Of their good morning its friday the 12th of june youre watching r. T. International and its just go online in the russian capital that Health Workers have vented their anger on the streets of paris in protest over their working conditions in hospitals it does come after reports were published into the number of medics infected by the corona virus during the pandemic official sources state that there were more than 30000 cases in Public Hospitals and 16000 immersing homes plus a french Doctors Pension Fund highlights that were also 6000. 00 selfemployed go to those who caught the virus that took the total number to more than 50000. 00 cases shall have been skimmed i reports from paris. A demonstration here on saw mind up. Hospital is just one of those you declare a movement of hospital workers shouting at that anger in front of hospitals now it comes as parts of the Health Service in france have been experiencing unprecedented precious since the start of the 19 crisis it was already a service that many had said was close to collapse without a huge injection of money and much more staff and now to add to the theory of the latest figures show that more than 50000 Health Care Workers court could be 19 it once again begs the question was enough to give Health Workers to doctors nurses poultice ambulance and technical staff and many others say working in far. Only cracked were very very angry because there has been a shortage of stuff we hear so rosy and this pandemic has created an even bigger problem promises were made but in fact there havent been capped we still have a lack of bats and this is getting worse i think that we were in transit for this we havent been protected and now we have a shortage of equipment and thats why weve found those who work in fact it. Miss prall once never had enough b. P. They were on duty voluntary the head contact was infected people from 0 to beginnings there was a lack of equipment beds and tests in germany for example they did quite well maybe because the government responded confidently to social and economic problems and this is all what was necessary from the beginning and maybe even before that the no 7 i dont want to we want we are not demanding species in medals for our own safety we want 100000. 00 want places to be created in a year we demand for evaluation of salaries in Public Hospitals we demand the nomen of Public Hospital that would demand an increase in the budget that will be a real policy to support public. Hospitals. Cry as and as harmless as the true little investigation has to be knows were going to have france handled the pandemic it was opened by the paris chief prosecutor after moving 48 formal complaints were brought not just by civil groups but also going members of the public now the investigation will look at the alleged failure to put in place anti virus protection to provide face masks to reducing vaccine and to road testing to identify carriers of the virus the possible charges of involuntary homicide involuntary injury and in danger of life are also being examined now the focus of the inquiry will be the Public Health body in front song trance alongside the Health Ministry and also the National Prison administration but it will not focus on political nor administrative responsibility and france is not the only country that is asking questions over how the crisis was handled in italy prosecutors are to question the Prime Minister giuseppe call day along with other ministers such as the health and interior ministers now they want to know why a red zone wasnt in force back in february around 2 towns in the north of the country so with European Countries emerging from the Health Crisis the focus is now turning to how they handle tents and there are many who are very critical of the governments demanding to know if they could have done more to save loved ones charlotte even ski r. T. Paris. New figures to reveal that fastens of patients in england were sent back to their care homes at the height of the pandemic with the majority of them not being tested with 19 at the time the report does cover 25000 hospital patients discharged between mid march when the rules change prior to april 15th patients were tested because priority was given to those with flu like symptoms however it is unclear how many of those who arrived back homes had the virus but the British Health secretary does say the situation in the se is finally under control. The number of people dying in care homes is also falling figures from the c 2 c. Show that theres a 79 percent fall from the peak of the crisis in. The week ending april the 24th to the week ending the 29th of may the latest one the doctors of opal however new analysis does suggest the care home deaths will account for more than half of all related deaths in england according to estimates death toll in the country will be nearly 60000 by the end of june with 34000 of those predicted to be care home residents nevertheless fresh testimony from whistle blows in the sector has emerged suggesting care homes have been trying to cover up cases of infection we discussed this with eileen chubb shes the founder of the compassion and care whistleblower charity she believes the behavior of management in Certain Homes does put the lives of both star and resins risk. Social care has been a major problem for a long time i mean you know we all know the Horror Stories and bad care homes and. Or theyre given a good rating and they shouldnt and they dont deserve that i think that we need to look at the social care system and completely change things in the future we need to learn from this really learn from it not just pour money into it but actually fix it and i think thats why we need a full inquiry into whats happened here and i think as well as social care staff theyre treated their lives are of no value thats how thats how they feel and thats the evidence thats coming across to ours their lives dont matter at all they put it with every day and they do they do a brilliant job theres good staff in every care home this bad started some homes and theres bad homes but mostly theres a good start theyre doing their best in their context you know its because they care. There now with the you having mean something of a coronavirus hotspot during the Global Crisis its now starting to point the finger of blame the block is accusing russia and china of orchestrating a masochist Information Campaign during the pandemic and i mean the commission is calling on social networks not just to delete everything they think is fake but actually to issue a report on the work theyre doing against fake news with more details is more against the. Often tyrants you hear what europeans see big headlines about disinformation and trolls and you just wonder that the russians or the chinese really have Nothing Better to do but then you read the headlines again disinformation waves have heat to europe during the current virus pandemic there originated from within as well as outside their opinion disinfo mission in terms of the corona virus can kill we have a duty to protect our citizens by making them aware of false information and expose the ex is responsible for a gaijin in such practices some years ago europe took action it created east strata com task force which runs a website e. U. The disinfo to identify all of the track this information and think news every year they get millions of euros and the blessings of top europe kratz to do their thing and what they do is essentially law and the money its legally the cleanest rackets youve ever see leading elites in europe is that you. Were. Very much. And so all of course. Youre all. One goal of those 2 green for worked all night years you want to bring forward a society you dont bring forward to 5000000000 euro for Something Like finding freight muse in 2018 e. V. Disinfo targeted dutch Media Outlets largely europe skeptic outlets surprisingly enough labeling their stories fake news but which they were soon forced to correct themselves because they lied and because the lot of them bassman for the e. U. Was also revealed how unprofessional plus than admitting that the entire racket was in fact there are studies papers articles dedicated to exposing this racket european ones our analysis demonstrates that e. U. Vs does in force headlines and summaries border on dissent from asian according to the east rat coms own definition of the term now that were all introduced let me show you how this racket works how they launder medians so they visit r. T. For example and rip a sentence entirely out of context such as this bill gates is working on deep population policies and plans for dictatorial control of World Politics thats insane you might say how could ads he say such a thing well we didnt heres the full extract. And italian legislator has succeeded in taking the absolute theories of the koran epidemic to new heights by using her platform in parliament to denounce bill gates as a vaccinate and alleged globalist tool so odd he like many european an italian outlets rooted a story about and i quote absurd theories which by the taliban and pete e. V. Disinfo cop out the part where an italian m. P. Said it and ignored the part where a plethora of other Media Outlets reported it and tried to frame it as if odyssey said it like there was no m. P. And nazi was publishing ludicrous conspiracy theories and youd never know unless you went to check the Fact Checkers so its a stretch to call them that the creative artist came from a liberal tree and recurring Conspiracy Theory that echoes prove kremlin dissin from asian about the artificial creation of 19 a recurring prove kremlin decent from Conspiracy Theory naturally think ripped it out of context and that segment adds he was discussing how the media itself gives crazy conspiracy theories credits by paying attention to them but really really the unsubstantiated claims of who had nineteens lab origins up russian this information have you seen anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that the would Hand Institute of raji was the origin of this virus. Yes they have we dont have certainty and there is significant evidence that this came from the laboratory the statements can both be true ive made them both Administration Officials have made them theyre all true why isnt my compare secretary of state on that lease or donald trump president of the United States y r t which never even made the claim because that isnt what strata com east is paid to do if they cant find anything to report. Bad big bad russia well people above will ask questions and cut funding the logical arms of it any racketeer all money launderer would jump to is to manufacture a threat. European commission didnt find that governments were as well they didnt quite a consistent ready to end a covert to quintuple the corner crisis i think its a very dangerous way in the moment the incompletion tries to district. The attention away from their own crisis and bring forward an enemy in which that is not a good idea i cant speak for other publications that wound up on their website but every entry for r. T. Is either a made up allegation or a sentence completely pulled out of context and for this east strata com gets about 5000000 euros a year to find russian this information or make it up that is when they are busy targeting euro skeptics at home how many mosques or ventilators could you buy for that those medical supplies that were soon badly needed when the pandemic hit when tens of thousands of europeans died because of shortages when europe rats had had a big forgiveness were not there on time when italy needed a helping hand at the very beginning. And yes for that it is right that europe as a whole offers a heartfelt apology and thats why the suit desperate to make up any way to blame russia or china or anything to avoid apologizing they get but hats off to strategy you ask any season all cartel bankers laundering 800000 euros a week is that these easy as an idea proposed a magical European Agency to root out and banish spirits because even if google still did exist strasbourg least moves how to conjure them up. For money. Or the event that on the way more colonial monuments across the globe are now facing demands to be dismantled brazing once again questions and adult period of history should be handled well have a look at this story perseveres take your stuff. You cant be both with the yes you like. The one else chose seemed wrong. But old rules just dont hold. Me to old yet to shape out just because to educate and in gaining strength equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Only with r. T. Now the war on colonial statue sparked by the black lives Matter Movement is spreading across the globe a statue of a British Naval captain has now been removed in new zealand on how martin was kept injuring a series of bloody battles with local marys over disputed territory the monument was dismantled at the request of local tribes although there had also been a threat by one member that it would be removed by force the mayor of the city of hamilton which is named after the captain said that authorities understood some might view it as culturally offensive and they would now think of relocating it on thursday a local tribal leader called fruit view of all colonial statues and place names that symbolize oppression and colonialism but in britain after the black lives Matter Movement managed to tear down a statue of the slave trader Edward Colston and throw it into the harbor they are now demanding more monuments should fall from grace to our party boyko went to a protest in oxford where time could be running out for another one human. What is it that you hate about the stop change it was not like most of it was pretty much built up sometimes. Would cause an excuse to die i am an ox and im here for a purge test against a statue a statue of a victorian imperialist called cecille right its the he did indeed only the n. T. Didnt cause success so great so was the founder of the Southern African country of ready d. C. s which is now modern day zimbabwe and it was actually named off to him in 1895 but he sort of see that as someone who really pushed for this idea of white dominance and colonialism in africa. All the people here taking him by him and thus they were needing now their sat down in solidarity with the movement the b. L. M. Leave men really big now. Tearing down the statue. Like. A scene will soon be to show it is yes it was a symbol this is a day when the see the moon and the boats see them like boats ices. And on a greek. Island and really. Do it just as we do with the issue. J. C. Says she just is easy to. Do. Vergers that just gets separated and the statue. Was was was was. A. Terrorist see the statue wait where is it there it is then they can always learn more about the bad legacy and the bloody legacy rather than if it was taken down right but you dont want to be on camera saying this because. It is a very sensitive because its a sensitive issue that you got that from an anonymous academic in oxford this sniper. High standard for 6 the Police Offices above the stuff here. Youre protecting and. I have to say this has to be the most highbrow. And intellectual protest i have ever attended. Which is very exciting seeing as its space. That reporting from a protest in oxford will be a story in painting and it does believe that while dismantling colonial monuments has good intentions the history of a dark possed shouldnt be abolished. But i think its important to remove these symbols of these people who are being celebrated as heroes what they represent is the symbols of racism and its important also to keep those symbols put in museums because i think its important that we recognize that history we cant whitewash that history and we can ignore that history we have to study that history in the United States weve got slave holders who are some who are early president s we have to study each of them as in the Historical Context that they lived and somebody like jefferson has some great ideas but he also has some very backward very disgusting ideas and all countries have histories that there should not be and are not proud of but the way to deal with that is not to ignore it or to teach students lies about it and its a confront it directly because thats still part of our d. N. A. Its still part of who we are. Well with anti racism protests gathering pace around the world because prey sions have been taking a closer look to at how they present themselves h. B. A. For instance is temporarily pulling many favorite classics that romanticize slavery from its platform while the Big Tech Companies have tweaked their voice assistance to support the black lives Matter Movement. Has been working the story. Holmes but why not try to delete ms i think i saw whole roof post a policeman once yes yes and then she didnt spit that stench of whiskey just delete or intrastate interesting i mean has it done anything yet but my 8 so. What started as a protest against Police Brutality inequality has evolved into a movement to lead the world but i see really examine our history and build this precious free utopia the excessive use of the corrective pen how to get some with the feeling that reexamination is a politically correct synonym for censorship t