Transcripts For RT The News With Rick Sanchez 20240712

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Of the most decorated officers in america says it was a mistake adding i should not have been there corresponding ferran from zack will be along in just a little bit with more on this developing story well by the way while on the subject of apologies the New York Times is acknowledging today that the people of bolivia had their election stolen from them the times now writes that socalled Election Fraud in bolivia that was used as an excuse to remove a democratically elected president was a law. Think about what i just said evo morales was elected fairly and democratically within less than 48 hours after he was elected the European Union the organization of american states and the United States state department declared his Election Fraudulent which fomented a coup causing the elected elected president to have to leave the country only to be replaced by a new president more to the liking of washington and european leaders and the oas. Shouldnt surprise anyone that this type of foreign election meddling took place should it surprise anyone that the socalled fraudulent election used to remove a president was not fraudulent no no it should not at least not if you regularly watch this newscast im taking you back now 4 months forward 27 right here on this set when i reported what the New York Times is reporting now his election was fraudulent they said well theres now a group of experts who have come forward theyve looked through all the details the Statistical Analysis and what they have concluded is the election was clean. It was me on this newscast on this very set 4 months ago now 4 months later the New York Times is admitting that the socalled Election Fraud conclusion was flawed. By then in what appears to be a case of double speak the times is now also writing that it doesnt really mean that the election in bolivia was free and fair by the way and they cite a source who says quote there was fraud we just dont know how much which if youll pardon me for the journalistic comparison here is like saying that there is no proof that i rick sanchez have beaten my wife but there is evidence somewhere they just dont know how much. By the way by that standard let me also ask this question what election anywhere in the world including our own here in america is without criticism. One more question what happens now does the elected guy president evo morales does he get his office back should he. This is the news with rick sanchez again covering a story you will simply not see covered on c. N. N. Or fox or the b. B. C. Or n. B. C. Because we believe its time to do news again. Part here we go the list of the questions we think youll be asking to morrow if evo morales as election was not fraudulent why isnt he the president that. How the white house reacted criticism from the highest Ranking Member of the u. S. d military and despite the sino u. S. Friction is why way a fixture that simply will not go away. Lets go ahead and begin with the very latest now from bolivia a country where like so many before it had foreign meddling in its election. If you have latin american roots as i do by the way then you would know that this has been going on in that part of the world for more than a century really and apparently its still going on here with more on this story is r t correspondent john harvey. In december 2019 the New York Times published a story titled Election Fraud aided a former Alice International panel concludes with a subhead about the charges of voting fraud that led to protests and the exile of bolivian president evo morales being confirmed in a final report by the washington d. C. Based think tank the organization of american states or oas for short the oas report concluded that bolivias election was marred by widespread deliberate fraud well fast forward to june 7th and a long piece in the times sunday edition last week about a bitter election accusations of fraud and now 2nd thoughts about those accusations oh boy the times writes that a new study by independent researchers quote using data obtained by the New York Times from the bolivian electoral authorities has found the oas is Statistical Analysis was itself flawed why because it relied on incorrect data and inappropriate statistical techniques. The Election Fraud allegations led to violent protests in bolivia and charges against morale is terrorism and sedition braless fled bolivia to mexico city on nov 10th and was granted political asylum replacing him as interim president was janine on yes religious conservative of european descent backed by the United States who stands as a contrast to morality is socialist party and Indigenous Roots u. S. Officials and some academics quickly supported the oas his findings and morality his ouster in fact u. S. Secretary of state mike pompei a tweeted back in november quote fully support the for. Findings of the oas official report recommending new elections in bolivia to ensure a truly democratic process representative of the peoples will the credibility of the electoral system must be restored its noted that there was likely some Election Fraud in bolivia so how much and where remains unclear the oas report was done quickly so its likely not all of the election data was thoroughly analyzed further some argue that the medias akko chamber added to the overall contention and confusion in a feb 27th op ed in the Washington Post 2 noted mit researchers disputed the oas report saying very search found no reason to suspect fraud writing that quote the media has largely reported the allegations of fraud as fact and former alice meanwhile is now in argentina where he was granted Refugee Status and continues to rail against what he calls the u. S. Backed coup that drove him from office 7 months later theres still no elected government and no official new election date for the news with rick sanchez john hardy joining us now r. J. Producer in latin america expert who holds a ph d. On the subject Enrique Rivera thanks america for joining us. Here you have a guy who was elected who is not the president and it turns out that the reason we used to get him out of there was wrong fraudulent i mean is he going to get is is he going to get his job back thats a complicated question and im going to give you a complicated answer no. No hes not going to get one of the word of god right theyre not going to give him his job back he is in exile in argentina theyve been pushing the elections back back back back supposed to be in december march may now theyre saying september this will be a caretaker government that held the held reins for 3 months and theyve been holding on to it for this long that this reminds me of this rule in journalism that we all study when we go to journalism school. That its not correct to do a correction too long after word because it has no value if i put today in the rick sanchez herald or the r t herald that Enrique Rivera is a wife beater back on that subject and then i never touch it again and it sits out there for 4 months people are hearing and reading that youre a wife beater and then somehow 4 months later i say oh by the way we were wrong hes not a wife beater youve done the damage the damage is done the people lost their president they lost their election they lost faith in their election the damage is insured mountable almost in my crazy no youre not crazy youre absolutely right i mean we need to look at this as a crime this was a terrible terrible crime we put together a slide that kind of indicates how radical a change has been made so they the bolivian people voted for someone who is a staunch opponent to us interventionism and who runs a mixed economy which has benefited by lifting a lot of people out of poverty lets look at Foreign Policy they allowed us aid back into the country that have been banned in 2013 for funding the opposition funneling millions of dollars to them establish relations with israel called embassies in iran and. Recognized as president this all falls in line with the u. S. And what they do they turn the countrys policies upside down ultimately upside down lets go to the economic stuff that they that they that theyve changed so weve talked a lot about lithium and lithium production and how important this was in the role that this may have played in the coup right so the bolivian government ran state spots they ran Production Enterprises related to with lithium these production processes have halted completely and the government has called for International Investment like i said this is a crime no this is this this country has been completely looted and and its really unfortunate well see in september if theyre allowed to have. In Fair Elections like they had last time luis who is a member of morales his party is leading all the polls lets see if they let him win you know its funny how when i turn on the television here in the United States and i turn on whatever m. S. N. B. C. In particular all i hear is about no one has the right to meddle in another countrys election especially when they try to get in there with like with social media and tweets and. Charles weve done this we do it all the time this is where is this story and im no defender of morale is i mean i think its a little bit of a lefty you know im not but they elected him thats their guy not mine what the hell business is it of ours weve got to stop doing this it seems commie nuts again but it just doesnt seem right no its not right and were at a time where the New York Times is issuing a policy edisons of good editors are getting fired left and right. We should see the same thing with international thats a good good point thats a good point thanks so much and great point protests are not just about confronting in modern society but also about our links to the past and the statues to bravery are being torn down and there are calls for famous galleries to be a colonial history does not run throughout europe in paris for instance around 200. 00 streets take their names from the past. Takes us now on a tour of the most controversial. Paris the city of lights it could in the shadow of frances past be seen. As protesters across the world demanding more. Of the story figures with links to the slave trade. How could that play out here well to start with the city would have a lot of renaming to do some 200 how many streets in squares have a colonial reference take this one. Seems pretty innocuous right minister over the 14th but you know you have to scratch the surface to find out that the man. Is accused of drawing up the code you are now in laymans terms that legislation that defined fissions of slavery in french colonies but it also restricted the activities of people who are free now this is one of my favorite streets. Busy cafes and it would take weeks to. Through here but then. As you can see its already. Someone who is less than happy with being in place. And then theres the fear still to see stores napoleon them. Bonaparte monuments in paris just like this one in for loops are lifted with his image hes possibly the most famous and celebrated frenchman in history but the former empress check it cost and no im not just talking about the defeat to lose balance enough which by the way has become a word in front synonymous with the proverbial hitting the fan napoleon the bonaparte not only invaded and plundered countries like egypt and syria he also restored slavery in the caribbean the whole 8 years after it to be abolished by france what about raising down this money went to the little corporals victories but thats going to be a tough sell changing of the street names or even taking down the monuments may be easier to come over the recognition but much more difficult is to praise the entire colonial history of a country like france a history that is what weve throughout a city like this if paris instead some argue that we shouldnt change anything and instead educate people about the misdeeds of the long phrase to us who also had a long dark list of transgressions so much even skate parties. Did take it all down or do you just point out the parts that were good and separate them from the parts that were but this is a conversation that is taking place worldwide and this is the news with rick sanchez if youre watching our special coverage were going to be right back. Thank you for finally changing. I understand youre tired of networks and the word new with you your tired of. The internet. As they are not no matter what part of the night. You know me d im famous for my views. And the news ready. Yours truly scotty d nell hughes. How to read out of read turn on the t. V. On the about the world was happening around me i see shows on the screen in last every day because the fake news narrative steady state. To maybe cool little to no christmas with the plum brick by brick pool is that make it plain to you that in the school when i found that network that oh. Take a live news anywhere you can cause an elegant on line and Video Library with a built in Search Engine it will fit right in your pocket its free interactive kids are seen texas will top 2. 1000 the president s text for videos uploaded every hour so what are you waiting for. The for. The feeling to be coming. Every the world should experience. And youll get it on the old rules. The world according to jess. The modern world come along for the ride. Quarterback today the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff is apologizing for his part in what took place when protesters were pushed aside for what later turned out to be a president ial photo op that has now been roundly criticized as well by other republicans and democrats and the secretary of defense general mark milley seem to be apologizing that only the american people. But 2 other members of the u. S. Military when he said that he seemed to well quote make a mistake and use that as a teaching moment regarding the role of the military and Civil Society and how the perception should never be created that the u. S. Military is involved in domestic politics that seem to be what he said in a Statement Today heard far and wide here with more on the generals comments as our 2 correspondent ferran friends are. I should not have been there and out face from the nations top military officer general mark milley after this photo was taken in front of the historical St Johns Church that walked through Lafayette Park to the church moments after authorities used gas canisters and flash bangs to clear away Peaceful Protesters has sparked controversy and backlash the white house defending its actions of the time i sit here guys and we know and its late and it is what they use and what the what they used was a way to target those who are being violent and they use the minimal force that they cling to ensure that that situation was safe to ensure St Johns Church would not burn a 2nd night in a row and to ensure that no officers were injured days after the infamous photo was taken back pedaling started with defense secretary marc esper saying he had no idea theyd be taking a photo after one of his departments top advisers resigned writing to asper quote you may not have been able to stop President Trump from directing this appalling use of force but you could have chosen to oppose it instead you visibly supported it as a commissioned uniformed officer it was a mistake that ive learned from. And i sincerely hope we all can learn from it the statement now risks the wrath of the president as pentagon leaders relations with the white house are still tense after a disagreement over trumps threat to use federal troops to respond to looting and civil unrest triggered by George Floyds death merely says that him being seen in the photograph he compromised his commitment to a military divorced from politics we are where the cloth of our nation come from the people of our nation. And we must hold dear the principle of an a political military that is so deeply rooted in the very essence of our republic for the news with rick sanchez im here in front that the good report thanks farah moments do this joining us with more on this topic are 2 great cast that may come to may come at this subject from slightly different points of view a measure crosses the coast of watching the hawks and that martin is an author a radio host and a former chair of the Missouri Republican party let me show let me begin with you. Explain why you believe that the general was right if you do believe this to do what he did this morning. Absolutely believe the general was right i think that he probably should have come out a little bit earlier he got a bit of cover in the announcing as he did this morning because weve already seen someone resign and talk about how clenched the constitution was in state. Actions i think that is a very strong tone in president for what is expected for generals or people in the military in general this is a nonpartisan and a Political Institution it does not serve at the pleasure of the president during his Reelection Campaign it is not these photo ops that is not what our military is for and i think that in this case one of you clearly in the moment made the wrong decision and is now coming out and standing up and saying ok why did it make this misstep this is why its wrong and this is where there. Is this a castigation ed martin of the president on behalf of both the secretary of defense and now the chairman of the joint chiefs staff. Well let me 1st of all quibble with one detail that the guy the resign from the Defense Department was on an Advisory Board he had been a he had been an appointee of Obamas Administration so im not sure he was a republican but when he resigned but look i was watching last night the History Channel has a 3 part piece on us grant and us granted im going to really make a mission you crazy by making it sound like im comparing trump to lincoln but the us brand as a military officer he set out there as he was fighting against a confederacy that he knew the election relink ins reelection did it was being impacted by the war and he said he had to do what was right because he was told to by the president because his job we have a long tradition not of an apolitical military thats a lie 1000000 is not to tell you let me let me let me let me ask you a 1000000000 but let me ask you because while im im going to change that a little bit for us let us suppose that this was the Obama Administration and those were her antiabortion protesters and the military was used against them would you be making the same argument. No i yeah i mean i think what we are going to have as right now is about the military millys action today should have been should be read as a resignation speech because you dont get to be a military leader and think that you were in charge or you did what is required but you didnt answer my question let me let me talk i know where youre going to be no got an army no no hold on hold on im going to ask you a question again and i dont want to talk to you about anything other than my question if this were the Obama Administration and the obama military officials and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and his secretary of defense against antiabortion protesters would you be that are going without obama had the right. What he meant i would be he didnt do that but i let me say answer question obama had the right as president he did it up and down the military to replace leaders generals with people he didnt agree with and he did that a lot of people worried about it i thought that was exactly we elect one president to be commander in chief and its like president misbehaves like you described i would say he can do it and hell pay at the next election thats how this works. Youve been sitting there listening patiently please. Say were really were getting away from the original the original conversation what were talking about right now is a president who decided that he was going to threaten american protestors people who are literally given this right by our constitution that he was going to use military action against protesters by and large its across the country were largely to have the president argue that he is going to military force on civilians is a problem daven military and they are in it up photo op with the president seemed like an indoor spin back conversation and thats something that should not have we could go on forever but you guys. And im glad you were able to make your points and im glad we were able to share in this discussion my thanks to both of you mean well like it or not chinas tech giant while way is going to play a role in developing of americas 5 g. Network this according to a study that points to critical telecom. Pattons own by the company now remember this is exactly what the United States and the white house has been fighting with them vigor and bravado tease alex more high level which has a story for us. Despite the trumpet ministrations worldwide effort to shut out wall way huawei is something thats very dangerous the company has a foothold in the 5 g. Game and america can do little about it according to a study conducted by 2 Research Firms more than 80 percent of inventions that are closely connected to 5 g. Standards are owned by 6 companies and walk away is one of them in fact while way owns more patents than anyone when it comes to the next generation of super fast interconnected Wireless Networks deep exile the cofounder and director of the Research Company grey b. Says that means when it comes to countries like the us even if they hire some other company to build the 5 g. Infrastructure they still have to pay the Chinese Company because of the intellectual contribution to develop the technology simply put if the u. S. Wants to participate in the next generation of Wireless Networks it will be pay while way directly or indirectly as 5. 00 no one wants to be left behind the revolutionary tech promises more than just speed with developments in such areas as autonomy cars robotics connected homes Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence as a world leader the us has made it clear its in on the tech but it wants to keep a wall way out alleging that the China Based Company is a Security Threat huawei has repeatedly said nations who choose to use their technology have nothing to be concerned about i said and that the trumpet ministrations accusations are unfounded and harmful not only to the companys headers but to progress in general and its relentless pursuit to tighten its stranglehold on our company the Us Government has decided to proceed and ignore to completely the concerns expressed by many. Companies and industry associations. This action this decision is both arbitrary and permission and threatens to undermine the entire Industry Worldwide as a part of the trumpet ministrations efforts against wall way secretary of state mike pompei o recently said European Countries need to get it out of their system they need to use western technologies the problem is even many critical western Telecom Technologies are tied to a wall way patent somewhere along the way. Mobile networks rely on industry standards across the board to ensure that devices Work Together and communicate with each other on a global level that means cooperation the newest generation of Wireless Technology sees no borders and just like the Telecom Companies in that realm like it or not nations will also have to Work Together to get the most out of 5 g. For news with rick sanchez im alex my love its good stuff alex thanks so much great show my thanks to you for being there thats our news im rick sanchez stay safe stay connected with portable t. V. See that. They can come and blow our brains out at any given time and we cant really do anything actually america is the only country in the world where you can kill people. War and legally get away with. All of the fire crawls stillbirth all the troubled history fail the point its hello playing to k. K. K. Exists because america wants it to exist they are the biggest terrorist group to ever operate in this country and theyre dead to me theyre worse off than the people who destroyed. World trade centers are the scroll. Join me every thursday on the Alex Salmonds show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. One on one with personal finance expert suzy orman her advice for surviving the current economic turmoil on this edition politic. For the politicking on larry king the coven 1000 pandemic has rewritten the rules on economics in the United States and around the globe its a pleasure to welcome suzy orman personal finance expert number one New York Times best selling author with heard vice was surviving the economic turmoil of the day she is also the host of the women and money podcast and her latest book is the all of it were time

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