They cant get any lender no ones going to give a mortgage on a unit that has this cladding on it for example so theres that stress as well i know the government has committed dollars or i should say pounds toward this but those monies are not really rolling out and so thats obviously of real concern so that would be one of the questions my successor would be asking the government of the u. K. Like ok how can you get this program to roll out more swiftly to ensure that everyones lives are safe especially in the middle of this pandemic people are already dealing with such stress and then to add to to to their stress this issue is just too unfortunate well only one final break question if you wouldnt mind is there a short Term Solution it seems clouding removal at the moment has halted juve to the by the coronavirus outbreak what can i do in the meantime very briefly for them yeah i mean i think that people need to sit down the tenants need to sit down with councils and. Its to figure out what those short Term Solutions might look like im not in a position to offer those solution thats to come from the tenants and in discussion with government officials im sure there are search for Term Solutions and i have a feeling if the money could roll out more quickly there probably could be some Immediate Solutions but i leave that to those who are in the situation to determine how best to deal with it i carry a lot if i have. Another bout of mourners at the top of the hour. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being led to some. Direction. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallows. By the quickest realise them in economics you know people talk about socialism what is social business idea that labor as value and that people want to take part in the means of production and the guest starring in the 1980 s. That became obsolete because all wealth was tied to money printing today in 2020 or there would be 40 years later than this phenomenon 1st socalled activists and labor rights activists and workers are beggaring out that the problem is not about the means of production the problem is the money printers and theyre taking action. George was made for radio and he excelled at it he would meet people from all. All walks of life from all over the world he would even meet one of the most historic military figures of modern times not bad for a farm boy from canada when i started working at the department broadcasting to the United States and canada there was a young lad very bright boy. I say boy because i was older than he very handsome boy victory and all in and he was married. To a young lady. Named ella so one day fell. For her one who was. A custom in canada was you you know you call on your friend if he still see you he needs any help so i called him up. I says vic youre one been in jail now come on over come on over. To some fan who can give him the address he told me dad was. And went to his place. Find how beautiful some strange looking guy is Walking Around the house. And 9 in and didnt realize where i was gone and turned in the right pressed button. Or a buzz over the door opposite opens up and the lady looks out. And who is that they but the minister of culture. Where am i. How low i should all go in russian of course whos whos calling to the neighbor. Who opens up hello up his wife. Helen comes up and since this is my father. He already consent to know which reduces the patronymic constant can achieve it which is the most confusing to me. I lost my gift of speech heres the marshal of the soviet killian highest military rank just below generalists most alan. S. We became good friends. And. Quite often came to our place. For turkey and. Then we met often as his place. In the morning. 10 oclock the parade starts on the red square. Is on the mausoleum. But marshall fruit on his not there. Marshall who helped who show come to office. He has been double crossed. Just. Lets go have breakfast. Strong words. Oh ive said being a linguist after the war everything. Has already got a drink for our walk on ice i dont know anything you drink. But you can drink cognac today because im going to drink so 10 oclock 10 oclock 3 hurried start. And i was watching marshall shook off what had his reaction confused sposed to be there taking taking the salute so i can well imagine what he was too little experience saying i didnt comment anything because the war oh mine a comment and i didnt say a single word just born some more cognac. And i had. Breakfast not a tiffanys but which marshall. From his perch at radio moscow to his talent for simultaneous translation george was an observer of the world changing the world teams of george it was often through sports where there was no politics i also did mainly my work yet radio moscow at that time was translating and as a recorder and interviewing people in russian and translating him. Into english. And. There was a lot of public focus on the. Track and field meet between deactivates of the United States and the soviet union. And there was. Great interest in the east track and field nice especially in the Long Distance runners. Because everyone was cheering for the american king who supported the americans and everyone cheering for the soviet Long Distance runners 1000 the. Stadium at the one of the east. Track and field meets between the u. S. And soviet athletes there was. A Long Distance race going on in the in the stadium i was in the on the ground in the center on the grass still on the track was around there and. It was very hot that day one of the american athletes fainted while he was on the track and he fell down. The officials who are standing by me and i were ran up there they helped him up to his feet. And he got through did get some spray or something to gain for medicine so he recovered. He should go no longer than let me continue let me continue and he started running again. But in the opposite direction but in the opposite direction he returned running back and they stopped him they do stop them no turn turn this way. Theyre right rules are gassed and he started running of course he didnt win so all but but when he crossed the finish line at the end he received a standing ovation from the whole group of the entire stadium packed well over 60000 people soviet fans. Nick rules of the game a standing ovation. And thats sports for you no politics at all. There was i think it was 987. A Softball Team from San Francisco came to moscow and they had radio moscow we organized to be not many people knew baseball in this in this country practically none except my grandson now who plays baseball. And. The plane they came from San Francisco veterans veterans not real sportsman. And we play did they with who received a statement a stadium and we played a game of baseball was covered by this the american magazine Sports Illustrated he which you know and there was a big story about it and it was a very good game we lost the game of course the americans won and the. This is runs in their blood baseball baseball is my favorite. Game after hockey which the canadian. And after the game or we all went to their hotel we had a nice party and we became friends. No politics and tong after home but there were a keeshan when the soviet union versus can you do so which side did you wonder daria. Thats a good question but if ill tell you one thing better its a silly question for me. When when position i can tell both. Canada wins im glad. The soviet union wins im also glad i cant. Win one position. One of the most important persons in georges life was his brother carl george was always close with his brother they were not just brothers they were the best of friends when the series oh it was called me is the best your price is the name of the soviet daily. All the games that were played in moscow. The. Bring side commentator. Who sat there with the ringside commentator and russian was my brother. Ill tell you one thing he. Watched most of the games on t. V. And then there was one game show which were playing against sweden here in moscow. At luzhniki stadium. And for some reason he was busy at some other kind of a job he says george will pinch hit for me. Ok. On that day of the game. U. S. S. R. Sweden and the ringside with me not my brother and i did the whole game in the post postgame conference press. Conference and no one. Realized it was not my brother but me except one person my mother interestingly it was karl who george owes his acquaintance to his future wife you wont believe me. But how i met my wife begins with the story about a paper clip. Paperclip. My brother was working in the african section was broadcast both in english and french and there was a young lady beautiful young lady. Who was translating from russian into french. My brother who sat together with the translators on the 5th floor together with the rest of the translator young lady who was translated into french was typing away and my brother was sitting opposite crossed the room and throwing paper clips into her typewriter. Took at the cash her tension. So the only way could think of it in a long and short of it is he caught her attention and they started going out together. And he says listen dave you got a girlfriend for my brother and hes hes sort of been doping around nothing nothing. Chiz sure i i went in there one on my school me her name is gallina. Nearly 60 years of marriage and daughter and 2 grandchildren the family has always had the highest value for george. In my write up in the internet when i moved 1st wrote as members of russia today. I wrote them. Very brief story of my life. And though my last line was. My grandchildren are my life and joy. My pride and joy. I think pride in them and joined to give me both in russian it sounds rhymes quite well. Irans a stitch pride and joy. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to us from the world of politics sport im showbusiness ill see if. The world is driven by. The day or thinks. We dare to ask. The primary purpose of history is to understand the past as a guide to understanding the present and future history should not be. Because a lot of history is painful and shameful so how should we find the right balance is that you cite the law and. Then there was the year 1962 soviet American Relations rapidly worsened during khrushchevs last years as 1st Party Secretary the cuban missile crisis becomes the most dangerous point in the confrontation the world is on the verge of a nuclear war in the autumn of 1962 is unclear whether the 2 nations can come to an agreement. I was very concerned about what would happen. I was very concerned. That was the closest anyone had ever come to that. And thats the time that. The soviet union put into orbit bell can still come into. Outer space and they return to. Their returns live. Later on the. Current tomb was made by the soviet. Cinematographers it was called bell constrained. I translated into english and voiced a couple of commercials about bell constructor which i thought was very good and i like voicing cartoons because you change your voice. You had he have a brotherly way of your possibilities george also served in the soviet military he was trained as a paratrooper so busy young man born in canada would parachute over the steps of russia i was called up to. The Airborne Troops which was a meeting having is a Training Course is in the south eastern. Soviet republic of uzbekistan. Which is way down south and east. We went by train from moscow a very unusual i say unusual now because not everyone. Who spare should come. Iow i was 1st bit wary about that because i was wondering if i can do it if i had not enough gumption to make it jump a parachute in to jump out of a plane into nothingness i made 5 jumps. A special badge youre gone and that and special document jumps were different different types of planes and different types of parachutes double parachutes sometimes we shall tell you about the time who are 2nd guessing 2nd or 3rd jump was from a from a very small 99. 00 Paratroopers Jump one after another. They have had. Your 1st parachute were opened up automatically because you had reported was on the clip card and then the other one you opened by herself and throw it out an hour threw it out and stead of throwing it. Its opened up inside the main chute. The main chute was. Slow and the other one would unfold up and go down you go down faster to go in while jerks like that. Anyway i managed to. Land at the time when the main chute was open so it was a soft landing. And anyway. We finally returned from our mission. And i got to. There there part was full of people. I walked up to the check in lady there says no no no nothing until tomorrow. Come on let me go home but its not been 4 months over 4 months in train can and we should wait of them but theres an empty seat up which on and true enough later i heard the announcement that the plane was going to be. Closing checked check in time. And sure ok ill put you on new theres a reason or scene one guy didnt show up. To reserve seats for an top officers. One was a general i sat down beside him he says hey you need to find a moscow why you dress so scantily well ive been a Training Camp for for 4 more over 4 months. And here where born. Good he bring that a bottle of cognac these. Here are born troops im not from a Different Division but anyway he didnt tell me what division it was i didnt i learned from my 1st days not to ask questions especially if youre a foreigner. As the soviet union transformed underclass. It was apparent the end was coming nearer like everyone else around george and his family there was fear of violence of people. Ill tell you one thing i was at a loss. I was at a loss i didnt know what to do i think there was. August 19th or august 20th it was a monday or tuesday i traveled through that was when the attempt to. Overthrow was made in moscow. Baron but he was playing one lake than the twangy i had to drive out to the countryside to pick up my mother in law and my daughter i believe were in there because we didnt know what was going to happen we didnt know what was going to happen we didnt one who wants a part of our family to be split away from us if anything got worse. And i was driving i drove. A 5050 kilometers one way 50 kilometers back and when i was approaching moscow already on the outskirts of moscow thanks for. Towards the center thats when i really felt bad i didnt know was going to happen. I didnt know what was going to happen. The soviet period of georgias life it ended when a new russian one just started during this time a lot of bents of happened both happy and sad and george joined our team and became the main voice of the t. V. Channel his beloved brother carle passed away george became a grandfather twice only one film is certainly not enough for us to describe in detail the entire incredible life of george watts it is so bright and full of events proud father husband and grandfather for whom the family always comes 1st a brilliant professional at his work having gone a long way from a factory worker to a well known translator and speaker he forever remains a man of 2 countries when i speak to russian. To Russian Affairs especially of russian official. Saying were going to have works when im traveling or to English Speaking people and George Wallace and so. Nothing to hide dual citizenship all the same to me. I think everybody should love his home the. Thing wrong with that its not criminal. Theres not criminal here and if youre a patriot you love the place where you were born of course a. Valley is my Favorite Song because i was more and there. Is a pattern i see nothing wrong with that. Because some in economics you know people talk about socialism what is socialism is a side deal that labor as a value and that people want to take part in the means of production. Starting in the 1980 s. That became obsolete because all wealth was tied to money printing today 2020 so that would be 40 years later this 1st so called activists labor rights activists and workers are. The problem is not the means of production the problem is the money printers and theyre taking action. Even in the. Parking. Lot or if you can live with the. Right to be really happy people get p. P. D. Got. It right get it get it here i. Say. Welcoming our viewers from around the world live from Central London this is on to u. K. Lapierre balance of t channels from broadcasting in the country and urges alba e. U. States to do the same we get the latest reaction from moscow and hear from journalist neil clog. The city of leicester goes into lockdown as the merricks presses his worries about the Economic Impact thats out 36. 00 locations are identified as coronavirus hotspots across the u. K. U. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson announces his plans to boost the economy off to the nationwide lockdown pretty hints the government could increase taxes contrary to his election manifesto we hear from former liberal democrat leader so been escape. And adult his group warns of an exodus of Health Service stuff ahead of a potential 2nd wave of covert 19 we hear from a medical expert. Get out the news that we start with some breaking news latvia has 7 channels and urged other European UnionMember States to follow its lead joining me now for more on this from moscow is. Evil thank you very much for joining us to tell us whats the latest. Well kate essentially lotfi has indeed banned some 7 channels by sea this includes such entities as for example r t documentary or spanish or even artsy arabic and well whats interesting though is why because they did not just slap some boilerplate reasoning accusing artsy of being sponsored propaganda instead they have said that world r c is headed by a man who is under european sanctions therefore the ban would be the fact is though oxys not haddad were a man under european