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very warm welcome to you know watching r.t. international with me carrying. our fiery debate has taken place at the un headquarters the new york over the conflict in syria the damascus and boy address the emergency session accusing turkey and other countries of occupying and pillaging syria and supporting terrorist groups can look more reports from new york . quite strong disagreements were articulated between the countries represented at the 15 member body that leads the united nations now when the representative of the united states spoke she had harsh words for both russia and syria accusing them of inappropriate and basically unacceptable actions in their efforts to retake the province of live from terrorist forces the trumpet ministration condemns in the strongest possible terms the assad regime iran hezbollah and russia's barbaric an unjustified military offensive. to be quite clear what we are witnessing is deliberate lethal violence against thousands of innocent children women and men now she also mentioned that the united states was going to provide aid to help rebuild syria in the aftermath of the conflict however observers have looked at the situation in iraq in the aftermath of the u.s. invasion many years on and have cast doubt on those claims and promises now the russian representative spoke about how it seemed like the meeting was convened for the purpose of preventing the syrian arab republic from retaking the province of it live from the terrorists it seems like the meeting was almost scheduled at a range to try and impede the syrian government's efforts this is what the russian ambassador to ben ziad to say these unplanned meets and syria flew a common pattern convene precisely when terrorist groups in the country are under threat and the syrian government is regaining control of its own territory i would like to remind you that these groups are recognized as terrorists by the security council syria has a right and a d.c. to combine terrorists on its sovereign turner tree now the representative of the syrian arab republic spoke about the need for his country's territorial integrity to be respected as it is being widely violated with foreign forces in the country who were not invited by the internationally recognized syrian government which is a u.n. member state furthermore you seem to believe that essentially the u.n. security council has been transformed almost into something else this is what he had to say you will heard the intervention of the u.s. permanent representative when she said that he is a nato ally so this is no security council but rather a council that she's being used as a nato forum it is an acceptable threat to say inside this house that the united states of america pretext to keep its final ations of the charter and international law my dedication reiterates that attempts by. countries to impose names whose agenda on the security council would among the credibility of this council and refute the pretext used by some to demonize the syrian state's brusha recently renewed its offensive against the terrorist forces in it live it is supporting efforts to take back the city from terrorists and jihad his forces now one particular group he got to rere al shaab and this is a terrorist group that is widely known around the world for its atrocities for example there are over 1400 attacks with tanks machine guns that have been heavy weaponry that have taken place recently in addition they have been countering civilian protest and ad lib against their ongoing presence in the presence of other militants there have been attacks on humanitarian corridors which is a violation of international law in addition they have been using civilians as human shields syrian representative when speaking emphasized that their territorial integrity was being very very widely violated and emphasized that they were determined to defeat the terrorist forces and that it seemed like the united states and nato were essentially trying to undermine their efforts and prevent them from defeating these terrorist forces and retaking their province of libs so quite a strong disagreement between countries represented at the u.n. security council meeting that just took place here in manhattan or did i miss my cloudy things western powers are not interested in ending the conflict in syria. well this goes way beyond the concept of terrorists that are is another man's freedom fighter. into the black and white robes who the west has been supporting all the way through this crisis in syria has been al qaeda affiliates all the time holding by the same with turkey the same with the u.k. the same with israel so it just seems that they have no more cause to play we can only imagine what would happen. russian a russian delegation to the un or iranian or syrian said something along the lines of will exist targeting isis the west the us and france want to prolong this conflict this is exactly what they want to do whatever testing they are caught affiliates it sounds insane doesn't it but that's exactly what's going on where they're appealing to the united nations in order to protect our own or affiliates you could only make this stuff up but that's exactly what's going on. the chair of the us democratic national committee has called for the reassessment of delayed results from the iowa caucus off the ballots were raised whether they were factually correct they were among testy or covered polls. caucus democratic caucus still missing a whopping 3 percent of the results the race is very very close extremely close to judges in the lead with 26.2 percent and bernie sanders right behind with only 26 point one percent then we have warren with 18.2 percent and of course joe biden with 15.8 percent but it judge and sanders do have each 11 delegates basically whoever gets the 1st primary amount of delegates and reaches the $1191.00 before the primaries gets the election but it's clearly too close to call even with 3 percent still missing but in the last hour like you mentioned d.n.c. chairman took to twitter to announce this campus enough is enough in light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results i am calling on the are you with democratic party to immediately begin to recant this so. tweet really came unexpected for the democrats who have already seen a lot of how it came as a surprise to them so at this rate canvas means it's similar to recount but not quite we may be seeing another caucus of sorts to go back and seeing a recount of sorts rather to see who will win it's all been caused by this error called from the application called shadow the error in coding that could not delayed these important results and it's also important to note that this these these primaries the caucus in iowa the new next one in new hampshire and then south carolina and nevada they really are important to kind of give these candidates the 1st momentum in this race but without the iowa results they could be moving to new hampshire we're only days away from that will the 100 precincts reporting consistencies in their results along with missing data in not to recount collations also to place the failure to validate the results correctly towing his calls widespread. folks i don't know what is going on with the iowa democratic party on the slow trickle of results how many of the counties are having their results foresee reported by the i.d.p. every county needs to release the results no. risk or slicing political i don't know if they can fly out to discuss this but i welcome to the program great to have you with us now like you making dave be at the d.n.c. chair temporize has called for a recount of us of the iowa results do you think this will result of the confusion not at all i think peru as is participating in increasing the confusion by asking for even more review even more time to pass between the time the voters voted and the results that they see this is a way of disconnecting voters from the results that they expected when they participated in those caucuses in those neighborhoods in the high school gyms they all remember the 1st night how it went for they are and they all talk to each other to see if they can get a read on how it was going to go statewide and now days and days are passing and tom perez is about to demand more and more days passed and at a certain point the people of iowa won't remember how they voted and any result that the democrat party wants to report they'll be able to it's my opinion bernie sanders was leading in the polls which is why the des moines register for the 1st time ever didn't publish their sunday poll right before the caucuses and i think bernie sanders won convincingly in the vote totals themselves and they have taken enough time to be able to recreate the records and change the output of the program the shadow applications so that bernie sanders comes in convincingly high but not in 1st place this is what i think the democrat party has done with the help of none other than george soros who's been tinkering with u.s. elections since 2004 when he ran about 30000000 dollars worth of newspaper ads against george w. bush soros is the principal funder of this new company shadow software that wrote this at george soros gave them to. point $6000000.00 to create this app for the iowa caucuses to use it supposedly to make things faster easier and cleaner but in the end here comes the chaos and chaos benefits fraud the longer and more difficult it is to understand the easier it will be to report something that didn't happen and people will accept it. how embarrassing it has always be for democrats to winning what kind of message they're sending out so says they are willing to risk everyone being embarrassed and ashamed to be democrats and the democrat party looking bad they're willing to risk this and they are certainly getting that kind of blowback in order to prevent what they think is orders of magnitude worse result and that is valued and ashamed communist bernie sanders who has been a communist his whole life even honeymoon in moscow with his new bride he thought that was the romantic place to go on your honeymoon bernie sanders is a hardcore communist who's proud to say it and doesn't back down and the democrat party is terrified that sanders will be the candidate and that communism will propose to tear apart and re rig and redistribute the economy that donald trump is spent the last 3 years restoring and building up to the great increase in happiness of ordinary americans that democrats think bernie doesn't have a chance as a candidate and they're willing to risk embarrassment to make sure by fraudulent means that he doesn't win now right off of the d.n.c. chair called for a recount of us but he's on this declared victory that the partial vote gave me to have very narrow lanes do you think sundays make matters worse by doing that i think in the end it won't matter because the next state is new hampshire bernie is going to win that going away and the democrats will have only managed to tap the brakes on their principal problem which is how to prevent the popularity of bernie sanders from causing him to be the candidate that loses in a landslide to donald. in november this isn't the 1st time the democrat party has cheated there are great moments in american history l.b.j. getting into the senate in 1948 with a box of votes in the trunk of a car that came in from the hinterlands at midnight just enough to get him across the line that's the way al franken got elected in minnesota not too many years ago and of course everyone remembers richard nixon ought to have protested the chicago voting by dead people in 1960 but he was too nice a guy to do that and so we ended up with john f. kennedy as president but the democrats cheat in elections we had 14 congressional seats in 2018 that belong to republicans these seats were close in the vote tallies when the polls closed and so a couple or 3 days passed the 14 republican seats got examined and massaged and recounted and all 14 flipped democrats the odds of that happening legitimately r.'s 0 democrats cheat in elections especially local small close ones where the number of votes they need to win is not a great number it's a dozen or a 100 and that's the kind of a vote total they can manufacture and they do they do not want bernie sanders as their candidate they fucking political analyst thanks for joining us on our thanks nikki. that's what i'm here to have announced changes to the way they fight duct tape materials but the fake wording in the new rules is raising questions though of course a has a sales. we all like a good many i know i do and that's why i'm here to warn you that they're potentially in danger because of twitter's new war on altered images and videos that might mislead voters we know that some tweets include many plated photos or videos that can cost people harm today we're introducing a new rule and a label that will address and give people more context around this tweets one man satire is another man's trigger there's bound to be those who will find hilarious songs like this one unhealthy for political discourse i love the cold. cream. what has boiled its definition of so-called doctored images down to a few criteria editing of the contents composition changes in its visual or auditory information and anything that simulates real people but who actually gets to make the call on what does or doesn't harm is anyone's guess are these trump dog and rocky memes politically misleading maybe this one with bernie sanders is harmful a political satire well it's always bound to hurt someone's feelings but if you're not on twitter don't think this isn't going to step on your toes you tube's got its own version of this new policy of the 2020 lection season kicks into high gear in the united states people who visit you tube to learn about the candidates and watch the election season. over the last few years we've increased or if it's to make. news and information as well as an open platform for who flee political discourse you remember that video trump supporters made portraying their president massacring the mainstream media and the church it was funny to them to the mainstream media while they were a bit offended the white house correspondents association says it is horrified by this and is calling on president trump to denounce the video c.b.s. has decided. not to show that video we can't show this video because it's so disgusting is extremely violent it is disturbing and those bad liberating videos could also be interpreted as politically misleading you probably every day think a bug with my ear. we need new babies out there think we need time to make new ones because the old ones just become so big twitter's netizens have already picked up on the controversy because people were kind of instances this i love how you use the word doctored because that's the elisa talker means the left caught me on twitter oh yeah well now no one can make your bed in the which may cause harm to the left we can read between the lines there will be no unimproved in the people's republic of twitter comrades it seems that without any ultimate authority to make the call on what is and isn't a violation so many decisions will be left to the rules vague wording who knows how internet freedom will fare as a result for us a prominent american corruption activist and founder of project veritas james o'keefe how does a council spend it by twits a lot this week as off that he was wrongly accused of leaking private data belonging to a volunteer on bernie sanders campaign team the dispute began when a washington post reporter accused project very task of publishing secret recordings of volunteers on sunday this campaign rather than staff and james o'keefe then wrote a tweet requesting of attraction and providing a link to publicly available election information as proof the volunteer was actually an employee keeps the account was then locked by twitter and although the reporter retracted his story ok if the count was still restricted here are those secret recordings of bernie sanders stuff as that kicked all of this off. there were. cities. story obviously with. these. and his tweets james like a flings to a page on the publicly available federal election commission website and when his account was that looks by twitter he logged in to find a warning that is posted violated his rules on quote posting private information james i keith told us more about what happened. we reported publicly available f.e.c. documents in a washington post reporter say that the man you just saw the tape there collier rick was a quote volunteer so the washington post reporter deleted his erroneous tweet we reported the information showing that he was not a volunteer he was a he the field organizer for bernie sanders in the state of iowa and then twitter locks my account does not allow me to tweet it until they tell me i have to delete the tweet reporting the f.e.c. information i don't want to delete the tweet i think that that would be unethical for me to delete information like that i'm trying to report information the public has a right to know so i think twitter is drawing a line in the sand here and i'm not going to delete this tweet i've appealed the decision trying to get twitter to change their mind but it was making the argument that because the f.e.c. paystub had the information about the address of kyle yuruk that's a violation of his privacy but when you're a public figure when you're when you're talking about how great violence is and killing police officers are i think that reporters have a right to publish things like f.e.c. paystub so i think it's very hypocritical when he's off to this very short break. chose to build their economy in such a way as that spawned the crisis of the problem by ira's and for that there is an economic i don't think. the us could inherit a benefit of that economic penalty similarly the us build its economy in ways that cause other kind of extra nowadays that are highly detrimental to the us economy. what holds his hands to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and you. want to be. too great to be close this is what will before 3 of the more people. interested in the waters of. course should. welcome back in a major shakeup in german politics the key regional prime minister has quit just hours after taking up the post i made a huge backlash over a political union that brought into power. this resignation was inevitable the dissolution of the parliament is inevitable if detroit yesterday with a perilous trick of damage democracy there was no cooperation with the f.t. there is no such cooperation and will never be taught us carrick they're quick to say that he had nothing to do with a deal with alternative for germany but well how long he sticks around at the higher levels of the free democratic party with that may be measured in hours similar to his reign as prime minister of the state of today in jail he's fairly much in the firing line at the moment and it's been huge backlash to this situation it's unfolded into india backlash from politicians also from the public as well it follows this union basically this alliance between the c.d.u. which is angular merkel's party the right wing alternative for germany party the f.d.a. to support and back thomas kennedy to be the prime minister of the state of to even get that resulted in condemnation of condemnation from on high angle merkel herself having something to say about it and this is unforgivable and that's why the result must be reversed the election of this prime minister was a unique process that broke with the basic conviction of the c.d.u. and also of mine namely that no majority should be one with the help of the f.t. this is a ban today for democracy. chancellor merkel have to say something because she often repeated that promise that there would be no alliance between alternative for germany and her pristine democratic union it's really seen as the big to boo in german politics to have anything to do with a half day to try and gears them to gain power in fact you saw large demonstrations across germany on wednesday evening against what we've seen happening today nya. is one of the smallest states in the german federal republic but the rock that's been thrown in there and not pool has certainly cast ripples far afield christian linda who's the head of the free democratic party that thomas kennedy belongs to least for now in fact he's called for votes of confidence while speaking to the party leadership when it comes to the cd themselves local representatives in the states of today just saying they don't want to see new elections in the state it does look like that's the direction we're heading in at the moment when you look at that it's hard to think that would have been possible just a short while ago while angle a miracle was hades of the christian democratic union that there would be a local faction of the policy that would be so publicly. against what head office is saying there will be a meeting of christian democratic union top brass here in berlin on friday as they continue to discuss the fallout from what's going on in the states elections. the reaction from both sides of germany's political spectrum parliament voted with this majority for this liberal and it is clear that our problem deputies from f b also supported this liberal candidate but it's completely constitutional completely democrat democratic the political left wing a leader of the centrist elite and bowlen is not willing to accept that in a federal state parliament elects a liberal to be prime minister because to say he has the support of the wrong after all party if he in 2 renier is to 2nd largest force and people voted for them it shows and which states democracy in germany is now after a long government of and get our merkel to lead a. regional federal government and you left it through fascist this is. a group of a child who's it's not a question of legal it's a quest question of politics in this year. of course in the professional political. system on the federal level you are professional you move all and you think forward ritchson are you. and if you know better now you can happen the. trick tries to bring in. government religion to meet its own fascist politics you should do anything to him to. a group of 130 german public figures that find an appeal for the release of wiki leaks founder julian assange from prison in the u.k. former german vice chancellor think my gabrielle is among the signatories as well as several nobel prize winners. reimage our aim is to make it clear to the public that it's not only about the defense of the sun it's also about the defensive freedom of opinion and the press and consequently of democracy itself. in discovering state crimes journalist whistle blows and the media need to fear persecution imprisonment or even fear for their lives in the future the 4th power is more than in danger. as ours was arrested in london last april and is currently serving a 15 week sentence for skipping bail back in 2012 he's also facing extradition to the u.s. on espion archons computer hacking charges the american case centers on the publication by wiki leaks of thousands of classified military files in 2010 including this video incriminating u.s. troops in iraq if convicted his songs could get a prison term of up to 175 years the final stage of his extradition trial has been pushed back to may meanwhile the son remains in belmarsh prison as ours was only recently moved from solitary confinement after repeated appeals by his legal team citing poor health he still faces tight restrictions on visitors what his lawyers say they've also found it difficult to meet their clients and it open letter last month dozens of leading medical experts warned the u.k. government that the wiki leaks co-founder could die in prison affair code on multiple occasions by the un's special rapporteur on torture. the blatant and sustained arbitrariness shown by both the judiciary and the governments in this case suggests an alarming departure from the you case commitment to human rights and the rule of law unless the u.k. urgently changes course and alleviates the inhuman situation mr songes continued exposure to arbitrariness and abuse may soon end up costing him his life hopefully the judge will decide in the sophos favor and and turn extradition down on the on the grounds that the u.s. is not an honorable partner in these proceedings i think it's clear that assad cannot be will not be given a fair trial fair treatment and the british government should take that into account the prosecution of astonish is obviously would be a major blow to to press freedom throughout the world he's been put in and solitary confinement until very recently in a maximum security prison and that's obviously having a very damaging effect in terms of as his physical and mental health so it's been it's been extremely harsh treatment. and and certainly belies britain's reputation as a place of civil liberties and civilized treatment of people like that well back in 30 minutes. registers dogs registers litters so it's involved in a transactional relationship with those.

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