Transcripts For RT Keiser Report 20240713 :

RT Keiser Report July 13, 2024

He said christ report fake customers in the restaurant an illusion of demand theres a kaiser report analogy in there somewhere and he was referring to an arty headline that one german restaurant has found a solution to maintaining social distancing on his reopening manikins the family run businesses fail tables with plastic people in order to keep customers apart and create a vibrant dining atmosphere that is not creepy at all no not creepy. No its like that film airplane remember if they had to blow up pilots. Yes my ear. Yeah all kinds of mr fall out catch that film very missing well yes the potemkin villages in Northern Ireland during the crisis make it look like stuff was going on but there was Business Activity where there were no Business Activity so this illusion of demand is key to our modern economy because its demand 1st then supply is lay people think about supply 1st the demand like are going to make a really nice corkscrew and if i do a great job theres going to be huge demand for my corkscrew but here in a modern society with the financialization that were living under the man is created 1st in the form of massive oceans of the out money that flood the globe and then all that money is looking for a home so it ends up supporting supply but because the supply is not genuinely the result of demand you end up with malinvestment you end up with. Really kind of dysfunctional economy and the solution of course would be to stop flooding the money with the globe with money but what we hear from the subtle. To keep doubling berowra now lets compare the economy in the economic monetary and Financial System to the situation in germany they are potentially evidence that even life with a gas can ruin your meal so the same thing with these you know these blow up dolls these manikins of course they cant eat so they cant consume so they cant give you business so the money doesnt circulate however every normal person the world is now getting to see how creepy the world is to the kaiser report for the past 10 years we see the economic metrics and it is as creepy to us as it is creepy to you to sit in a weird restaurant filled with half the customers are mannequins right so half the money supply is the equivalent of a manic and half of well even more than half of the Economic Activity is just the equivalent of a blow up mannequin sitting there disturbing your meal right because its disturbing to sit there and look at thats what we see when we look at fracking what we see when we look at negative Interest Rates what we see when we look at the fed buying e. T. F. Its the same sort of disturbing feat economy look when you get it negative Interest Rates and you get negative oil prices here essentially saying the time a stop and space the longer exists so why not in in a restaurant full of lifeless without any animation blow off consumers that are mere representations of life right so were this is essentially a mark of the plastic army that is descending. Now into our lives in all 3 manifestations driven i would imagine by some kernel of ai right so there are conditioning us to accept a blow up doll future started in the 1970 s. And now its gods call nation here in the 21st century the plastic army is upon us so here are the blow up dolls masquerading as Economic Activity in the m 2. 00 money supply data heres 2 different ways of looking at it is from the st louis fed here you see the money supply boom during the dot com bubble burst and then the 2008 crash but here you can see it in this Current Situation q jay vast quantities of money supply remember a supposed to create the illusion of customers in your shop customers eating dinner with all you people its a festive atmosphere go out and shop break but heres the velocity its lifeless its mute it doesnt actually circulate since 1999 as you notice in your restaurant that they blow up patrons arent consuming anything the solution according to the policy makers would be to make the blow up consumers bigger like to inject more you know helium or oxygen into the blow up and thatll somehow improve the situation theyre not taking into consideration theyre dead that theyre lifeless that they cant consume just like the moneys velocity number shows us that for now a couple of decades as part dying and recently the money blossom is now pretty much at 0 its like the terra cotta warriors and china right there just they on earth this tara conner army of. You know lifeless clay soldiers the knowing is really threatened by them but theyre kind of spooky if you have a restaurant full of blow up dolls youre not going to book any sales but the government will keep injecting more air into those blow up consumers and telling you that the economy is growing right so back honest its not beyond stupid right its its an attempt to rewrite the laws of physics and. Ill tell you what it is its creepy a f. Youre talking about ai this is creepy a. F. And ordinary people are starting to notice that when i say unemployment numbers come in in the United States and the g. D. P. Forecasts come in at like g. D. P. Now its now at negative 48 percent your economys cut in half its half dead your unemployment numbers are like 20 percent they say officially like 15 percent but Everybody Knows its above 20 percent and what are the markets do soare well thats the blowup doll of the markets right this is the picture of the economy and natural terms this is if max kaiser were depicted in the true size of the actual economy it would look at this this this dimension right Everything Else beside this. What is plugged is on the shelf behind me taking a nap quiet down. Well you know that fake macs i like him kind of like getting a better view so hes in the show and it isnt and people could be creeped out you know i noticed that fake max has a barefoot just like me saying that its verisimilitude life imitating art imitating life imitating art so of course all of this fakery is based on a u. S. Dollar backed by oil and you know that the oil price is gone negative because of the financialization and the fraud rampant in our economy front. Running ichi alfs and and you know destroying an ordinary investor well here is a part of this story of the global collapse of the economy despite all the blow up dolls in the Monetary System the u. S. Dollar short is nigeria running out of Foreign Exchange amid Oil Price Collapse even with the recovery the nigerian governments revenue and its access to u. S. Dollars through oil exports is less than half of what it was at the start of the year so the oil export nations especially places like nigeria which are you know vulnerable economies are not very diverse theyre suffering hugely because of the oil collapse theyre suffering a shortage of dollars and somebody response to this commodities trader woman an analyst and with some of the math now its his estimate so its not totally accurate and maybe not perfect but i did rough math a while ago and estimated that u. S. Dollar Oil Transactions will be down 1. 00 trillion dollars in 2020 versus 21000. 00 from approximately 1. 00 trillion down to 800000000000. 00 demand collapse plus price decline thats a lot of lost us dollars so thats part of the deal that was struck the 1971 all Oil Transactions are priced in dollars right so if youre nigeria or youre japan if you want to buy oil have to buy dollars 1st right thats american style global colonization right so america has an empire our colonies are places like japan or nigeria and we colonized these countries using the dollar in terms of its connected to the oil market the Energy Markets for the petro dollar system so nigeria one of americas colonies because of the collapse in oil price finds itself on able to buy enough dollars out there to keep itself from going into utter collapse and thats not going to change all these oil. Exporters that are american colonies venezuela is a colony lets face it of america. Are going to go the way of the dodo right theyre going to come become extinct unless they very very very quickly introduce hard money into their economy either gold but you know more easily and more up to the minute would be bitcoin so nigeria if you want to stay a country with bitcoin or youre gone well in the meantime we have this will feed system and the operator of the system the wizard of oz of this system is the United States Federal Reserve bank and the Federal Reserve bank because this decline in the dollars available overseas through real prices and real you know Economic Activity theyre going to have to create a mammoth huge blow up doll of a Monetary System to pretend that this thing can stick together and you see that you know max and i have looked at. The fracking system which you know if you just look at it if you look beyond the big blowup doll of the headlines of like were number one where the Number One Oil producer and if you look just that their own returns their own Financial Filings on the stock market you see that they dont actually make any money and they call it takes more energy to extract a fast barrel of oil than it is to produce but nevertheless here we have stealth bail out shovels millions of dollars to Oil Companies sell bail out so we can all see a freaky creepy blowup doll it doesnt really exist we are not a number one producer of oil this is its fake and we see its creepy plus its a poor use of the word stealth i think the word theyre searching for is obvious this is an obvious bailout its not theres nothing stealthy about it its another obvious bailout look i mean you know in the middle ages as people began to question catholicism or i noticed the cathedrals got bigger right so it has same thing with the dollar as people question the u. S. Dollars ferocity as a unit of exchange in the unit of account the money printing is blowing up you know its a huge jupiter like saturn like proportions that try to block out the anyones doubts that maybe this is a joke being played on the world and that some point. That its not going to be good is not going to be good and that that point is arriving very very quickly a look at the open interest on futures trading a bit quine thats Paul Tudor Jones you know a year from now the biggest guy in bitcoin or gal will be Paul Tudor Jones so have many much much more than the winklevoss much more than anybody and you can see that in the open interest in pickwick futures right now this is whats happening right now this is the this is whats happening right now this is what weve been saying for 10 years but finally you know i want to point out that again this blowup doll the creepy blowup doll economy. And Monetary System in terms of oil what youre seeing here is theyre turning why theyre why its a stealth bailout isnt that the bailout package the socalled stimulus again you know stimulus that word is just a blow up doll its not real it wasnt stimulating anything but nevertheless they. Were able to turn all those losses that theyve had for the past few years and turn them into tax returns so they get tax credits from the taxpayer for all those losses very already migrated to send a pile of them because this is not a pipe. Anyway were going to take a break now and when i come back. Fast looks rude dont go away. We go to work. Straight home. To live in she. Says to do so you can hold your local coop talk to. Ringback the joy of one. Syllable. Show the stuff but dont take sides fake i think if you put stinky goody goody we know its. More. Or less stiff. But we can be a pretty good use of the police and. She says shes. Still. Welcome back the kaiser report kaiser time out of turn tyson slocum of Public Citizen tyson welcome back always great to be here lets talk about the. This price war that saudi arabia has started or try to get involved with in the oil the oil patch and it looks like they started the war and theyre getting crushed by it because it appears as though even though their cost of production is roughly 85. 00 barrel dollars a barrel with you would think would give them a Strategic Edge it appears as though those on the other side of the trade were able to engineer negative 38. 00 a barrel in the futures market. And this kind of changed the whole dimension of price wars and geopolitics and in a matter of a couple of hours on the futures market here in the United States tyson what do you think absolutely you know national Oil Companies always appear to lose when they try to take on oil traders and this is just another example and nobody surprisingly enough seem prepared for negative pricing t. I. I. Or west texas intermediate and smart price and the problems continue to persist in fact there was a stirring letter written by the republican chairman of the independent u. S. Agency that regulates this market oby Commodity Futures Trading Commission basically reminding exchanges and other key marker to suspend its that they need to be vigilant about their duties and responsibilities to keep these important benchmark products oldman so what we really have here is a lot of market disciplines are saying the way from. Some of these other key. Benchmark products because they continue to be concerned about prospects of negative prices which is obviously not a good thing if youre an investor but i think as part of a transformation up a United States economy in the Global Economy away from stuff that has a say away from the tangible walt and the transition to the financial ised world in the subject going on since Alan Greenspan was running the Federal Reserve bank in washington c d c when he commented that the world trade is getting lighter you know he is referencing the fact that more and more of world trade depends on trading paper or. Around the world are not actual goods and commodities so you have what youre describing there is market failure and that the actual producers of this energy that is used to fire up the World Economy is in jeopardy because markets have the price discovery of these commodities has now fallen into the hands of. Pirates basically tyson you know youre absolutely right and what happened was those pirates didnt anticipate the fact that they would actually have to be liable for physical receipt or delivery of crude oil because embedded into the contracts is an option to sell the contracts with physical delivery and the contract neared expiration 24 hours or contract expiration it was panic time with all the speculators because all of a sudden they were like we might actually have to physically tape vs tens of thousands of barrels of oil but were trading on a per and right now all the storage is full so they panicked getting out of the contract and they cause the prices to go negative so this had nothing to do with. You know actual supply demand pricing by Energy Producers in Energy Consumer this had everything to do with speculators and Retail Investors like. Exchange traded funds that were dominating most of the Trading Volume and then got spooked when. The prospect of settling those contracts with physical delivery could just look at one of those e. T. F. For a moment the Ticker Symbol is you ask as a new asshole oil and that one points take a. Control of Something Like 25 percent of the oil market and this brings up a number of questions 1st of all as you point out theres a lot of retail participation in this product so if oil trading has become weaponized and saudi arabia is perceived as the bad guy then Retail Investors on robin hood by buying us though are in open conflict with saudi arabia by trying to put them out of business so theres that side to it the other side of this is that they e. T. F. Which is regulated of course they blew past any position limits that theyre supposed to abide by. And flagrant lawbreaking there but nothing new so is this e. T. F. This us e. T. F. Is it the poor mans way to launch an attack on saudi arabia tyson i dont know if the the Retail Investors view it that way but functionally thats how its working and i just think that weve got Serious Problems with these e. T. F. Semis other Retail Products and futures markets that are 1 driving a lot of the volume as you say low in through the position lets remember position limits reform was one of the cornerstones of. The american federal governments response the last frank major crisis of 2008 when Congress Passed in 2000. Whats known as the don franc acts and one of the cornerstones of dodd frank was mandating strong new position limits. Be futures products Like Crude Oil and you know its a decade later and we still dont have through position limits its been one of the most absurd carnivals up lack of adequate federal. Remake where we still do not have in the fact. Is issue limits rules and so as a result these Retail Investors continue to go wild. Right while Northern Ireland<\/a> during the crisis make it look like stuff was going on but there was Business Activity<\/a> where there were no Business Activity<\/a> so this illusion of demand is key to our modern economy because its demand 1st then supply is lay people think about supply 1st the demand like are going to make a really nice corkscrew and if i do a great job theres going to be huge demand for my corkscrew but here in a modern society with the financialization that were living under the man is created 1st in the form of massive oceans of the out money that flood the globe and then all that money is looking for a home so it ends up supporting supply but because the supply is not genuinely the result of demand you end up with malinvestment you end up with. Really kind of dysfunctional economy and the solution of course would be to stop flooding the money with the globe with money but what we hear from the subtle. To keep doubling berowra now lets compare the economy in the economic monetary and Financial System<\/a> to the situation in germany they are potentially evidence that even life with a gas can ruin your meal so the same thing with these you know these blow up dolls these manikins of course they cant eat so they cant consume so they cant give you business so the money doesnt circulate however every normal person the world is now getting to see how creepy the world is to the kaiser report for the past 10 years we see the economic metrics and it is as creepy to us as it is creepy to you to sit in a weird restaurant filled with half the customers are mannequins right so half the money supply is the equivalent of a manic and half of well even more than half of the Economic Activity<\/a> is just the equivalent of a blow up mannequin sitting there disturbing your meal right because its disturbing to sit there and look at thats what we see when we look at fracking what we see when we look at negative Interest Rates<\/a> what we see when we look at the fed buying e. T. F. Its the same sort of disturbing feat economy look when you get it negative Interest Rates<\/a> and you get negative oil prices here essentially saying the time a stop and space the longer exists so why not in in a restaurant full of lifeless without any animation blow off consumers that are mere representations of life right so were this is essentially a mark of the plastic army that is descending. Now into our lives in all 3 manifestations driven i would imagine by some kernel of ai right so there are conditioning us to accept a blow up doll future started in the 1970 s. And now its gods call nation here in the 21st century the plastic army is upon us so here are the blow up dolls masquerading as Economic Activity<\/a> in the m 2. 00 money supply data heres 2 different ways of looking at it is from the st louis fed here you see the money supply boom during the dot com bubble burst and then the 2008 crash but here you can see it in this Current Situation<\/a> q jay vast quantities of money supply remember a supposed to create the illusion of customers in your shop customers eating dinner with all you people its a festive atmosphere go out and shop break but heres the velocity its lifeless its mute it doesnt actually circulate since 1999 as you notice in your restaurant that they blow up patrons arent consuming anything the solution according to the policy makers would be to make the blow up consumers bigger like to inject more you know helium or oxygen into the blow up and thatll somehow improve the situation theyre not taking into consideration theyre dead that theyre lifeless that they cant consume just like the moneys velocity number shows us that for now a couple of decades as part dying and recently the money blossom is now pretty much at 0 its like the terra cotta warriors and china right there just they on earth this tara conner army of. You know lifeless clay soldiers the knowing is really threatened by them but theyre kind of spooky if you have a restaurant full of blow up dolls youre not going to book any sales but the government will keep injecting more air into those blow up consumers and telling you that the economy is growing right so back honest its not beyond stupid right its its an attempt to rewrite the laws of physics and. Ill tell you what it is its creepy a f. Youre talking about ai this is creepy a. F. And ordinary people are starting to notice that when i say unemployment numbers come in in the United States<\/a> and the g. D. P. Forecasts come in at like g. D. P. Now its now at negative 48 percent your economys cut in half its half dead your unemployment numbers are like 20 percent they say officially like 15 percent but Everybody Knows<\/a> its above 20 percent and what are the markets do soare well thats the blowup doll of the markets right this is the picture of the economy and natural terms this is if max kaiser were depicted in the true size of the actual economy it would look at this this this dimension right Everything Else<\/a> beside this. What is plugged is on the shelf behind me taking a nap quiet down. Well you know that fake macs i like him kind of like getting a better view so hes in the show and it isnt and people could be creeped out you know i noticed that fake max has a barefoot just like me saying that its verisimilitude life imitating art imitating life imitating art so of course all of this fakery is based on a u. S. Dollar backed by oil and you know that the oil price is gone negative because of the financialization and the fraud rampant in our economy front. Running ichi alfs and and you know destroying an ordinary investor well here is a part of this story of the global collapse of the economy despite all the blow up dolls in the Monetary System<\/a> the u. S. Dollar short is nigeria running out of Foreign Exchange<\/a> amid Oil Price Collapse<\/a> even with the recovery the nigerian governments revenue and its access to u. S. Dollars through oil exports is less than half of what it was at the start of the year so the oil export nations especially places like nigeria which are you know vulnerable economies are not very diverse theyre suffering hugely because of the oil collapse theyre suffering a shortage of dollars and somebody response to this commodities trader woman an analyst and with some of the math now its his estimate so its not totally accurate and maybe not perfect but i did rough math a while ago and estimated that u. S. Dollar Oil Transactions<\/a> will be down 1. 00 trillion dollars in 2020 versus 21000. 00 from approximately 1. 00 trillion down to 800000000000. 00 demand collapse plus price decline thats a lot of lost us dollars so thats part of the deal that was struck the 1971 all Oil Transactions<\/a> are priced in dollars right so if youre nigeria or youre japan if you want to buy oil have to buy dollars 1st right thats american style global colonization right so america has an empire our colonies are places like japan or nigeria and we colonized these countries using the dollar in terms of its connected to the oil market the Energy Markets<\/a> for the petro dollar system so nigeria one of americas colonies because of the collapse in oil price finds itself on able to buy enough dollars out there to keep itself from going into utter collapse and thats not going to change all these oil. Exporters that are american colonies venezuela is a colony lets face it of america. Are going to go the way of the dodo right theyre going to come become extinct unless they very very very quickly introduce hard money into their economy either gold but you know more easily and more up to the minute would be bitcoin so nigeria if you want to stay a country with bitcoin or youre gone well in the meantime we have this will feed system and the operator of the system the wizard of oz of this system is the United States<\/a> Federal Reserve<\/a> bank and the Federal Reserve<\/a> bank because this decline in the dollars available overseas through real prices and real you know Economic Activity<\/a> theyre going to have to create a mammoth huge blow up doll of a Monetary System<\/a> to pretend that this thing can stick together and you see that you know max and i have looked at. The fracking system which you know if you just look at it if you look beyond the big blowup doll of the headlines of like were number one where the Number One Oil<\/a> producer and if you look just that their own returns their own Financial Filings<\/a> on the stock market you see that they dont actually make any money and they call it takes more energy to extract a fast barrel of oil than it is to produce but nevertheless here we have stealth bail out shovels millions of dollars to Oil Companies<\/a> sell bail out so we can all see a freaky creepy blowup doll it doesnt really exist we are not a number one producer of oil this is its fake and we see its creepy plus its a poor use of the word stealth i think the word theyre searching for is obvious this is an obvious bailout its not theres nothing stealthy about it its another obvious bailout look i mean you know in the middle ages as people began to question catholicism or i noticed the cathedrals got bigger right so it has same thing with the dollar as people question the u. S. Dollars ferocity as a unit of exchange in the unit of account the money printing is blowing up you know its a huge jupiter like saturn like proportions that try to block out the anyones doubts that maybe this is a joke being played on the world and that some point. That its not going to be good is not going to be good and that that point is arriving very very quickly a look at the open interest on futures trading a bit quine thats Paul Tudor Jones<\/a> you know a year from now the biggest guy in bitcoin or gal will be Paul Tudor Jones<\/a> so have many much much more than the winklevoss much more than anybody and you can see that in the open interest in pickwick futures right now this is whats happening right now this is the this is whats happening right now this is what weve been saying for 10 years but finally you know i want to point out that again this blowup doll the creepy blowup doll economy. And Monetary System<\/a> in terms of oil what youre seeing here is theyre turning why theyre why its a stealth bailout isnt that the bailout package the socalled stimulus again you know stimulus that word is just a blow up doll its not real it wasnt stimulating anything but nevertheless they. Were able to turn all those losses that theyve had for the past few years and turn them into tax returns so they get tax credits from the taxpayer for all those losses very already migrated to send a pile of them because this is not a pipe. Anyway were going to take a break now and when i come back. Fast looks rude dont go away. We go to work. Straight home. To live in she. Says to do so you can hold your local coop talk to. Ringback the joy of one. Syllable. Show the stuff but dont take sides fake i think if you put stinky goody goody we know its. More. Or less stiff. But we can be a pretty good use of the police and. She says shes. Still. Welcome back the kaiser report kaiser time out of turn tyson slocum of Public Citizen<\/a> tyson welcome back always great to be here lets talk about the. This price war that saudi arabia has started or try to get involved with in the oil the oil patch and it looks like they started the war and theyre getting crushed by it because it appears as though even though their cost of production is roughly 85. 00 barrel dollars a barrel with you would think would give them a Strategic Edge<\/a> it appears as though those on the other side of the trade were able to engineer negative 38. 00 a barrel in the futures market. And this kind of changed the whole dimension of price wars and geopolitics and in a matter of a couple of hours on the futures market here in the United States<\/a> tyson what do you think absolutely you know national Oil Companies<\/a> always appear to lose when they try to take on oil traders and this is just another example and nobody surprisingly enough seem prepared for negative pricing t. I. I. Or west texas intermediate and smart price and the problems continue to persist in fact there was a stirring letter written by the republican chairman of the independent u. S. Agency that regulates this market oby Commodity Futures Trading Commission<\/a> basically reminding exchanges and other key marker to suspend its that they need to be vigilant about their duties and responsibilities to keep these important benchmark products oldman so what we really have here is a lot of market disciplines are saying the way from. Some of these other key. Benchmark products because they continue to be concerned about prospects of negative prices which is obviously not a good thing if youre an investor but i think as part of a transformation up a United States<\/a> economy in the Global Economy<\/a> away from stuff that has a say away from the tangible walt and the transition to the financial ised world in the subject going on since Alan Greenspan<\/a> was running the Federal Reserve<\/a> bank in washington c d c when he commented that the world trade is getting lighter you know he is referencing the fact that more and more of world trade depends on trading paper or. Around the world are not actual goods and commodities so you have what youre describing there is market failure and that the actual producers of this energy that is used to fire up the World Economy<\/a> is in jeopardy because markets have the price discovery of these commodities has now fallen into the hands of. Pirates basically tyson you know youre absolutely right and what happened was those pirates didnt anticipate the fact that they would actually have to be liable for physical receipt or delivery of crude oil because embedded into the contracts is an option to sell the contracts with physical delivery and the contract neared expiration 24 hours or contract expiration it was panic time with all the speculators because all of a sudden they were like we might actually have to physically tape vs tens of thousands of barrels of oil but were trading on a per and right now all the storage is full so they panicked getting out of the contract and they cause the prices to go negative so this had nothing to do with. You know actual supply demand pricing by Energy Producers<\/a> in Energy Consumer<\/a> this had everything to do with speculators and Retail Investors<\/a> like. Exchange traded funds that were dominating most of the Trading Volume<\/a> and then got spooked when. The prospect of settling those contracts with physical delivery could just look at one of those e. T. F. For a moment the Ticker Symbol<\/a> is you ask as a new asshole oil and that one points take a. Control of Something Like<\/a> 25 percent of the oil market and this brings up a number of questions 1st of all as you point out theres a lot of retail participation in this product so if oil trading has become weaponized and saudi arabia is perceived as the bad guy then Retail Investors<\/a> on robin hood by buying us though are in open conflict with saudi arabia by trying to put them out of business so theres that side to it the other side of this is that they e. T. F. Which is regulated of course they blew past any position limits that theyre supposed to abide by. And flagrant lawbreaking there but nothing new so is this e. T. F. This us e. T. F. Is it the poor mans way to launch an attack on saudi arabia tyson i dont know if the the Retail Investors<\/a> view it that way but functionally thats how its working and i just think that weve got Serious Problems<\/a> with these e. T. F. Semis other Retail Products<\/a> and futures markets that are 1 driving a lot of the volume as you say low in through the position lets remember position limits reform was one of the cornerstones of. The american federal governments response the last frank major crisis of 2008 when Congress Passed<\/a> in 2000. Whats known as the don franc acts and one of the cornerstones of dodd frank was mandating strong new position limits. Be futures products Like Crude Oil<\/a> and you know its a decade later and we still dont have through position limits its been one of the most absurd carnivals up lack of adequate federal. Remake where we still do not have in the fact. Is issue limits rules and so as a result these Retail Investors<\/a> continue to go wild. Right while American Culture<\/a> is based on lawlessness right its the frontier was. Was opened up through the wild west and the outlaws of that era the hollywood is based on celebrating the crime crime syndicates of the mafia and no banker or broker on wall street has ever followed a law jamie die. Considered a man to hero because he breaks hes a serial lawbreaker i mean its so baked into the american psyche even the american pastime of baseball can be won by somebody hitting a ball out of the park right that you know european game has features a game a sport features a game where you can win by hitting the ball out of the park right thats a distinctly american trait is lets break the law but 19 of those who are breaking the law are considered heroes. So how do we ever anticipate that any law will ever be followed in the Financial Markets<\/a> particularly when the end result seems to be a slap in the face of americas mortal enemy saudi arabia tyson these are all excellent points you know we do think that even with poor track record of Regulatory Oversight<\/a> we do say that there are elements of god if there implements. Particularly around position limits. Weekend start to raising in some of the excessive levels of speculation of course speculation plays a healthy necessary role in all markets the question is whether or not speculators are dominating. The volume trading in a market thats designed to be a. Hedge against price risk for actual physical producers and users of that commodity product so why oil prices traded natively for the 1st time in 100 years the price of money that is to say Interest Rates<\/a> went negative for the 1st time in 5000. 00 heirs and you know youve got this fracking industry now that relies on negative Interest Rates<\/a> to convince investors that they will lose money from slower then just holding cash so thats the Value Proposition<\/a> of fracking you will lose money flow are then holding negative Interest Rate<\/a> paper but has the negative price impacted the industry as a whole or is it entered into a post mark to market economy where only the goal of not losing money for quickly is the objective will be the fracking industry 2 which is. Structural fighting actual problems for a very long time was left. Clearly exposed here by. A chain of events around cove at night where their entire Business Model<\/a> has been exposed to be a complete sham they are not going to make any money and in fact one leading c. E. O. Of a big frack or that has a big presence in ermey and basin in texas and new mexico. Testimony before texas regulators went texas regulators very briefly flirted with the idea of imposing production limits on Texas Producers<\/a> as a way to go after the russians and the saudis this c. E. O. This Fracking Company<\/a> came out and said listen the problem isnt russia or saudi arabia its not. We have done a coup or job with Investors Capital<\/a> weve wasted it and. Until we start to fix our problems nothings going to save us the problem is is that i dont see anything fixing fracking structural financial problems at any time its a losing proposition and hopefully weve got a growing number of policy makers that now finally recognize that fracking is not going to be the engine that is going to be able to drive the u. S. Economy in fact its one of the big shams thats actually holding parts of the United States<\/a> that wont stop the money printing and that is the basis of the u. S. Economy tyson slocum thanks for being on the kaiser report thats going to do it for this edition of the kaiser apart with me max kaiser and stacey erik again thanks for i guess tyson slocum of Public Citizen<\/a> if you want to catch our sunday live periscope go to twitter check out kaiser report on twitter yeah its on. There the next time. You care to be vocal with yeah you want. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led to. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maybe in the shallowness. Of. Humanity is like to make your children you know one that should dream. Since you say experience a corner in the way in so experience we are now stay in the corner and sing about what you have to","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/1\/items\/RT_20200521_050000_Keiser_Report\/RT_20200521_050000_Keiser_Report.thumbs\/RT_20200521_050000_Keiser_Report_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240716T12:35:10+00:00"}

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