Transcripts For RT Documentary 20240712 :

RT Documentary July 12, 2024

Capabilities there is reason for concern so thats why were going to drill down on this story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly its time to do news again. We go to work. Straight home. Trump is not. His 1st foreign to the 1st stop is all countries saudi arabia. Thank you arent form becomes a way of life and minds the banner of victory has been the most important symbol of our country the Russian Federation in memory of those killed in action defending their homeland. Watch the live coverage on our t. V. Growing up in america i was a child of the cold war and when i would hear soviet leader speak like an International Event or watch a soviet war documentary the narrator his voice was almost always the same and very memorable for me little did i know way would meet this man one day his name is george watts and ive become very good Close Friends with him and i want you to learn something about him his life is an odyssey like none other its. Got 2 homelands. Russia is a homeland of my parents and my grandparents and i honor them because every every person has a right to love their homeland. Place where they were born. I love canada because i was born in canada. So im a rich man actually i have come home once. I guess i should begin with the big thats the beginning my father was russian. My mother was ukrainian they both lived in 2 neighboring villages in western ukraine they were service they told the land they worked for the landlords very poor and when the revolution broke out in 1917 my father a 16 year old boy at that time one teared. To join the red army that was the revolutionary army at that time to overthrow the tsar or the king of the russian empire. At the end of the russian civil war the calgary soldier Stephan Watts returns to his native village sydney but very soon after he receives an offer to work in canada stefan accept the offer he eventually flees from chaos hunger in typhus life in canada seems promising a new employer pays for the moving in guarantees a stable job 2 years after stefan moves his wife arrives in canada they settle in the small town of win a big across the border with the United States after a short while the couple have 2 children george and karl the Great Depression is in full swing. At the height of the Great Depression everyone was jobless everyone knows travelling around in boxcars looking for jobs all right canada then the canadian government launched a program called homesteading the homesteading program. Which is based on the following. The government of canada gave those who wanted to volunteers d free land absolutely free couple of horses a cow poultry my father while the interior of her home setting and we moved. North in manitoba to a place called near swan lake and we have plenty of food in the day my father and his friends and relatives built a house we were there we started going to school there walking about 6 miles to a Country School but there was no money no money no money was exchanged my mother made milk with the help of myself where churning i remember my childhood i was churning milk up and down. No one knows what a churn is and still no money were exchanged were my dad or only god who had all the potatoes vegetables chickens everything to eggs and milk. All the food we needed. 1939 the beginning of world war 2 canada interest the war alongside Great Britain the hardships of the Great Depression and the challenges of world war 2 speed up the process of industrialization in canada the Defense Industry is rapidly developing family moved to the city of hamilton where stefan gets a job at a steel factory their sons george and carl enter the west still secondary school of hamilton and work with their father at the steel mill the future of the translators relations with language is challenge to say the least when i was studying french and latin in west l. Secondary school i was the worst french language student in my class. And they were c. Sure handing out papers at the. Half of the easter holidays Christmas Holidays and final exams and here to hand out the highest marks 1st and the lowest. Marks last and i was the last one to get the my paper he is george. Fantastic made 22 out of 100 but ive got i got his message of course and a nice or when the his handing of the papers after the easter exam he said george terrific progress you make you doubled your marquis got 44 but youre still below 50 with a passing mark. And he says george youll never pass french. Finally in august. Local a local newspaper came out Hamilton Spectator the results of the final exams in the west village secondary school by class george whats in brackets 8 i got it i got at. The end of the 1940 s. The world is recovering from the deadly war georges father was aggressively political though not a communist nonetheless progress as was suspect and often blacklisted it was his fathers politics and love of the place of his birth at the time russia then the soviet union the drove him to return to help rebuild the country after the savage invasion in occupation by nazi germany. My father when we lived in canada the 2nd world war broke out and it was devastated by d. N. A. And after the war ended. My father worse followed the movements of the front least in front going east and command rolling back towards berlin. And me the reason we came to the country he said lets go to live my homeland and help the people rebuild them their homeland. I was 20 years old 1000 at the time. My brother was 20. And we upheld my Fathers Initiative and we came to this country to help rebuild. The family waited for permission to enter the soviet union for several years and only in 1000. 00 could do you want the soviet embassy in washington such a positive response the wants family set off without having any idea how different life had become in the soviet union on april 3rd 1982 george wants to spend we return to the u. S. S. R. We got out of the train that brought us across the river from poland into belorussia to breast and my father was saw overwhelmed. By returning to his native homeland as cheers appeared in his eyes and. Gave him bow down and kissed the ground. And i was very impressed i saw remember that. Picture vividly in my mind my father. Coming down on his knees and kissing the ground. Since the inception of the soviet union western media had always viewed this country with suspicion and even hostility george was pleasantly surprised people were helpful in kind still recovering from the sufferings of the war the country were just rebuilding and people were lucky they felt lucky they were alive thats for. Most important thing. Because life was one time gift. And you have to live it to the best of your ability and people were just happy that they were alive they were helping each other. Kinds of financial for long johns today was all about Money Laundering 1st to visit this campus into 3 different. Good is a good start well we have our 3 banks all set up for something in europe something in america something overseas or the Cayman Islands or do all these banks are complicit in the park received a softer did mccoll say to do some serious Money Laundering ok lets see how we did while weve got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacy old beautiful jewelry and how about. Luxury automobile again for max do you know what money i want to hire legal. Points because of course. I. Know crap. No shots. Actually felt. For both of those 2. Points your thirst for action. The world is driven by a dream shaped by. The dares thinks. We dare to ask. The primary purpose of history is to understand the past as a guide to understanding the present and future history should not be is feeling just because a lot of history is faithful. So how should we find the right balance is that true something like. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to heal some air force base in alaska where is that to say come on ill show you whats the reason for any type of enhanced u. S. Military presence in this area rush up. What is it suddenly about the South China Sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. Take a look at this map who really owns what chinas says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have Nuclear Weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so thats why were going to drill down on the story for you today right here on the news with rick sanchez where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly its time to do news again. If. You arrive in the city of butter schill of god which is in the ukraine which is glasgow now called. Where my parents are buried and when we arrived there. We were 1st of all we had no place to live the we render your room and the people the local people never. Seen anyone like that before came to us and proposed to help us in any way they could. List food with. Books for my brother and i had never read a russian book before and they were very friendly and kind hearted this is one thing that i experience from the very 1st day in this country and i experienced this every day even now another thing i noticed at that time there was no advertisement no commercials anywhere there or there was only one thing i noticed on the. Side of a whole huge building on brick there was. A sign in russian wish read ice cream is. Very delicious. And healthy food what kind of ice cream did mention the word food is this struck me immediately i remember that. Right from the furry 1st day there we arrived in the city ill tell you one thing when my brother and i started studying in moscow there was a 1955 who we werent hungry. We werent starving. But we never turned down any thing that was offered to us to eat or to drink and we i remember one thing we were living in the dormitory the Foreign Language institute not far from red square. And we could afford on our meager stay penned which is kind of a scholarship that we cook we could buy black caviar. It was in store for. A little bit. Higher price than the other Food Products but thats where we 1st tasted black caviar never had the black caviar in canada paul never not even read. How would you like to have your name changed by someone in a split 2nd a new name not of your own choosing well that is exactly what happened to george and his brother. They had a russian identity that was in british rule of god in 1952 within. I think was in 2 weeks we had to report to the local Police Station new its called the militia in the soviet union the time to go to the Passport Department and they asked for them to fill out the on the basis of what kind of document you have. My brother and i got on board street car travel to another part of. The what do you want boys little window on the door since we were speaking in russian we were shy we can not and we couldnt speak very well. And sports. Whats your name. George. George i dont understand the mile. To a heres heres my birth certificate written george watts. Thats not a russian ng youre going to be going to go already this is make no difference to me and my brother is what your name has caro. After the war against nancy germany. No thats not a russian name youre going to be kiddo. So eartha made lady at the passport desk just took like the click of a finger give me one name my brother another name and. The fact that george was in need a speaker of comedian english would be a priceless for a young man coming from the working class georges Language Skills would be the determining factor for the rest of his life when i came to the soviet union. I finally realized that my knowledge of english. My pronunciation of anguish knowledge of english grammar structure. And phonetics. Was actually a boon and they have borrowed some money from our neighbors to go to leningrad Foreign Language institute and weve got a reply from 11 grad here if you pass your exams youll be given accommodations at the dharma tory local government and i was in laying grad a place called institute of noble ladies which was. Called the here famous headquarters of the communist party when the revolution started but anyway with my brother and i went there replied we we finally managed to pass the entrance exams we were given. Combinations in the dormitory we began studying everything seemed to be going to go good and then right after the new year we got called out to the principal really in in russia called the director directress lady together where they are from the titian actions you boys you 2 boys from canada will have to change your pronunciation of what because we here at our institute we teach kings english james came king james english. I said i can im. Pretending to understand will you please pour me a cup of tea. Made you be so kind as to pay for me a cup of tea. They didnt then anyway to day the long and short of the story was they transferred us to moscow with commendations which had a translators department we were welcomed with open arms by the teachers of very good Teaching Staff in moscow the 1950 s. Were a time of great change in the soviet union and on the world stage after Joseph Stalin died in 1983 to khrushchev would initiate a political fall with the west george was in the right place at the right time. To who should have came to power. There a nurse invited business men flooded into the us a certain simon hence the big demand for interpreters and translators here late january after the final of the christmas exams there was a correspondent from radio moscow. Course your bishop knew best ski later on i met we met him and spoken very wind boy he was saying interviews from. English speaking students and one of the students told him says why hey why dont you interviewed 2 canadian boys heres what canadian boys. Thats how just my accidents cost of vishnu best pieces will you give me an interview sure why not. And so we had a very fine interview decision a you boy speak very good english im through this canadian english. And he says where would you come in if our management invites you to come to work for us. Hes who i always thought i would just. Passing later on we got a call contact from him and he says come on up to the radio station. And i was in the center of moscow where they interviewed us he says would you like to work for us as translators announcers who are we do really dont know all the particulars of this because we never had done that before we confessed immediately but we had the makings of that in 1000 could be 7 moscow holds the world just full of youth and students the festival trucks 34000 people from 130 countries a record breaking number for that time during the festival george and as a brother were taking their 1st steps in their long career in radio and so moscow launched a program called come to moscow for the festival by carl and george. To us but they changed our name from whats. Russian sounding and thats where how we end up in radio moscow later on when we finished studying at institute. We managed to get a job there. I translated interpreted in the kremlin crew shot of lenin brashness saying gone i didnt translate your but. Because he never would finish his sentence since never. But i have voiced him even at the r t. 3 or 4 times. You saw i was voicing him and he waved to me. And i waved back at him and then we had translated yeltsin in the kremlin and even song he sang. A very eloquent speaker never i never translated and drop of. Our younger guys i never translated in a 1000000 was something atrocious. He didnt know what he was talking about the translator can translate only what he understands. Thats the basic and thats the bottom line you can translate only what you understand. Odds no team no crowd. No shots. Actually helps because. Well its track no 1st. Points your thirst for action. You cannot be bold with the yeah you like. 54 jets and more than 1300 military personnel are headed to air force base in alaska where is that to say come on ill show you whats. What is it suddenly about the South China Sea that makes it so that it 11000000000 barrels of oil. Take a look at this map who really owns what kind of says no it belongs to us india says no we claim that that belongs to us both of these countries have Nuclear Weapons capabilities there is reason for concern so thats why were going to drill down on this story for you today right here on the news or direction as where you know as we always like to say we do believe by golly its time to do news again. We go to work. Straight home. Seemed wrong. But i. Just dont. Get to see. Just come to educate and in detroit because the trail. When some find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. If you are. Or are you could you really. Write a review of the you. Want. To be your. Hello there im a man youre watching in question broadcasting from our to Americas National news headquarters in washington d. C. We want to welcome our viewers from across the nation and all around the world here tonight top stories 1st several states nationwide are now bringing back restrictions due to a new spike in cold 18 infections a live report on that straight ahead plus speaking about dr anthony testifying on the hill today saying that the u. S. Could see 100000. 00 cases per day at the start of inspections continue this while differing views were given on americas economy amid this pandemic and last but not least as part of a movement to defund the police

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