To answer the questions that you may have about this right 1st yes yes the c. D. C. Is officially linking it to cool illness that were all talking about its called pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome and i want to take you through how it was discovered in just a minute but before i do that what i need to do is tell you that this syndrome in children is being compared to another rare childhood condition you heard about this that was called the kawasaki disease now because saki disease does indeed share some symptoms with this new illness that were talking about its not the same disease but they share some of the symptoms in fact should we go and show some of these symptoms to see what they look like whats true that let me let me show you what some of these symptoms are because i think this is important if your child presents with a fever that last 24 hours plus if you were. Child has abdominal pains and diarrhea and vomiting if your child has a rash or changes in skin color see some of these are different than what weve told you that are the symptoms for kovan 19 right if your child has trouble breathing that one is similar to cope at 19 if your child seems confused and hes suddenly overly sleepy those are the signs of this new illness that people are talking about this pediatric inflammatory syndrome so let me let me show you now how this all got started i want to take you back to april 27th and april 27th doctors in london suddenly noticed that there was this this is inflammatory condition that a lot of children were getting and it was affecting so many of them because what was rare was the same children apparently had earlier presented with covert 19 so they started seeing the track that they want to see there was a pattern so they sent an alert out all over the world to all the doctors all the Childrens Hospitals all over the world it got picked up in new york city with some Health Department officials in new york city said hey were seeing something similar here too so then next step lets go to may 2nd may 2nd in boston at the boston Childrens Hospital one of the most renowned Childrens Hospitals in the world they convened a teleconference where they joined people from all over the world and doctors so that they could share notes with each other what do you know what do you know what are you seeing where you are this included experts in pediatric fields and pediatric intensive care pediatric cardiology pediatric rheumatology Infectious Disease experts in the kawasaki disease all these acts were from all over the world are doing a teleconference together and what they conclude is that this syndrome in children is distinct from other illnesses so it is different and it seems to present in children so far that ive also been exposed to coven but its very rare its still very rare and thats important because. I want to tell you lets go back to talk about the kawasaki disease because again its a difference disease were hearing now from the u. K. s Kawasaki Disease Foundation these are people whove been working on this for years decades and theyre putting out a statement to all parents around the world where they want them to know that although it presents like kalas saki this disease that were talking about theyre not seeing a direct tie between coated 19 and kawasaki the disease itself you get that theyre not seeing a direct tie in fact heres the numbers they put up they say that of the 11000000 children the u. K. Including many who have been exposed to kovan 1000. 00 so far only 20 have tested positive there for kawasaki. College saki itself and thats down from how many children they see with kawasaki on a normal year see that thats good news right thats good news so were giving you everything that we can get the syndrome. Is an offshoot of kawasaki is it an offshoot of code 19 or neither or both will become more prevalent as we move forward these are very important questions and many of them remain unanswered folks this is new stuff but we believe its important to keep asking we believe its important to report to you what we know because thats what we think is important here because here on the news the rick sanchez we do think its time to do news again. Lets go with the questions questions we think that youre going to be asking tomorrow what do we know or need to know about how cold it affects children do the death toll trends really substantiate are suddenly Opening Stores and restaurants all over the country will greed profit get in the way of the development of a covert vaccine. Once again in case you didnt hear this news the very 1st case of a child dying from this covert 19 related disease or syndrome that weve been talking about has taken place its happened in france and its been confirmed this this little boy he tested positive for corona virus he received treatment at a hospital for 7 days and then he died saturday this 9 year old boy went into cardiac arrest and the doctors were not able to pull him out they were able to save his life with more now from new york where theyre dealing with us as well this rare illness here is our t. Correspondent attorney charges. That the c. D. C. Officially issuing a Health Advisory to thousands of doctors across the country warning to look out for a troubling new syndrome that may be associated with copd in 1000. 00 in most commonly were seeing kids present with high fever its been going on for 3 or 4 days typically a rash and its a very disseminated rash the illness called a multisystem implement torrie syndrome being seen in children across europe and at least 18 states plus washington d. C. The reality is that were still going on. Isnt i think. Doctors in the u. K. 1st sounding the alarm to this in jim in april since then physicians in other countries including italy in france. Have reported clusters of similar cases. And what were seeing in the children it suggests that in some children be that rare small number of kids they have a hyper. Inflammatory response that happens the state of new york accounting for more than 100 infections and 3 deaths a 5 year old boy a 7 year old boy and an 18 Year Old Girl we thought initially bad it didnt affect children were now dealing with an issue thats very disturbing the illness which affects blood vessels and other organs has similar symptoms to talk sex shock syndrome and callous saki disease the main thing about how psyche disease worries as pediatricians is that it can lead if its untreated lead to something that we call coronary artery aneurysm and those can be fatal and they oftentimes develop after the symptoms of. The disease which is most commonly found in children under the age of 5 was named after japanese pediatrician thomas saku koua saki after he described 50 cases of infants with persistent fever rash redness and cracking of the lips in 1967 and the 1st cases outside of japan were reported in 1976 the callous saki disease occurs worldwide the highest instance of infection is in japan for every 100000 children between 132140 kids under the age of 5 that get infected most often affecting boys meantime estimates indicate that at least 3000. 00 cases of the illness are diagnosed each year in the u. S. With less than a point 5 percent mortality rate experts say the illness in most cases can be treated with aspirin reporting in new york trinity each others are to what we say once again. What i think is a really important point here a lot of this information is brand new a lot of really. Smart people are still trying to figure it out and calculated we happen to be lucky enough to have a really smart guy whos joining us now. I mean this guy invented the term Network Health reporter he was one of the 1st Health Reporters for n. B. C. News for many many years he and i worked together as a matter of fact were joined by none other than dr bob are not talking about a very very serious story that were still trying to come to grips with right dr bob have you what is your sense of this thing what is its leading you to think is going on. So rick whats so interesting about this is that you know we have seen in the very severe cases this hyper inflammatory syndrome i dont just give you a sense of this you know we look at these markers c. R. P. Opponent ferritin d. Dimer so you might have you know while 6 score a c. R. P. Score you know 50 or 100 theyre seeing the thousands to the main thing when you start to see the you know the respiratory collapse and the severe shock in adults is you have this tremendous employment tory response so you gave an excellent count a very symptoms those with kawasaki disease and then she expect to see the redness in the eyes you have a rash perhaps on the face you have the lymph nodes the raspberry tongue you know the peeling of the hands and feet whats different here is that you have this very severe abdominal pain and diarrhea and the cardinal sign the one that worries all of us so much is that effect the cardiovascular system and youre actually reporting there were saying that look it would color saki disease you expect many years later that they may develop an aneurism of the quarter arteries they are coming in shock as you saw 3 of them and they couldnt they couldnt revive were starting to see this adults too with a comedian flavored shock and its leading some thoughts about a new technology rick which is called movie a for this. Extra kapoor ial membrane oxygenation basically a heart lung machine theyre starting to roll some of these cases so extremely troubling and anybody whos cavalier about sending kids back to school has to think twice or more with a central mike this valving us and here is what so confusing. We have college saki disease we have this pediatric inflammatory syndrome that were talking about and we have coded 19 all 3 are different diseases different situations conditions if you will and theyre trying to figure out how they interrelate right but it seems to me from all the research ive spent the morning on they havent quite figured out yet. Well rick i got to i was listening im really impressed i have to go to a doctor at you really know your stuff i was really and for all by reporting there so you know whats interesting is of course is that you know not all of these kids who come down with this new syndrome are positive for co but at the time that they come into the hospital they may have antibodies from the past so we know about kawasakis diseases that there are triggers and that there may be a genetic component with the covert cases it doesnt seem there is that genetic or familiar component but they do have in these cases with the disease this terrible inflammatories and and ill tell you you know i have been dealing with a lot of the i. C. U. Is around the world i do a call almost every day with various i. C. U. And you know what theyre seeing and they are starting to see the terrible terrifying cardiovascular collapse in your own younger adults and now in children so you know what is it we dont know some crossover the kawasaki. Symptoms obviously but also you see that some of these kids you know dont test positive for cope and so tricky and. I always said when this disease hits our shore and you look at all of the medical talent here were going to find a lot of very Surprising New aspects of the disease reckitt and her 1st at it in terms of bringing the viewers around the world great job probably the best dr bob arnot and the key word here is rare so far and lets just cross our fingers and hope it stays that way thank you doctor. Welcome that you are all right theres the new threat sanchez youre watching our special coverage and were going to be right back so quite welcome. Lou. Something for you on your sports h. Q. Oh you. Take a bite. And notion of story even the new. Can overwhelm you. Your way i know you want to let me bring you the bad. Play. The questions. Number. And lists as. All things just get. In question. Im a journalist its all i know being a truth teller people say i make among comparable good uses like a jackhammer good drill down that they find the truth news with rick sanchez because its time to do news again and question more. Like it plainly hosts ask a question of the guests and then actually listens to the yes answer and then react to that its a folks Dennis Miller here ive got a new show. Hey welcome back those of you watching us from all over the world we welcome you whether youre watching us in india or europe were so glad that youre there on portable t. V. Here on a regular on a regular t. V. Channel on this day the United States is accusing china of creating a pandemic maybe on purpose on this day the United States and china warships that are facing each other in the South China Sea on this day bombs are still going off in afghanistan in a war that we began decades ago on this day our state department is having to explain for what appears to be another aborted coup in venezuela on this day the United States and france are arguing about who will keep the money rights to eventually back scene for a covert 19 wouldnt you think wouldnt you think that with the entire world in peril right now given this side. To address this issue we are joined by the legendary Pink Floyd Founder Roger Waters lyricist composer all around big thinker good enough to join us now. What is it about us roger is it something about us as human beings or is it the politics in the governments that were led by that just cant seem to be able to get their act together even in times like this. Yeah days you know ive got the elephant in the room it behind me of my shoulder you can see him dead and and and the elephant in the room sadly is me a liberal economics i believe that the truth you know clearly at what what covert 19 has told the school is in order to face a common enemy like a virulent fire a sling this we have to cooperate to together to what he said its a cute but its a community at Global Community in order to defeat the common enemy its the sick shri me difficult when we are driven a lot of us anyway in the west to go by a motif which cas to max mind maximize the bottom line of profit for the corporations that run out countries see that suit thats what the elephant is telling me anyway and if we dont cooperate were all dead the planet sofa with it where were heading for the cliff of the side to destruction of everything. So will this be a wake up cool i hope so im so glad that youll having these conversations with people who will not see on your t. V. Should we try to do this because sometimes it seems like youre you know pushing against the wind and you cant move anything and you wonder how do we do that roger otto we get people together to stop thinking about just getting through their day and thinking about what the days are going to be like for the generations we leave after us. We refuse to shut up we refuse to be quote we continue to rebel. We say no this is bullshit this is just not good enough we do not want to go back to got normal what was that normal hey what did we do today i know lets print trillions of dollars and give it way to rich people a lot of good ideas at the bankers mts what they did and then covered 19 came along and they went what are we going to do in the face of this new terrible pandemic that is facing the human brilliant idea lets print billions trillions of dollars and give it away to very very rich people right so whats changed nothing still no real cooperation between you know people in this community in north america where i live is probably a lot more cooperation between people in china because they at least have a Health Service and they have a social system whether you agree with the rest of their politics in politics is neither here nor there but the whole new china gate thing could not be more destructive than it is and all this nonsense with compay of going back to venezuela with this particular little attempts to movement touro is so destructive of any possibility that we might move forward you know the venezuelans are trying to help the cubans and many others to face this could really serious medical problem sorry i interrupted you no no i was just thinking as i was listening to you talk to because i think youre saying things that make a lot of sounds roger and unfortunately youre a lonely lone voice in the wilderness our media our government leaders our Business Leaders the people that for traditionally at least we depended on to help us theyre not there for reasons that sometimes we dont understand we cant understand so what do we left with who do we follow how do we create the exit gens to find some kind of commonality and find some kind of answer to these things that youre bringing before us. Well luckily luckily without without the constraints of the Mainstream Media there is a community on the internet of people who are interested in the truth who are interested in human rights who are interested into prosy who are interested in liberty who are interested in curing people who are interested in paying the now sits in the cab drivers of the lorry driver snow all the essential workers who have the world to live in which who are interested in their 6 and we do communicate one with the not the other and the main focal point to focus ation often days how do we come back the huge Propaganda Machine that has persuaded most about brothers and sisters that this is normal and that its ok it should that be street to be chipped paizo some muck suck up a cup of other people and everybody else is on the branch line at the end of every month for the 1st of every month were all scratching you know poke its trying to figure out how could we make disc out how they dont pay his son off to pay rents were living were living in and i think that is part of the take me at the propaganda that were faced with every day is dont worry about that just leave it to us to leaders need it should reduce will trigger after whats important is that we have a war with the chinese with the russians or the irregular thats what affinis wait until the nick or i wouldnt or whoever it might be because thats not that you know thats the propaganda the hard sell sadly we know many we are many there are many many many of us now and people is slowly waking up its a slow process all over the earth being the rot of your own waters wall near your youre a thinker i thought you were you are you proved it and its been an honor and a pleasure to have you on to share these ideas i hope to be able to get you bac