Welcome to front running 2020 with a mask riser and stacey are going to take a look at the policies on the issues heading into the election today were going to take a close look to the criminal Justice Reform. Place one thing youve heard throughout our campaigns is lock her up walk him up well mark her up which to me is quite terrifying i think that looks almost fascist but were going to look at justice because for the younger millennial generations theyre looking at issues of Economic Justice social justice and now we have Justice Justice and to put this into context before we turn to our guests to join us in this conversation Sinclair Skinner a marshall our back i want you to look at this chart of incarcerated americans right when the boomers became the largest voting bloc once they got their vote well that was right about there and it looks like they wanted to vote for it lock them up thats been their mantra for the last 40 years locking people up so Sinclair Skinner i know at your recent conference in washington d. C. At the black block chain summit this was an issue at that summit of the 698. 00 per 100000 americans locked up 37 percent of those prisoners are black is this a Racial Justice issue. Definitely i think even though when you look at the time a lot of that you gave another key indicators when we started seeing the civil rights. Movement changing so desegregation and then the addressing of how we deal with this now integrated society a lot of it had to do with incarceration so again in my neighborhood no one had a visa or a passport but somehow crack cocaine got through to my neighborhood so in a real way were looking at the issue that its definitely been a continuity in the way of how do we deal with the Racial Disparities in our country and i think with politicians and this is even with the black politicians there are some fallacies you know that the broken glass a broken pane theory that and again some of the things about the disparities between crack and cocaine and how we over criminalize folks you know my older brother was a victim of this. Consequence and he said when he 1st went in and eightys they looked at drugs as a issue of criminals and towards the 2000 the mid 2000 it was more becoming of a medical issue when it was a largely a crack of epidemic focused on the Africanamerican Community than it was seen to be a deficiency in character of character and a problem of crime it wasnt seen to be a disease and now that the drug addiction problem is spreading into wide areas by the opioids the political response has been markedly different and i think thats one of the most striking racial aspects about the whole problem right crisis is what would be called in other neighborhoods the crack epidemic yeah thats right they called a crisis as opposed to an epidemic which is an interesting choice of words examine them implies you know that theres a its a disease and that you know and you know like the black plague or Something Like that and no pun intended by the way and then of course opioids its a crisis you know so different in different spots beyond getting arrested during this Opioid Crisis or what a crack cocaine. A crisis before that in america weve had 30000 children under the age of 10 arrested since 2013 again obviously 2013 obama was president africanamerican president and democrats and liberal he was arresting children as arresting children 30000 children in new orleans in the 1st 5 months of 2015 more than 99 percent of children arrested in new orleans for any offense were africanamerican weve made again as a business i mean its not just something thats benign and you travel to some countries where they need everyone in their society to actually you know perform and produce so they dont throw away their babies they dont go away children if youre in cuba they know their children are very important so they have to be taught well they have to be literate in the export doctors even in zimbabwe with the crisis theyre going through theyre the highest literacy not because thered brains are wired differently because their country literally needs everyone to be working in functioning for the society were in america i think theres people whove made a calculation we dont need all these folks do what do we do with them well we can get incarcerates use in some of the wars but theres really now with this aside weve created this services where do you do with this population and thats the part of this class i think racism trumps everything but you know consistently theres a massive why folks who end up at the bottom of this pyramid and they get thrown away so again i think this is not by a by coincidence i think its by design theres some people have said that wed rather than even those is more costly to incarcerate than the teach them people realise you know when things are exclusive we always are by inclusion is a reason why theyre exclusive they dont want to. Body so were not going to make sure youre able to compete with my children so we have to put you in jail even though its more expensive than allowing you to compete against my and my children so i think theres some very problematic things but when you think about this economics. Sinclair race another interesting point which is that there is this intersection between race and class but but i do think its fundamentally a class issue as well and it happens that theres a large degree of overlap between the Africanamerican Community and the classes here but its certainly does seem to be a case that you know whether youre white or black that if you were at the wrong end of the economic scale the quality of justice that youre going to receive is for markedly different the real problem is that the initial reflex impulse seems to be to incarcerate and thats a very different approach and say what they have in the scandinavian countries where the emphasis is on reformation and rehabilitation and this was hard to talk in the in the black community in particular about voting and voting is very important but if you cant get all this obama with with all this voting if you cant protect your children from the Police Murdering them let me say in a way housing schools hospitals ok fair figure that out but when the government is murdering you and youre voting and your guy wins you go to some country if your guy wins youre not going get murdered by a Police Matter fact if youre a person wins and youre not a party youre people are protected from any government killing you any member to government but in america we vote it lock stock and barrel for democrats take it down to the side to get the police literally still murder us even when we eating ice cream in our apartment they murder us so its hard to tell somebody that voting works when you cant you cant tell how do you stop the police not bad guys but. Folks youre paying from murdering you. Very well you know the Prison Industrial Complex as its called right thats a huge part of the economy 2500000 americans work in the Justice SystemPrison Guards and its a powerful union in california and youve got this entire economy thats based on incarcerating folks and predominately it means black folks and it also is interesting that when its apologies outsourced or prison to private prisons the quid pro quo being that the municipality guarantees 98 percent occupation occupancy for the prison so that means that go out and arrest somebody and the easiest person to arrest are black people because they have the least agency. So to fill that president up to feed this president complex and its its a nightmare because our economy without that would have a serious hit to the g. D. P. And the privatization need is going well beyond the Prison Service no youre seeing this in Security Companies and youre even seeing this in you know our foreign and defense policy you know that were subcontracting things to mercenaries and and you know firms like blackwater and course they come home theyve got all these weapons which are ultimately sold back to the police and that increases the problem that sinclair discussed earlier so its just getting worse its like a cancer im going to go back to being murdered by police because thats going to play into one of the major platforms i think the most interesting from the democrats in terms of their response to criminal Justice Reform was from Julian Castro the former mayor of San Antonio Texas who was secretary of hud the housing and urban development under obama and basically his ideas 1st chance plan like giving these people a chance even live give them a chance educate them dont kill them that was his policy but in terms of the actual date of how Many Americans are killed by the police. Yes the data from 20152016 is that of the 1146 killed in 20151902 killed in 2016 the authors of the study found that 52 percent were white and that compares to 72 percent of our population being white 26 percent were black which is twice their percentage of the population of 13 percent and 17 percent were hispanic which is about equal to the population but it went on twitter or anything after a Police Shooting its amazing even like with tammy or rice who is 11 year old little kid with a plastic god and in a state like ohio i believe it was which is open carry state and the number of people were like what he shouldve been carrying a gun which is an in an open carry state where he shouldnt like it like the people who justify its shocking well so its who carries the guns i mean if its white people that its considered to be ok to you know open carry or concealed carry but you know heaven help you if its a black person that saw him do you know this is been a and this has been a problem for he goes back to the days of the black panthers you know where they they said you know theres theyre shooting at us you know and were going to start arming ourselves and all of a sudden that was perceived as a threat to american society. I think thats such a key part of it you know you can be you know i think generationally im 52 generation my parents you know made sure we went to school we did everything we were supposed to do and to still be in a situation where you can be murder by your government and no ones going to go to prison literally out of all the things that you can say would do for yourself protecting yourself from the police the police is the one thing thats hard as a citizen no matter how smart you or what neighborhood you the if you cant keep the government for murder in u. Killing castro said that on the democratic debate stage he said police should stop killing black people he said that on the stage that we should thats a major issue for criminal Justice Reform and it of course none of the other all the other candidates they wouldnt touch it and earlier than that and when he was 1st elected mayor in new york bill de blasio who you know who has an africanamerican wife and you know whose son is biracial you know he noted that he had you know warned him that as he said as a black male he needed to be very careful in his dealings with the police and somehow this was construed as. A racist remark when in fact i thought it was a very wise piece with. Because one wrong step and you know you could get shot. All right were going to be talking more criminal Justice Reform right after the break here on front running 2020. So. You see every passage is the death of something all passages involve some kind of conflict in between where one is trying to reconstitute the old way of doing things but it doesnt work as a therapist im often working with people in those inbetween so again i think the key is how do i find my path through all of this and where do i find in its in those moments we have to start beginning to trust what is coming from within. So she and i was initially established to be awesome investors. As a whole shes a mom for the forward look which worked improved for. Each of my parents never to try to accomplish. Projects. Just because the global world was going to have to close to speed so that in your voice you. Must have looked like the us from a business point of the family and you fighting with a bunch of folks who are somehow. From the left coast or china thats 4 to 6 months because the south. Welcome back to front running 2020 with an x. Prize or. So you know a close look at criminal justice for his 1st step stacey yes trump himself introduced the 1st step thanks to car dash and by the way she really helped convince some of this and his son in law it was also interested in criminal Justice Reform they did release 4700. 00 people earlier this year and one of those people has gone on to commit murder so that could be used against him this is often the case theres always one bad apple somewhere and the pi so trump has actually done some criminal Justice Reform hes some of the damage from the clinton reforms so it probably done more and ironically than any democratic president has done even if that one particular example worked against him you also had you know other egregious. Miscarriages of justice being overturned as a consequence of that bill so well lets bring bill clinton into this because as we run into a new president ial campaign of course the clintons loom large and many of the things they did we also maintain on front running that is the boomers versus the generational shift into the new biggest voting block on the block and thats the millennial Julian Castro who i would assume is a millennial hes quite young his is his criminal Justice Reform plan called the 1st chance plan was a response to the 1904 crime bill which was written by joe biden and then it was bill clinton who signed into law and this was a massive expansion into just. Like biblical Old Testament sort of justice in they got rid of rehabilitation they got rid of the power. Grant for example 1st said that for a mate so they were no longer receiving any sort of education he expanded 100000. 00 more Police Officers 9000000000. 00 more towards building more prisons and importantly introduced the 3 strikes what do you think of that i think does the right there i mean even these socalled reforms they did around welfare where they said if someone had a background they could even come in the community theres things that have been done to undermine the community i think i think biden has shown a very difficult way of disagree knowledge and you know if you made a mistake were now you see that this was the wrong thing it made it and now we can correct it if your intentions were good but so much of this you know people try to hide something over road or some of disavow when they can just say yes now were going to do a better i think thats what most americans are thats what many people whove been victimized by that say this is the thing was wrong then lets do something to fix it. I was fascinated by the black lives of Matter Movement and how that was somehow turned into being racist that comment and suddenly evan was saying well all lives matter and its a black lives matter somehow race is forgetting the fact that as weve just discussed blacks are targeted blacks are imprisoned blacks are disenfranchised and blacks have a history of being murdered and then slave in this country to give them the eye ability to identify in a positive way what the community is somehow too much we cant take it and the media in this country has spent consolidated all these monopolies and when i was growing up on Public Television there were a lot more black show black hosted shows talk about black politics and the community had a more Media Presence thats all been wiped away due to consolidation of media consolidation Financial Consolidation so its gotten a lot worse marshal. The black laws is an interesting one because really its black laws matter that as well the as well is being implied in that and yet somehow this was misconstrued is being and. A message of exclusivity when it was just the opposite and it is as you say whenever a lot person in d. C. Its a conversation about racism and Racial Injustice this is considered a burden thats being imposed on the on the rest of us rather than a long standing legitimate grievance what about the burden on the actual taxpayer because this is an Overall Economic issue to everybody not only are you paying 36000. 00 a year per federal inmate and even higher places like rikers is over 110000. 00 a year to lock up somebody there but you have things like cash bail ok this cash bail situation is these poor its targeting poor people its literally incarcerating people in jail for being too poor it will be like a public disorder charge they werent ever going to face prison but they cant make the bail its like its like something out of a Charles Dickens novel you know when you read the novels like bleak house you know that you know you have debtors jails and people tossed in jail and you think yourself well thats not relevant to what we have today but in fact it is a theyve restored its own debt is being criminalized to a large degree so in North Carolina where we live there is actually one county that has just gotten rid of a cash balance i think its one of the 1st in the nation to just program this because you were having poor people being locked up for 90 days they lose their job of course because you cant show up at your you know walmart job 7 or at the assisted living facility in a nursing facility you know you lose your job so that this has really huge knock on effect but i think it also makes the point that the federal level where were talking about finances