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laptop just don't do what are you doing if you do you'll hear the scream of a dying bunny rabbits and us uses out. that tweet is truly incredible considering our government assassinated martin luther king jr ok and that is not that is not me saying that because i know you don't trust me hell i don't trust me one time i left me alone with myself and i did very naughty things. anyway how do i know our government killed m.l.k. it was the verdict of the only trial ever held concerning his death and before you say anything yes there was a trial and no you didn't hear about it and yet every mainstream media outlet refuses to talk about it even today although the new york times did sheepishly report on it back when it happened in 9099 they tried to bury it and pretended. it didn't really matter hold on just the most famous respected crucial one of the most famous respected cruiser leaders in american history murdered by our own government nothing to see here you know what put it on page d 12 behind the story about how people under 25 are eating out of a condo toast. if you don't believe that news of that trial is important then what do you find important i mean that they could find a lindbergh baby inside jimmy hoffa's rectum and it would be more important. here's what happened 20 years ago a jury heard from 70 witnesses including lloyd jowers the guy who owned the bar where the shots were fired from by 999 jale was had come forward and said he assisted the gunman in the murder and the gunman was not james earl ray as we've all been told it was a memphis police officer in fact curettage scott king and the king family also believe james earl ray was innocent it only took the jury one hour to come back with a verdict that said jack hours along with government agencies had killed dr king but that wasn't enough for the new york times so they said the trial was stupid. the reporters even went out of their way to mention more than once that one of the jurors had nodded off at one point because the true indicator of a real trial is how exciting it is whether it has your nipples hard you know that that's what matters do you understand how boring as most trials are i phone a c. 10 times trying to watch the impeachment trial of our president. i've also pissed myself twice vomited want to myself 13 times but i know the new york times is a dumpster fire now it was a dumpster fire back in 1999 so the question now is. why did our government decide martin luther king had to be taken out well it wasn't just his work with civil rights in the final year of his life martin luther king began speaking out strongly against vietnam against militarism against the innocent civilians we were bombing and against capitalism here's some quotes from m.l.k. see if their sister the same ones you read in your 3rd grade history books he said we must ask the question why are there 40000000 poor people in america and when you ask that question you are raising questions about the economic system about the distribution of wealth when you asked that question you begin to question the capitalistic economy and he declared the evils of capitalism are as real as the evils of militarism and racism if america does not use her vast resources of wealth to end poverty and make it possible for all of god's children to have the basic necessities of life she too will go to hell and he said that only 2 weeks before his assassination. but those are not the quotes you hear nowadays you know nowadays people pretend the only thing i ever said was. yeah they. are both culture has succeeded in turning a revolutionary man into barney the dinosaur all right all of those quotes from m.l.k. were in the final year of his life but maybe it's the reverse maybe because of those quotes it became the final year of his life and in the final 18 months of his life m.l.k. also. vietnam we cannot remain silent as our nation engages in one of history's most cruel and senseless wars we need dissenters because the thunder of their fearless voices will be the only sound stronger than the blasts of bombs in the clamor of war hysteria we must demonstrate teach and preach until the very foundations of our nation are shaken. i'm sure that's the quote donald trump and my parents were thinking about when they went to the m.l.k. memorial this week. no i think it's far more likely trump was they can. write me off a piece of that. when the kid. the real martin luther king jr was the revolutionary martin luther king jr the one you're not supposed to talk about in the in the mixed company the one that's reserved for the back rooms of the dark alleys the one that had to be stopped had to be shot up had to be silence had to be closed off and shut down that's not the one our military intelligence machine is tweeting nice things about that's the one our military intelligence machine had murdered how many of them washed it to you to tell you thank you thank you. ok great thank you. and we can now it's like the news from behind a groundbreaking journalist glenn greenwald has been charged with cyber crimes in brazil why because he revealed extreme corruption within the brazilian government corruption that was used to imprison the left wing leader lula da silva in order to pave the way for brazil's far right president and count dracula his last attractive half brother guy airball so no row. i wonder i wonder where the fascists in brazil got the idea to try to imprison a journalist for revealing their crimes by accusing said journalist of mysterious cyber crimes ok i can't think of any other example of someone who revealed the disgusting underbelly of our rulers and then was imprisoned for both all right glenn greenwald who said he can't leave his house without security i can't think of any journalist the ruling elite hate so much they threaten to do harm to the guy oh except for when hillary clinton said she wanted to drone bomb julian a song. then that but that meant she was care they. found out the military wouldn't do it she was gay. but this attack on intercept co-founder glenn greenwald is so disgusting that every so-called journalist in america should be speaking out against it of course we don't have any journalist and art. base 3 media anymore we have to act we have hacks who are under cowards and i won't say i won't say they don't have to because that plays into the patriarchal stereotype of caste of goals equaling strength and courage and wisdom and the ability to install a ceiling fan. i mean if women can have strength that's ridiculous anyone who says that has never been punched by a woman after you congratulate her on her pregnancy when she's not pregnant. no i think many women have far more courage than men so instead of saying our mainstream media hacks don't have. all say they don't have the pajama. jump against partick you should have journalists reveal the corruption of the powerful they they they barely have any vaginas at all. they are tiny tiny tiny. tiny little giants that look like islands. anyway we should keep paying attention to the story and to the ongoing imprisonment of julian assange and his extradition hearing comes up in a few weeks staying on the subject of news our rulers really don't want you talking about the collapsing narrative of a chemical attack in syria took yet another step toward a blip ian a team leader for the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons testified at the un that no chemical attack took place in duma syria despite what the us media and the o.p.c. w. reported back in april 28th eem so for those of you playing along at home that's the syrian chemical attack did not happen or iraq did not have w m d's the north vietnamese did not attack us ships in the gulf of tonkin but iran totally did have plans for imminent attack on america industry right yes. it's good. for stage good our government just can't show you the evidence yet because they chewed it up and swallowed it to stop iran from getting it. i mean look at my pump aereo do you honestly believe he wouldn't eat something. with a trauma administration is not only lying to the american people they're also given the american people lots of money ok donald trump has repeatedly bragged that he's giving away his taxpayer funded salary as president of united states i give away my salary that's i guess close to $450000.00 i give it away nobody have said he gives away a salary now it comes up because of this but i give away my presidential so they say that no other president has done and i'm surprised to be honest with what a noble and generous man. may be since trump doesn't want the money we used it to pay for the $115000000.00 his golf trips have cost us which amounts to 287 years of presidential salary. and many millions all of that money goes back into trump's own pockets because taxpayers pay for secret service and white house staff to stay and eat at his golf resorts you know it's good it's good to say that he's he's found so much time to play golf because there were some idiots out there who claimed he would never time for it because i'm going to be working for you i'm not going to have time to go play golf with you. or to get off the golf course and get down i love golf i think it's one of the greats but i don't have time turns out turns out letting the united states collapse under a mountain of wall street greed and corporate corruption doesn't take as much time in the office as you might thing. i mean especially big business exploiting the working class that really just takes care of itself. for example apple has finally admitted that customers repairing i phones is bad for their profits c.e.o. tim cook revealed this in a letter this month to investors and vices reports apple has long fought efforts that would make i phones easier to repair it is lobbied against right to repair it doesn't sell i phone replacement parts sued an independent repair professional in norway and it has deals with electronics recycle or does that require them to read i phones and mac books. but tim cook also said in order to make up for the losses they've suffered apple is unveiling its new destroyer program in which employees walk around town grabbing people's i phones and smashing them. sure it might piss people off but it's pretty good job you can get it. i've been doing it for free for a long time now so. does anyone else notice that apple's aversion to repair or might be a bit of a flaw in capitalism corporations want their products to collapse quickly so that people buy more does that sound like a sustainable economic model to you sounds about a sustainable is a cage filled with a family a guinea pigs and a large snake. it's sustainable for the snake. less so for the hamsters in capitalism whether half starved. so or guinea pigs out of difference so what happens. so what happens when you have a corrupt president and his golf resorts corporations controlling the system and workers completely exploited well usually the working class people start to go i've got an idea let's get angry let's grow let's let's go back to them. so then the powerful people go we need to make sure they don't care about us we need to surveil them and we all know that they've been watching us they watch our phones they watch our social media posts but that's not enough that doesn't always tell them when we're out on the streets when we're on the move so now the defense industry is preparing to test fly domestic versions of its combat drones over major american cities the pal way california based defense contractor general atomics aeronautical systems inc will test fly its sky guardian. drone outfitted with a $79.00 foot wingspan and advanced surveillance capabilities of more than 2000 feet over san diego california sometime this year. something 7 tells me that drone isn't going to do good things for you and me. i can't really picture it being used to remind me where i parked my car last night or which path to take to avoid running into my ex-girlfriend on the sidewalk. nothing says don't worry we have your best interest at art like hovering death machine named sky guardian. i mean we're going to do our find can't you guys at least trick us a little you know name the. fluffy clouds glider or something oh i've got it name it not a military grade drone. then we could have news headlines that say not a military grade drone was seen flying above your neighborhood. remind you that you left your car to strip club. that would make me proud to be an american really was going to short break but philadelphia avi performing live this weekend tickets in detail to redact record aka new york city my book release event will be march 7th at the strand books in manhattan reserve your spot redacted torah dot com of. the we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. scary dramatic to follow only. i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. one of the few more so if you'd be in luck because. that's pretty much what i mean i well me and nothing. but the sea of. what i was was a. dumb move to move to. the school of. the . ole in the spirit john in the live image of the princess so people watch musical blood from a christmas. winter is that. and there have been removed can you. hear michel a. diminished since most of. our e. welcome back constantly camp this week thousands of pro 2nd amendment activists including a fair share of white supremacists have descended on richmond virginia to protest new gun control legislation this comes after weeks of death threats against virginia delegate and red headed socialist lee carter who had to skip monday's legislative session for his own safety for more we're joined by our red headed socialist correspondent and. author. and enters lee here definitely not lee carter i am a ginger namely originally from virginia a virgin juror lee if you well no relation to robert a but i am not lead carter i am an earthly. when i am i'm also a leave from virginia should i be worried. how does holding start well though good lee carter who is not me has introduced a bill to repeal in over 60 year old law that prevents public employees in virginia from striking after fellow lawmakers expressed concerns over public safety carter adjusted the legislation to exclude police officers. making sure police stay on the job is good for public safety doesn't sound right. for the ever magic cop in virginia i know they should be going on strike all the time extra bonus if they forget their guns at home. unfortunately though delegate carter has had to ask for police protection after conspiracy theorist spawn his bill into a broader narrative that the state's democratic governor was working to confiscate virginians guns and that carter's new legislation was designed to fire cops who don't confiscate guns what is bill have to do with gun confiscation nothing but that hasn't stopped right wing media from represent presenting it even the wall street journal has claimed that it requires police officers who don't enforce the statute being fired that's for the wall street journal they're supposed to be lying about trump's economic numbers that's. not going stuff mash mass shootings are not good for the market so why can't someone correct the record like another state official or some what lee carter would like them to as what i sense yet again i am not him. but unfortunately carter has said that some of these rumors are coming from police unions and even a fellow republican state lawmaker all people he said who should be able to accurately read legislation expects republicans to be able to read. a good point in fact and his opponents are more fond of pictures this is what they used against him during his 1st run in 2017. yeah. well you know because he's received hundreds of death threats including some from police officers which have caused him to seek shelter in a safe house he knows he can't count on the police or his fellow officer holders whose corruption he's fighting against fortunately though he does have one group in his corner and that's the people have been asses were reelected him in november against republican in lovejoy with 53 percent of the vote. that's an official photo sure it is and how did the out of the people of virginia feel about the gun rally on monday well before the rally 7 neo nazis were arrested and revealed to have allegedly discussed opening fire which made virginians a bit skeptical according to carter by tag teaming with fascists they strengthen the liberals result the past don't control bills actively making it harder to achieve the thing they said they want it just goes to show you can mess with us for ginger leaves all you want but won't get the last laugh and as we everybody. knows you know activists in louisiana and texas have filed lawsuits against companies that pollute in their region the surprising part is that these companies are based in other countries for more on this raging controversy we go to redacted correspondent i only care of ani. plastic pollution or someone sure into it and plastic bags and bottles use tampon applicators and those clowns pick things there's also the lesser known by product of the plastic manufacturing process that gets done by the ton in oceans and waterways pastika pellets called nergal's which i would refer to as plastic pellets from now on. i can see nergal's with a straight face it's toxic waste but sound so cute. in the u.s. some citizens are lorem by the amount of plastic pollution but don't worry the government lowered standards so there are fewer violations and therefore fewer reasons to be alarmed the standards are so low that a plastics giant that pollutes too much for taiwan is turning to america give us not your tired nor europe or give us your non-biodegradable through. a plastics manufacturer that's been slammed to finds in china is expanding operations in america the formosa plastic corporation has already been fined for discharging billions of plastic pellets in waterways and texas 1st so long asian countries were willing to sacrifice environmental concerns for development which was a fair exchange but now china says it will ban plastics that pollute it's land and water which includes blacklisting companies that flout the plastics ban ok china but here in the u.s. we've already been shamed into no longer using plastic strong. so i have to admit i do not like the replacements the paper straws are prophetic and the metal straw is i think we're really sending a message to those turtles that we're going to finish the job next time. for also planned $1000000000.00 plant in louisiana a giant complex to make petro chemicals used in products such as playground equipment drainage pipes and artificial turf the company calls it the sunshine project which is brilliant when you think about it how about instead of the b.p. oil spill we call it the babysitter's club. in nearby point comfort texas formosa was ordered to pay a $50000000.00 fine for disposing their toxic dippin dots into nearby waterways this was the largest settlement in history resulting from an environmental lawsuit led by. his citizen this citizen was diane wilson a retired trooper who was nice enough to bring a news anchor along in her kayak how many pilots are going into the water ideally bases they manage just 7000000000 years rural patrols everywhere like those led by diane wilson have new confidence thanks to this lawsuit but why do the work of picking them up from the beach. can't find them like sea trials i'm sure when you stick a handful plastic pellets in your ear you hear the sound of many. or the screams of people as the world and we know i hear these things are getting stuck in my ear. ok the $15000000.00 settlement amount won't make much of a dent to the bottom line for most a plastic group which last year reported $12100000000.00 in pretax profit however we still need more people like wilson the pellet picker upper to demand of these corporations and the government they control are held accountable to make sure that these insidious plastic pellets don't end up in our water in our shorelines. because someone might pick them up and stick them in their ear. reporting from normal beach texas i'm new and we caravan e were adapted to me. we'll call it was i had 0. you know your headline from the future tomorrow you'll read. donald trump quietly ruminates over whether it's insulting or flattering that he's being impeached for the least of his crime. and in one month you'll learn. apple c.e.o. tim cook unveils schemed of older i phones lightly shock owners until they buy a new one. and on monday. in order of impeachment trial food network airs best dishes to pair with diarrhea. that's our show but my new book is now shipping out to people who prefer order to go to league camp book dot com to grab a copy of comedies politics breaking news every day you can't book dot com until next hour and. the entire stock market and bond market is being taken private with free money and the result will be it evil as a deal feudalism it's clear as day. this is a story about what happens ostracise trade bullets kills a young girl in the streets. what happens to her family and daughters in florida. the mother daughter is buried in a cemetery. messes with your head what happens to the community the public was screaming for a scapegoat the police need is a scapegoat so why not choose a 19 year old black kid with a criminal record who better to pin this on than him and what happens in court be. shocked shocked as far as i feel. we don't know childress from. the end of this trial. you. will still have no chill just. sanctions are also a form of international warfare iran's far as news agency say its international website has been shut down on the orders of the us treasury. bills coming up this summer the british prime minister warns about carbon emissions a u.k. africa some let's call a striking energy deal is not are almost entirely centered around fossil fuel. and washington so he said once an independent media in syria on is ready to give it tens of millions of dollars and supports there are concerns just are free any media can be with the us.

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New York , United States , Louisiana , Taiwan , United Kingdom , Texas , Iran , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , Washington , Brazil , China , Florida , Vietnam , Republic Of , California , Virginia , Syria , Quantico , Iraq , Guinea , Americans , America , Formosa , Brazilian , British , Syrian , Vietnamese , American , Martin Luther King Jr , Jimmy Hoffa , Luther King , Martin Luther King , Lee Carter , Glenn Greenwald , Diane Wilson , Julian Assange , Lloyd Jowers , James Earl Ray , Hillary Clinton , Scott King , Tim Cook ,

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