Transcripts For RT Keiser Report 20240713 :

RT Keiser Report July 13, 2024

The crisis was mid level in america and now hes a billionaire from committing serial fraud and theyve been you know had to face the music many many times so i dont understand why theyre singling out mexico it seems like crime pays well this is a local think tank and theyre looking around and wondering why is the 1st year in a decade that the economy the g. D. P. Has shrank and theyre saying well perhaps if we cut down on all these headlines on these stories of cartels beheading people but yet youre mentioning that there is a crime wave that goes on in america and perhaps if we got rid of all the jamie diamond taking all the money perhaps member the velocity of money chart we showed perhaps there would be more velocity of money but just in terms of ending that crime if you end the crime if they end the Violent Crime on the streets you know what is there in the world except for a few system and financialization so it weve also come. That like with boeing or Union Pacific all these normal like manufacturing sort of jobs that are supposed to build things all they do is extract and then destroy and they dont invest in the economy here this guy is saying well if we just get rid of the Violent Crime then people are going to mess here but nobody in the us nobody invest its all speculation and by nationalization hollowing out of assets and remember during the 2 1008. 00 liquidity crisis when credit froze the only actual money available for banks to keep the lights on came from mexican drug cartels it was part of the mexican drug cartels and Italian Mafia yes they did say there we covered that with the u. N. Itself there organized Crime Division says that that was the money flowing especially through europe but again i mean obviously crime getting rid of crime and Violent Crime is certainly a very good thing tens of thousands of people are murdered every single year here of course there are several big banks we wont mention them that have paid fines for participating in financing and laundering money for those gangs but speaking of crimes i want to turn back to the United States because Lloyd Blankfein has been in the news intervening in the elections these 2 tweets are just a great story about all that is america right now leading into this election where the dons of these mafias run everything like the Lloyd Blankfein and they think everybody else is a deplorable so he said if democrats go on to nominate sanders the russians will have to reconsider who to work for to best screw up the u. S. Sanders is just as polarizing as trump and will ruin our economy and doesnt care about our military if im russian i go with sanders this time around he is the nerve to say that it is sanders who will ruin the economy not my credit default swaps i remember they they were emails so one on in Goldman Sachs where they knew for a fact that those Mortgage Backed securities they were selling to a. Grannies to pensioners they knew for a fact they were sacks of bleep and they said it so so they defrauded they stole from these old women that crashed the economy the widescale fraud crash the economy right Lloyd Blankfein over Goldman Sachs when he was running the place they knowingly created securities that had no in no bally whatsoever in the secondary market they were synthetic securities that they got caught peddling to their own customers and then they made negative bets against their own customers knowing that when their customers realized that they had been sold these synthetic non entity securities that they would be in financial trouble and so they shorted those companies and they made money on the collapse of the companies who they sold the stuff to cause the collapse of the companies thats number one so Lloyd Blankfein is a no moral position to lecture anybody about anything furthermore this whole business about blaming russians by americans is getting really pathetic because heres a guy whos effectively trying to dehumanizing a whole group of people slavic people in this case this is remarkably ironic coming from Lloyd Blankfein lets go back to his tweet because again he said that that sanders doesnt care about the military but again Goldman Sachs pays less than 12 percent tax rate Lloyd Blankfein himself i dont know what he pays but im sure we know for a fact according to the i. R. S. That the billionaires pay less taxes than the working class there are loads of people in america who are the elite they pay very little taxes relative to everybody else but they love spending our money on military and big wars and budgets like that so again im going to turn to another tweet response to this from chris our nod hes written is an amazing book about the deplorable is traveling across america talking to deplorable people that are outside the you know the front row class the people like lloyd blank. And Hillary Clinton and everybody on m. S. N. B. C. And he used to be a banker and im not sure if it was that Goldman Sachs but it was one of the wall street banks there if im russian i would go with hawking synthetic c. D. O. Is to blow up the u. S. Economy and screw over homeowners like this is so obvious it should be so transparent that the fact that Lloyd Blankfein gets put on c n n r m s n b c to say this sort of stuff to propagandize the americans and confuse them and divert them from the fact that he himself helped destroy the economy is remarkable and the deplorable as i think know that hes the one more responsible than anybody else in the world and they remember that our Founding Fathers said that the the destruction of america would come from within never from without and these are the people from within it imploded the economy dont forget that after the collapse of the soviet Union America sent in a whole brigade of wall street bankers to liberalize the economy and created a whole new class of kleptocratic oligarchs that have now under the Current Administration its taken almost 20 years to you know fixed up problem that was pretty much created by american bankers theres one thing to just say ok we need to stop crime and you do need to stop crime but there has to be a plan as well and you cant just be to let in these american bankers who are going to financial eyes and hollow out your economy chris are not then continues there is probably no single event more responsible for current voter discontent and the financial crisis and tarp and lloyd was right there at the center of it amazing like hes pointing out that Lloyd Blankfein was way more responsible for trump being elected then anybody else any nein there is no weaponized mean that could possibly do more than what Lloyd Blankfein did with the collapse of the economy his also paying Hillary Clinton 500000. 00 to give one of the most tedious boring speeches in the history of of american speech giving and she got paid 500. 00. 1000. 00 twice for 2 speeches to Goldman Sachs so again he helped her lose that was part of the many reasons why she lost many many reasons for her humiliating loss against trump precrisis Goldman Sachs the manager of a system that allowed for rampant Insider Trading and market manipulation then they got caught on the short side of the market and were facing collapse so they decided to become a regular bank overnight and get all the protections of a regular bank overnight and get a bill up overnight from the likes of the american taxpayer remember it was hank paulson who had been the former c. E. O. Of Goldman Sachs and they mentioned tarp he gave them inside information that tarp was coming so they got to front on that and thats why the boy blankfein became a billionaire for running the utility of a of a bank you know Goldman Sachs is now a bank not a hedge fund essentially but again talking about this trying to propagandize the americans that is not the elites we the elites have and destroy the economy it must be somebody out there thousands and thousands of miles away who doesnt speak english and but he has weaponized means that hes the one doing this heres a final tweet here about the gallup poll gallup 60 percent of americans say they are better off now than when Trump Took Office compared to just 36 percent who say they are not that is higher than during the reelection campaigns of obama george w. Bush clinton or h. W. Bush 60 percent of independents say theyre better off than 3 years ago when this fact happens when trump wins reelection Lloyd Blankfein will say that he had nothing to do with this that is somebody else will find some reason and theyll be the ones on the television not understanding why they lost and the economy is still destroyed because the crime wave was not stopped just like the think tank said about mexico that we need to stop the crime well they havent stopped the crime in america and will continue to get these populist elite dont lie. Yellow line stop trying to dehumanize your fellow americans all right were going to take a break and when we come back much more coming your way. The Russian State Television Propaganda Machine propaganda outlet propaganda tools we are getting information for. You can change the world tomorrow. Now you tube videos the sleepless nights she today is the longest network on. Russian brush with russia russia and russia today is. Believed to be that they would lose their shirts and i really have to join to see you then on our team. Who are so proud and still. Are just getting the number. Why have you not shut down our t. V. On you tube its a Propaganda Machine mr walker. I cant show you my face but im going to teach you must store in 9093 this man was sentenced to death. They could charged with capital murder even though he didnt have the gun didnt pull the trigger didnt intend to kill anybody imagine living in your bathroom for the week with his turn of the 23. To be. Confined within 4 gray walls he fights using hot turn on to help him to leave this room. Welcome back to the kaiser report imax keyser time now to turn to John Ackerman you know were in mexico city so of course you know check in with John Ackerman John Ackerman lets just get a kind of a 30000 foot look down into the whats the politics down ive got a new leader whats happening welcome back to mexico mix oh my pleasure you know stay away from me and that long yeah and you know im your man in mexico so what your mind. So you know you got past information that secret information oh yeah you brought for me through from moscow right yeah ive got a whole secret cache of information. Out of make the best borsch like youve never tasted did you see the recent news that the real russian agent in mexico turns out to be a 1000000 little so yeah tell me about the guy he was the head of pemex he was the head of pemex from and he could bring in yet the corrupt head opinion there of the mix. Took in over 9000000. 00 in bribes from autographed and when the new government came in started to investigate him he escaped went to moscow 1st and then they discovered him in i think my little miley i love of my life this is a very important achievement of the new government in terms of bringing accountability because the Pemex Oil Company has been a very central part of Mexican National economy but also has been a place a source of incredible corruption specifically in that in the previous government so this lad im glad that you were able to root this. Bad actor out problems very happy to finally theres a government in mexico thats willing to step in and root out these bad actors exactly like i was asked to john you know their government is doing great what else is a still government doing the new government is trying to was really put back on its feet the mexican economy. Its been new liberalism as you know really taken its toll so whats taking place all you already theres what else neo liberalism thats. What i dont quite yet but you know im not sure what it is what it must look like its similar its fascinating because mexico really arrived late to this you know progressive wave which hit south america you know its you know i believe you havent as well like with a lot of. Argentina brazil had this you know pink wave and mexico was just you know in the same old same old and all of a sudden when those countries are going back to the right now all the sudden mexico has turned turn left in argentina as well and so what mexico is trying to do right now is you know really sort of pick up the pieces 1st this case of corruption and pemex is not the only case the corruption there in the previous government was just out of hand so we need to sort of recuperate the power of the government to regulate the economy and the open road has said that he what he wants to do is repeat what the what his did in that and then 1000 century but it took quite a separate church and state really radical mexico i probably has the most radical separation of church and state even more than france and now look to as he wants to do is separate public and private you know respect the private sector but recuperate the honesty and integrity of the Public Sector thats his Central Project and this new deal thats been worked out the u. S. Amsi and took the place of nafta it is a fact or is it significant and very interesting because historically the left as it was very much against nafta right this Free Trade Agreement which is actually you know in the favor of the transnational corporations to have free exploitation of the Different Countries but nafta is now sold you know it was passed and a 9293 came into effect in 94 its now been there for so long that its really has integrated the 2 economies in a subordinate way mexico of course has been an exploitation of mexico by the United States but its so theyre still interlinked economies now to further up sure to come in now and say no. We want to end nafta would have been really irresponsible to had sent our economy into a tell tale dive and nosedive and it wouldve really made it much more difficult for books or order to do his social programs because the other side and addition to combating corruption hes you know now that 910000000 new. Scholarships being handed out throughout the country to old people to students to Indigenous People to most of the marginal sectors and so what he has said is well lets you know rethink nafta hes worked on the new agreement which was actually worked on mostly by the pena ministration because he respected those those agreements and you know basically in the negotiations the next government. Stopped trump from turning this into a worse agreement for for mexico and still from my personal point of view continues to. You know privileges United States corporations an economy over mexico continues to through woods you know big corporations over the working class but for instance theres been a side effect very Positive Side effect in that mexico has been forced to pass a new labor legislation reform its constitution actually to be. You know accepted by the labor unions United States this new agreement and this is actually created a new scenario for free and Fair Elections within the unions in mexico something we havent had for a long time and so this might create you know a new wave of labor activism and strength of the working class in mexico which could be a very good secondary effect of the atomic right now you mentioned an interesting cycle there a moment ago youre saying that in latin america you had lived to the left in various countries bolivia and others and now that theyve gone and mexico so much static and now theyve gone right certainly in brazil theyve got a new what you could call right wing leaders. Up there and that mexico is now got embraced a left a leftist government but this is kind of a cycle in latin america weve seen a long time it goes from the hard right to the to the hard left back and forth for a long long time the left comes into power and a lot of money is printed and. Social programs are now acted and people get fed up because they feel like they are needs to be a return to some kind of work ethic and so they bring in a hard liner and then a hard liner is too hard and this cycle seems to be rotating in latin america for decades and decades as it is this just another chapter in that cycle or is it different this time john i think its different. Is the wise man on this because i support him if you actually look at what hes doing hes learned from his experience he hasnt been irresponsible fiscally or even monetarily hes not printing money as you said his inflation is actually lower now than it was with bringing it to the guys who printed the money the real populist the irresponsible ones were the priest those were the new liberals because they need all this extra cash to buy votes and they didnt have political didnt see look i dont know who has political didnt he said i want president what about doesnt have to do this idea of socialism because it in america and in and

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