Transcripts For RT Keiser Report 20240712 :

RT Keiser Report July 12, 2024

I am max kaiser the best as they kaiser report. You know weve got so much to cover so little time but wrong going to get it done we will we will with the help of the core just the genius the one and only stacy yes you know here in kaiser max kaiser over here actually he has his twitter account back twitter dot com for slash max kaiser is taken of 9 months but the people over at swan dot com helped us to re secure it so we have max kaisers twitter handle back i do want to say that there have been many many people out there sending you know pretending to be max keiser and sending d. M. s to people if max keiser d. M. Z. Its not max kaiser and said its a and posture but there are people imitating max as well in the main stream Financial Press and that is c. M. B c looking at the data out this week about the cantillon effect essentially what weve been talking about here and report for quite a long time but a lot of data is out about the wealth and income gap and the inequality that has happened since the financial this latest financial crisis the penn demick induced crisis and they actually kind of suggest something akin to Interest Rate apartheid as part of that a tale of 2 recessions some americans thrive as others suffer the recessions financial pain is concentrated among certain groups like minorities lower owners and women others especially white men high earners and those with higher levels of education have been insulated the disparity even extends to those lucky enough to still have jobs which is unique during downturns experts say oh yeah ill get into the Interest Rate apartheid later in the article oh yeah well i mean so this stuff is quite clear theres the big gap between the have yachts and the have nots you know is getting wider and. The its not hard to figure out why and. Its craving social unrest and the Central Banks are at the root of it. Gel tell us more yeah so were going to look at some of the data max and. You can see in this that every time theres a financial crisis the central bank comes to the rescue and the central bank comes to the rescue since 1071 because they can print money they can print their own currency unlike prior to 1071. 00 that their currency was backed by gold or currency at least on an International Trade account unit so here we have a situation where theyre printing money but its going to certain people and you can see that in the data and when you look at the unrest out in the streets you know yes its caused by this situation the murder of george floyd but theres something deeper and systemic that is also that the anger is due to the inflation due to the injustice of the money printing so with this latest crisis weve seen an overwhelming number of minorities and women lose their jobs compared to white educated men who are in i think of the tech bros theyre working from home they have a really good right now theyre getting paid you know many of them are receiving the 1200. 00 stimulus check the data from the Federal Reserve shows that they mostly saved it because anybody with over 3000. 00 in cash already in savings the Federal Reserve data show that they didnt spend the 1200. 00 those with 500. 00 or less spent spent the entirety of it so you know that in terms of this pushing on a string where the wealth keeps on aggregating to the top no matter what the fed does no matter what the government does and what they found that is that even jay powell in testimony to Congress Last week he said the burden of the downturn has not fallen equally on all americans and said those least able to withstand the downturn have been affected most if not contained and reversed the downturn could further widen gaps in economic well being that the long expansion had made. Some progress in closing this is the same guy that the just days before his testimony said that the fed doesnt cause wealth and income caps and yet all the data released in the past week demonstrate that in fact theyve caused a lot of this crisis because of that Property Assets and the Stock Exchange going higher and Interest Rate apartheid yeah absolutely and so look the American Economy is an economy built on consumption right 60 to 70 percent of g. D. P. Is consumption stop production so like germany or china where people produced up to consume stuff thats the American Economy consumption and that includes a consumption of credit to buy all that stuff and that means that savings is looked down on you know me like the paradox of thrift or the savings glut you know this is all about vilifying savings that nobody should have savings its better for the economy its just spend it all in a matter of fact go into debt well heres the funny thing about debt in this economy in america is that when a rich person pulls on debt credit pulls or credit you know they borrow money it costs them 0 or negative in the case of many people they get paid to borrow money as we saw it jamie dimon and j. P. Morgan what a poor person or a disadvantaged person or typically a minority person or particularly a black person is drawing credit theyre charged 2025304050 percent 60 percent oh a payday loan thats 2000 percent so thats the Interest Rate apartheid that is guaranteed wealth and income imbalance its guaranteed injustice its guaranteed to cause all kinds of social injustice and violence in the society because you are poisoning a huge group of your population with high Interest Rates and forcing them to consume right at the same time so youre centrally got a mandate to end up in debtors prison or puny or serfdom that thats again. Guarantee thats the American Dream at this point well the American Dream of course is that Horatio Alger myth that anybody could rise up and become one of the elite and one of the wealthy and of course part of that is owning a home so heres the data from the Federal Reserve that everybodys talking about online which shows how the cantillon effect drives this and equality in terms of whoever have their home in 1971 because even the data here in the sam b. C. Article they dont mention 1971 what happened then but they actually trace that back to 1970 so in terms of this inequality. Household wealth the median price for an existing home was 287000. 00 in april up more than 7 percent from a year ago according to the National Association of realtors these gains have disproportionate lead gong to the wealthy and White Americans while 72 percent of white households own a house a key source of Household Wealth thats true for 42 percent of blacks and 47 percent of hispanic households the urban institute said this gulf between white and black americans is greater than at any other point in 5 decades according to the report what happened 5 decades ago in 1970 what happened after that so from that with the wealth the money printing has created it it doesnt create real wealth but an asset base the qana be like our own a financial eyes the con me it puts the cash the capital into the hands of a few so transfers wealth sony divorce the economy from a Gold Standard and you go on a pure a few money standard and you have the creation as we saw during the reagan years of the Derivatives Market and the separation of risk and reward you have the ability for these top bankers on wall street to separate risk from reward keep all the reward and dump all the risk into the poor neighborhoods right so thats yes thats part of what weve seen in the Financial Engineering sense of the eightys and has caused a sink credible wealth divide you know when i hear the phrase black lives matter you know i think what i what i would like to really understand is what i say jackson is talking about and big coin of black america is that black america will never be equal to White America they will never have justice and White America the only thing they can hope for is individual sovereignty and the only way to get there is through savings and bitcoin is the best way to get there but lets look at this system here because it favored those who can. Who have the assets in 1071 we just covered this in a recent episode here there are data showing that even to this day it continues so we could take down every single monument that exists in the United States we could you know create new holidays we could have corporate new logos saying that we support minorities black people women l g b t q we can do all this but the fact is this system no matter what we do no matter how we try to rescue the economy save the people the pandemic is happening trillions of dollars must be printed the way the system works basically the fed can only give it to white mostly white bankers on wall street they get it 1st prisoner 0 percent everybody else gets it you know if you think of a river that starts at the top of the himalayas as fresh clean lovely water at the top by the time it gets down into you know somewhere in india and im crowded city its polluted its dirty its horrible right well thats what happens to the money system here but it happens generationally too so another bit of data that came out this week in terms of the generational thing is quite remarkable and terms of comparing generation boomers to the next generation generation x. To milan eels so the millennial is the oldest melanie els are 39 this year so they look at the data of how much wealth. As a percentage of overall wealth in the economy millennial zone today at 39 years old then they compare it to generation x. At when they were 39 and boomers when they were 39 boomers owned 20 per one percent of u. S. National wealth when they were 39. 00 generation x. And 7 percent when they were 39. 00 and millennial is when theyre 39. 00 today they own 3 percent so again this is that whole the cantillon effect the Interest Rate apartheid all of that stuff because a lot of the Interest Rate apartheid comes from the fact that you know the Credit Rating so minorities women tend to have lower Credit Ratings than white educated men partly because they had the assets and the wealth in the back in the in the 1st place when we went on to this system to build up the credit and to make sure they always had cash backing whatever you know loans they were taking you know its funny because im a white male boomer whose career is on wall street yes ok i am i dont want to point thing i am but ground 0 for this entire wealth and income gap and for this Interest Rate apartheid and im saying. Without equivocation theres only 2 ways to restore justice one would be to raise Interest Rates 500. 00 basis points immediately so you get short term rates back to 5 percent so that there is real savings and capital in the system or everyone who is on the wrong side of the Interest Rate apartheid wall needs to start saving and they can do that in gold coin and because it is better thats thats not no statue chairing down a statue does nothing marching in the street does nothing electing people to office that you think are going to help you does nothing none of that works im telling you as a white male boomer wall street careerist that i have a lot i would laugh at that as my brother and would do it does nothing its again like i said jackson says exit the system you can exit the system because Interest Rates thats their funny money thats their fee out system and whatever they want to do with their system let them play with it and let them raise Interest Rates let them you know do whatever the fact is you have to exit the system because the system is inherently in jobs we need to exit this course of the show with take a break and let me come back much more coming your way. No crown. No show. To actually go. Through i know its. Which your thirst for action. Shows seemed wrong. When old roles just dont know all. The world yet to shape out just they become educated and engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. If i dont know who welcome back to the kaiser report im max keiser time now to go to michael. Park dot com michael welcome back great to be with you and stacy again max michael last time we spoke the fed has been a historic printing frenzy buying e. T. F. And now individual Corporate Bonds your thoughts right impulses that i guess everybody should know now that the status traps along with every of the central bank on the planet were about to get harken back to will be the great tapering of assets that was supposed to bring us back to normalcy we went through 800000000000 just for your children down to 3. 7 trillion on the fence daljeet and the wheels fell off the economy i want to make this very clear to your audience that the state was back in q e and cut rates 3 times trying to anyone hearing about who raised cope at 19. 00 so lets get that clear so we didnt go back to normal we can go back anywhere near 800000000000. 00 where it was 12 years ago as my practice in those 12 years went from a 100000000000. 00 to 7. 00 whites who surely adopts 7 trillion 200000000000. 00 max and there is no way this Balance Sheet is ever shrinking again because theres that now oh. Lets just think about rights of this crisis the kind of isolated bubbles they engender housing bubble which were that it gendered now as they will now depend owns the treasury market the muni mortgage a Corporate Bond mortgage the junk bond or get still a mortgage and by proxy the Housing Market and the stock market. They are never going to drain that Balance Sheet they home these markets and the moment they step away we are going to trade faster and harder than ever before right so the Federal Reserve now is roughly 30 percent of americas g. D. P. And theyre on track to own 100 percent of americas t. V. Pay how is that different than the feudal lords of the middle ages who wound a 100 percent of the economy and everyone living their own were basically passons michael in acts as you were very well aware you know the pope at 19 partners outbreak exacerbated every trenchant gap there was in every problem that we had extends before the virus breakout so the middle class is being a bit strained at a rapid pace the gap between the very rich and very poor is one wire in wire wall street is approaching all time record highs and yet we have 29000000 people collecting Unemployment Insurance i know the Mainstream Media will not tell you the real number will tell you 20000000 but you have to in endemic unemployment assistance theres nothing 1000000 people collecting he you as a insurance it is your together he gets 190000000 people that still are unemployed in this country if you jump off the Empire State Building and land on a trampoline youre going to get a small pots but youre not going to get a bounce and youre right near where you jump off so thats what youre seeing right now in the economy youre seeing a significant bounce from 0 and then you can see this plateau or reverse were something or e v shaped recovery its in desperate need if i add this is a very very long and protracted problem we have in this country and as i said before and i want to make this very very clear what you saying on wall street is fixed is complete fiction its a fiction created by Central Banks. And has no symbols of reality to whats going on in the underneath you know underlying economy right well now the best performing stock markets in the world are venezuela bob way and tehran iran thats because theyre under a currency collapse so can we construe from the rally on wall street and the s. And pand that the act that in fact that america is experiencing a hyper inflationary collapse will it certainly stagflation or it collapses not hyperinflation in my opinion because you need a currency collapse against others yet turn seems to get hyperinflation but certainly were headed for stagflation no it boggles my mind let me ask you max on a your opinion i mean how much warmer can we have stayed in paper currencies across the globe you know were supposed to drain the spreads Balance Sheet down to 800000000000. 00 its 7. 00 trillion its going to be 10 surely its on its way to maybe like you said 100 percent of g. D. P. Or one teacher you dollars there is no going back i mean why do we believe is that the Federal Reserve ever said were the value of the u. S. Dollar these are very hard assets. How much longer secular ways i dont think its going to last i think as you point out the structurally the situation has broken and its a company dumpty cant put it back together again theyre in a trap as you say their only recourse is to keep printing and to keep buying these stocks and bonds and they are in effect take me entire Economy Private with a leveraged buyout from the bankers at the Federal Reserve bank and their attitude toward its 150. 00 or 300000000. 00 americans are that theyre the new peasants and they they really have no rights anymore and when i say the dollar is in a hyper inflationary collapse i do mean against the only sound money in the world today an

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