with people just. around the clock across the world this is international from the team myself you know me oh hello in a very warm welcome. the democratic party suffered i'm embarrassing night in iowa the results of the 1st major vote in the 2020 primary season has been delayed due to a crippling technical glitch spec to be announced choose the evening a full 24 hours later with on the trump was quick to comment on the turmoil of the iowa caucus taking to twitter to have his say in the democrats' apartment ineptitude meanwhile in the absence of any official results 2 of the party's presidential hopefuls decided to claim victory. so we don't hear results. by all indications we are going to new hampshire victoria. due to the failure of the iowa democratic party to release results tonight and in the interest of full transparency bernie sanders a senior advisor jeff weaver is releasing results from nearly 40 percent of precincts in i want results have been delayed so they'll be coming but they'll be coming later nevertheless this is this is a huge embarrassment for the democratic party this this is an awful start to the to the nomination process because iowa is statistically of paper it's insignificant i mean out of the 2000 almost 2000 delegates required to be nominated as the presidential candidate for the democratic party. has fought so you know it's it's a tiny amount the population is small it is very representative but. it is the 1st primary it is the 1st cry it sets the tone sets the atmosphere if you win it it gives you a huge amount of momentum going forward because it's an example it's a people see that you're winning in the end they'll jump on board and for this to happen now apparently because of a technical glitch ease awful we've found inconsistences in the reporting of free says of results in addition to the tech system has been used to tabulate results where oh so using 4 to suffer results and a paper trail to validate that all results match and ensure that we have confidence and accuracy in the numbers we report fortunately no one's come out and blame the russians yet but you know did eventually down the line will there be a fall guys who think you know i can just play in the russians and nobody's going to prove you disprove you but the point the point of this app at the center of this at the center of this mess the point of this app was to safeguard the primary the election to safeguard. from russian meddling from foreign interference from hackers they drew tens of millions of dollars and to developing these apps and to develop the developing technology to protect themselves and what you have at the end of the day at the end of the day it all goes pear shaped the entire system is an embarrassment nothing's ready. there's also a scandal brewing on live cause a lot of people a lot of the candidates are very angry that this happened especially those that were projected to win but pete booted judge one of the one of the candidates he apparently bank funded co-founded made donations to the developers of this application is conspiracy theories brewing among people that don't support him saying that you know how convenient he was spared the embarrassment straightaway of coming in 3rd or 4th in this poll have because because obviously that would be useful for any candidate nevertheless this is this is a good that this is this is the entire democratic party this is. the worst part about it is that all the supporters of all the various candidates and now angry not only at the democrats but at each other they're blaming you know candidates they're saying if you would have come in 3rd you would have come in 4th others and claiming victory with nothing to do with nothing to back it up. very ironic because this is exactly the sort of behavior that the cues to russia of committing that breaking news russian hackers try to hack wisconsin's election system russia's hacked into a lot of things russian hackers the kremlin clan it certainly looks like they're in it again and with an eye towards openness president it's ironic isn't it that democrat paranoia about russia what caused them to develop these apps to safeguard themselves with technological files or what have you eventually that and there are . incompetence was the downfall because russian hackers of never managed to stop an election to delay the results of a primary but an election in the united states. ok let's continue with the story because we're joined live by robert roberts a senior lecturer in critical digital media practice at lancaster university the margin you've been busy. sharing your expertise the last few hours without robert this is clearly an embarrassing episode for the democrats to what extent do you think it was forseeable who's the blame for the technical theater. well you know democrats and having been a reporter in the states for a long time again i can say that the democrats at the local level tend to be the worst at organizing it very difficult to communicate amongst themselves they don't do a good job pushing out the vote too too much and we may have seen a rise with brock obama that was different because of the use of social media which hadn't been there in the past and so it isn't user prizing that democrats without the republicans help we're trying to solve figured out a way to to kind of group this out you go to normal voting polls in the united states for general elections or primaries you'll see the same types of mistakes being made by by the government so these 2 things together just really put into question is american working do you for see the way it happens and i with a caucus abundant or at least changes made in the future. this is jim as it is now including the electoral college which was your select individuals who make their own votes on who should win the presidency based on predictions of what's coming out of votes from from the states regions this benefits the power elite really well in the states you know i was predominately white it's a bit older that's something that america doesn't want to give up the kind of racial control over setting the agenda for who could be sitting in the white house has trust been undermined somewhat in the process just as it's kicked off how will it impact the primaries do you think well among democrats i think they hatred and anger toward donald trump is stronger than any kind of disappointment or frustration certainly i've had i had friends on the floor at the caucus and there was a lot of anger in in frustration but at the end of the day there is a lot more anger towards what's going on in washington d.c. and those policies that are going to. maybe not get rid of the frustration that's going on right now but will hopefully for democrats anyway bring people to the polls and into fight donald trump however donald trump's using his state of the union address tonight to probably poke a bit of fun and to also announce that he's been acquitted which will probably happen tomorrow there is a sense isn't there you know better than me but it does it does it seem like the dems don't have any particularly strong candidates right now do you think any of them would pose a real threat to the trump well you know bernie sanders is pretty just pretty strong he's been coming out with some some pretty good ideas. to float well among democrats and against elizabeth warren and joe biden seems to be losing his his footing and the others are insularity characters who probably will get a cabinet position of some sort of a democrat gets you into the white house but i'm just sorry to do you think bernie sanders would get the help of the democratic national committee in 2016 it seems as if they're actually going against him somewhat if he did get the nomination would he have help well that's a really good question i mean and certainly mass media particularly at the new york times is in very favorable bernie sanders in their in their coverage in the way that they talk about him but he is getting the grassroots support he is getting the money that's coming in from individual donors and the end of the day a lot of who gets the money makes a lot of the decisions here do i think bernie sanders will prevail you know i'm not sure but he is i think the surprise candidate here so far along now what will be interesting to see is if you were to get these people on the stage next to donald trump how do they perform that's going to be the real question and yeah thanks very much for gave us an insight though into the last 24 hours robert senior lecturer in critical digital media practice of lancaster university. ok let's turn attention to fronts where a former spokes person for a syrian armed group has been arrested on charges of war crimes and torture the jihad this lived in hungry for several months before being granted a student scholarship and more say the authorities are only tipped off after a human rights group pointed out his real identity he looks at the loophole that allowed him 1st into the. torture kidnapping war crimes these are just some of the charges brought against a syrian using on a student visa he went by the name of mushed enough may in france back in syria he was is a lowish no ordinary stews and tea is said to have once been jayashri islams press secretary previously nor did his freedom fighters the hardline islamist group in fact carried out a reign of terror in the eastern ghouta suburb of damascus. when you look. in his linked in profile he describes himself as being specialized in security and terrorism affairs with a focus on syria he boasts of an impressive academic background with bunches degrees from not one but diverse cities including in hungary and when it comes to experience he mentions being the c.e.o. of the syrian news monitoring network new trace of the allegations of torture or forced in this moment of children raising his history seems upped given that all islam ceased to exist back in 2018. as the battle for eastern ghouta played out the french government said it was concerned about a grave violation of human rights and it called for a cease fire now while it acknowledge the presence of just harvests it also accused president assad of using the ongoing conflict as a fig leaf to wipe out any opposition. the syrian regime and its allies are brandishing the fight against jihad his fighters the need for which no one is disputing was just a few cation of an offensive aimed at entirely different goals its real intentions are indeed to annihilate any our normal position and break the morale of civilians by indiscriminately massacring them following that offensive in eastern guta by the syrian army generational islam was talked balt last year a complaint was filed to the courts in france and josh and the senior members and no wanted as it was criminals. the complaint filed in june 29th teen was built on over 3 years of documentation of the crimes perpetrated by jaish al islam summary executions kidnappings and the systematic use of torture the group targeted people suspected of complicity with the regime but also ordinary civilians accuse of not applying the shari'a imposed by the group rigorously enough the international federation for human rights says the arrest of most enough where in mass a paves the way for the 1st investigation of the rebel groups crimes others may be hoping that arrests such as this will help shed more light for crimes committed by opposition forces during the syrian conflict giving a fuller picture of what really happened on the ground. altie paris. political analyst nickel america which believes there will be fear and anger unless the french government humble things in the correct manner. once you enter the european union you could go more or less where you want there are no border controls how we entered hungary would be an interesting question to know that what is in prosperous and this in this situation is that he entered legally he wasn't even hiding he was living in the white which is a neighborhood in the center smack in the center of more state you could continue studying in france with no problem whatsoever that means the police cannot do their job properly today in western europe they don't even know who's in the country we've got an sort o. s. to say that we don't even we don't even know if you got the means to stop terrorists we don't even know if terrorists are in the country we know there are some but we don't know how many and it's huge it's already difficult capturing those who are not even hiding so i think definitely this is going to hurt a bit the government because this is very bad press very bad press having a terrorist. somebody accused of terrorism entering legally come from another country go in with a go it's a university this is very bad press so there might be someone who's in the following days but i think unfortunately if the government doesn't handle the process of immigration legal immigration allee inigo the immigration and the secret service if the government doesn't tackle these issues seriously unfortunately this these types of stories are going to continue in time. top journalists in the u.k. together over a dunning street attempt to exclude some of their colleagues story. join me every thursday on the alex i'm unsure and i'll be speaking to the world of politics sports business i'm sure. i'll see you then. international now in amman precedented move some of britain's most senior political journalists walked. from a dining street briefing on the prime minister's brags it plans taking up the story for us from the u.k. and if you're a cheater. a number of political journalists have boycotted a number 10 briefing after the prime minister's a try to ban selected reporters now as a consequence of this a number of journalists refused the briefing and walked out including the b.b.c.'s laura cohen's bird i t.v.'s and robert preston and political journalist from the daily mail telegraph the sun financial times and the guardian and this is a big statement the source from number 10 said there was a normal briefing following the pm speech for all lobby journalists but confirmed that there would be and i quote a small a selected briefing for specialist journalist the source went on to say that a number of uninvited journalists barged into number 10 and demanded to be part of it they were told that they were not allowed to attend the implication of these actions of course categorize the journalists present at the time apparently some were specialists and some one not in fact all of the journalists present were political journalists and it hasn't gone unnoticed the tensions between boris johnson and the media have been escalating over recent weeks and there's been a huge reaction online to this latest incident kudos to reporters from the b.b.c. mail telegraph the sun financial times and guardian who walking out of a government briefing after the mirror i haven't imposed riband see would you like about u.k. newspapers with the journalists working for them or undeniably good. also this idea there should be technical and specialist separate briefings rist some political journalists are excluded is a joke excuse this is about the major plan of johnson's policy all outlets and their interests have a right to know the details. u.k. media is proud of their ability to report freely but incidents like banning the mirror for example from the campaign bus during the election have not gone unnoticed at that time the editor of the daily mirror said that the society of editors thought that the bad was disturbing and an attack on free speech now this walk out certainly suggests that some very high profile british journalists may finally have had enough. well in july last year our team sputnik journalists were barred from a conference on media freedom hosted by the u.k. and canadian governments explanation the british foreign office accused the 2 major seas of spreading descent from nation without providing any evidence to support the coup sation award winning journalist peter osborne say's it's on precedented to hold a separate briefing for selected journalists in downing street. but what incredibly unusual and quite sinister here i think you are trying to split the political reporters into 2 categories one who get better briefings get special access than the others who would put a different route into the briefings and that is how it's never happened in my 30 plus years as a political journalist we're talking here of an attempt to manipulate and bring light journalist to come on our side you write what we want you to write and the you're free you're of given special status and if you don't do what the government wants then your 4 days in. britain is rolling on the green carpet with the country's energy regulator unveiling plans to screw up gas heating on the sale of all petrol and diesel cars by 2035 thoughts in the hopes of hitting a net 0 emission target 15 years after about but there are worries it will hit the most vulnerable in the pocket as every hosts in the country has to pay more. well this is it the moment we've all been waiting for the beginning of the end of carbon emissions as the u.k. could be on the path to net there are a monday the u.k.'s office for gas and electricity markets all of presented its new action which is aimed at transforming the country's infrastructure to make it more eco friendly britain has come a long way it is decarbonise faster than any other major economy but we must go further particularly on heat and transport we are taking an approach that recognizes that our role protecting consumers includes a cheering net 0. it is now vital that the energy industry rises to the challenge and demonstrates how it will work with the government and off jim de carbonized britain's energy system at lowest cost well it's a $9.00 point plan and if you don't drive electric car yet you may be in trouble as under the scheme 10000000 petrol diesel cars will be replaced with the greenham appeals and for the time being you better keep your winter jackets on because gas central heating is to be ripped from every single home well the plan also wants to shift towards renewable sources of energy like solar and wind which is great news for g.b. then with all the rain so how much will this cost well as digraphs i would put it you can't put a price on saving the globe can you and doesn't have a direct answer either recognizes the right tradeoffs to overcome such as fairly spreading the cost of a low carbon energy system between today's and tomorrow's consumers when apparently this $9.00 point plan is all down to you so we can all go up in smoke when you know how much it can set you back well the rollout alone of electrical vehicles could be $2000000000.00 pounds a year which is the equivalent to 30 pounds on every household bill. chandler. police use. i think. it is going to be good for the planet if we do have to pay a bit more money if i live. in a freezing cold system so that's my. baby and you'll get to the table. i guess providing it's not done and i'm on a roll basis with people just paying money out. there so that i mean well jim could cause an uncomfortable atmosphere as it has a history of hiking prices for consumers for its own good just a few days ago the national audit office revealed that electric bills were unnecessarily high fee yes setting the public back 100000000. pounds annually but if it's all spread out equally for the good of the planet then 1st fell right well the royals wouldn't get the warmest reception on this one when prince charles hopped on his private helicopter producing c o 2 emissions to get to climate change conference this in order for him to undertake his many engagements as he does across the u.k. and around the world he sometimes has to fly as he has often said assume is there is a more sustainable way