Americans housing right now millions of you are asking the following questions given the volatile economic and political times that we are going through so do i sell my home before it loses value. What happens when all of those people who arent paying their mortgages are suddenly forced to pay up. By the way those people who arent paying for at least 3 months make up 8 percent of the homeowner population and they reportedly account for more than 800000000000. 00 in unpaid principal so what happens when the government forbearance comes due will there be a glut of homes suddenly on the market and then there is the question of whether big cities will suddenly empty out what happens in our nations urban centers who will want to live in a crowded densely populated city with elevators and Tall Buildings in a key journalists parts of racial unrest these are the trends that some really smart people spend their entire lives studying and trying to come to grips with and what theyre finding may surprise you and you going to hear from one of those top practitioners in his field right here on the news with rick sanchez where we believe it really is time to do news again. Heres a list of the questions that. We think youll be asking tomorrow after watching our newscast today is housing in america about to go through a revolutionary trends formation a statue of Abraham Lincoln freeing slaves threatened really is new york really stopping americans from going there why. So here is really the big story right the big takeaway the cohen 1000. 00 pandemic and its subsequent impact on the Global Economy followed by the racial unrest that is now taking place and will have an effect on housing now you hear a lot about the stock market and how its up or its down because of all these developments that weve experienced but the stock market look it affects about 10 percent of all americans. And less than 2 percent of all of the people on earth but you know what does affect all People Housing because one way or another we all need a roof over our heads so we thought this was the topic that we should drill down on joining us now jason hart wit who knows housing by the way from the inside out is an extremely successful Real Estate Investor who connects with thousands of people weekly on Jason Hartmann dot com where he shares some of his insight with others and hes here to do it for us right now all right jason lets start with this 1st. Have these times that weve been going through what the Economic Situation the pandemic cetera et cetera have they caused home prices to go down. Well rick thanks for having me back its counterintuitive but the exact opposite has occurred and now when we look at who prices in talk about this stuff virtually all of the statistics any of us here are National Statistics and as you know the Housing Market in the country as large as the United States are the asli there are so many markets its a huge country even out 400. 00 local markets if you will that can really be divided into 3 categories linear cyclical and hybrid so to answer your question expensive Housing Markets were already suffering before the pandemic there were already like lots of stories about Expensive Properties even new york city in los angeles even in less expensive markets like seattle certainly San Francisco south florida miami area boston washington d. C. To a lesser extent because thats not the government that skews the stats those were already suffering before the pandemic but interestingly now we are seeing this mass migration out of high density areas and the Housing Market by and large is is up there is very little in tory and whats of demand so lets call it the burbs for lack of a better term as weve always referred to it here in america if you live in the suburbs and ya have a home and youre hunkering down in it keep it dont sell it because the value you have in your home is pretty much the value you have right now as a person right i mean mattera lee of course. Yeah yeah you know the suburbs i think those homes are going to do very well through this actually i think if you own suburban properties now keep them because there is a tidal wave of people moving in your direction they want to be out of high density areas they dont want to take mass transit they dont want to get into elevators. And you know if you live in a condo complex that is in a suburban style city that is 4 stories or less your travel be ok but if you live in anything thats considered middle rise which is 5 stories and i 4 high rise 12 stories and i would really be concerned about Properties Like that and you know were already maybe were now already witnessing the 2nd wave of infection and what you alluded to the racial strife and riots and you know thats just one more reason not to live in cities let me ask you a question though because everything that youre saying although conflictive with what we would think is going on maiming some sense if you forget if you if you if you consider that theres a lot of money out there i mean the governments been pouring money one of the things that started something called forbearance which i learned from you originally by the way which is where they will tell you you dont have to pay your mortgage for the next 3 months 6 months some even a year ok so lets suppose thats the reason that everything is still stable and nothing has imploded or exploded but what happens when that Forbearance Program ends when the government stops the gravy train sort of speak is that when we are very problem. Yeah very good question and the real answer is none of us now none of us now because the economy has already lost of challenges they had i mean we still have massive unemployment you know to to use a phrase weve all become familiar with relating to the virus the curve has flattened in terms of unemployment right but still things are things are pretty sketchy out there in these Forbearance Programs you know its still unclear rick as to whether or not thats a lay away program if there might be some forgiveness or if it will just be tacked on to the back of the room for what the workout is going to be at the end of these forbearance periods that are 36. 00 or 12 months and you know that this is what the government does they always distort every market because they come in with aid and bailouts and stimulus and it just distorts things and it makes it hard for any of us to know whats really going on so if to some degree its definitely a gas but i would say for sure low priced housing necessity oriented housing in suburban markets where people can socially distance where they feel safe where theyre not in cities that are having riots and civil unrest and theyre not taking elevators and mass transit where they might you know. You know catch a virus. Those are a pretty safe bet because the other thing thats happened during this whole thing is everybodys really realized that the home is the center of the universe and since so many people are working at home now they actually need a larger home they need more space so instead of living in that 4000. 00 a month 600 square foot condo or apartment in new york city for 1500. 00 they can get a 12 to 1500. 00 square foot suburban house with a yard and 2 car garage in. Nice community there really really working you know so whats the difference if its you know if you. Can see you tell it so well while Jason Hartman a guy whos made millions and millions of dollars in real estate and he started as a kid investing in real estate and were just so glad to be able to have him on to take us through these explanations because they do make sense will follow to see and hopefully well be able to have a conversation about that so much jason always appreciate it my friend thanks rick after months of lockdown so slow this prep pardon the spread of government teen economies are finally being opened up everywhere but now were starting to see more cases of people contracting the coronavirus but heres the catch of the most of them that are contracting the cases of growth of ours recently tend to be young or does that really make a difference and what are the new numbers you know its almost hard to keep up but were doing the best that we can for you and thats why we have are following this these developments for us lets go back over toward the global coronavirus update desk. What are the numbers what are the trends bring us up to date to your 1st point yes a lot of younger people are being tested positive because you know younger people more mobile theyre out and about and more younger people tend to be asymptomatic then when once they get the virus they dont even realize it and then in turn give it to the more vulnerable population and thats when it does make a difference that young people do get the virus because now theyre giving it to the more vulnerable population then that does need hospitalization and is really having a big effect on the full Hospital System as a whole but to get to the numbers 1st theres now more than 9600000. 00 cases of covert 1000. 00 worldwide was almost half a 1000000 confirmed dead now cases in latin america have also tripled in the past month surpassing 2000000. 00 with brazil with over 1200000 cases of that and. About 54000. 00 deaths and india is almost surpassing the u. S. With new cases which brings me to the u. S. Thats now surging across much of the country would at least 26. 00 states seeing significant increase in infection rates now specifically 4 states have once again said records for new cases those being california arizona texas and florida and rick these 4 states are you seeing right here their account for almost 30 percent of the 330000000 People Living in the u. S. So you can see how this is becoming extremely worried for everyone so these 4 states i want to look at specifically forces california which was actually the 1st state to implement a lockdown but now has more than 220000 cases and that although you are seeing the percentage the positive Percentage Rate being at 7. 00 which might seem less than other states but you have to realize just a couple of weeks ago there were at 3 percent and right now theyre reporting anywhere from 5. 00 to 7000. 00 new infections per day where your 1st point again more more younger people are testing positive and then spreading the virus to their older population which requires a lot more hospitalization and which is why were seeing in california just in the last 2 weeks hospitalizations were up 30 percent and that want to move over to our result that seeing their highest number of new cases plus the highest number of hospitalizations now theyre a positive rate im going to have them move this for california lets move over to arizona but before they do that ill just go over the numbers so arizona positive rate is at 23 percent which is now prompted their governor announce that the state would pause any reopening plans for the next 3 weeks and they were never finally asking people to wear masks in public now test. Has also become extremely challenging and arizona because theyre starting to put it real strain in the us. And it seems were having problems here well just move over to to texas so in texas they have a 16. 8 percent positive raid and their current case number continues and texas their numbers are soon going to rival does in brazil and the Texas Governor announced today that hes going to pause any further plans to reopen the state plus suspended all elective surgeries and 4 counties after houston you know they actually started running out of beds for coburn 1000 patients and texas is even going as far as suspending out permits for bars and restaurants that are violating puerto calls that were put in place and so far has suspended about 12 licenses and lastly i want to talk about florida thats reported about 5000 new cases for the 2nd day in a row now florida is also one of those states that does not have a statewide requirement for a mass to be worn by they also have a 20 percent positive rate so many are urging for the governor to reconsider so as simply put the u. S. Is just heading the wrong direction now for the most part Health Experts cant really say for sure why cases have increased but from the data its clear that the more people are out and about the higher the cases rick good stuff by the way were going to be following up on this in just a little bit youre watching leaders the rick sanchez and heres what were going to do given what she just said which side shared with us right about the fact that now we have states that used to not be hot zones that all hold zones theres something going on where the situation as it happens in new york were taking you there next dont go away. Bank. Tower breed outbreed i turn on the t. V. On the back the world of whats happening around me i see shows on the screens but in last every day because the fake news near is said sadie state police who may be cooling his clock will do enough business with the farm after Barbara Platt britney gould listen to make it out plainly off there in the store but i found a network that will question science great news that space civil strife Climate Change sampled will be a cool simplify lists all the mainstream wants to do was keep us quiet you watch the right you cant keep a stylist critical point says cold perspective question inside direct we dont take sides we walk the dog our t. V. America of means well talk. You cannot be vulgar with yeah youre right. Im holland cook i invite you to climb with me above the main stream media empire and from that higher fan to each to glimpse the big picture question more. Those are against our saying yes so is the position the way that. They welcome back im rick sanchez something amazing has happened regarding the tri state area thats you know connecticut new Jersey New York and the cove in 1000 regulations so here let me explain it this way you may recall if you watch this newscast that there was a time when new york was a hot zone thats where all the code and i did cases were and other states like florida would say look if youre from new york we dont want you in florida we might stop you at the border in fact they actually were stopping people at the border now thats flipped new york is actually stopping people from florida from going into new york they might actually have to put them into a Quarantine Program here with the latest on this development this turnabout if you will is trying to reach out to us. As were seeing the number of new coronavirus cases drastically increase across the country governors in connecticut new jersey and new york are taking matters into their own hands issuing a mandatory quarantine for 14 days for any visitors traveling from states with high infection rates and today that order is in full of that new York Governor Andrew Cuomo doubling down if you are violating the quarantine. You can be subject to judicial order and mandatory quarantine announcing according needed effort to sustain a low local infection rates in connecticut new jersey and new york as coronavirus cases surged to 2 month highs across nearly half the country people coming in from states that have a high infection rate most quarantine for 14 days. And we have a calibration for the infection rate and any state that goes over that infection rate that state will be subject to the quarantine while the order doesnt block people from travel. It does make it clear that if youve been in a state that meets guidelines such as make a showing in florida which saw its biggest jump reporting 5500 new cases in just one day or coming to new york after visiting texas which now has more than 126000 confirmed coven 1000. 00 cases in the state the restrictions based on specific Health Metrics the infection rate formula will be 10 per 10000187 day rolling average or 10 percent of the total population positive on a 7 day rolling average so any state that has an infection rate above that would require a 14 day quarantine anyone traveling from alabama arkansas arizona florida the carolinas washington and texas will have to quarantine for 14 days including new yorkers returning from any of those states this means that the person must self monitor themselves while in complete isolation during that 14 day period they should stay at home and avoid going outside for the entire duration of that time and work School Public events or Group Gatherings they should also take their temperature twice a day and check for symptoms cough or shortness of breath and if they experience any symptoms they should call the new York Department of health right away they can also get a doctors note online at and one of you could have to pay the costs of quarantine theyre also fine you can go along with violating. The quarantine. 2000. 00 for the 1st issue 1st violation 5000. 00 for the 2nd up to 10000. 00 if you cause from what you heard right there by waiters can face them have to find but as far as how officials go about finding out who is violating their corteen well we reached out to the new York City Mayors Office as well as the new York City Department of health and hygiene and they say they conduct routine checkups and then they call the people who are being quarantined to make sure that they have all the supply. And services they need reporting you are trying to do chavez are thats interesting. Heres another interesting story youre going to believe the bottom Abraham Lincoln statue is being threatened in washington d. C. Its not just any statues by the way there it is your thats a live picture that youre looking at right there of this statue thats just a few blocks away from where were sharing this newscast with you right now its a statue that portends to show or depict Ab