The coronavirus pandemic continues to take the world by storm worldwide cases are now topping 3900000 with 272000 reported deaths here in the United States alone over 1200000 cases and over 76000 deaths are taking a closer look at the Nation New York continues to be the epicenter of this outbreak as strict rules remain in place at the state level it seems that new York Police Department patrols are getting a little violent meanwhile new york is also dealing with dozens of kids falling ill from mysterious illnesses related to covert 19 for more on all this we turn now to our tease trinity charges. For new york citys social distancing patrols taking a turn for the worst. Disturbing video shows a violent clash between a. Parrott social distancing violators and police in brooklyn was grabbed and this cell phone video capturing the moment an officer waves a taser and repeatedly strikes a bystander during a social distancing bust you know the Police Watched and sick using officers of using social distancing during the pandemic as an excuse to harass people of color along the lines of stop and frisk others taking it a step further criticizing what they Call Police Officers double standards going after minorities during the pandemic but allowing crowds of mainly white park owners to gather in large groups what happened would stop and frisk was a systematic oppressive unconstitutional strategy that created a new problem much bigger than anything it purported to solve this is the farthest thing from that this is addressing a pandemic yet according to a racial breakdown the Brooklyn District Attorneys Office released on thursday 35 of the 40 people arrested for social distancing by aleisha were africanamerican mayor bill de blasio saying he vows to do better and noun saying today that the city will limit capacity at parks in order to enforce social distancing rules and says that some parks could see restrictions in the coming days. But as officials struggle to manage the corona Virus Outbreak in new york city dozens of children are falling ill across the country from a rare illness officials are calling pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome most commonly were seeing present with fever its been going on for 3 or 4 days to get clear ration its a very disseminated rash it could be all over the. Hands in the schools that was just kind of been usual or rash is new york Authorities Say at least 64 cases have been reported in the state following a Health Advisory alert this week after 15 illnesses were reported in new york city many children testing positive for corona virus or the antibodies suggesting a potential link. And. What were seeing in the children it suggests in some children. A rare small number of kids they have. Inflammatory response it happens medical groups in britain italy and spain warning doctors last month to look out for the condition some doctors say the new york cases increase the likelihood that the syndrome is a rare complication of cold in 1000 although that remains unproven reporting in new york Trinity Chavez r. T. U. N. Secretary general antonio terrace says that the coronavirus pandemic is unleashing a tsunami of hate xenophobia scapegoating and fear mongering and friday he made this appeal listen here and the killing today for an old effort and a speech. I call on political leaders to be there with all members of their societies and build and dream for social cohesion but the un chief goes on to say anti foreigner sentiment has surged on line and in the streets antisemitic conspiracy theories have spread and covert 1000 related anti muslim attacks have even occurred and that migrants and refugees have been vilified as a source of this virus and then denied access to medical treatment so for more on this were going to discuss with the former m. P. George Galloway George great to see they are joining us so 1st things 1st your reaction to what the un chief says. Well it was very disturbing the footage that youve just shown which of course how i like to very point that the secretary general was making there is little doubt i think that minorities are being targeted by idiots but also by Law Enforcement agents as weve just watched. Is deeply disturbing indeed theres been a tripling of physical attacks verbal attacks on Chinese People in britain in the last 5 weeks and theres not doubt many Chinese People in britain my own wife who is not chinese but looks like she might be and is heavily pregnant to boot has had this in the neck herself in a pleasant middle class suburb im aware are very aware of the dangers of this kind of madness and of course the torne for it is it by our governments who continue to fight wars or get ready to fight wars all over the world in defiance of the very same secretary general and the paul who both appealed for our nation to our gratian and military action and sanctions and so on instead weve got hate speech filtering down right. To our own very streets and george you know as the saying goes history often repeat itself and its very ironic that i envy a day celebrating the day that the nazis surrendered you saw the same fear mongering during a world war in particular antisemitism now were in a world war against a pandemic what say you and why does this always kind of happen during moments like this. Well quote the other side of the coin was certainly in britain we were on the direct bombardment in a way that you were no on threat of invasion in a way that you were not actually the population overwhelmingly came together and anti social manifestations like were talking about now what extremely rare if not non existent in the 2nd world war of course in occupied europe pogroms took place people fell upon their own jewish neighbors even before the nazis arrived killing them certainly handing them over to the nazis in the when they did arrive. Its patchy but the ve day point you make is a very good one the unity is strength and it was the unity of the Wartime Alliance and of the wartime d alliances civilian population of us that led to this triumph which in my view is the greatest triumph in all Human History just imagine if we had not tribe from foreign we would not be having this conversation people like me would be long dead and in any case we might be talking in german coming from london because that was what was at stake and people somehow knew about then and they came together to face the enemy doesnt seem like thats happening this time around you make an excellent. Point there now do you think it can be stopped i mean sometimes when messages like what the u. N. Chief is calling for it can either start a movement or you can have the opposite effect and people can you know it can backfire in an age of social media where we are now hunkered down away from each other but were more reachable than ever with the their phones Tablets Computers what have you do you picture these anti or these these hate sentiments Getting Better or worse now after this call for an appeal. World you know ive just been going through the comments on my Facebook Page which is a very busy one of very big one and i said to my wife about half an hour ago im losing the will to live here when i see the kind of things the kind of hate which appears online makes me wonder for the state of the human race i must tell you and i dont think these Police Officers in brooklyn are going to behave better because theyve been caught out there might just look out for cameras sort of living in very difficult times i think father in your country and in mine and in many others if you want to look for an alternative or look at china look out china came together to fight the coronavirus to truly extraordinary feat and when all the dust is clear people will have to acknowledge that people will have to see a society that almost militarized itself against a virus and killed the virus with only 3 or 4000 dead people in the country so the something rotten in your state and mine. Shakespeare might put it and i dont think we have to look farther than racism and inequality for the reason i will leave it right there with you George Galloway former m. P. George always thank you for your time. This month the city of baltimore is kicking off a new Aerial Surveillance Program after it received approval from a judge but do privacy advocates have legitimate concerns about this technology and will it spread to other cities potentially across the nation while i am joined by our it is Rachel Blevins to discuss more of these details so this is pretty and shocking what do we know about this program so far right now thats launching in baltimore raising the bottom of the. Department has started the 6 Month Program to test out this aerial Surveillance Technology that covers 90 percent of the city and police are saying this could be a great tool to help crack down on criminals but this service is being provided by a private Company Based in ohio and its being funded by a private donor now i had a chance earlier to talk with retired baltimore supervisor dr Michael Wood Jr and he said baltimore likely isnt the only city that is considering this take a listen. This company has quite an orwellian name for system surveillance kind of sets the stage for what were talking about this is not new to baltimore and its not confined to baltimore this is been going back and forth between baltimore and the chicago p. D. These 2 agencies continue to advise them playing each other its like the blind leading the blind. Now we actually found out that baltimore was already using aerial surveillance back in 2016 and at the time they were working with that same company persistent surveillance so there is a chance that as they start this Pilot Program it could be used as a blueprint to sell the cities across the country great and i just heard my hometown of chicago so what do you do now one of the ongoing concerns about the surveillance well the most glaring concern is that this is technology that gives police the power to record citizens across the city just living their normal daily lives even if they are not being suspected of having committed a crime now doctor would also said that when it comes to technology about that its all about the accountability that these Police Departments have to face take us into his explanation of how to control. Body charmers or Traffic Cameras or warrants or anything else police do sure it was criminal laws and that is great but what about when we are using is a hunt down your social justice in violations or monitor your political rivals or tracking down everyone who wants your backyard barbecue. Now were at a time where most americans are still under stay at home order so theres a lot of concerns about what happens if police suddenly have the ability to record every time you leave your home or maker into the Grocery Store and what kind of issues will arise out of that and he makes a lot of excellent points like you just heard there so for baltimore specifically though rachel is there anything being done by the legislators there to pursue this Police Accountability right well baltimore their Police Department has seen a lot of issues of transparency and accountability that we have seen echoed across the country so i also had a chance to talk to maryland state senator corey mcrae and he said that one of the issues that they are working on right now is making sure that the Police Department is required to submit to audits regularly take a listen to what he said we put in the bill basically said that this. Has to convey. The Baltimore CityPolice Department in a set number of years. Youre looking at things like oh groups are looking at things like the confiscation of what sir he was looking at the different checks and balances that bit of that not just the city of baltimore but. Now senator mcrae also so the legislatures have come together in support of a bill that would require hiring Police Officials to live within city limits something other city agencies already require so there is some hope that maybe we could see some reforms coming out of the baltimore Police Department within the next year but at the same time now that were talking about aerial surveillance and transparency there thats likely just another issue that will be added to the list always as always Rachel Blevins great reporting on this one will continue to follow the story thanks. Texas will no longer jail people who are violating social distancing rules once a lot owner who actually paid the price for her violation is putting state leaders last will discuss that next with ben swan and in sports regina hamm brings us a glimpse of hope that Major League Soccer might be ready to resume their season stay closer back into. Is youll be a reflection of reality. In the world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being let see. What is true what is right. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or in maybe the shallows. The true description. Summed up the tasing even for the owners so how to choose the pet Food Industry is telling us what to feed our pets really more based on what they want to sell us than was necessarily good for the pet turns out and may not be as healthy as people believe we have animals that have you know diabetes and arthritis they have auto immune disorders allergies we are actually creating these problems and its a huge epidemic of problems all of them i believe can be linked to very simple problem of diet and some dog owners so heartbreaking stories about their pets last treats the larger corporations are not very interested in proving or disproving the value of their food because theyre already making a 1000000000. 00 on it and theres no reason to do that research. I just want to thank. You just fairly. Narrow mark. To be so much to me in business if anything. Thank you so so much and all for to say what i can gather myself but im a little overwhelmed i think. A texas salon owner is get out of jail and she is free after defying Republican Gov greg abbotts Public Health orders and keeping her salon open for more on this and a why she even went to jail in the 1st place im joined by investigative journalist and cohost of boom bust ben swan but always good to see you so 1st things 1st why was she thrown in. Jail and how in the world could this happen there are no laws and federal or texas state constitutions that has social distancing pandemic laws and that. Send you to prison what is this yes yes im so glad you started off that way for and because thats exactly the point here its a its the biggest point look every single social distancing order every single guideline thats been sent down originated from the c. D. C. So the c. D. C. Put out something called social distancing guidelines not laws guidelines and what has happened is you have mayors and governors across the country whove been adopted those guidelines and treated them as if they would now become executive orders or law so in the case in texas you know like every other state there are all kinds of rules about shutting down what are called nonessential businesses well in this case this is salon owner operates something called a nonessential business she runs a hair salon g. S. About 14 employees she says who work out of that salon and theyve been shut out she also says that she had applied for those p. P. P. Loans that money had not come through which has been the case for tens of millions of Business Owners and so she reopened she opened back up her shop then she received from the county judge a cease and desist order that essentially told her she had to be closed down she defied that order thats why she was ultimately arrested and then as you and i have talked about she said before a judge in texas and that judge demanded that she apologize for her selfishness in having opened up her salon she said she would not and she would take jail time instead and a 7000. 00 fine that they threw out her and then as you saw a day later she actually got released because texas was so humiliated and embarrassed by the lunacy of their actions now what do we know about this judge bank as a lot of people are talking about this judge saying hes a super liberal the situations gotten really political and also what then determined shelly luthers final release i mean because she shouldnt even invent thrown in jail in the 1st place right. She should not have been thrown in jail in the 1st place because as you said she was not violating any actual law so there has to be a separation between these socalled executive orders and actual law no state legislatures have met to pass laws about coronavirus no state legislatures have passed laws about socalled essential businesses and one of the problems with a lot of this is who defines what an essential business is fair and i mean look i understand that theyre trying to use some kind of lucy goosey terminology to determine what is essential but if you are as in this case a working mom who is supporting her family and she says just trying to feed her kids by staying open its pretty essential to your life as for the judge you asked what do we know about what the judge himself is considered a pre