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live from moscow thanks for joining us in the weekly here at the international. welcome to the program on thursday dozens of world leaders dignitaries have gathered in jerusalem to commemorate the holocaust it was time to mark the 75th anniversary of soviet forces liberating auschwitz the infamous death camp and nazi occupied poland. my dear family i'm writing this letter before my death i don't know exactly when me and my relatives are going to die just because we're jews i'm in a concentration camp before all of us will be shot in a shelter thursday 4 am 16942 very well to you all. but i am barack. the other thing i wanted to tell you was that i had several jobs in birkenau in auschwitz one of the jobs was clearing the ashes from where they bug juice through a tunnel into a small river. and i worked there together with another guy who was already old he was 32 and i was 16. i didn't know what these ashes were. one day when i saw it in daylight i asked him. what is the job we're doing so he told me what it was. not me. blush. and never forget it every morning i look at my hands and see well i have the number here and i see it every day at a time in the. world leaders at the holocaust memorial forum spoke about the importance of remembering the horrors of what happened israel thanked the red army for its role in the victory of a not as i'm one of his speech president putin described the holocaust as one of the dog just moments the world has ever seen. it by your skill before my visit to driesell i looked through the official documents and reports of red army offices after the liberation of auschwitz concentration camp i must say d. colleagues it was impossible to read the details of how the must list machine of people extermination what these crimes conducted by the nazis were deliberate and well planned what the resolution of the jewish issue is one of the darkest emotion in full pages in modern world history. all today not everyone in poland views the red army as the liberating force some of the country's top officials believe the u.s.s.r. was actually responsible for the start of the war president under reverse refused to attend the commemoration because vladimir putin was given a chance to speak at the forum over him we discussed the issue with marc shulman editor of history central dot com and a columnist at newsweek magazine clearly the fact that poland wasn't there was missed the fact that he wasn't there a little bit less though we have a situation in the world frankly where facts don't seem to matter anymore people are rewriting facts just to fit their particular narrative and we find that particularly among nationalists a polish nationalism is rewriting a little bit of history to better look upon the polish people other nationals are doing the same and people are ignoring the real facts i mean listen the soviet people bled more than anyone else during world war 2 the soviets gave up more in terms of men fighting and civilians who died than any other country during world war 2 and if it wasn't for the soviet union i have serious doubts whether had a lot of been defeated and i don't think anyone can really question that in terms of in historical fact u.s. vice president mark penn soever chose not to emphasize the role of the red army in liberating auschwitz raising questions whether that was the liberal. when soldiers opened the gates of auschwitz on january 27th 1905. they found $7000.00 have starved half naked prisoners. hundreds of boxes of camp records that documented the greatest mass murder in history. this is mr asian in the united states on both sides of the aisle are 1st of all very ignorant of history unfortunately in also there is a kind of a wave of truth to phobia that has swept the us over the past several years started in the democratic party of course trying to find a way to blame someone for the loss of hillary clinton but now it's that now it's so bad that anything russian that's mentioned even this even a soviet activity in world war 2 is is just is just forgotten so it's a massive stary on the u.s. part one survivor's how rowing stories that only about escaping the death count but actually being born into it we spoke with him about the liberation of auschwitz and how it's perception has changed over the years. people tell losed but there was no liberation they say so if there was no red army then there wouldn't be me or other prisoners or my mother i have never questioned the merits of these soldiers i have always been grateful the prime minister and the president criticized the red army equally it was the same under the previous authorities know the admit there was a liberation of auschwitz but at the same time this so there was no liberation of war so we call that the 2nd occupation. was liberated but that was or and other cities were not i don't know maybe the americans liberated them monday will mark exactly 75 years since the prisoners of our ships were set free here not international will be following the memorial events on what is an emotional day for so many around the world to mark one of the most horrific chapters in history or hear some of the stories of those who survived. in other news the psychologist dubbed the architect of the cia's enhanced interrogation techniques post 911 has been apologetic about his role in any torture programs that a mission came during a military tribunal which is preparing a trial against the self-proclaimed mastermind as well as for others of the attacks on new york and washington back in 2001 whatever personal consequences i would live with i believe there was a genuine threat of an imminent attack i thought my moral obligation to protect american lives outweighed temporary discomfort of terrorists i get up today and do it again. james mitchell was contra contracted by the cia in the wake of $911.00 to a consultant create an interrogation program for al qaeda suspects he was one of 3 men authorized to do waterboarding that's a torture technique that simulates drowning on several prisoners later he and another psychologist set up a company that provided support for the interrogators the cia's program included now illegal coercive measures. in the immediate aftermath of $911.00 we tortured some lawyers for the 5 detainees are now seeking for any statements made under interrogation to be disqualified from a trial on grounds of torture and you walk through a set of flounders believes the grid tie break will proceedings are deeply flawed. but none of this could possibly be a fair trial i mean how can you have a fair trial with people who've been held in total secrecy whose testimony is based on torture. the media isn't allowed in except for conditions so strict that they can't even have a picture of the court room all the testimony is restricted. none of this none of this layers and layers of secrecy is about providing any kind of justice or accountability or even of information it is going through a theater in order to once again exert their power their power over people's lives and we should just note that there were juveniles who were youth who were held for years i kuantan them oh there were people who had nothing to do who were simply sold for bounty who were kuantan m o $780.00 prisoners and then the thousands who were held in secret rendition or around the world no accounting for them so this was a huge program and its ramifications were still feeling today. well the 1st the attorney mr mitchell water boarded was a palestinian man known as beida he's never been charged with any crime but remains indefinitely in guantanamo he was the 1st known cia prisoner to undergo enhanced interrogation and even lost the noise while being tortured during his time there as a buyer has attempted to illustrate his experiences morning you may find some of the images distressing. as soon as they locked me up inside the box i tried my best to sit up but in vain for the box was too short i tried to take a curled position but to no avail for it was too tight the very strong pain made me scream unconsciously. they kept pouring water and concentrating on my nose and my mouth until i really felt i was drowning and my chest was just about to explode from the lack of oxygen . the. long hours went by while i was standing in that position my hands were tight to the upper bars. it felt like an eternity to the point that i found myself falling asleep and despite the water being thrown at me by the guards. there is absolutely no justification that can ever be given or accepted for the horrendous and systematic torture that was used and it was used and authorized from the highest levels from the presidency f.b.i. the cia the top levels of the military the studies were known the conditions were no. and this isn't just one or 2 people michel and jennings this was an entire unit set up in order to use torture and to study how to apply the most excruciating forms of torture of pain of waterboarding are slamming of of packing into tight boxes of stress positions and on and on all of this really has to be exposed and they're counting demanded not only of those who designed the torture but of those who set up these torture camps. a deadly coronavirus outbreak which began in china in mid december has rapidly spread across the globe not only neighboring countries but also in france canada and the us chinese authorities have confirmed more than 2000 cases and 56 people have died in the country experts say this new strain of virus has evolved in that humans are now more susceptible to the epidemic now entering a more complex stage president seizing ping earlier warned of a grave situation as the spread of the virus separated against this backdrop truck travel companies in the country have halted group towards use of the outbreak and meanwhile the russian health ministry has warned of a serious risk that their corona virus could spread across its 4000 kilometer border with china these are the areas now affected since the spill out from mainland china the map shows the countries where people have been affected and the numbers as well and china of course the outbreaks epicenter is far ahead in terms of confirmed cases many neighboring nations have also got containment to deal with it as you can see it's been detected in europe and north america as well but all quarter breaks down what's known about the deadly virus. people are dying of a new virus and it's spreading like wildfire across asia if we still know so little about this mysterious illness. and. this new coronavirus has been identified as a mutation of sars a respiratory disease that killed over 750 people around the world from 2002 to 2003 antibiotics have absolutely no effect on either of the viruses and that's been enough to put the russian authorities on high alert not least because the chair is a border with china the break of a new coronavirus which was 1st recorded in china carries a body logical threats to the population of russia the $1500000.00 chinese tourists that visit russia every year have now become a potential public health risk russian authorities have begun screening them at all international airports prepared to diagnose the virus if it appears on top of that moscow has advised people against traveling to china russia is not alone in being worried about the outbreak reaching its territory a number of other countries have begun screening for the disease at airports as well as appearing internationally in the just cases in areas that. over phones at places which are further away if this if this outbreak continues as we're seeing the case oversea globally highly connected and so it is likely increasingly likely that we will see potentially a case of china stepping up containment efforts after she stressed the serious. this of the outbreak on national television the disease also got the attention of the world health organization they've called for an emergency meeting to decide whether or not to declare the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern that's a title reserved only for the most serious of epidemics and with the lunar new year millions of chinese around the world are expected to return home to their families one can only hope beijing will have the situation under control. this week us democrats concluded their arguments against donald trump while passing his impeachment trial over to the senate's russia was a hot topic during the opening speech on wednesday head of the house democrats out of shift mention the apparently all important words on more than one occasion russian intelligence services russian expansionism russian forces and their proxies russia kremlin russia's president vladimir putin the russian military agency. we can fight russia over there in the russians through russian efforts thanks to vladimir putin when the president said hey russia if you're listening they were listening that's the russian story. while the cameras were focused on the senate floor due to a ban on filming sketch artists instead caps of the atmosphere in the chamber some of the pictures showed members having trouble staying involved in the process stretching their legs doodling even sleeping senators also face the 12 hour no phone policy while sat at desks and we spoke with journalist and political commentator chad what more he told us even the strongest supporters of trump's impeachment getting tired of the anti russian narrative. the democrat party has 100 percent of their energy and their time into trying to remove a duly elected president from office their biggest hoax russia gate so completely flat and even their strongest support everything they thought of the president as a plot even their strongest supporters the people who most want to believe that the president will be removed from office which he absolutely will not even they've grown bored with this narrative and when they start reading up rush again. it's just so sad you can't help but laugh and laugh and laugh and nancy pelosi 57 times at last count referred to russia or putin the impeachment proceedings well how do you deal with that most effectively you either mock them and laugh at them or you ignore them and gosh darn it that drives them insane chamber but evidence still to come the un ruling on climate refugees has got some countries in europe fearing another mass influx of migrants only thales on the legal change of this. the world is driven by dreamers shaped by one person or those with. the dares thinks. we dare to ask. you know world a big part of new things. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the bad and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. the weak link the climate refugees old people move to you to environmental disaster cannot be sent home to their country of origin if seeking asylum in their lives are in danger that's according to a new ruling by the un which could set a new precedent for migration the committees of give you that without reeboks national and international efforts the effects of climate change are receiving states may expose individuals to a violation of their rights thereby triggering dinara full my obligations of sending. the ruling is based on a complaint brought by an islander from kiribati in the pacific ocean who said he was in danger due to rising sea levels applied for asylum in new zealand but was rejected he also failed when he took it to the united nations the case though has now set the way for others to a ploy germany's interior ministry spoken out against the united nations decision. most studies suggest that environmental change is a trigger but not the sole cause of migration decisions political commentator david vance and former leader of the wales green party paper a bottle of tea gave us their views on the case. i think the u.n. ruling is a good one we're going to see millions and millions of people maybe 300000000 people. fleeing climate change where the through starvation or drought storm flood to certification and we have to be ready for it we have to start talking about this we actually must start preparing ourselves for this it's just another way till essential exploit the u.n. support but to advance open borders and you know even at the most obvious level i can't believe anyone swallows this kind of gulf that actually contradicts much of what the u.n. talks about in the u.n. constantly whines avoid the desperate need to reduce our carbon footprint well hey if you bring hundreds of millions of climate refugees from low carbon societies to our advanced higher carbon societies you're going to increase the carbon footprint so the u.n. really need to start to get it right this is not restricted to the developing broke world we have most of our cities i think there are something like 32 of the world's greatest cities largest cities are likely to be under water london new york delhi there are just so many of them. it doesn't make any sense to. to look at this in any way other than the fact that people will be on the move and we have to start talking about how we deal with this and the un has opened this conversation. but pepper you've missed something you've just said so many of 4 leading cities are going to be under water so you see all these people coming from the less developed world i mean we can surely import them and submerge cities and therefore cities submerged or i don't know any right is suggesting that all these people. well you just did you know you answered your own and said you just said you said that many of these world beyond are water which by the way is absolutely disconnected from reality but even if i take you on the war on your actual words what you're saying is let's bring 3rd world people to submerge surveys doesn't make a lot of sense does it every sensible country even germany is going to reject it so people like pepper can continue to dream on but what we need to do as a country is to protect our borders protect our people and look after our own simple as. a landmark test case on euthanasia rules is unfolding in belgium where for the 1st time since the practice was legalized 3 doctors are facing criminal charges prosecutors allege they illegally entered the life of a 38 year old woman the woman's family says they've been broken by her death artie's saskia taylor looks into the issue. on christmas eve in 2937 year old teenager told her family she wanted to be euthanized but while teen suffering might have ended several months later in a clinic in the flemish city of get and that of her family is still ongoing because the 3 doctors who were involved are now on trial for her mother this will be belgium's fust criminal case concerning euthanasia since the practice was legalized back in 2002 which accounts for an average of 6 deaths of 3 day the doctors insist they acted in good faith and are unfairly being painted as murderous but the harrowing account teen sisters give of that fateful day raises questions over the competence and motives of the medical professionals. who likened her death to that of a pattern that is and p. and is having a shot. when she died he asked all parents if they wanted to listen through the scope to check her heart had actually stopped beating. belgium is only one of 2 countries which allows for euthanasia on psychiatric grounds and sees people suffering from depression gender identity issues and an erect resort to this so-called must see killing 2 months before her death as is required by your teen went to the psychiatry list doctor point who diagnosed her with a mild form of autism teen's family protest this diagnosis adamant she was simply suffering heartbreak and distress after a failed relationship. she knew that if she wasn't diagnosed with autism or asperger's she would have no chance of being euthanized as such they say the key legal requirement that a patient be incurably ill was not met and so by injecting her with that lethal dose she was poisoned really confused by the diagnosis and in this particular psychiatrists solution of suicide it just doesn't it doesn't fit together for me i think that there is a danger especially from a mental health perspective when people play god is so to speak when we're making decisions now about life and death or when other people are making decisions about when to in their life based on things that can be fixed pretty easily in some cases mental illnesses or our system is certainly very treatable one of my child has some mild autistic manifestations and we get through those you know it's certainly not a reason to kill someone or to commit suicide but this was far from the only irregularity they noted and when they launched a complaint the doctors allegedly tried to block the investigation with the psychiatry even hitting back at the grieving family we must try to stop these people. it is a seriously dysfunctional one detroit family with very little empathy and respect for others this is not the fast time psychiatry to diagnose teen has come under scrutiny but in 27000 documents revealed the head of belgium's euthanasia review commission was concerned dr 10 point wasn't fulfilling all necessary legal conditions relations soured so much that he refused to accept any father patients referred by doc to temp aren't her colleagues are also worried that she's allegedly approved around a 3rd of all euthanasia cases for psychiatric reasons in the whole country she is not really a great person to go to in terms of her judgment for this kind of medical procedure she has a personal and are for looking at euthanasia as a as a solution for these patients so perhaps patients seek her out when for like this happens it just happens to be too much of this about one particular physician and that's why she's being called into question by 9 other psychiatrist in her own field in belgium that she's doing something wrong so clearly there's some more investigation we need to learn more about this particular psychiatrist and this particular of the others have said dr 10 point doesn't expel treatment options available before granting euthanasia an allegation backed by teen sistas. instead of trying to goad team to a better life team was deliberately led to death and pushed without the reasonable treatment options being exhausted and consequently without suffering being relieved the question is whose interest was paramount in this process the interest of team or the interest of others he's an asia is legal in just 5 countries and is one of the most controversial practices globally stories like the teams who feel just how difficult it is twin sure that people's desire for personal freedom isn't tragically misinterpreted and to be used we are asked to leave the important of psychiatrist standing trial in the euthanasia case for response she told us she cannot comment at this time all 3 doctors deny the charges up next volunteers tackle hidden dangers of explosive left all over postwar libya one country coming away their. backs geysers financial survival guide. housing bubble all. oh you mean there's a downside to artificially low mortgage rates don't get carried away that's cause report. you know world big part of the lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to get the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be.

Related Keywords

New York , United States , Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Chad , Kiribati , Washington , Beijing , China , Germany , New Zealand , Birkenau , Warminsko Mazurskie , Poland , Belgium , Libya , Beida , Jilin , France , Polish , Americans , America , Chinese , Soviet , Soviets , Russian , Palestinian , Russians , Al Qaeda , Nancy Pelosi , Vladimir Putin , Pacific Ocean , Nasa , James Mitchell , Hillary Clinton , Saskia Taylor , Kuantan Mo ,

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