Transcripts For RT SophieCo. Visionaries 20240712 : comparem

RT SophieCo. Visionaries July 12, 2024

They are joining. And. Some who are so great to have you with us in our midst got on so many years on now must go to him so if you think its nearly to an obvious since i saw you last time. And we have had a discussion and asking peters work on the International Economic forum but why now im sure you can condemn this one time to really rethink and reevaluate everything in life so im going to go straight to you now ask you that the world right now is so divided over the code 19 condemning there are some that say that just another condemning condemning site is that her once in every century for. He managed to. Purify itself and there are others who really believed in this case some sort of a lesson to teach us. To sort of make his reconsider our future asked ceases where do you stand. If your neighbor and ice. Navy seals think its beautification or a lesson to learn but if you die audio children die of somebody be a do or dies i dont think you will think this is a lesson or beautification thats a very cruel way of looking at life yes pandemics have happened in the past but the level of ignorance we were and that time the last big one was the spanish flu but just after world war one time what would what was the knowledge about you know this better than and i would have believed it to control it no antibiotics and today we have all this in spite of that very little out of control simply because. We have not become conscious enough all this dixies because human beings are the carriers if you on may behave consciously as we are see around and im here no way to infect each other. If everybody maimed in because a human being is a carrier all you have to do is some amount of distancing but a period of time it will just die down but not every human being is the responsible or conscious about it so its very important if we really want to take care of this because worlds population has increased so much the proximity of human beings is very high today so and people are traveling travelling takes people all over the world so because of this it is very important that we create a conscious planet that human beings are conscious about what they do right now. People are thinking bitching for them compulsive behavior is their freedom. Somebody wants to bring somebody want to show how ahead of so they want to go out the it doesnt matter what happens to your neighbor what happens to the older people in the society your from your parents or your grandparents were beyond a certain age and they had one notable and other people who have gone through. Oregon transplants and videos of the guardian going to other conditions were one notable for the widest 4 of them it could be fatal not being concerned about the age population on the well in a book population is a very serious concern because human beings are supposed to be a little more concerned about each of the than just saying this is beautification somebody elses do dying and this is beautification no no thats a terrible thing to say serious a awareness is the most important thing in all of this and he also said that humanity has never be so well equipped to teach to battle something of this scale but isnt it ironic in a way that we humans were talking about colonizing mars and were talking about singularity at the evolution has you know sort of jump started and the technical revolution is so far beyond like anything there was that of the magic 10 years ago and yet one of discipline them hey were battling it pretty much in the same way as we were battling this spanish 100 years ago just by sitting at home not so surprising. Not really a 100 years ago spanish flu killed over 50000000 people i dont think such a thing will happen today and about colonizing marsh well if you want to ruin this planet and go to another one thats a very sad way to live. Its a very important that its a privilege of a human being that we can function consciously that means we can function beyond our Natural Instincts every other creature on the planet functions within its not totally into instincts but a human being can function beyond our naturally and instincts that is the significance of being human that means we have to be conscious so you have this consciousness is something that we do not display well either amounts to evolutionary issues within ourselves. Because all of that creates this obvious function within the bat i mean to live their own instinctual. Set up within them we can function beyond that and as you mentioned that. That is so Much Development and it is so much medical science that is so much knowledge but still. People of pitching for their composure a lot of us a significant factor laced. During this sunday. Many. Terms of mystery they say things that he says. Really matter nicely who are things that are created right there are just very simple things you can contact freedom of choice where to go after this is you know attitude do you ringback think worse than lockdowns are listed and derek is over this series will stay with us so really back to the greed and there isnt. It depends how long this why this will trouble us suppose in the next 2 months lets say before August September if its gone probably know the data for months everybody will be back to their usual stuff but suppose the widest job loss but. Lets say 9 to 12 months then sit in percentage of people will transform themselves so below the widest is on board 24. 00 but that is 6 months lets say you do that emote but if such a thing happens that the real you know waves on a 2nd 3rd wave they keep coming and taking peoples lives then i think a significant percentage of human blood pollution will change their behavior for sure so its a really unfortunate microorganism with the millions of brain has to feature the lesson and we have to transform ourselves because of why it is comes and that is out life it is the beauty of being human being that we consider to look good when it is aspects we have been given the intelligence and consciousness to sit and transform ourselves before any calamity happens to us this is how a human being should be but unfortunately we need to have threatened to transform our so i suppose whether we come out of this crisis with a clearer idea who we really are and what we need like your same desires and how long its endemic will last. Our seeking maybe 2 weeks ago with the french writer is lost for an hour and he told me that humans are vested and you would need more devastating lessons like this one to learn something. I would hope thats not the case when you think. Well thats what im saying as long as somebody else life is being taken you can feel a suffice but if it comes to your life i think all philosophies really whopper if you would wonder said why so right now instead of going on we having and spinning this philosophy everybody maintain social distance and stay alive for this period after the think and look at all this bill as a visa begin weve as many as we want but the important thing is life happens in a certain way ought to be in tune with it or not is only a question when i say life happens in a certain way this island life is not a separate existence on this planet every moment that we breathe and every moment that we exist theres a whole lot of transaction happening so why this bacteria are already much a part of this particular why why this. Which was living in animals has now jumped into human beings for whatever reason is mainly one reason you could say is that habitat the animal labrador the singing says no shrinking soul rapidly in the sense from 100 72. 00 now in 50 years time nearly 60 percent of the would be prayed population is gone so whether though it is going to has to find some new to them so it is found us well this keeps happening often that obvious fact is which caused this but they brought in things as human beings we have calling ourselves beings so we dont call any of the creature on this planet as a being we dont call a diagonal being or a buffalo being on an ant being or anything like this we call only this one a human being because we are supposed to know how to be. If we know how to be we would keep ourselves very conscious conscious means even did was a choice that i had now for yourself and what any other human being whether right now to be joyful blissful lot of miserable and preceded what would you choose definitely the highest level of pleasantness for yourself so people do not know how to be that is a main problem otherwise these are all natural things happening this is not a calamity im saying this is not really a calamity but we beings out of making it into a calamity. Bacteria as come and gone we have managed to be degraded all of this into our system too it is levels these are why this is in the past have also caused significant mitigation as and of illinois evolutionary processes within ourselves so it is not all negative but right now this is why this is not being carried by that i must get goals out of my on some of that animal gnome the out of the caddy is all we have to do is you and me like we are doing wonderfully well right now we keep some distance this is that why this is all one. Could really think is shown great how rare out. For the last and simply drop the sound of the. Brass as individuals. The spiral downwards depending on who you believe in the media the civil unrest in america is the result of systematic racism this explains protest and writing but does it the commanding heights controlling the Financial System media and the Business World are loath to admit it its the economy stupid for them to raise all these. I am you cant be both with me yeah you know what. I am. Though was a clip of shows no news to you. But the my its always the case it was. More one of the late. You know. Immediately. Taken to that spot wouldnt get the point pulled up by the Smithsonian Bush knew it and look at what we could do that at the way i. See they attack yes. The. Yes up. Back with sir. Bob like you say we are the only beings to call ourselves beings and that is how to know to be is the most important thing the problem with that is that most of the people when theyre not locked down are in self isolation dont really think about how to be because you know youre caught up in the process you live in a big city you live in a big country youre busy you know everything how to be you just are and now. An amazing amount of people find themselves incentivizing nations and its almost like they have no other choices to ponder upon how to be and out that way to be. I found myself thinking about things that i did want to think about for the longest time you know like its not always pleasant to think about your fears or you know your problems or your doubts and that youre facing them because youre alone and suffer as a nation and from that comes this sense of really knowing how to be. Quiet space and quiet time to do to sort of come to this what do you think is paradoxical as it may sound do you feel like in a way with humans a self as a nation have maybe come closer to understanding what it is that way to be for us. I wouldnt make. Such a word to say away the gentleness conclusion. Because i have i live with to be i would be not to listen if the state be imagined everybodys going into there being no maybe some of them out of coming to soothe their own psychological baths 1st to mistake these. People out of mistaking their psychological drama as life. See what happens in your own mind is your drama. Youre taught your emotion is all made by you but people thing this itself is life. Most human beings unfortunately are under that misunderstanding that theres a physiological and psychological drama of everything these are 2 things you must conduct rapidly but both of these things are not connected properly because everything is happening this psychological drama going crazy badly directed psychological drama is creating a mess out of people now coming to terms with your psychological mask is not being all right being means that you are of being as you are because you are capable of existing you are capable of being conscious about your existence so you are a being so it is not something that you have to invent ot of create it is already there all you have to do is you must bring a little bit of distance from your physiological and psychological drama what you call our mind is just a heap of impressions that we have gathered what we gather can be ours can never be. This is this belongs to us but this is not us all the time it is going through transition all the time things are changing within barny what was yesterday a part of this body today it is not what is what was not to your body as today stood a the part of this body so this is going on in the same thing is true with your mind so what you accumulate the moment you mistake you or thats to be you then the madness has started this madness that trying to fix with a religion with felicity with ideologies is not going to work because all you will do is try to adjust the madness you cannot to distant man you have to distance yourself from the madness so you are about to ask how do you do that there are a simple ways to do this well right now across the world millions of people are practicing what is called as a simple process called isha korea with which you can make a distance between yourself and what you have accumulated your body and your mind right now for all the people medical personnel are fighting this wireless across the world we have offered in an unending online free of cost to all of them and for everybody else we have brought it down to a 50 percent cost for the whole world because we know on this time everybody is trying to deal with themselves which is a big problem look at this outside if you have problems in the world its ok but you yourself have a problem this is a serious problem in our life that idea of problems are that in the world we have to face it but if we ourselves in my own thought my own emotion is a big problem then that is a solution whatever solution you think up is going to be more problems this is what is happening to the world because a problematic mind a compulsive mind with which with this debt trying to find solutions no solutions will come it will only complicate the problems more and more because problem itself the social problem right now is just in the way we think and feel. If so why does this be you know all about it is there and it would be a good transmitted. What is our problem to distill grows out i censor to 15 days 14 days is all you have to sit if you sit for 14 days i wont why this is gone out of this moment. I suppose you partially answered my next question but im going to. Try to paraphrase it in a way because this crisis. Yes has made us reconsider many things but also. Sort of. The absences of our society only downfalls of humanity human nature and maybe some are becoming more conscious but a lot of us are becoming more paranoid you know how this psychotic xenophobic feelings in this fear of the unknown and like you said for races like probably in the near future im not going to be shaking hands with anyone even with them because older you know im not sure that i will be flooded but it simply resists all the time and. Yet. It has also brought this fear of the out there an arrest this whole can damage when you are saying that he need to separate who you are you are being and your problems that youve accumulated does that work in this particular case as well where this is like an all around fear that you fear authority are coming to a country because hes going to bring call the 19 you fear and neighbor approach in your house because you dont know if he has quit 19 or not how to deal with that fear the same weight. Is one thing fear the them of the. Caution is in terms of action all right it in terms of action digging through and do preemptive action about what else right now if youre driving a car lets say with an elephant on the road well that doesnt happen in russia it happens in india oh. Whatever why theres any. Lets say a bad game on the road you will apply brakes before you hit it the best time to apply brakes is well before you get to right so you if you apply brakes do you have to necessarily need to feel you know you can just brake efficiently thats just a warning a problem or right right now similarly there is no elephant its not that big its a microscopic wireless we just have to apply brakes with a need for fear fear is happening because. I did that a tool basic fact of peace in the human being which sits is a part significantly from other creatures one nice we have a vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination that now these 2 wonderful faculties is walked human beings are largely suffering what happened 10 years ago theyre still suffering what might happen day after tomorrow that already suffering. No no they are not suffering life they had just suffering their own memory and their own imagination so the problem east great faculties that doogue but that have been given to you thought i would disciples these through evolutionary process it took millions of years of evolution to get to this place of settable activity and now its become a mess now but how great is that hamas king these took millions of years awak to give you this big brain which functions with this many given that the now most human beings suffering what is a magnificent machine human beings have done into a middle man affecting machine thats what needs to change how we handle our own body out own mind this fundamental has to change right now we think its our right to suffer well you have a right to suffer you have the right to die old soul but is that the point because life is such a brief happening if you will start exploding in and potential even if you live to be a 100 years it is too brief a life all right we have hiv a just a brief amount of time how much mess out of that endless amount of mess widest camas one problem why does doesnt come out of the problem and leslie problem only you tell me what is it that the problem not a problem in human life. How do i have a problem. In the sense how hard one problems middleaged as a crisis or to just how to blow this federal what is not a problem everything is a problem no nothing is a problem that our situations and situations in your own mind if you want to make something into a problem you can make just about anything in your problem odd you can look at a situation a situation and do the best that you can do in the given situation. Succor you have also said that coming here and he has made a conscious cherish and steady thing. We have more reason to fear to you because with your tests there was one thing 2nd here in the economy going to be always been marked ill though a whole lot of people go about in their lives as if that immortal most people think other people die. You and maybe will die and bless you with a long life but we will die. So it is just that the widest as brought it out front in our faces that good market is simply that a living widest a miniscule widest tested faces this lesson every human being must know that were mortal being monton what it means sees that means we have a limited amount of time. If every moment of our life we were conscious that we had a mortal we would not have time to do anything that does not mean much to us we would do what really matters to us if all human beings if you and me

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