peace had to be stopped so february 27th 29th came donald trump and kim jong un they meet in vietnam the summit fails and reports begin emerging that might pompei ill and john bolton succeeded in napalming any progress toward peace march 15th pompei own bomb denies derailing north Korean Nuclear talks but just destroying the peace talks wasnt enough the American People needed a good solid propaganda to reassert the idea that kim jong un was a doctor and a bloodthirsty dictator who will choose with his mouth open and and leaves toenail clippings on the breakfast table that you find later in your life what theyll do to. March 30th the New York Times reports north korea executed and purge their top Nuclear Negotiator but 2 months later we learned june 4th the fate of north korea negotiator executed after the failed summit grows murkier with new reports that hes still alive within the next day or 2 it became quite clear the diplomat was very much in the land of the living but the propaganda put forward by the New York Times and many other outlets had already done its job people had already read it. And took it into their little brains and to this day the times is not removed the initial article said he was executed exactly how wrong this propaganda have to be to warrant an online deletion in a dead versus a la difference are pretty by nary designation look im not saying trump is a hero or a great guy or even a man who wants peace im not even saying hes a man he very well may be a giant blood sucking leech in a human skin suit a poorly tailor human skin suit all im saying is that timing doesnt add up either these landmark stories that that that destroy every chance of peace or troop withdrawal or false in fact weve already proven that 2 out of 3 of them are very false or peace has exceedingly ridiculously laughably bad timing which do you think it is a company from washington d. C. The belly the bases redacted i. Welcome im leave camp ballastic the news from behind jeffrey abstains long time confidant and partner in their pedophile trafficking ring go lame maxwell has been taken into custody by the f. B. I. This is causing a bit of a turf war between different Law Enforcement agencies as to who gets to suicide her the f b i one to the n. Y. P. D. A one to the clintons one to even the beefeaters with the funny hats one to on behalf of Prince Andrew only time will tell who gets to help her kill herself but they all know it must happen before she testifies about everything she. You know it lets move on to dominion and duke energy if you read their press releases are working on an awesome. Line that will carry radical all frack to gas across thousands of miles occasionally causing totally tie cancer in a certain percentage of the mad cool young population by destroying their vision is suing the water supply sounds pretty trivial or doesnt the pipeline would run underneath parts of Virginia West Virginia and North Carolina but just this week horrible news has hit the community of of of poor defenseless billionaire investors who get rich by swiss cheese in america with a form of fuel that is killing everything we know and then some and those investors are really great people so this is like a super sad story. Why im sure theyre nice and they probably have great hors doeuvres at their ive body paint sex parties that are free and open to all kinds of folks women who are really rich men who are really rich thats pretty much it. Anyway the horrible those is the developers of the Atlantic Coast pipeline are giving up saying on sunday that the pending lawsuits and the rising costs are making it impossible to proceed this is disgusting poor Developers Like to binion and duke energy that that that barely have billions of dollars to their names are forced to compete with upwards of dozens of devoted protesters who have somehow become brainwashed into believing that killing humanitys ability to live on this planet. Is a bad thing. Where are they getting their crazy ideas anyway in this case they seem to be they seem to have won by slowing down the building of the pipeline they have held off the project long enough that it was no longer financially viable one can only hope they dont use this victory as an example that could be replicated in other pipeline battles hes we can only hope they stop being stupid awesome people make me look bad. But it actually gets even worse a judge has ordered the shutdown of the Dakota Access pipeline as well we can only pray that more pipelines dont get stopped thereby forcing the rest of us to tend to keep. On living further eggs 3 years when we could be doing what we really love which is guys much sooner from atmospheric suffocation or Sea Level Rise or the always popular city rearranging giant fire tornadoes those are so much more fine there are many fun ways that one could be dying so you activists moving on to our last story although this game has been put on hold israel says it is still planning to annex 30 percent of the west bank of palestine though you may not be familiar with the term annex its a technical term used by politicians and imperial countries when they dont want people to know theyre saying the word deal here tried it on for size israel plans to steal 30 percent of the west bank see how much less fun that sounds it almost sounds rude like when someone takes the last melon ball at a party when you were standing in line clearly anticipating a cool refreshing sphere of melon honey do more like honey dont cantaloupes more like cant. I still cant look up on that one but when you really look at the history its not like israel is stealing part of the west bank they are just taking back the land they rightfully stole years ago they have graciously allowed palestinians to live on some of that land with kindly Israeli Military scouts roaming the streets in order to check for criminal activity like standing in ones own yard without a license or for they greatly. Being palestinian. It sounds like israel is a good to the palestinians in some parts of palestine israel allows them to have electricity for a whopping 4 hours a day and i mean theyre overflowing with the stuff they can run a blender a computer a vibrator and a 2nd vibrator for our or with that much electricity if they were allowed to import those devices by israel which they are not but 50 percent of the population of palestine is under 18 meaning theyre mostly children children dont need as much electricity and they drink less water than adults do which is also good because israel doesnt let them have much of that either i mean we would months of getting water fat now would we. Palestine is often called an open air prison so there you have an open air doesnt that sound nice i know a lot of people in prison who would give anything for an open air prison i dont actually know a lot of people in prison but if i did. I would be making a killing on the black market ikea special ring well. We had to do was short break but this is the last full episode of redacted tonight that will be on our you tube channel you can still watch all the segments on youtube but for the full episodes go get them at the free streaming app portable t. V. It has the full uncensored episodes and extra content grab a portable dot t. V. Slice download abra about a lot more. Young people well you know its up to make it in their own image you know the money elves and chancy im a boomer you know. For years 15 Year Experience at United States post world war 2. The stock market never had a birthday my life because of that and you know so its up to them to decide whats great make it great and good luck with. So were who is this newsroom to see. Them and those who just came up with it because you know that. Im talking about is a very international community. Media used to use it. This is a good look at this so. The ease. Of the position of the world is through the brazil so there you can see a comparison there is everything were going to use that we dont want to do with. The. Clubhead that was affected but i decided not to take this fight. With you that. You season cause. Im. Not i am no no no. No no no thats. Ok. Welcome back im still a camper in the past few months weve seen more strong and widespread criticism of u. S. Policing than in prior years combined and it doesnt help that there is a new massive leak revealing internal Police Information to dig into this one we go to our truth bomb now and we go. What do you showed us that leaks of any kind can forever change the way we view institutions were programmed to trust and at the very least a conversation starters like this lee for example which started the conversation with my friends about why im no longer trust the drink big gulps a long road trips but in the wake of nation. Why protests theres now a new set of leaks getting attention to the nearly 270 gigabyte data dump of thousands of us police documents called the blue leaks which includes information about Police Surveillance of black lives matter protest finally something that both shift the power away from unethical policing and from maxipad commercials that insist on using gatorade cool blue to demonstrate maximum absorbency the activist group distributed denial of secrets tweeted about the database in late june which made it home on the groups website and according to them includes an years of data from over 200. 00 Police DepartmentsFusion Centers and other Law Enforcement training and support resources but the leaks themselves were the digital handiwork of everyones favorite nightmare inducing mass hackers anonymous whose previous greatest hits included hacking child pornographers whites the premises and the website of the Westboro Baptist church whose congregation made careers out of being the most Colorful People at a funeral shouting about how weve all sinned against god according to wired some of the initial discovery is among the documents showed for instance that the f. B. I. Monitored the social accounts of protesters and sent alerts to local Law Enforcement about anti Police Messages while other documents detail the f. B. I. Tracking bitcoin donations the protest groups and internal memos warning that white supremacist groups have posed as and teeth to incite violence. On t. V. The reliably amorphous scapegoat used to justify retaliation against protesters that convinces me were only a few months away from seeing a boner pill ad that says just like statues around the country might wont they lack of it be 2 and take a photo. But leave documents revealed in the. Sure the office of Homeland Security and preparedness took that anti and teeth a sentiment a step farther by raising red flags on what they deemed and tea for extremists subgroups such as legal observers of protests like the members of National Lawyers guild is known for its members wearing bright neon green hat either the Police Tear Gas you for being a part of the guild or they tear gas you because they thought you were will smith. But just as quickly as distributed denial of secrets advertise this goldmine of data on twitter was twitter hell bent on stifling the flow of information because now if you do try to share twitter will return with an error and an explanation that says the link has been flagged as potentially harmful i mean sure lets pretend that the website that leaves up on edited videos of black and brown people getting murdered waits nearly 4 years before finally flagging false id from our dip in chief and post man the laurian spoilers suddenly cares about potentially harmful tweets distributed denial of secrets is now in search of a new data hosed as german Law Enforcement sees the server that hosts the blue leaks once im back up and running theres nothing stopping you or anyone else from finding data and pas