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afield as the us canada and france the death toll in china has now reached 56 people. live from moscow thanks for joining us on our team from national i'm daniel hawkins welcome to the program. thursday dozens of world leaders and dignitaries gathered in jerusalem to commemorate the holocaust it was time to mark the 75th anniversary of soviet forces liberating auschwitz the infamous death camp in nazi occupied poland. my dear family i'm writing this letter before my death i don't know exactly when me and my relatives are going to die just because we're jews i'm in a concentration camp before all of us will be shot in a shelter thursday 4 am 16942 very well to you all. but i am barack. the other thing i wanted to tell you was that i had several jobs in birkenau in auschwitz one of the jobs was clearing the ashes from where they bug juice through a tunnel into a small river. and i worked there together with another guy who was already old he was 32 and i was 16. i didn't know what these ashes were one day when i saw it in daylight i asked. what is the job we're doing so he told me what it was. not me. blush. and never forget it every morning i look at my hands and see well i have the number here and i see it every day at a time in the. world leaders at the holocaust memorial for a spoke about the importance of remembering the horrors of what happened israel thanked the red army for its role in the victory of the nazis and wall in his address president bush can describe the holocaust as one of the darkest moments the world has ever seen. it but yes it was before my visit to driesell and i looked through the official documents and reports of red army offices after the liberation of auschwitz concentration camp i must say de colleagues it was impossible to read the details of how the merciless machine of people extermination work these crimes conducted by the nazis were deliberate and well planned what they called the resolution of the jewish issue is one of the darkest emotions in full pages in modern world history and. u.s. vice president mike pence soever chose not to emphasize the role of the red army in liberating auschwitz raising questions whether that was the liberal. when soldiers opened the gates of auschwitz on january 27th 1905. they found $7000.00 half starved half naked prisoners. hundreds of boxes of camp records that documented the greatest mass murder in history. this is miss ration in the united states on both sides of the aisle are 1st of all very ignorant of history unfortunately and also there is a kind of a wave of crusoe phobia that has swept the us over the past several years started in the democratic party of course trying to find a way to blame someone for the loss of hillary clinton but now it's that now it's so bad that anything russian that's mentioned even this even a soviet activity in world war 2 is is just is just forgotten so it's a massive stary on the us part one survivor's harrowing stories not only about escaping the death count but actually being born there as well we spoke with him about the liberation of auschwitz and how its perception has changed over the years . people tell losed but there was no liberation they say so if there was no red army then there wouldn't be me or other prisoners or my mother i have never questioned the merits of these soldiers i have always been grateful the prime minister and the president criticized the red army equally it was the same under the previous authorities know the admit there was a liberation of auschwitz but at the same time there so there was no liberation of war so if you call that the 2nd occupation. was liberated but that was and other cities were not i don't know maybe the americans liberated them when they will mark exactly 75 years since the prisoners of auschwitz were set free here in r.t. international will be following the memorial events on what is an emotional day for so many around the world to remember one of the most horrific chapters in history we'll hear some of the stories of those who survived. in other news the psychologist dubbed the architect of the cia's enhanced interrogation techniques post $911.00 has been unapologetic about his role in any torture program that the mission came during a military tribunal which is preparing a trial against the self-proclaimed mastermind and 4 others of the attacks on new york and washington back in 2001. whatever personal consequences i would live with i believe there was a genuine threat of an imminent attack i thought my moral obligation to protect american lives outweighed temporary discomfort of terrorists i get up today and do it again james mitchell was contacted contracted by the cia in the wake of $911.00 to consult and create an interrogation program for al qaeda suspect he was one of 3 men authorized to do waterboarding torture technique that simulates drowning on several prisoners later he and another psychologist set up a company that provided support for the interrogations the cia's program included now illegal coercive measures. in the immediate aftermath of 911 we tortured some folks. as for the detainees are now seeking for any statements made under interrogation to be disqualified from the trial on grounds of torture and you were activist sara flounders believes the guantanamo bay court proceedings deeply flawed but none of this could possibly be a fair trial i mean how can you have a fair trial with people who've been held in total secrecy whose testimony is based on torture. the media isn't allowed in except for conditions so strict that they can't even have a picture of the court room all the testimony is restricted. none of this none of this layers and layers of secrecy is about providing any kind of justice or accountability or even of information it is going through a theater in order to once again exert their power their power over people's lives and we should just note that there were juveniles who were youth who were held for years at guantanamo there were people who had nothing to do were simply sold for bounty who were kuantan m o 780 prisoners and then the thousands who were held in secret rendition or around the world no accounting for them so this was a huge program and its ramifications were still feeling today. the 1st detainee mr mitchell was awarded was a palestinian man known as upwards of beida he's never been charged with any crime but remains indefinitely in guantanamo he was the 1st known cia prisoner to undergo an heart interrogation and even lost an eye while being tortured and during his time there was a buyer has attempted to illustrate his experiences and warning you may find some of the images distressing. as soon as they locked me up inside the box i tried my best to sit up but in vain for the box was too short i tried to take it curled position but to no avail for it was too tight the very strong pain made the screen unconsciously. they kept pouring water and concentrating on my nose and my mouth until i really felt i was drowning and my chest was just about to explode from the lack of oxygen . the. long hours went by while i was standing in that position my hands were tight to the upper bars. it felt like an eternity to the point that i found myself falling asleep and despite the water being thrown at me by the guards. there is absolutely no justification that can ever be given or accepted for the horrendous and systematic torture that was used and it was used and authorized from the highest levels from the presidency the f.b.i. the cia the top levels of the military the studies were known the conditions were no. and this isn't just one or 2 people michel and jennings this was an entire unit set up in order to use torture and to study how to apply the most excruciating forms of torture of pain of waterboarding of slamming of of packing into tight boxes of stress positions and on and on all of this really has to be exposed and that our accounting demanded not only of those who designed the torture but of those who set up these torture camps. and their legal rhona virus outbreak which began in china in mid december has rapidly spread across the globe cases have now been confirmed not only neighboring countries but also in france canada and the united states sonis authorities confirmed a total of 2002 cases with the death toll reaching $56.00 people in the country the president sees in pink has warned of a grave situation as the sport of the virus accelerates travel companies in the country have halted group tools due to the outbreak meanwhile the russian health ministry has warned of a serious risk that the corona virus could spread across its 4000 kilometer border with china cold water breaks down what's known about the deadly virus. people are dying of a new virus and it's spreading like wildfire across asia if we still know so little about this mysterious illness. and. this new coronavirus has been identified as a mutation of sars a respiratory disease that killed overseas. 150 people around the world from 2002 to 2003 antibiotics have absolutely no effect on either of the viruses and that's been enough to put the russian authorities on high alert not least because a chair is a border with china the break of a new corona virus which was 1st recorded in china carries a body logical threats to the population of russia the 1500000 chinese tourists that visit russia every year have now become a potential public health risk russian authorities have begun screening them at all international airports prepared to diagnose the virus if it appears on top of that moscow has advised people against traveling to china russia is not alone in being worried about the outbreak reaching its territory a number of other countries have begun screening for the disease at airports as well as appearing internationally in the just cases is the. over phones of cases which are further away if this continues as we're seeing the case over see globally highly connected and so it is likely increasingly likely that we will see potentially a case of china stepping up containment efforts after she stressed the seriousness of the outbreak on national television the disease also got the attention of the world health organization they've called for an emergency meeting to decide whether or not to declare the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern that's a title reserved only for the most serious of epidemics and with the lunar new year millions of chinese around the world are expected to return home to their families one can only hope beijing will have the situation under control. this week u.s. democrats concluded their arguments against donald trump while pausing his impeachment trial to the senate russia was of course a hot topic during opening speech on wednesday at the house democrats out of shift mention the opponent all important was on multiple occasions. russian intelligence services russian expansionism russian forces and their proxies russia kremlin russia's president vladimir putin the russian military agency it's we can fight russia over there are the russians through russian efforts thanks to vladimir putin when the president said he russia if you're listening. they were listening that's the russian story. while the cameras were focused on the senate floor due to a ban on filming a sketch artist instead caption the atmosphere in the chamber and some of the pictures showed members having trouble staying involved in the process stretching their legs even sleeping senators also face the 12 hour no phone policy while sat at my desk i spoke to journalist and political commentator chad moore he says that even the strongest supporters of trump's impeachment are bored with the anti russian narrative the democrats already has 100 percent of their energy and their time into trying to remove a duly elected president from office their biggest hoax rushing so completely flat and even their strongest that we're everything they were the president of lot even their strongest supporters the people who most want to believe that the president will be removed from office which he absolutely will not even they've grown bored with this narrative and when they start reading of russia again. it's just so sad you can't help but laugh and laugh and laugh and then see below see if the 7 times at last count referred to russia or putin is the impeachment proceedings well how do you deal with the most effectively you either mock them in laugh at them or you ignore them and gosh darn it that drives them insane came still to come america's treasury secretary and student activist group to head to head on climate issues find out why the teenager is causing a stir in washington after this break. all of the government. from all would want to see the show and see governmental spain to so we'll see national project which are not realized has been plants. the problem i see is they have these government is in my view much more to. to be more effective in doing what it's ordered to do the problem is there will be an elite will be drawn to reaction so it will be a stated goal and then me and the idea is to make street investment more more effective said sports but it would be better to hear the president. join me every thursday on the alex simon short and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. much the program climate change significantly shaped much of the 2020 world economic forum this week the event wrapped on saturday in the swiss luxury resort of davos it set the stage for an unlikely battle between america's treasury secretary steve motion and teenage eco activists quite a book the u.s. finance chief shrugged off her view saying the 17 year old should go to college before lecturing world leaders in climate issues. she the chief economist who is she i'm confused after she goes and studies economics in college she can come back and explain that to us it doesn't take a college degree in economics to realize that the remaining 1.5 degree carbon budget and on going fossil fuel subsidies and vestments don't add up so when ocean is not the 1st u.s. official look great as we clashed with recently back in december donald trump suggests that the activists should work on our anger management problem their differences and disputes continued at the world economic forum the latest episode of in case you missed it took a ringside seat. it's that magical time of the year when our wealthy overlords gather for the economic forum a glitzy gathering looms for bringing together the world's business elite yet the one percent meat for champagne and skiing in the mountains leaving the 99 percent to pray for nonviolent. because hundreds of thousands just to go to davos for that the filthy rich demand to be entertained and this year they got rock row tickets for the heavyweight championship of the world so trump is grad. school for gratitude. in a ski resort this week with an i think gets away with their release sending us a high work. pay for full price ticket. to a slow start the worry she warms up quicker than the atmosphere. already one year ago i came to divorce and told you that our house is on fire. i said i wanted you to panic you could forget i've been warned that telling people to panic about the climate crisis is a very dangerous thing to do thank god for that because i've got to say with the way she's been talking i thought perhaps no one had told her we must forget about net 0 we need real sea of well all i need is some good news let's see what's happening in the orange corner fear and doubt is not a good thought process because this is a time for tremendous hope and joy and optimism in action. knows what he's doing and knew there was nothing to worry about carbon emissions we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse. i mean and i he's not the life of the party that he's just a kid it seems in the area where trump and grettir can see eye to eye today i'm pleased to announce the united states will join one trillion trees initiative being large here at the world economic forum one trillion truths oh yeah great is going to love that one we're not telling you to offset your emissions by just paying someone else to plant trees in places like africa while at the same time forests like the amazon i've been slaughtered at an infinitely higher rate ok so this is going to be a bit harder. as we all do. is that nothing can be done sitting here right now you wouldn't believe it's possible. we have found the inches you'll be hearing about it but we have found urges that things that people say would not be possible with saved or i'm convinced our new. or u.k.'s national health service is facing a 1st of its kind legal battle overprescribing children as young as 9 puberty blockers on cross sex hormone drugs on claim it is 23 year old q rebel who was previously treated by the gender identity development service she regrets making irreversible changes and said no child should go through the experimental towards a she did shoddy it was dusty has the story. 23 year old care about went through gender reassignment as a teenager but years later she decided to reverse the transition while she lived to regret her treatment she also stopped the clinic putting others through what she did she is leading a landmark case against the tavistock and portman n.h.s. trust the u.k.'s only gender identity service that deals with patients under 18 years old often without parental consent care of herself as a teenager and says youngsters aren't given proper information on the process and the drugs to take them through the transition i do not believe the children and young people can consent to the use of powerful and experimental hormone drugs like i did i believe that the current affirmative system put in place by the tavistock is inadequate as it doesn't allow for exploration of the gender dysphoria feelings nor does it seeks to find the underlying cause of this condition i carry joins a mother of a 15 year old autistic girl who is out on the waiting list for the treatment at the service much of the concern of her mother i have deep concerns that the current clinical approach a gender identity development service means that my daughter will be subjected to an experimental treatment path that is not adequately regulated when no one understands the risks and therefore canada ensure informed consent is obtained almost half of children treated at the clinic are prescribed hormone blockers that help people in this case children the time to consider whether they truly want to make a transition to the opposite sex but the drug interferes with natural hormone production it's this step that this legal battle is all about a claim it's a calling for an urgent reassessment of the procedure what is challenged is the current and continuing practice of the defendant to prescribe puberty suppressing hormone blockers and then subsequently crossed sex hormones to children under the age of 18 and it's not just former patients and relatives have to worry that medical professionals have also voiced concerns even accusing the specialist clinic for charles gentle children of suppressing negative results while undertaking experimental treatment on adolescent. it's what i found using some unpublished data as i discovered from the tavistock today is that after 12 months on t.v. blockers are there were some quite pronounced negative but it's believed the girls so girls are became head of their gender dysphoria increase and some of their psychological problems increased and indeed there is even less likely increased statistically significant increase in their thoughts about our suicide so these are all quite negative findings but these are not being published by the tavistock clinics here in london say 3000 percent more patients than they did 10 years ago among girls it's up more than 5000 percent with referrals at a record high it suggests cases of the transition will rise to that there is no data to reflect the number for who may opt to return to their biological sex we reached out to the tavistock and portman n.h.s. trust for comment our clinical interventions are laid out internationally set service specifications and h s england monitors our service very closely the series has a high level of reporting satisfaction and was rated good by the care quality commission but while there is no doubt that this service helps young people who feel distress in their own bodies the full impact of making decisions about their gender at such a young ages may not truly be clear to much later in their lives for more psychiatric nurse susan evans who worked at the development service and was the original lead claimant in the case told r.t. the drugs being used are licensed in the u.k. for gender identity medicine. the reason this is a sort of unique case is because it's never been taken in you know so with looking at whether skiing young children. to consent to an experimental treatment can be i mean full consent if we also don't know the outcome of the full side effects of what's going to happen to the you know it's not insulted in terms of the medical outcomes you know even the experts don't know the full picture yet we need more research but drugs as a prescribed here in the u.k. are an experimental drug because they're what we call off license so they were developed for very young children who has been called she would say which is when they develop too fast into puberty is children but in your area gender identity medicine. these drugs are not licensed for that. or back in half an hour the latest up next it's worlds apart exploring changes in russia's power political system. that had to. go to one of the 4 something being the cause of us. as we might want to know one me and that the most at. risk. nothing moves move. away in the spirit of john these images if you say i'm a watch music. from a christmas. winter with a mint oh is that and then have none removed can you hear me. him and i should say that's most him. welcome to worlds apart from a bloodless revolution to a constitutional both supporters and opponents of president putin have been pretty dramatic in describing the changes to russia spot our system that he recently proposed what's the real intention behind them and. work as intended in russia to discuss that i'm now joined by. senior.

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Moscow , Moskva , Russia , Jerusalem , Israel General , Israel , Davos , Switzerland General , Switzerland , United States , Washington , Beijing , China , Canada , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Beida , Jilin , Spain , France , Tavistock , Devon , Americans , America , Chinese , Soviet , Swiss , Russian , Palestinian , Russians , December Donald , Susan Evans , Al Qaeda , Alex Simon , Vladimir Putin , James Mitchell , Hillary Clinton , Kuantan Mo ,

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