To be the 1. 00 who had prosecuted abstain in 2008 and gave him a really brutal prison sentence of basically never having to show up for prison apparently the state of florida was sympathetic to the legal argument that abstain needed to be in his office in order to continue his pedophilia work understandable but you have to realize that abstain was also good friends of very very Close Friends with people like bill Clinton Donald trump Alan DershowitzPrince Andrew former israeli Prime Minister abu brock and others abstain would rope teenage girls into sex trafficking and use his high level connections to avoid actual prosecution where prisoners have to actually be in the prison then it all came crashing down last year abstain was arrested for real this time and charged for real the. Time but while awaiting trial in new york city before he could reveal what he knew about so many powerful men the cameras around of prison cells shut off the guards both fell asleep simultaneously and abstain was heard screaming just before he apparently strangled himself breaking bones in his neck that usually only break during homicide but as horrific as that is that is not the part that still being covered up investigation discovery recently came out with a special who killed jeffrey abstain according to journalist elizabeth vost the series addresses epsteins alleged coconspirator joe lane maxwell his links with billionaire Leslie Wexner founder of victorias secret clothing line and others as well as the nonprosecution deal he was given by acosta who would have thought the guy behind victorias secret had connections to his sex traffickers i would have thought hed spent is down. With the church choir maybe building those ships in the bottles. But as salacious as all of that is that is still not the part thats being covered up now the part of the story completely avoided by the Mainstream Media and both recent docu series is abstains ties to Israeli Intelligence and in an interview with Consortium News former Israeli Intelligence officer ari benn manasse said abstain did not work with massage but rather Israeli Military intelligence in his recent book benatia is quoted as saying abstain worked with Robert Maxwell who introduced his daughter and epstein to Israeli Intelligence after which they engaged in a blackmail operation for israel abstain was taking photos of politician. Old girls if you want to get it straight abstain and maxwell would just blackmail people. Robert maxwell elaines father was basically israeli royalty he was buried in a state funeral in israel on the mount of the olives after dying in a mysterious accident on his yacht you know ive always said it may look like fun to own a yacht but they are a hitman paradise for some reason and men love to whack people on yachts i dont know i dont know if its one of its just that they want to have a nice memory of their time spent killing new or they like the sunsets or what but they love it and yet not only did netflix and investigation discovery of oil the intelligence the Israeli Intelligence angle all together they avoided the larger picture entirely in perhaps the only mention that abstain is part of a much larger operation elizabeth of oss says the final section of the 4th episode in netflixs series includes a survivor stating that this was not simply an abstainer operation but an International Sex trafficking ring that reached all over the world epstein is described as a very small piece in a huge network but the documentary goes no further than that ah so the Mainstream Media is using the bad apple defense just like they do with the police that speed was just a bad apple if it hadnt been for abstain the sex trafficking of children would have been working just fine you say you want to defund the sex trafficking but if that happened then who would traffic all the facts and i ask you know i talk about those questions yes investigation discovery and netflixs programs discuss the role of former labor secretary acosta in securing abstains sweetheart plea deal but do not reference a cost as widely reported explanation as to why a cost agreed to the deal as reported by the daily beast accosted claimed that he cut the nonprosecution deal because he had been told that had. Belong to intelligence and to leave it alone so we have all these connections to Israeli Intelligence we have connections to president s and british royalty and Prime Ministers with all the people who have helped make sure abstains an empire could run smoothly the people who supplied the girls who helped cover things up theyre the corporations who benefited 6 from the massive amounts of money that was just thrown around trying to bring all those people in for questioning and bronson. Here ya go buckle your seat belts head on to your pants leave follow or get out of the way i watch yet. Oh we prosecute. Oh god dad. Allows for the 9 months since epsteins death no alleged abstain coconspirator has been arrested or charged with a crime despite reports of an active criminal investigation of delay in maxwell who has completely disappeared these recent acts pose aides would seem to reveal the dark secrets of the abstains story actually serve to cover up one of the most important parts they allow viewers to believe theyve heard the full details that they know the truth finally but at the end of the day the filmmakers in the Mainstream Media have used one criminal to protect the rest. Coming from washington d. C. To belly the basis redacted denied. Welcome america and the world on late can now is take the news from behind the deadliest corporate crime in u. S. History ended this month with Electric Company p. G. And e. Pleading guilty to 84. 00 counts of manslaughter after setting paradise california a blaze the Mainstream Media has made clear that this is the highest amount of manslaughter a company has ever cop to. But it said it all the deadliest corporate crime not even go out chevron killed thousands and destroyed the rainforest in what is known lovingly as the amazonian cherno bowl and then soon their own victims Wells Fargo Bank of america etc pushed predatory loans on people then stole millions of homes when it came crashing down you may think that didnt kill anyone but its estimated that over 10000 still was dies when chided economic crisis Purdue Pharma knowingly caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of americans by pushing opioids on them then of course theres weapons makers like raytheon General Dynamics boeing Lockheed Martin but they dont care because killing people in their business than thats all well and good so when you add it all up murdering 84 people p. G. And they. Yanked their the good guys and 84 people is nothing thats on coffee break for Purdue Pharma thats one puff of an afternoon cigarette for nonfan to r. A. P on could it be a good day im just im just picked on here. Could it be that the that the most powerful and to tease on the planet the largest corporations controlling trillions of dollars could it betting. That there are psychopaths. That there are psychopaths and we like to advertise on all of our t. V. Channels putting brain parasites enough that then later are our vomited out of our ideal all hey god should i try oxy got rid of. Raphael ive helped start going through the scene of a shipment. Notice layovers to go water to those troops did was wrong. We left him put it on t. V. Then there is the radio in the computers its like having 62nd spots every half hour telling the nation what a great gardener John Wayne Gacy was best that i i heard it was a genius with orchids i guess the human corpse is made for top notch fertilizer every time these companies kill people or sicken people or destroy a 100 miles of large farmers are liberal thought leaders the media the politicians the people who starred in the avengers and think that makes them Nelson Mandela all those people go that is bad that bad company killed so many we should be angry that dag corp left the especially to send a man a man but they never go why and the name of all the holy do we let these corporations and this and not just exist but own our government chevron to not get a binding for causing a genocide and good door they should get the corporate death penalty. But no no no no no instead we let chevron exist and we let them make ads that say black live matter racism has no place in america although i do like that chevron made their slogan the human Energy Company because. They really do take humans churn them up into organic slides and then use that to power the world so they truly are the human Energy Company basically were in the gas tanks. Hold on im a big deal we have breaking news it came out a few days ago but its breaking news because it has to do with how our government is breaking under the dual pronged strategy of trying to fuse together a patriotic desire to destroy other nations on one hand with an equivalent patriotic desire to destroy every american who doesnt have a 2 car garage or a buck or above. And if youre living in your with your extended family inside a 2 car garage that does not count all right that does not if you if you share your savings bank with a trifocal you cannot be accepted into the upper class. Anyway. The breaking news is this not long ago the f. B. I. Testified to congress that they are no longer designating black activists as domestic terrorists or black identity extremists in order to surveil them. You can see how easy that made it for the f. B. I. To violate peoples privacy all they had to do was decide one are you black and to have you ever mention that perhaps maybe things could be a little better for black people in this country. If the answer is yes to both those then you are a black identity extremist you have terrorized this country log off with your strange it militarist. Signage and your holier than thou skin color. We dont know when you might snap wreaking havoc on your neighborhood starbucks and by staff and by snapping i mean glaring momentarily at the barista wrote a racial epithet on the side of your grand day on a not wanting but the f. B. I. Testified they are no longer doing that no longer surveilling people like that however media justice and the a. C. L. U. Revealed that the f. B. I. Is still surveilling black activists using a dated designation they test by the congress was no longer in use of 1000000 pages of documents responsive to a 4 year request up to one 3rd of the pages or in open are are open investigations of black people as domestic terrorist threats for potential black identity activities the f. B. I. Continues to stereotype every black activists in some kind of Terror Threat when in fact millions of black people are involved in perfectly peaceful nonviolent activism and in fact black identity terrorism is incredibly rare if it exists at all with the exception of general rule but in the f. B. I. s defense they stereotype white identity activists too for example a few months ago a group of white armed gunman walked around kentuckys Capitol Building and they were stereotyped as. Not a problem furthermore some white Identity Police officers terrorize black communities in america and they are stereotyped as good guys. So as you can see a white dude with guns are often judged without even knowing them my people my people have been labeled. As not a threat for far too long. How dare you how dare you how dare you good sir continue to act as if we are all the same as if all white folks are not a threat to you they run p. G. Name we can be dangerous i myself am dangerous but but but but no you cant see that because all you see my skin color. And dangerous. Of course i could also mention that there is a long history in this country of Government Agencies working hard to declare black people animes of the state and it seems the f. B. I. Continues that task but but in the f. B. I. Defense in their double defense they have always been racist baggs way to stand by your principles f. B. I. Youve been racist therefore why not see a 3rd of the and ask why why why whats the whats the and i dont know 5 guys can tell its close lets hurry up because the ended day is not the end of weeks lets move it along ive got things to do lets finish her up after the i i would not be a good lawyer i dont think im helping their cause right now. If you go to a short break but if youre watching this on you tube theres something you need to know we will show not be putting the full episodes of redacted night up on you tube instead full episodes will be available on the free streaming app portable t. V. We will still be putting all of the redactor night segments on you tube so dont worry about that but the full episodes will be on portable t. V. Back lot more. Rushy never really done this hoax so like theyve been so also the Foreign Policy choices around. The job. Is youll be a reflection of reality. In the world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is true whats his face. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. For a mate in the shallow. Welcome back from philly camp remember when the Meat Industry scared americans into thinking wed never again see bacon on a Grocery Store shelf unless trump forcibly reopened plants that were a hotbed for coronavirus. Good times well it turns out the industry faked a u. S. Meat shortage to force workers to keep exploiting meat overseas for more now we go to are a full time meat correspondent now the mcgill a lowly. Seems pretty heinous that the Meat Industry acted as if pork chops would disappear into thin air especially when you consider the 10s of thousands of workers these c. E. O. s put at risk after reported kovan one thing they are a shop for a 2nd are these companies only live because they know americans dont like it when the u. S. Help other countries unless theres a hit song about it and there isnt enough internet bandwidth for a zoom version of we are the world with the same number of people plus most of them were either taken out by fat no or too old to figure out how to amuse themselves though with Stevie Wonder figures out how to before Lionel Richie then well know stevie was faking it this whole i know what if i told you about your Stevie Wonder is in blind conspiracy theories. What about the real conspiracy to keep slaughterhouses open just to satisfy frey deals with other countries plant workers died from covert 19 just so someone in china could get hot dogs and jobs or read what. Are you act like we said that the good stuff i mean smithfield is one of the largest us poor companies owned by a chinese porn producer and even smithfield said much of what is exploited are items that attract little or no interest from domestic consumers such as pigs feet snouts and tails and that exports at the quietest production float amid the pandemic so only which is would be upset we export snouts and tails the way our country is going i bet the cast of charmed will still find a Coronavirus Vaccine before big pharma. So even if the Meat Industry did export over 129000 tons of pork to china in april alone we still gave them the worst parts of ohio river and 20000. 00 tons of that would you said it was slower production thats not a shortage of its just our corporate owned government forcing the workers to risk their lives for their jobs in the lives of their own i believe that they leave these jobs where risky pre covert 19 and exports keep these businesses a lot so if anything plant workers are more worried about job security just like any other bartender white house cabinet member i mean can you even imagine if these plants shut down permanently and america went without regular access to meet death does i can we have less pollution because factory farming is one of the biggest sources of Carbon Emissions on the planet these processing plants have a literal pig lagoons of releasing insane amounts of methane causing ocean dead zones using the all low low it pig will go to nz or a thing ok ok thats just what ive been geotagging the houses of cops in my neighborhood who have above ground swimming pools. Now i gotta change it dammit i even changed my google maps g. P. S. For use the car when flow from Family Matters just so thered be a cop telling me to make a left or right a pickle goon. Just says avoid celebrity or sing or like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Stevie Wonder. If Stevie Wonder is blind then how can he tell me where im going. To am. Thats a good point thanks for joining me now and thankfully now its time to talk about some of the other developing stories here with me is redacted correspondent. And there is what have you got for us tonight well 2 democratic consulting firms have signed on to a pledge money pledge that some Community Activists have started and that is asking politicians and consulting firms not only to reject money from Po