Transcripts For RT Documentary 20240712 :

RT Documentary July 12, 2024

A propaganda factor. Long after i 1st heard about it in the news i still couldnt believe this was this really how the United States sees the history of forward to but there it was the official white house on a social network and its clearly stated that it was america and Great Britain that defeated the nazis during the 2nd world war without even a word about the soviet union and the version on the official allegan website looks even more discouraging there it turns out that world war 2 was started by germany and the soviet union it wasnt russia but france that took the brunt of it and in fact the u. S. S. R. Didnt liberate europe from hitler but occupied it it feels like the author either knows nothing about history or he does and wants to rewrite it all that makes those old how would movies that were made during the war seem even more remarkable american audience was presented with a totally different picture of the world and the soviet union back that in the next 30 minutes well learn how history has been written and rewritten through american cinema. In 1403 at the height to ford were to the United States release mission to moscow a film about a visit to the us star by American Ambassador joseph davis who was splayed by actor walter houston. In n. C. Now welcome you to the soviet union in the name of my government thank you the u. S. Ambassador arrives in the u. S. Sorry harboring a degree of skepticism but on the whole what he sees there and what millions of american movie goers saw along with them breaks all the stereotypes about the soviet government of those times we keep experimenting to find ways to increase our efficiency and what kind of effect is this that looks different from the rest yesterday even though. It can usually be compared to. The american film might even make the u. S. S. R. Look better than soviet propaganda pictures or books and we see modern army work in factories and friendly people who speak fluent english. Oh how proud i would be if i could do that well with russian perhaps someday we shall all speak the same language if you would produce or even floor it with the idea of making a film like this theyd probably be branded as crazy but it was still possible back in the 940 s. This is one of my favorite parts an aide tells of the American Ambassador mr davis we need to check your office and this is why the higher rank an american diplomat tells us and stop gossiping and stop listening to it were here in a sense as guests of the soviet government not going to believe that they trust the United States to find until a prove otherwise and mazing. In fact the film a semi documentary it was based on a book written by a master davis himself so were not talking about a fictional diplomat here but a very real one who was so impressed with the soviet government that it seems he was ready to forgive a lot. Of water source i q do. You wish to figure. Out a photo. But i dont know thank you. Thank you. Sio who do plenty of those in there i believe said that history will record you as a great builder for the benefit of mankind it is not my mr davies a 5 year plans were conceived and carried out by the people themselves again this is how you would this isnt soviet propaganda the movie itself. Is the purge trials that were taking place in the soviet union its really apology for the stalinist government but that was acceptable in 1943 you could do that another hollywood film from the time the north star depicts liason a soviet collective farm on the eve of the war the american audience doesnt hear a word about collectivization or the dispossession of independent farmers. The soviet thousands look well fat and are so happy they sing at the end of their work day. Was the filmmakers even went to the trouble of translating the lyrics of a famous sabia song why is my motherland and made American Children learned by heart and. I. Was. The north star it was produced by Samuel Goldwyn cofounder of one of hollywoods most successful Film Companies Metro Goldwyn mayer. But dinner stan weiss famous american producer shot such a blatantly propagandistic picture we need to go to the archives of the library of congress where a document from the socalled office of for information of the United States is still stored. More information was established in 1942 by the Roosevelt Administration was basically a propaganda effort. Limited time to get its legal residents a new sense in it and they did it because you split it. Franklin roosevelt knew that if he wanted to actually turn American Public opinion into supporting the war and even more so in supporting our soviet allies during the war d he was going to need to use it would. Lead a lot of were just going to davis cup one of the classes. For family always. A little door they need to. Do is cheat is well north and you feel it. And. I think. Sometimes the officer for Information Commission how they would musical comedies like this is the army which were intended to increase the prestige of military service and raise the morale of soldiers fighting overseas one of the roles in that film was played by a young actor named Ronald Reagan the future president of the United States. Ive missed you too plenty. Something id like to explain. That there were other orders that were in so benevolent in 1942 after pearl harbor president roosevelt ordered the forced relocation of 120000 japanese people from the west coast of the United States is hard to believe but in those years japanese americans were simply put in buses and sent to specially created internment camps in the u. S. Territory the officer for information was staffed with providing media to support this monstrous initiative. Japanese fishermen had every opportunity to watch the movement of our ships. Japanese farmers were living close to. The propaganda that the japanese really are going to be act on behalf of the japanese government has sabotaged the war effort and put arsenic in American Food and blow up the defense so it was not of that but they were off the war from asian produce various documentaries defending this practice. But the Office Issued very different instructions concerning the u. S. S. R. The soviet union was to be portrayed as a friend of the. America in distress. In the north star in the soviet presence peaceful life is interrupted by the not seen beijing. After the germans captured the village they begin taking the childrens blood for transfusions for their wounded soldiers. The north star was nominated for 6 Academy Awards and 944 according to declassified documents the office so for information commanded its contribution to building a positive image of russia. In this presentation of the suffering and courage of the russians will shown that the strength of russia lies in its people who are willing to give their lives to keep their countrymen from fascist slavery and to ensure a free World Football man. None the less the authors did ask hollywood to make a few edits to the script 1st to emphasize that the ideologies of the u. S. S. R. And germany were completely different and this is why the conflict broke out and secondly to show through the young characteristics that the u. S. And russia can Work Together when peace comes. It was not an accurate portrayal. Of the imagination however they did follow the days of washington and. Propaganda of the propaganda film including the major hollywood of the time. Another pro soviet film released by hollywood during the war years cold days of glory tells the story of a detachment of soviet partisans the groups leader was played by biting hollywood actor gregory peck. Gregory pack was the brad pitt of the 19 fifties and sixties he starred alongside audrey aberdonian roman holidays in 153 and in 1962 pack won an oscar for his performance as Atticus Finch in the adaptation of the cult american novel ought to kill a mockingbird but the sex symbol and alias star was still an unknown actor back in the 940. 00 s. Hes debut role in how the world was as a solvent part isnt later named latimer or a surrogate are you. Thank you now some problems. Of gold if that are meant over and leave then it would be less and that sell a syria. But also its. Young warrior part not. Seriously we had to change american thinking about the soviets and we did so successfully it wasnt only hollywood that participated in the campaign to improve the soviet union image leading newspapers and magazines were also involved here for example is what the American Media wrote about lattimer lenin in those years well you know doesnt buy chortle to the greatest level of more little time. Somebody merely lists one spot still sort of mean all of 3 d. A book done the you can be of any last disappointed by global there. Suited me alone. New york times and that was the sentiment during the war that the soviets were brave heroes resisting the nazis and so it downplayed the crimes of stalin and the repressive aspects in all of american writing or propaganda during the war including in the hollywood films thats going to change of course after the war once the cold war begins with the onset of the cold war the task became more difficult now they needed to find a way to explain to americans that our soviet friends were friends no more and in fact they were now animists they also have to imply that some of the things that had been shown about them previously were not entirely true. International memorial awards has extended its deadline for submissions. All media professionals eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media or a part of a global News Platform you can submit to your pup. List works in either video or format go toward doughty dot com and it an l. I think the biggest danger that has come out indication to destroy us is it is us highlighted is shootin a quality that exists and i think one of the things that education of a little kid needs to change is access to the internet for educational purposes and needs to be added to lists and surely odd schumer iraqs. Former you cannot be voted with yet you want. The phones converging here wouldnt. Mean. Using a shelter near. The morgue youre going. There do you hold. Your news in your profile in the night. And drink in schloss key was the 1st soviet filmmaker to leave for hollywood before the collapse of the u. S. S. R. In 989 he directed an action comedy starring Sylvester Stallone and kurt russell called tango in cash by that time hed already realized that hollywood wasnt the place hed originally imagined. The river. Usually are. It was more. Shy. Burgess ignition. Lead you could drop in. For new years in america because your home. Your former produce officials go for doing research ready. Despite making a serious of successful films in the us including tango and cash runaway train and marias lovers and reconsider lofty decided to return to russia in the early nineties as hed already become entirely disenchanted with the american Film Industry. Who were stronger would you. d a lot. More would i started smoking. When hollywood was. All in portraying the soviet union in a positive light during world war 2 that the new us president harry truman began to quickly regret it after the surrender. Of the quintile is still a. Little bit didnt. Know should it be able to let the city of new presley shouldnt she were all in a 1000000 users you. Need to realize that is the closest. To the refuse the british did in those little. In the 19th thirties the communist party in the United States was pretty strong. And i say that is a good thing they were critical in fighting early fighters for civil rights in the United States hollywood has attracted all these creative artists writers directors producers actors and actresses and intellectuals were the ones who were most attracted to the communist ideal and they wanted to see the soviet union is representing Something Better than the sword and materialism of american capitalism so in 1947 the House Unamerican Activities Committee or down on hollywood it was this committee that introduced this socalled how the would blacklist which included people should be excluded from working in the us Film Industry due to their alleged political convictions. The u. S. Government had to affirmatively go after leftists in hollywood and destroy their careers made them testify in congress put people in jail drive people in don employment sometimes into suicide sony. C. D. s hollywood back on board on the anti soviet trying. Among those given testimony to the House Unamerican Activities Committee or to put it simply ratting out their colleagues was an actor named Ronald Reagan the future u. S. President was already actively participating in civic life even in those days. The north star a film about soviet collective farmers that was hailed by the academy just a couple of years earlier was now deemed anime propaganda and it screenplay writer Lillian Hellman was accused of being a communist sympathizer and damning label in those years timely all of those. Film the propaganda films that were made during world war 2 well brought into question and hollywood got scared. The north star was eventually released under the name armored attack in the new version the title comrade was removed and narration comparing the nazis to the soviet soldiers who suppressed the hungaroring uprising in 1956 was at it i. How what is considered to be an independent private sector of economy a group of private companies and yet it seems like the government finds ways to influence the movie make an industry and i just can wrap my head around how they actually pulled this off by these publicity trials is show trials stalin understood how to do that hitler understood how to do that well the United States under truman and eisenhower also understood added to that. Untrained and intimidating hollywood begins to promote an entirely different image of the soviet union lets be honest have we anything like it in question you know can you imagine what the brits would be a little like that. What a film that pokes fun at the behavior of soviet bird cross abroad was shot in 1939 but it turned out to be most useful with the onset of the cold war. Oh my god. Oh no not an image the comedian made it actually just cause a lot more so that all the little garbled. Somebody really really would have their own Little Service well could go to the most. Ok. The americans actively distributed and promoted new niche going post war europe especially in italy where the communist partys position was strong there was never stated in the film that communism and the u. S. S. R. Back it went without saying nearly so and i was not going to say lets go to the most. Serious case broke american realistically nipple serial killers as well as to be able to be to admit it and they were civil but used to every school. It was just going to. We have the high ideals but have the clout not. The hollywood began producing a spray of. Anticommunist films during this time with the same propaganda averages nobody ever is idealistic about anything the women. Are they were beautiful as they were beautiful they were nymphomaniacs now my students find them laughable but at the time they were taken seriously movies like i was i mean as for the. I married a communist i read moscow guilty of treason the red menace this was a terrible time in america in 154 the United States and Great Britain released an animated film called animal farm just based on a novel of the same name by George Orwell its production was sponsored by the cia which was very interested in the anti soviet subtext of the story which is about a farm and the big 3 seized power there. But by the sixtys and seventys relations between the us and the with the star had already reached the point of the time and this was immediately reflected in the Hollywood Pictures the soviet union was still in the present and as a friend of the United States but he wasnt presented as an enemy so it was more like the United States than the soviet union could cooperate against the bad guys look at the james bond movies that thats a classic all the drama where there would always be a russian agent who would the tune and the cia people would be d wearing the visions of him but the glue is go operate against the real enemy. Relations between the countries began to deteriorate again in the eightys after Ronald Reagan who had been actively anti communist even when he was a hollywood actor became president of. United states even legendary movie boxer rocky billboard played by Sylvester Stallone entered the fray by taking on the daunting doped up soviet fighter ivan drago and they proceed to follow the capital of capital on those that are both of them that air force india from someone with a boy who started with maybe some of the life on the 2nd beagle said its to say this because theres plenty of people just. Not as there was still to come theres the mysterious. You put your parents in the boardroom why do they follow the policies of the state department the pentagon well they get a lot of money from the state department and the pentagon the best they found the pentagon to have a lot of say in in works of hollywood ya. Somewhere drew scrooge im sur

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