We have the democratic. And we have the media and the pattern is exactly the same which is we have a story arise with no evidence. No documentary evidence no one speaking on the record. And a story that flies in the face of common sense such as you know why would the taliban want to kill americans when americans are withdrawing from afghanistan. Why would the russians want to kill americans when the United States is doing what russia wants it to do which is to withdraw from afghanistan. And you know this common sense notion spy out of the window and instead were onto the road of thats due to be stupid media story of what did the president know and when did he know it so the mean. It assumes something is true and from going from if its true what does this mean about relations with both at the same yes yes it is true when you know whats going to do about it what are you going to do with put it so its exactly the same the same crap was before. And the consequences are already apparent because we now have the house of representatives that is. Tabling an amendment to the National Defense authorization act essentially preventing any u. S. Withdrawal from afghanistan unless the Us Government can prove the negative which russians are not assassinate the americans well how do you to prove that you can prove a negative but thats a Mission Accomplished no american withdrawal earmark is also dad to what george was saying here the taliban in killing americans for 18 years ok i mean why would they need the russians to help them out ok when thats what theyve been doing i mean the thing thats really quite good benteke about this in my mind this is akin to just mutiny i dont care how you feel about donald trump this is another mutiny against the elected president of the United States by deep state bureaucracy and its just being egged on by the same usual suspects as George Porter now go ahead mark. Well look what we have seen develop in the ways in the wests over certain periods of time is a situation in which governments loyal groups think tanks and movements are able to make assertions without corroborates in these assertions weve concrete srong evidence indeed they dont even need to back up what they are audio and weve even an ounce of evidence and that is because the journalistic standards in the west have all collapsed indeed let me reword that they have utterly collapsed and russia is a very good case study to exemplify the point there is ever since the american backed coup in ukraine into france and through st last has been athletes in groups who are offensive by western range dream media but i think that we have to take into consideration that this november there is an american president ial election so in the long term this allegation that russia has a. Secure well American House a british soldiers is on the one hand part and parcel of a longer offensive against russia zemin i see it but in this short there is no doubt in my mind that the emergence of this completely unfounded allegation is and. The liberal elements in the american establishment through to ensure or is trying to ensure that donald trump is not reelected this november so yes on the one hand russia is going to be along a. Victim or western mainstream asia. I think this futurist story is more out. There to me and i dont think it really moves the needle one way or another i mean russia gate the primary to be the full feature film as it were was a complete flop and the the other iterations ukraine gave it just doesnt get any traction ok and and this is just one way another way to take a hit the president but george whats really whats more insidious here is that on one level its to deny. Filling a Campaign Promise ending. And less wars which i have to say all the ones hes inherited have been enhanced ok it was stayed with the record all right but also it is the indication that the bipartisan consensus about foreign wars is intact and it has the support of the Democratic Party and most importantly the media because the media will not take any moral responsibility for anything anymore theyre just the p. R. Outfit for the democrat for the d. N. C. I mean so on these 2 Different Levels they deny drums up until many of the promise and at the same time is to get back to the good old days of empire the way it used to be the way it should be and with the last 3 president ial elections the majority of people voted against that consensus and want to go ahead. Yes exactly right there was an article the other day in the New York Times written by. Diplomatic correspondent david sanger who has never met a wall that he didnt puff up and propagandize on behalf and the thrust of the. Item trump fighting russia or in libya why isnt he fighting it in ukraine wisely fighting it is syria so the thrust of it is this is the New York Times you that trump should be fighting russia in the dispensary lets add 3 more wars to the already ongoing wars that the United States is engaged in and this is what were getting now with this amendment to leave the National Defense authorization act this is a bipartisan effort this is a list cheney you know of you know her dad you know the great the great cheney with the war on terror list cheney along with the democrats which absolutely determined to sabotage u. S. Withdrawal from afghanistan and we had this one trump trump you know several times floats the idea of withdrawing from syria how is of indignation from the democrats immediate accusations that hes just serving the interests of putin. And you know trump eventually is forced to withdraw notice well the democrats and the media arent indignant about theyre not indignant about the sanctions campaign against iran theyre not indignant about listen ation a Senior Iranian leader theyre not indignant about the sanctions campaign and the theft of assets in venezuela so any intervention aggression on the part of the trumpet ministration media is old but likely happy for if its any of these tentative moves to withdraw that causes the absolute arent syrian accusations of book collaboration. You know how much is it because one of the origins of this new hoax is that it was. Captured prisoners of the taliban making this claim here which of course the Afghan Government what support and the pentagon would support and and the the empire cheerleaders would support because its a gravy train over there everybodys didnt pay and the u. S. Taxpayer is name for it ok i mean. The level of. Deceit is just hard to comprehend i mean the amount of money that has been poured into that conflict that has not been resolved it never should have been an invasion in the 1st place if they deal with al qaeda it should have been a Police Operation and that it was not reasoned occupy that country so you know all of the bad actors are in you know are teaming up and all the people that are being demonized and have no idea what theyre talking about but the media doesnt tell you that go ahead mark and allegation pacer can only be taken seriously if this is corroborated with concrete answers and this allegation is to be distant mists because not only is there no shown evidence to support it there is not an absolute evidence to support it and i will say people in the american mainstream major and british mainstream so consider a fact a few years ago the venice cia director says publicly that america was considering what killing a russian soldiers in the middle east spirit he referred to russian soldiers in syria but it seems to her oscar who is a western hating an american major and british major. Say so the americans and the british if they want a story about afghanistan are a should consider this. How america actress and. The mujahideen which relates a morphed into how ita in killing soviet soldiers soviet soldiers who had been party to. Afghanistan to send the rise of islamic fundamentalism in the region i do also syrians and us orry about afghanistan then what lots of consider running oscars on how ever since the americans and the british are right in afghanistan in the folks who founded obama. Here production costs us all who are now our ira later josue stories would constitute a magnificent magnificently full production also and there is evidence of a massive arrogance to prove. George. More of a i mean there are so many inconvenient truths about afghanistan and not the most important one that mark has pointed out to us is that it was the United States under bush in steve that supported the motion having to kill russian soviet soldiers in afghanistan they know no one has any sense of irony i suppose in washington i had last night hes not not at all. And it was done for no other reason other than to kill russians. And no no consideration at all for what how dangerous these people were i mean you know the judges you knew perfectly well you know who these people are what fanatics they were. And you know this is a great we just believe the russians. You know and they have you know its a funny thing that when you get in the media who really refer to the soviet lately in afghanis well they got out there night years United States has been that night let me get. Lou a short break and after that short break well get your discussion on some real news day with our. We go to work. Straight home. Next as a special Survival Guide stacey lets learn. Lets say im a troika and your Police Response they have to fight. Thank you for. The story 6 thats right. Slavery. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air force base in alaska where is that to say come on ill show you whats the reason for any type of enhanced u. S. Military presence in this area rush up. What is it suddenly about the South China Sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. Take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have Nuclear Weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so thats why were going to drill down on this story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly its time to do news again. Welcome back across the uk where all things are considered people are well to remind you were discussing some real. Well the markets let me go back to you in london i find it really quite interesting over the last few days we have a new super pac. Getting into play with the president ial election. 43 alumni for by and theyre all republicans and their bush era republicans now joining the fray in support of joe biden which of course tells us is that they want to like i said in the 1st part of the program they want to go back to business as usual empire is usual as i pointed out 3 election cycles in a row b. Electorate voted against these wars against interventionism but now they want to find this new bipartisan consensus to go back the way it was it and you know i want to point out here trump really is only teamed with bain so he hasnt really changed the thrust of American Foreign policy around the world and i find that to be. Quite disappointing because there are a lot of people that were interested in his campaign precisely because he questioned the cold war orthodoxy is go ahead mark well never a my lifetime has i will serve just such a personalized attack on a candidacy in america going into an american a president ial election it really is quite astonished at the same time it really demonstrates that. The real powers that be in america are undermining american democracy in fact iris actually used the word they are some of the hurt in american democracy because i dont know trump was listening late unless its into fastens and 16 we cannot however say exactly the same George Bush Jr into france and because there are many many folks in irregularities regarding his victory our job was legitimately elected and yet in the last 4 years we have seen the liberal elements critical of late but also conservative elements to that are most to try and bring down the trunk administration now i am no friends of struggle and i believe that whoever is in the white house is not going to make fundamental changes in america be it domestically and also in terms of American Foreign policy. I respect the fact that he won that election and was i absolutely loath paisa is the science of those in the american astonishment who are not just secretly a tendency to undermine him and bring him down theyre doing it in claiming that fear of not just the American Public well the entire well that is an issue that must be addressed by the American People that there are enemies we in america who have no regard for the will of the American People all they want to say is america even as they would see this safe hands and that is an intolerable situation if you dont get it means that you say vandals won praise but it was the adults in the room that was the one that was only used your baby to. The adults they got is all into so much trouble in the birthplace of dogs ok and of course i mean if we look at i mean its been chronicled here i mean does trump every 6 months want to review whats going on in afghanistan why are we here and of course theyre piling up all of these reasons lying to him. As they deep state has historically done with president s i mean barack obama he does. Ok he just took the knee and said well ok whatever you guys want to do you know he he advocated his responsibility in at the meeting his promise as an antiwar candidate when he was elected in the 1st place here and you know marcus brings of such an important here is because were constantly told him broad daylight with megaphones is that we will take care of the forum told us the its none of your business were the adults in the room we know what were doing well the about you particularly since the end of the cold war youve shown to be no exact look they dont know what theyre doing and they go from one can cast me after another and ill say it for the 3rd time a list record is that the American People through 3 different president ial cycles said they dont want it anymore this is a breakdown of democracy go ahead joe yes a complete breakdown of democracy and thats exactly this is the adults in the room so lets see weve got the afghanistan and iraq the bottles thats already a couple of decades that the United States is still involved. We have the libya the horrific civil war taking place also as a result of these adults in the room the devastation in syria thanks again adults in the room and well what are the adults now say which is we have to stay that forever and ever when you ask these adults whats the rationale why dont miss well in the have to start thinking well lets see how were going to help the kurds thats if were going to help the cuts yes why do we have to. Go back to you know not. All we have to prevent assad from consolidating his regime so lets just you know destroy this country just in order to prevent a legitimate government restarting its all started no matter how much suffering mean flick. And then think its safe same with libya you know whether the little it in the the mess that this is created the flow of refugees into europe and so on weve got to maintain this you know presence there so these adults in the wrong on absolutely devastating and but. They get this wonderful Media Coverage because theyre there cows with all the people who write these stories but going back to this bush crowd this these people who are part of the super pac and they are fantasizing that theyre going to come back in 4 years time Nikki Haley Marco Rubio or maybe jeb bush will be resuscitated they are delusional it isnt going to happen i mean the democrats are playing for keeps they do win this election with biden. They are going to change their electorate 1st order of business will be comprehensive Immigration Reform and thats going to dramatically change the electricity 20 starkey 40000000 or one who knows how many illegals there are in the United States will be added to the electoral roll and then republicans can say goodbye to texas florida to arizona and there is no way republicans are going to come back in a generation to generation so its a fantasy world that somehow republicans will be back in 2024 and many markets let me read you their Mission Statements quite interesting here tonight in mobilize the community of historical historically Republican Voters who are dismayed and disappointed by the damage done by our nation done to our nation but these are these are the people who have done damage to the nation many i dont you know we on this program the 3 of us we often kind of dissected drums or impose the enough for people that are really into it like ourselves i mean stepping back quite broadly trying to send very little impact on the thrust of American Foreign policy hes been able to do some things on the margin and not actually very well i mean i find it really quite astounding is that even tinkering on the margins is considered you know you have to be driven out of the church because you know. You somehow have to short circuit. The purpose in and drive in the economics in Business Model behind him. Or hes a last sane and see just resume that ranges between reader safety bio and tedious drivel it really is absolutely laughable but what it demonstrates is suffering i said earlier on in day in this program that people are able to make the manner of the most of our latest statement the most ridiculous of statements the most preposterous of statements and yet they know because we just sta