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at the end of his patients but they may stop him we put the issue up for debate. people particularly when they. get to people don't want to be convicted already been sentenced already so part of their sentence then it's unfair. of human rights potentially on don't forget they violated people to be in the 1st place. you're watching r t international bring you your live news update from our studio here in moscow welcome to the program we start with breaking news this hour the russian defense ministry says a russian plane with 172 passengers on board had to make an emergency landing at air base following an israeli missile attack on a suburb of damascus their craft could not land at damascus international airport due to the surprise assault featuring some 8 air to surface missiles fired from 4 israeli f. 16 side of syrian air space we'll be bringing you more on that when we have it. in other news the un security council has seen heated debate over the syrian government's offensive against militant forces and province at the emergency session damascus is envoy slammed western countries for supporting terrorist groups are with the u.s. representative hit back the situation in northwest syria demands an immediate comprehensible and verifiable ceasefire with whom do you want to hold the ceasefire with the entities that you agree to designate as terrorist groups in this council it is astonishing the desire of some western countries to cause terrorist groups in it live as the moderate opposition does the russian bombs that have destroyed searing hospitals and driven syrian children from their homes we're hearing all of this criticism against russia but none of it is based on anything the sheer scale of destruction both endorsed and facilitated by russia shows that neither they nor iran nor the assad regime can be trusted to deliver a cease fire it will be syrian territory and any illegitimate military presence there is the responsibility of the state where those nationals come from artie's caleb been has been following the session in new york for us. quite strong disagreements were articulated between the countries represented at the 15 member body that leads the united nations now when the representative of the united states spoke she had harsh words for both russia and syria accusing them of inappropriate and basically unacceptable actions in their efforts to retake the province of live from terrorist forces the trumpet ministration condemns in the strongest possible terms the assad regime iran hezbollah and russia as barbaric an unjustified military offensive the russian representative spoke about how it seemed like the meeting was convened for the purpose of preventing the syrian arab republic from retaking the province of it live from the terrorists it seems like the meeting was almost scheduled at a range to try and impede the syrian government's efforts this is what russian ambassador to ben ziad to say these unplanned meets and syria flew a common pattern the convene precisely when terrorist groups in the country are under threat and the syrian government is regaining control of its own territory i would like to remind you that these groups are recognized as terrorists by the security council syria has a right and a d.c. to combine terrorists on its sovereign territory now the representative of the syrian arab republic spoke about the need for his country's territorial integrity to be respected as it is being widely violated with foreign forces in the country who were not invited by the internationally recognized syrian government which is a u.n. member state furthermore you seem to believe that essentially the u.n. security council has been transformed almost into something else you will heard the intervention of the u.s. permanent representative when she said that he is a nato ally so this is no security council but rather a council that she's being used as a nato forum it is an acceptable threat to say inside this house that the united. states of america protects ticky against foreign nations of the charter an international my dedication reiterates that attempts by countries to impose names whose agenda on the security council would among the credibility of this council and refutes all the pretext used by some to demonize the syrian states russia recently renewed its offensive against the terrorist forces in it live it is supporting efforts to take back the city from terrorists and jihad is forces now one particular group for ya terrier al shabab and this is a terrorist group that is widely known around the world for its atrocities for example there are over 1400 attacks with tanks machine guns that have been heavy weaponry that have taken place recently in addition they have been countering civilian protest and ad lib against their ongoing presence in the presence of other militants there have been attacks on humanitarian corridors which is a violation of international law in addition they have been using civilians as human shield syrian representative when speaking emphasize that their territorial integrity was being very very widely violated and emphasized that they were determined to defeat the terrorist forces and that it seemed like the united states and nato were essentially trying to undermine their efforts and prevent them from defeating these terrorist forces and retaking their province of live. there unless mike rattie things western powers are not in fact interested and ending the conflict in syria. well this goes way beyond the concept of terrorists that are is another man's freedom fighter. in terms of the black and white earth who the west has been supporting all the way through this crisis in syria has been notoriously it's all the talk of all the way the same with turkey the same with the u.k. the same with israel so it just seems that they have no more cause to play we can only imagine what would happen her russian a russian delegation to the u.n. or iranian or syrian something along the lines of her belief that of earth targeting oysters the west the u.s. and france want to prolong this conflict this is exactly what they want to do whatever testing your car if. it sounds insane doesn't it but that's exactly what's going on there we're dealing to the united nations in order to protect our own affiliates you could only make this stuff up but that's exactly what's going on meanwhile the u.s. says that it has a limited a founder and leader of al qaeda in the arabian peninsula that's after the pentagon warned that the killing of islamic state leader our backer all baghdadi has not affected the group's capabilities in syria. u.s. sent home and the d.i.m.a. both assessed that the october death of al baghdadi did not result in any immediate degradation to isis's capabilities following the death of isis leader abu bakar al baghdadi the group's capabilities in syria remain the same. killing baghdad assuming they did really kill him was a propaganda coup for for the u.s. and for president what we're seeing in syria is the result of the u.s. you know only 10 years after september the 11th supporting these. islamised extremist groups in syria to try and overthrow the government really this entire militarized war on terror is is a disaster from start to finish. we now go back to our breaking news story this hour a russian civilian aircraft with 172 passengers on board has had to make an emergency landing at him airbase following an israeli missile attack on a suburb of damascus and the plane could not land at damascus international airport due to the surprise assault featuring some 8 air to surface missiles fired from 4 israeli f. 16 and outside of syrian airspace now for more on that we're joined live now by press t.v. correspondent in syria. tell us what more you know about what has happened. yes well according to russian ministry of defense this is not the 1st time that israel uses civilian aircraft in the air to avoid being hit actually by syrian air defense systems when the go active when israel decides to launch attacks on syria course israel has been launching hundreds of attacks on various targets across syria since the start of the crisis in syria in 2011 but according to the russian ministry of defense it has become a common practice for israel to always use civilian aircraft in the air to avoid such kind of strikes by syrian air defense systems it is actually russian. fighter jets are you are using civilian aircraft as a shield whenever they want to attack to be and they do have information israel doesn't have information about all the aerial traffic system when there are airplanes civilian aircraft in the air or not aircraft that you just mentioned the air bus that was transporting 172 passengers on board was preparing to land in damascus international airport when suddenly israel decided to carry out the attack on syria on the 6th of the month of course in damascus and maternity and the massive countryside. so directly to damascus international airport directed aircraft to land and many russian air base and that for its own sake now also we have to point out that israel is not just putting those civilian aircraft in danger not caring about the lives of the people there but also is carrying out attacks. on civilian areas for example on the 1st of july 2 10194 civilians including a child were killed and 21 injured inside damascus because of israeli airstrikes also we remember how israeli air strikes in 2018 caused the downing of a russian aircraft that was also around an airbase b. israeli fighter jets israeli attack old always putting in danger the lives of civilians there not to mention that there are against international law the u.n. charter an attack undermining to a sovereign nation and all of those important information according to international law but also according to the lines always in danger. although we do seem to understand that that plane has successfully landed an airbase press t.v. correspondent mohammad ali thank you so much for joining us on the program with that information. after a several day delay almost all the tab and counted in the 1st u.s. state to nominate a democratic party candidate iowa where the center says he leads in the popular vote but pete but edges the same number of delegates to the party's national convention however with a number of major glitches in the process the party chair is calling for a complete review of the voting. enough is enough in light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results i am calling on the iowa democratic party to immediately begin to recant this we won. election by some 6000 votes that is not going to be changed maybe changed in this so-called recount is a few is the easier. the party apologize for mistakes in the mobile app submitting precinct results the telly was also marred by chaos in the reporting process and accurate calculations unexplained into insistences and missing data and the results of failure to properly validates the results combined with a call for a recount has caused widespread anger. the democratic national committee is the one pushing for a recount is right now people in the d.n.c. are also considering bringing back superdelegates for the explicit purpose of stopping sunday's when you're a canvas and find that bernie sanders says the winner are you in the d.n.c. going to get out of the way so we can have a fair primary process one of flipping mess as democratic national party chairman calls for an immediate recount they will carry on until they get the result that corrupt dems want her as is participating in increasing the confusion by asking for even more review even more time to pass between the time the voters voted and the results that they see this is a way of disconnecting voters from the results that they expected when they participated in those caucuses in those neighborhoods in the high school gyms they all remember the 1st night how it went for they are and they all talk to each other to see if they can get a read on how it was going to go statewide and now days and days are passing and tom perez is about to demand more and more days passed and at a certain point the people via will won't remember how they voted in any result that the democrat party wants to report they'll be able to it's my opinion bernie sanders was leading in the polls which is why the des moines register for the 1st time ever didn't publish their sunday poll right before the caucuses and i think bernie sanders won convincingly in the vote totals themselves and they have taken enough time to be able to recreate the records and change the output of the program to shadow applications so that bernie sanders comes in convincingly high but not in 1st place they do not want bernie sanders as their candidate. meanwhile the iowa caucus app glitch prompted one congresswoman to resort to a tactic familiar from previous elections suggesting that russians are responsible because all of takes a closer look. the us democratic party has a new policy maker hollywood when a movie franchise starts to lose its audience when people stop buying tickets film studios play their trump card reviving the villain. deal with. everything. well us democrats need a potent anti trump card out of this year's election so how about hollywood's golden rule bring back the bad guy i know president putin really knows i know him. and he knows me. he knows that there will be similar consequences if he gauges engages in trying to interfere with our election democrats ever so cocky about their imminent victory back in 2016 had to swallow one very bitter and very humiliating pill and since then many believe they've been trying to recover their identity over the past 4 years the democrats' ideology has been heavily dominated by a 3 word concept russia is bad that breaking news russian hackers tried to hack wisconsin's election system russia's hacked into a lot of things russian hackers the kremlin claire it certainly looks like they're again and with an eye towards helping this president and they've put all their trust into this russia strategy thinking it would become kryptonite for all their troubles and political rivals but the mineral investigation turned out to be the bang of a toy gun rather than a nuclear blast but by that point too many people hoped and believed in the reality of impeachment the promise to remove trump from power was too big to renege on but as the view is got weary of the main antagonist russia the democrats had to come up with a fresh spin we can't impeachment proceedings now against this president we have confidence in our case that isn't peter paul and this president is impeached for life if you find him guilty. you must find that he should be removed the brave face sharod ultimately fell through when the whole impeachment saga saw 0 plot twists and it in the most predictable and boring way no one had allusions that the president would be convicted but we made the fight for truth that we made to fight for facts and then came the iowa caucus disaster a glitching our caused improper recording of the results failed transmissions of tallies then botched the count all together and again there's been absolutely no indication that the democrats have tried looking into how they managed to sink so deep they've resorted to detroit and for some reason trust the rush of formula and hope that the i were democrats will ask for an f.b.i. investigation in the end i believe that russia has been engaged in interfering with a number of our elections dealing with the 21 election i'm sorry the 2016 election and so the democrats rubber us like politics once again has them biting their own tail. austrian cyclist stefan devil has admitted working with a german doctor facing doping allegations concerning more than 20 athletes artist peter oliver has the details. doping in sports is at its most fundamental cheating some cheat to win gold medals for others like austrian cyclist stefan din if all he was trying to keep his career following a serious injury although for him it resulted in a 4 year ban i'm not a criminal i wouldn't have got a contract without doping of that sentiment was repeated by cross country skiing your highness do or who received a lifetime ban for blood doping as i see it you can't be at the top without doping both of these disgraced sportsmen were patients of the noun the tory is german dr march mit he ran an elaborate criminal ring providing performance enhancing drugs to 23 athletes in 8 countries his motivation was a different kind of gold money but schmidt's operation came crashing down last year during police raids that were part of operation adolescence bloodletting in english whistleblowers lead to several athletes being caught made blood transfusion the cocktail of illegal supplements they were putting into themselves cost thousands of euro a bag the elaborate process even involved schmidt transporting his supplies in a specially designed refrigeration unit he could wear business with his clients was dealt with often via text message i'm coming i'm the guy with the cooling box we forgot to speak about the name triple x. in 2 weeks i should be ready the investigation is still ongoing and a lot of information is yet to come to light in fact 5 of the athletes thought to be under scrutiny as part of operation are the less remain anonymous with suggestions they could still be competing while the bloodletting investigation has claimed some big scalps it's clear the lid has barely been lifted on what's. seems to be a much larger problem beneath doping is so ingrained into the culture of sports it's a culture of winning and making money that we can never ever get rid of it's all we can do is do our best to say to educate young people say look do you want to tell you early do you want to have mentalists ago you would have problems then. it's just impossible to get rid of because there's so much money involved unfortunately money is winning out because a lot of very very high right got needs who are not be noted however he sees a target your retirement study would definitely type things today a celebration look at all these people involved in sports teams not the players the coaches to doctors to facilitators they're still allowed to weigh in sports and sadly they're usually last people to get on i maybe did maybe did we can richard i'm a decent because i tried to get into talking sports put the question is perfectly put played that's why you know us get the doctors in jail because they know where all the bodies are buried and they will be a loss was called every single time. r t spoke to the president of the russian olympic committee stanislav poison across he says that all anti-doping claims should be investigated. your books and. i would like to emphasize that the problem of anti doping violations is a key issue for the whole world not only for russia this is especially critical for 6 because there are more people involved in this type of sport and violations have caused a great backlash in the media for example today we can see how the doping scandal with british athlete my father is unfolding and there are other well known cases of course we can see some double standards regarding the treatment of different countries however the whole problem shouldn't be ignored but we need to speak out about this but the entire lympics sports community advocates the highest publicity for such cases this is needed to warn the generation of young athletes so that they can avoid the fate of the medal winning american cyclist lance armstrong so one of the main tasks here is to clear the sport of dishonesty. britain's prime minister says he is at the end of his patients with the early release of terror offenders changing british law might not be that simple however if brussels has anything to do with it boris johnson wants legislation to stop the automatic early release of terrorists unless a parole board certified that they are safe the critics argue that the proposed legislation could breach the european convention on human rights so to proceed with the legislation britain may suspend its participation in the venture the european commission warns that if britain does suspend participation commissioner walter made cooperation in the field. he visited partnership should provide for automatic terminations of the mournful corporation and judicial corp in criminal matters if the united kingdom were to denounce the european convention of human rights we put the issue up for debate with human rights lawyer. stephen morris of the english democrats party. it's a good idea to have a parole board that deals with each case individually in principle there's nothing wrong with that but if what the reports are suggesting are correct that mainly they want to change the potential released release date from a half of a sentence to 2 thirds and i think that's where the problem comes in well one of the things is a sentence in rules are completely part of them and if somebody gets given a sentence 5 years than the years the us should be let out early anyway then when the fault then you look at the poor ole. suitable for release that this is a very very serious and complicated situation that calls for nuanced. periods of debate argument consideration not something that the government rushes through in a matter of weeks is a kneejerk reaction well it has to be at the moment because the government over the last few years of an absolutely nothing to address this problem and we do know that there is a number of potential of people in prison the moment. issues that are about to be released but these are people particularly when it if they're going to start applying it to people who are already been convicted already been sentenced already served part of their sentence then it's unfair and potentially a breach of human rights potentially unlawful don't forget they violated people human rights to being there in the 1st place if they're still deemed as a safety risk then they should be let out in a way because. who is likely to attack all the people is a violation of those pedestrians and those individuals human rights as well in terms of what's been suggested about you know we just keep them up until we sure that there won't be a risk any more than we have sentences in the 1st place to me they should have been stripped away 5 years if they say 5 to 5 years and release and if not it has to be drawn quickly and it has to be told to make sure that london and all the parts of the u.k. safe. a u.s. state representative is looking to bring in a bill to stop transgender athletes taking part in women's sports events and high schools are whole lawmaker barbara earhart told us the issue transcends party issues and race as a fundamental question on fairness. i think my bill is necessary because it's important that we protect girls and women in sports in continue to give them the opportunities that we put so hard to get it's one of those issues that crosses party lines because it's about fairness it's not fair for girls and women to have to compete against boys and men we there's not a level playing field we can make whatever choices we want but we are not free to choose the consequences so locked in they will be chosen for us and this is one of those areas that if a person chooses to transition it's really not fair to give boys and men the same opportunities twice and let them choose whichever side they want to compete because again it's not fair to us and it doesn't matter if you take hormones hormones does not change this illogical structure in the d.n.a. that a man inherently has with the larger heart the larger lungs the longer lives this is based strength and we can go on and on and we will be presenting that firms don't change that so we need to have these protections and if we do not have these protections i guarantee that eventually we will not handle women sports. several us states have already tabled similar bills amid rising concern there been numerous controversial cases transgender athlete morrow hubbard won 2 gold at the pacific games last year prompting criticism of the guidelines when all u.s. runners tell 4 competed against males before switching to women's races and becoming a national champion transgender activist stuff we haven gave us her viewpoint. which basically savvy the transgender athletes most compete in the trends a category which they were born at birth firstly in my opinion that is inherently transferred and refusing to recognize the identity of the transgender person concerned. secondly in my view it is based on bad science from my own expense and i'm not a sports person by any stretch of the imagination however i have gone through a magical transition after a number of years on female hormones one's muscle mass reduces the testosterone levels in most male to female transgender persons off significantly less than those who are born female as a result of your muscle mass decreases your strength decreases for example i can in no way be compared and strength or athletic ability to a naturally born male birds are global news update for this hour but don't forget you can always head to our website r.t. dot com for the details on all of those stories and many more. in the united states presidential candidates debate the future of the u.s. and the world. max kaiser and stacy herbert dig into the burning questions of this election cycle one topic every week well stacks student debt trade wars corporate money universal basic. and more catch up with what's front running this sunday exclusively on r.t. . join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see you then. in a world of big partisan movies lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.

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